Well folks, I've reached that critical juncture in my life in which I have to make some tough decisions about my future (read: I'm applying to grad school). I have a number of internships coming up that will probably help me decide which careers I like (or don't like) best, but in the meantime I'd like to ask if you know of any careers that INFps have found success and happiness in.

MBTI (which I often disagree with) usually lists counselor, teacher, social worker, etc, as optimal INFp careers, but I sometimes wonder how many INFps actually ARE in these professions. I also dislike MBTI's narrow focus on jobs for INFps - psychological types are much more versatile and dynamic than that system gives them credit for. In a perfect world I'd be a freelance artist, but my current skill level is not what it needs to be, and even if it was, I doubt it would pay the bills.

The few adult INFps I know are:
a freelance bookseller (former teacher)
a hospital administrator (oversees Medicare patients' medical records)
a psychologist
a library assistant

What do you all think? Thanks .