Admittedly, my biggest qualm with this thread is really just the fact that I find the prescribed "INFp" career paths unconscionably boring, lol. Libraries, schools, museums, hospitals??? They all serve a useful purpose, but I would eventually hang myself if I had to work there.
I agree. My ideal job isn't in one of those places, but then again, my "ideal" job isn't easy to come by. If I could be anything, as I said earlier, I'd be an artist, an opera singer, or an actress. Right now, though, I can only do those things in my spare time because I need to survive. I think in my case, and in many other cases, the ideal job is one that doesn't consume one's entire life and allows one to pursue his or her passions on the side. I don't want a job that I have to take home with me; I want to punch in, punch out, and be done with it until the next morning. If someone can be truly passionate about what he or she is doing, that's awesome. It's just not the case with everyone.