My annoying boss once asked me "How do I look? I feel like shit." I said, Well, not shit exactly, but maybe shit's sweet little cousin" then sort of chuckled. I was only teasing, really, but she hated me after that. I didn't see what was wrong with her looks matching her feelings....? and if someone had said that to me, I would have laughed. Honestly, I had no opinion about her looks, but since she asked, I simply played on what she had said.

I would be likely to say about 75% of the comments Expat posted. It's funny cause I read them and believe I know exactly what is intended.

Most are simply showing an awareness of a stereotype and, I imagine, intended to show the stupidity of the stereotype. Problem is that most people can't so easily identify the origin of the remarks. Dry hyperbolic statements (where hyperbole is not readily accessible) is my style of humor. I would say these types of comments primarily stem from Ni/Te because there is an ongoing vision of a graph in one's mind. There are endpoints. There are points in between. There is the perfect moment in a conversation at which to throw in the magic.

My brother recently got married. We grew up in a very religious family where sex was never discussed and premarital sex would have been like the ticket to hell. I pulled him aside after the rehearsal dinner and asked, jokingly, so how's the premarital sex going? I'm sure you'll do fine tonight." He didn't laugh. Really, I only was trying to tell him how suffocating I found the upbringing . There wasn't even a hint of judgment intended in my statement because I've been having premarital sex for a long time (and further had no idea whether or not he was having sex prior to marriage).