This person evoked disgust in me. If I heard him say a thing like that he'd get his PoLR so pounded. A joke's a joke but no consideration or decency is another thing.

Having said this, the remarks he made are eerily similar to some things I've said. Like for example when my EIE friend asked me of whom she reminded me of and I said a kindergarten teacher or a cheap prostitute. Luckily she wasn't too insulted, she was use to me making "strange" remarks like that and plus I have an ability too be really cute after making such remarks. But I only do this if I do it before I get to think about what I'm going to say so I end up being honest. I guess it's a bitch for ILI-s who don't have Fe to fix things and to actually pull off statements like that without offending anyone or being seen as a monster of some kind.