Quote Originally Posted by Pedro-the-Lion
to be honest my views on it change constantly, but i do know that no direct correlation has been PROVEN and the creator of Vi (Filatova) is skeptical about it's application as well.
... and yet a guy with MBTI roots, coming from a diffrent hemisphere, claims to type 95% of people by VI alone (and he gets paid for these physical evaluations). And, yes, I do believe typing by ONLY a picture does not always work, but if you do it through a video or interview or something then it becomes much easier. For example, I had a baseball coach who I typed LIE (ENTJ), then I just recently saw the manager of the Angles in an interview, and I immediatly thought of this other guy (speech patterns, appearence, expressions, etc.). Then, I checked to see what Niednagel typed him as. You guessed it... ENTJ! So we both seemed to agree on that. And just yesterday I saw John Edwards interviewed on the Daily Show and thought "Tom Cruise". Both of them most certainly must be EIE (ENFJ). Would you argue that?