Quote Originally Posted by niffer View Post
The bolded actually makes no sense because alpha has the complex of closed mouth supposedly (a la Strati). It's normally alphas who are champions of freedom of expression of ideas.
Not when it comes to saying things that could be precieved as mean. "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all." ---->alpha Fe+

"Regardless, it doesn't make what I said any less true." http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin...=1#post1166272

^ It actually does make what you said less true because you were being unspecific.

I still stand by what I said.

You could have just been graceful and apologized since you were in the wrong, but you drew it out and passive-aggressively shot back and tried to defend yourself to the end instead. Congratulations -- it was very mature of you.
I'll be the judge of what I say and do but thanks chief for the lecture. Ya dumb cunt.