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Thread: Cartoon Sitcoms

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    Logos's Avatar
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    Default Cartoon Sitcoms

    What quadras and types belong to the overall show and characters of the popular cartoon sitcoms?

    The Simpsons

    King of the Hill

    Family Guy


    The Flintstones
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  2. #2
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    I think I remember reading on here a long time ago that Fry from Futurama was ESFp....I think he's ISFp. Bender is probably ISTp .

  3. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean
    I think I remember reading on here a long time ago that Fry from Futurama was ESFp....I think he's ISFp. Bender is probably ISTp .
    Bender seems ENTp to me. An ENTp with a drink problem.
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  4. #4
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    Fred Flintstone reminds me of my dad so I'd say ENFj. That's the only reason though. Although my dad's students called him Barney Rubble. LOL. I think that was more because they thought he looked like Barney Rubble than because of his personality though.
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    The Simpsons - Untypable. The show changed about 8 or 9 years ago for the worst, and has never recovered, though the movie actually looks funny. It its prime I'd say Gamma and ESFp, though the cast is diverse enough that I'm sure you could argue anything.

    King of the Hill - Delta, rofl. Hank is your trademark ESTj. Bobby seems ISTp, and Peggie seems ENFp.

    Family Guy - Alpha, though it tends to espouse an Fi message at the end of each episode, though the show largely condones the immoral antics of its characters. ENTp Alpha. Quagmire is love.

    Futurama - Alpha. Fry seems like a typical broken ENTp cartoon guy, and Bender is probably ISFp. Actually, I'm not too sure about Fry. Maybe ISTp for him... ?

    The Flintstones - Delta. Lots of primitive-yet-elegant technology. Similar to KotH. Most of the characters just seem to want to work, get paid, drink beer, and relax. The wives are typical stay-at-home mothers.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
    The Simpsons - Untypable. The show changed about 8 or 9 years ago for the worst, and has never recovered, though the movie actually looks funny. It its prime I'd say Gamma and ESFp, though the cast is diverse enough that I'm sure you could argue anything.

    King of the Hill - Delta, rofl. Hank is your trademark ESTj. Bobby seems ISTp, and Peggie seems ENFp.

    Family Guy - Alpha, though it tends to espouse an Fi message at the end of each episode, though the show largely condones the immoral antics of its characters. ENTp Alpha. Quagmire is love.

    Futurama - Alpha. Fry seems like a typical broken ENTp cartoon guy, and Bender is probably ISFp. Actually, I'm not too sure about Fry. Maybe ISTp for him... ?

    The Flintstones - Delta. Lots of primitive-yet-elegant technology. Similar to KotH. Most of the characters just seem to want to work, get paid, drink beer, and relax. The wives are typical stay-at-home mothers.
    That is a fair assessment, and it mirrors mine on all counts.

    Simpsons: Gamma.
    - at times frowns upon impracticality and fanciful things
    - Lisa and Marge represent intellectual or common sense Fi

    King of the Hill: Delta.
    - Delta-like aristocracy (the neighborhood)
    - focus on values (Fi)

    Family Guy: Alpha.
    - spontaneity of activities, events and references
    - characters engage in disorganized activities "for the fun of it"
    - heavy element of the ridiculously absurd and silly

    Futurama: Alpha.
    - much like Family Guy with the abundant use of pop culture references
    - silliness of scenarios
    - many of the characters display a sense of the socially awkwardness
    - episodes are usually not about values or morals (Fi) but more on just topics of discussion regarding society or the present
    - a relatively incredible lack of the function or value of it. When it does appear, it is almost downplayed to the aforementioned silliness.

    Flintstones: I am not sure about the Flintstones though. I know that the show is not Alpha, but I can see some elements of in the characters (primarily Fred) as well as a sense of the aristocratic feel of the groups dynamics. Perhaps the show is Beta?
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  7. #7
    force my hand's Avatar
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    For the life of me I can't see how Bender is an ISFp. Perhaps I'm relying too much on stereotypes.

    "Kiss my shiny, metal ass!"

    "My name is Bender, baby, please insert liquor!"

    "Do a backlfip!" response to Hermes threating to commit suicide by jumping off a building.

    I've always thought of him as a classic MBTI ESTP, but for socionics, the above-mentioned ENTp sounds right on.

    What about Fi POLR? He's constantly getting thwacked - goes to Holland to save a turtle, childishly hints that he wants to be a super hero with Fry and Leela, flushes Nibbler down the toilet...

