Quote Originally Posted by Topaz
One TV show I was watching was about identical twins that were seperated at birth. Many did not even know they had a twin. When the twins were united the results were astounding and emotional. They had so many things in common, it was unbelievable. One set of twins each decided to surprise each other with a gift. You guessed it. They bought the same gift for each other. One set of twins, seperated at birth discovered they had wives with the same name, two children with the same name and almost identical clothes in the closet. It blew me away.
Yes, but think of how many twins throughout history weren't as similar. Would that specific occurrence apply to every twin out there, or was that just a coincidence?

It is also common to find twins with the same psychological type but different personalities. There's usually some kind of identity rivalry between them, where one wants to assert his individuality over the other, so a split in personality happens.