Quote Originally Posted by unsuccessfull Alphamale View Post
Concept of creepiness is in the eyes of beholder.
ESEs are so freaking predictable funny creatures. Aren't they?
Some EIE and IEI caricatures are downright creepy as you see what they are after.
That little girl would probably manipulate me into taking her for ice cream... creepy little things. grrr

My ESE sister is pretty predictable, except when she's not! Then we kind of all look at her like, "who are you?" Our friends are very different. I have hung out with her in her "natural" environment and she shined. It is kind of weird to see but cool. I felt proud of her. She can really take charge and lead the games or whatever festivities they do when they get together. People have fun in her presence. She is so kind and sweet too. She never really got a chance to lead anything in our family or when socializing with our friends. She found her own tribe.

I was kind of worried about her when she was 15/16 wondering how she was going to get by in life with her low grades, general cluelessness and desire to put her social life above all.

She has proven herself to be very hardworking and enterprising. Bought her first car with her own money even though I wanted to give her my old one. My ILI ex didn't let me. He gave her, her first job in his family's business. He was hard on her and didn't give her a pass like the rest of us did. He helped her with homework and she somehow graduated college with his help. She is not dumb. She graduated without debt because she found ways to pay for it herself. Her biggest problem was that she socialized way too much and didn't know what she wanted to do in life.

She went to bartenders school. My EII sister and I freaked out when she told us that was her plan. She always has a "plan". Once it was a 5 year plan to be married with children by now but all that changed. Now she understands that you can't plan for everything. Sometimes you have to just go where life takes you.

We had no idea if she could make it working in that environment but she did and now she has a side business flipping houses and other properties. That was kind of a shock. She also bought her first home when she was still pretty young which she sold when she got into a new relationship. I think that gave her the idea that she could flip houses. Out of all my siblings she is the one who has asked family to help out the least, followed by my EII sister, me and my IEI brother (he asks the most).

She has natural charm and people love her. Even the ILI loved her aside from fact the bubbliness made him want to gag. lol He wanted her to be self sufficient and now she is. She attributes her ability to do anything she puts her mind to, to him. My ILI stepdad did that for me. He was only a few years older than her but he taught her a lot. I was actually way easier on her in comparison and thought sometimes he went too far but I was wrong. He did all the right things it turns out. Being an older sister and supervisor to one of those cute creatures is enough to keep anyone up at night when they are in your care. I am just happy she turned out fine, more than fine.

p.s. ESE hate on this forum is kind of irritating. Only I am allowed to get irritated by my sister.

Edit: I want to add it is not that I asked for help more than my other sisters. It is that my family disliked more of my choices than their's so it was forced on me. My brother does ask though.