  8. #8
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    Futurama Characters
    - Fry: ? Considering that I have seen him typed as an ISxp and ENTp.
    - Leela: ?
    - Bender: ESTp
    - Prof. Farnsworth: ENTp
    - Dr. Zoidberg: ?
    - Amy Wong: ESFj
    - Hermes: ESTj
    - Zapp Brannigan: ESFp
    - Kif Kroker: INTj
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    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    Bender seems like a Grouco Marx type figure (he comes out with funny lines + smokes cigars ), which might seem ENTp. But he has no empathy that involves other people and the only time he shows any emotion is when it's his sorry ass on the line, hence why I think ISTp. He indulges in many unhealthy pleasures, but he is sneaky about them - ESTps would probably be more brash than ISTps at stealing things for example - if they were caught, ESTps would probably punch their way out, but Bender tries to worm his way out of conflict (and doing things in general ). I know a ISTp who has adopted the 'kiss my shiny metal ass' catchphrase and has become a joiner\welder type person - he seems very Bender like. I might be oversimplifying the differences between ISTp and ESTp, but ISTps seem reactionary rather than proactive, like a snake in the grass - you only notice them if they feel threatened.

    I think Leela could be ESFj - she seems like a typical ESFj with a social conscience - 'do you really think you should be doing that?' - but she is permanently in a negativist mode, unlike Amy - she's the serious character of Futurama. I can't really justify her type further than that .

    Fry seems like a ISFp lost in a world of his own - I can see ENTp, but this world actually exists in reality. He's a negativist which rules out ENTp (but considering my reasoning for Leela.... ). He seems completely overwhelmed by the world around him and indulges in simple pleasures in a similar way to Bender - but while Bender tries to talk his way out of things through logic, or simply telling people to kiss his shiny metal ass, Fry emotes and is frustrated or feels a sense of guilt if he has acted improperly or is confronted - he seems unaware of how exactly his actions have affected the masterplan (in a similar way to Bender, but he simply doesn't care) - I can see ENTp but I don't personally see it.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean
    But he has no empathy that involves other people and the only time he shows any emotion is when it's his sorry ass on the line, hence why I think ISTp.
    Since when lack of empathy for other people is an ISTp characteristic?
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  11. #11
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    He's very self focussed, as though he isn't aware of other people's needs, he's lazy and energy-preserving and just generally unwilling\unable to help other people - ISTps do help those close to them, but they wonder why those people can't do things for themselves, seeing as they just about get by with minimal effort.

    I suppose what I should have said is he is not prone to superfluous emotion - he is very efficient in how he treats people.

  12. #12
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    He's very self focussed, as though he isn't aware of other people's needs, he's lazy and energy-preserving and just generally unwilling\unable to help other people - ISTps do help those close to them, but they wonder why those people can't do things for themselves, seeing as they just about get by with minimal effort.
    Lack of a emotion show of how much they care about anything.

    Edit: I don't think bender is a SLI, IMO ILE.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
    King of the Hill - Delta, rofl. Hank is your trademark ESTj. Bobby seems ISTp, and Peggie seems ENFp.
    ESTj - that makes sense, though I always thought Hank was ISTp. I think Bobby and Peggy are both ENFp, actually. Bill would probably be the ISTp of the group. Not sure about Dale.

    Quote Originally Posted by Logos
    Futurama Characters
    - Fry: ? Considering that I have seen him typed as an ISxp and ENTp.
    - Leela: ?
    - Bender: ESTp
    - Prof. Farnsworth: ENTp
    - Dr. Zoidberg: ?
    - Amy Wong: ESFj
    - Hermes: ESTj
    - Zapp Brannigan: ESFp
    - Kif Kroker: INTj
    Phillip J. Fry: ISFp!!!!
    Bender: ESTp
    Leela: ESTj
    Professor Farnsworth: INTx
    Zap Brannigan: ENFj (maybe possibly ESFp)
    Hermes Conrad: ESTj
    Amy Wong: yeah, ESFj

    Hell if I know what Zoidberg is. Maybe ISTp; he seems to have weak Fe. Though that could be the cultural differences.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    Phillip J. Fry: ISFp!!!!
    Bender: ESTp
    Leela: ESTj
    Professor Farnsworth: INTx
    Zap Brannigan: ENFj (maybe possibly ESFp)
    Hermes Conrad: ESTj
    Amy Wong: yeah, ESFj

    Hell if I know what Zoidberg is. Maybe ISTp; he seems to have weak Fe. Though that could be the cultural differences.
    I do agree with Fry as ISFp. With Professor Farnsworth, part of the problem is how senile he has become, but many of his inventions seem to reflect the accusations against Alpha of being relatively pointless, impractical and mostly novelty items used primarily for plot points in the episodes.

    Zoidberg as an ISTp is certainly a possibility, or if the show is Alpha, he could be an INTp acting as a counterpoint to the mostly Alpha feel of the show. But weak is definitely a part of Zoidberg. He could very will be an ISTp though as when left alone in an episode, he often tries to make himself cozy and comfortable in whatever environment he happens to be in ().
    "Alpha Quadra subforum. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ~Obi-Wan Kenobi
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