Fe POLR monotone ... when having to speak in front of certain people, for whatever reason when you are uncomfortable, ...it takes energy away just being there, let alone speaking. That high buzz messyness makes it hard to not be monotone, I guess.

Expressing emotions to young children, I have had no problem with my children, but once they leave that young child state, I am very reserved, too much so, but I am open and say to them and my hubby, "I do like you, I do love you, I just can't tell you that verbally any other time usually."

I also tell them I "love" them because I make food for them that they want on their Birthday. That's also how I can stand cooking day in and day out, though even so I can't cook everyday happily (nor successfully.) I am a good cook/baker but the typical ILI, specialties are my specialty. I can do anything but my "heart" isn't in just "anything" "anytime" FWIW.

In comfort blurting out ire at something someone does or says is Fe POLR too. Having a reaction like that in public is nigh impossible, it's the "locked up" version in public.

Mostly crowded places are unwanted ILI places. For me yes, but I do love Music and love concerts, so have learned to put up with crowds of that type.

Also I can sing, have sung in front of hundreds and thousands in the past (when I was younger) I could do that well because it was a practically anonymous thing to do, yes, solo work felt like that to me . Have me sing to a small group in a room, not happening. No way. I also liked "acting" but couldn't pursue much of that life because I had certain worldview that I couldn't stomach just "any" role so, "quit before it means you suck" was important for me. So singing in front of thousands, did I talk to them? No. That is NOT doable.

I wanted a band, but I didn't know enough people and couldn't promote myself and determined I'd rather be married and have a family anyhow.

I'm ILI-Ni and enneagram 5w4