Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
A guy I worked with who I think is ILI and I were talking about his taste in women. He was saying that he doesn't really care if a girl is super skinny as long as she's not fat fat, either. (This was after I'd gained 50 lbs in six months due to quitting Adderall and smoking at the same time, and he'd known me since I was skinny.) He actually said, "Like what do you weigh?" I told him, and he shrugged and said, "Yeah, that'd be fine."

lol. I don't think he realized that most women would have been offended by both the question and his response to the answer. (I just thought it was funny.)
you'd be what? 180 pounds?

i dunno i more concerned with girls who weigh too little. like say 100 pounds.

maybe i am ili. i used to ask girls what they weighed all the time. most girls seem to weigh between about 120 and 140 pounds. but i'm all for being socially impolite.

although i suppose you'd call that trolling. i'd also say that you could judge people by their bedrooms and get people to describe what it's in their bedrooms. i suppose that'd be creepy to you too. but it's less trollish.

that said, it'd probably be different if i asked fat people.