Quote Originally Posted by Warlord
It was very cold winter once. And we were waiting in a car. And only the front seats had electric benchwarmers.

So as a joke I told this one girl:
- I should sit in the front seat, because I have less stuffing in my ass

She was:
- What did you just say?!

Me, with louder voice, because I thought she just didn't hear me:
- I said, that I should sit in the front seat, because I have less stuffing in my ass.

It was supposed to be a crack at my bony ass, that I had back then. Anyway she didn't have fat ass, and had ok body. So, I didn't think it quite through

Beat that

If my roommates were home, I would have woken them up, haha.


Overheard in a Subway lineup:

"Blah, blah chicken-breast on brown."

"You mean wheat? It's not 'brown' anymore."

"Not politically correct, or what?"