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Thread: Examples of INTp Fe PoLR remarks

  1. #201
    Bertrand's Avatar
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    that's a good point you bring up

    I think it is more of a Fe thing than a Fi thing because there's nothing really "inherently offensive" about the comment (or contrary to Fi values in the sense of norms). Its not like joking about someone's dead mom or something. Rather its implied that it had a negative effect on the mood simply because it understood its own complimentary "insight" (factual connection-- Te observation) without consideration of how it would come across which in fact served to lower the energy not raise it, that kind of counter productiveness seems to be Fe polr because it was "100% sincere." If he was sarcastic it seems like it would be more Fi polr because it would be taking a direct shot at the person while bringing moms into it (ethic of relations, expense of one's own mother in a certain irony). In other words if it was intentional you could say it was Fi polr because it had the desired Fe effect; here it unwittingly had the reverse of intended Fe effect without directly implicating a lack of Fi value (although at first it appears like it might because its bringing moms into it, since it was sincere its not actually really being a dick about anything in terms of Fi)

    also you gotta think in terms of Fe polr as a product of Te creative, hence it seems like Fe polr because this seems like a more Te statement

    whereas Fi polr is more a product of Ti creative so a comment in terms of that would be if it were sarcastic and implying a Ti principle "only moms think thats a nice jacket" i.e.: you're out of step generationally with your fashion choices

  2. #202
    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    An PoLR behavior I noticed is replying to spirited praise of any kind in the weirdest manners that are not socially accepted.

    High (and to some extent, ) does not care about unspecific exaggerations. ILI and SLI want to eschew everything superfluous, unrealistic, or inaccurate. That's why they will not say "thanks" or "please don't mention it" generically like a normal person would. Instead, they will go on a tangent explaining why the praise doesn't apply to them if they feel it's wrong, how they reject it and why, even correcting the person who gives an enthusiastic compliment. Imagine being told that your praise was not deserved, and you just get a cold answer with a blank face. This is the ultimate negation. I know an ILI who even went as far as saying "shut up..." as a response to something positive about him! And his dry tone made it very ambiguous whether it was sarcastic or not, leading to an awkward scene. It was clear that he needed someone emotionally resilient and moral (SEE) who would explain that this behavior would hurt the other person to help out his PoLR.

    It's only when the encouragement comes in the form of their or suggestive function that they will react somewhat appropriately. Especially with the former, I think.

  3. #203
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  4. #204
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    My longtime ILI-Te friend. His ESI gf is pregnant, but they had been in China for one year and they just recently moved to an accessible place in Central Europe, 2h30m drive from where I am now. I didn't know how many months pregnant she actually was. Last week, I asked if I could visit them. His reply:

    Him:"-Girlfriend name- could give brith anytime soon, even today, but you are welcome to visit us, I will cook and if she gives birth we can all help her out together"
    Me (advised from my ESI gf, otherwise I'd have said "yeah let's have a hike in the mountains in the morning"): "Uh, well, maybe sometime in 1-2 months would be better then?"
    Him: "Uh, what? Did I scare you with my previous notice? I was thinking we could also do a short cycling tour in the hills around the city, if she needs help she has my phone number"

    Then I invented some excuse I hope he won't hold it against me. I have to admit sometimes combining and polr can be a disaster.
    Last edited by FDG; 08-15-2017 at 09:12 AM.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  5. #205

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    My ILI husband, upon meeting my 23 year old, tall, gorgeous sister who works in construction:

    "I've never seen a woman with such a feminine face and feminine look have such a boyish attitude. It's rare. Usually women with really feminine looks have a feminine personality. She's interesting"

    Any other woman would have thought he was hitting on her. But, that's how his brain works. I just said "Yes honey, she's always been a tomboy" lol
    I'm just an effin ray of sunshine

  6. #206
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    “Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.” ― Socrates (INTp)

  7. #207
    Bertrand's Avatar
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    lol there's no way socrates said that

    not that it isn't true, just sayin'

  8. #208
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    lol how would you know what he said or hasn't said

  9. #209
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    He was talking about Socrates Murphy, a guy he regularly sees at the bus station downtown.

  10. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    He was talking about Socrates Murphy, a guy he regularly sees at the bus station downtown.

  11. #211
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    How good do you guys think Illaoi is right now?

  12. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    lol how would you know what he said or hasn't said
    Because it doesn't sound like anything an ancient Greek would say?

  13. #213


    Fe PoLR remarks are Te statements that cut the Fe atmosphere. Yesterday was one of my friend's birthday so a group of friends bought cake and strawberry milk. A LII friend and ILE friend were joking about how strawberry milk comes from feeding cows with strawberry. I flatly commented that the color comes from food coloring. I didn't realize they were joking in a nonsensical, light-hearted Ne+Fe fashion. The LII friend jokingly whined that I ruined their fun, to which I replied "I'm not sorry for party-pooping."

