Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
This isn't how I see Fe types try to enforce Fe most often. In the vast majority of cases, they try to somehow infect you with their emotions through their own emotional expressiveness. In a way, it's something that overrides a person's internal feelings, especially if they are Fe PoLR types. They often try to act in a simpering sort of way to get you to feel what they feel. The best way to describe Fe from my perspective is "emotional contagion." ILIs and their lookalikes don't deal well with situations in which someone tries to get them to feel a certain emotion. Usually it's not by someone saying directly, "You should feel such and such a way," but by acting out their own emotions in a way that directly affects the feelings of others around them. This is how demonstrative Fi works. They demonstrate their own feelings in order to get others to feel them. Fi demonstrative working in support of Fe lead. It makes so much simple sense that it's hard to see how people miss it.

Another term I'd use for it is "invasive feeling."

There are going to be moralizers of every type. Moralizing has absolutely nothing to do with Socionics.

In a way, this is also why people can't tell what's going on with Fi types and their feelings. They don't really try to affect someone else's emotional experience, so it's impossible for Fe types to know what they are feeling. In a sense, the only way to know how someone is feeling is for that person to affect your emotional experience. Fi types don't really do that so much, so you aren't going to sense anything coming from them. What you do in this case is to watch their behavior and then gauge their emotions indirectly through those unrelated expressions.
You know its not even about feeling what the Fe type wants you to feel. I don't even think they want you to feel anything, not truly. They just want to see you feeling something through your expressions. Something I've learned with alpha types is that you can really easily fake Fe for them. As long as you are pretending to be happy for them (and as long as they can't access your true sentiments via Si), then you are good to go.

Awesome! Wow! Very cool!

You don't need to FEEL happy, you just need to SHOW that you feel happy with a smile. Or you show saddness with a frown. Even looking visually confused when confused, or singing a song when in a good mood. I know it seems insincere, but it works for them. I know this is going to sound harsh, but alpha types are stupid about this sort of thing, with the exception being a clever ILE. You really can fake Fe around them and they would never discern the difference between your expressed emotions and your real emotions (ignored Fi).

However, this does not work on betas and if it did then only the LSI (as they are most vulnerable to manipulative Fe, which is partly why ESE is their semi dual). Betas Fe is closely linked with authenticity and so they are scanning you for the truth. Not much you express can be faked on them.

What this means for Fe polr from what I've noticed is that although they may not pretend Fe, when they are expressive it usual shows a real authenticity of spirit.

So with the ESE conflictor when they go "oh come on, its funny, why aren't your laughing??" You know to just laugh. Fake it.