  14. #214
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carolus View Post
    Because it doesn't sound like anything an ancient Greek would say?
    I have followed several E4s on fb over the years. It sounds exactly like something one of them would post.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  15. #215
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    I wrote here a ton back. Si polr. Whoops. I'll do a consolation prize Si polr story. I once walked 8-10 miles into town. I bought a cold brew coffee and a ice water (free why wouldn't you?), And kept waking. Eventually ran out of water and coffee, so I crunched the ice.

    Got to where I was headed. Afghanistan food place. First I was like, hrrm empty, but I went in anyways. Pretty good place, ranked 4 stars. I specifically ordered tea because at the end I began swallowing the ice whole. I have a thing against bringing in foreign drinks to restaurants. Ordered for the meal a giant fallafal type thing because I didn't have a lot of money. They gave out a little tray of sauces. Whenever I eat, I either over pour or under pour. This time it was under pouring. 3 sauces. Sour, spicy, and white. I liked sour and spicy. Anyways, pretty good, but I can tell I ordered cheap food, basically chicken, bread, and lettuce and tomato. Next time I'll get some good stuff.

    Anyways, then I walked home, got lost because I found out my GPS was broke, put on a playlist for WW1 music, and went home. Ah the blisters on my foot were glorious. As one person on here said, LSE would do that again, and LIE would call out sick to work. Guess what I did. Went to bed, them my brother says mom needs help outside. Ask bro to get it. He says he's tired. Ok. So there I am, hauling trash bags full of yard debris from the side of the house and backyard to the curb. Good news is it's mom, her work is easy work for me. Carpenter bags each ~30 pounds. I could one hand the bags, so two a trip. Then, I went back to bed, and slept. You should see me and my dog. He's notorious for never giving up a walk until he collapses at least once. Then you have to either pick him up and run him, or pull/push him home. I think pushing is a bit more humane, but pulling works more when he's already moving. Still give him a lot of rest now, he's fairly old.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

  16. #216
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    Queen Elizabeth has probably not said some interesting things she could've.

    Someone taught her really good etiquette. Like top of the world, possibly self taught, I can see it. Oh yeah, Prince Philip is close, but no cigar. He's probably the person Elizabeth confides in all those angry thoughts, which she then doesn't have to tell anyone. However, Philip also seems to have no filter.

    Also, that's the thinking face. I got it too. Probably trying to decide if nuclear power is worth it. See in all the other photos, if you look in the camera's direction, draw a line to her face, draw a circle, and then plot all the points on the circle that mean anything, you'll probably find the problem unless the problem was from before the picture, in which case she'll stare at the photo with that face.

    So the Queen will look in the opposite direction of negative stimuli, but will also look where she's supposed to look. I do the same thing. You flash strobe lights at me, and I go straight to the wall. She's actually polite though. Hrrm. Yeah, I got the answer. Queen's LIE. Just cause she says so little don't mean she's extroverted. She just has a good staff of people to calm her down and attend to her needs.

    So like, The upward course of a nation's history is due in the long run to the soundness of heart of its average men and women.

    Brief lapses of tyranny are have caused economic collapse. So I'll leave this here. I'll add my mom's quotes though. She's confirmed.

    So, my mom has a thing with people driving. She wants all bad drivers off the road. That's grossly impractical, but hilarious, because I know what she means. So, my solution is to make the driving tests harder. Her solution is to have them retake the driving test. Now, the driving test is criminally easy. I think they'd all pass it, and it'd lead to needless cost increases with little gain to have them solely retake the test. She obviously doesn't, that's how bad she thinks they are. It's hilarious. See the issue is that it's not a matter of proof, it's a matter of principle. Obviously, it's not bad that they're driving, it's that they drive poorly.

    I do agree that this is a good idea though.
    Last edited by Alomoes; 05-27-2019 at 07:34 PM.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

  17. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    This makes me somehow believe I indeed may be XLI, lol.
    I think SEIs can get immersed in the atmosphere if they sniff enough freedom and playfulness in the air, but be filled with awkwardness when they participate in a ritualized event or when the social expectation involves boorishness for the sake of ‘the group’. AN expressionless face can be the result or they can look around to see if someone thinks the situation as ridiculous and they do. ILIS are not the only ones to see the pointlessness of it all or never get into the mood. Maybe ILIs show more inclination to comment on the idiocy of smiles and rituals whereas SEIs will be the ones to elbow them and whisper to smile for the camera so they can leave faster. What you quoted can hold true for any ‘apathetic introvert’ generally, check that your ILIness really comes through to stick to that type.
    Sicuramente cercherai il significato di questo.

  18. #218

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    this thread, and meeting pinkcanary makes me think I've dated a SEI, maybe.

  19. #219


    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom Shadow View Post
    I also get very frustrated and irritated when someone presumes to tell me what feelings or facial expressions I should be expressing. (Usually an Fe ego type) If someone exerts to much emotional pressure I slip away when no one's looking, or death stare them down then storm off, or explode into a hyper-rational condescending analysis of their views and character until decimated every shred of dignity, pride and self worth depending on who I'm talking to and the circumstances. Hopefully this give everyone an idea what it like having Fe PoLR at least from an ILI's perspective.
    I do greatly favor your response over the others due to my perception of its accuracy. I suppose it may be beneficial to add that I am also ILI.

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