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Thread: LIE - ILI Differences and dualities

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    Mairon's Avatar
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    Default LIE - ILI Differences and dualities

    I would like to write down something I noticed. Maybe it is very obvious to you, but I think this may help a lot of people to type theirselves, cause sometimes it's hard to distinguish between mirror types.

    Opposite way of using their Lead and creative, plus their demonstrative make an important difference:

    - LIE constantly perceives efficiency, while his creative Ni is turned off and on when needed. This means that while their Te looks stable and make them desire constantly efficiency (thus being Te lead), their Ni would happear both like a gift and something disturbing, cause it creates something of good quality but then is turned off or changes subject. Demonstrative Ne doesn't help, cause it provides a so vast field of opportunities that he must win it forming the best converging idea. Their mob Se helps this mechanism providing a restless anxiety which makes them apply levarage to other and being very pushy. They will actually say to others what they must do, but they will calm down. So, demonstrative Ne types have to take into account any possibily, even if they don't value them, cause they have to confront Ne Field to craft the perfect Ni product who can oppose any idea of possibility whom diverge from their Ni idea. They would not just say "don't mind" to Ne matter: they like to underline the fact that they took into account it.

    Don't know if it's just me, but a lot of XIEs I came across just cannot stand when someone criticize the fact they dind't take into account a possibility. They will respond saying that they actually did, sometimes aggressively, and they could start to make a list of every possibility and why it would fail, enforcing their creative (at the countrary, the XSIs would respond to the critic just with a clear cut).

    Anyway, if you offend LIE's Fi, they will not give credit to you, cause they are still enough strong understanding their position here. If you offend their use of Se, they could take it very bad. Mobilizing is a somewhat nervous aspect for anyone, so if you attack it, you are revealing their PolR, which hides behind the mob.

    - ILI is constantly in contemplation. They are slow paced and don't give themselves goals related too much with conquering a position etc. They reach it very often, but not cause they want it at all cost, nor they identify theirselves with the position they cover: it will be the result of their passion, which is tied to their contemplation. They turn off and on their creative Te: they understand all the small piece of logic passages behind things, thus they will know how to optimize systems. As LIEs think they need to take into account every possibility to make a clear cut insight, ILIs know that they must take into account every information that concern the systems etc., just to make the best of it with their better procedure (and sometimes mocking others, cause they use a "stupid system").

    I know two ILI teachers and they both like to say that those who use a certaing kind of system (which these ILIs dislike) is an idiot cause they just cannot understand future limitation they will encounter using it. The ironic thing is that they take it so much on a personal level that it looks like a comedy and a lot of students create memes about it lol.

    If you offend ILI's use of Fi, they will get offended a lot, while if you touch their Se they wouldn't give a damn.
    Anyway, they are not pushy like LIEs. They just can't. And that's a very important difference, cause their Se is very low. They like to complain and use it a lot when they are alone, but it's hard they use force directly on the person.

    P.S. I'm wondering if every demonstrative could be considered as the "unintentional" ironic side of a person, but IDK.

    We can analyze the other aspects through dualizations.


    Differences here are kinda easy to spot.

    ILI dualizes with SEE:

    - SEE have a defensive kind of Se (+/- theory gives them the Se +). Se leads wants to use force, yet how can they do it if it is a defensive Se? That's simple: being "defensive" doesn't mean it doesn't attack, but just that they need to create an excuse to attack, and so they follow the idea that ther's a strong enemy (for exemple the State, politicians, even aliens) who is limiting their freedom. Now, sorry for the exemple I will give to you, but it is so common that it explains in a perfect way this, even if not all SEEs and ILIs work like this. So... a lot of conspiracy theorys' followers are See for this reason: they get a big enemy to oppose to (here in Italy, 90% of SEEs I know are no vax, or not believe in 11 september and speak about blue beam sh1t... sometimes they could be right, sometimes what they say looks weird to me, ANYWAY...). But who craft those visions? Conspiracy theorist. And who are conspiracy theorist? A lot of them are ILIs, cause they work the same as SEE, just at the opposite: they can envision the way strong people control others, cause they notice pattern and long-term implications, but they have not the force to oppose, and so they need the SEE. They complete eachother.

    - Fi, being mobilizing, could be shown by ILI's in a pretty strong way, but at the same time it is turned off very easily. Mob is like a switch: an aspect that it's nervously turned on and off, almost like the creative, but it could make others almost tired about cause it isn't as good as creative and it is used also to fill the hole left by the PolR (so it's like a defence mechanism). ILIs show short psychological distance, then they could almost regret it and behave like they don't give importance to you at all. That works pretty well with See cause their creative is Fi, and so they can adapt very well to it. It's like they don't see any problem in receiving those changing Fi feedback from ILIs, whom like the fact that they can be free to show this aspect of theirselves without being criticized. On the other side, SEE's like to absorb all ILI's Te creation, which fills the hole left by the PolR Ti.

    - Being Ti the weak spot of See, and Fe the weak spot of ILI, that means that they don't need to give credit to their demonstrative counterparts, and that is very relaxing! I like to call demonstrative (that's not the proper definition, but i like it) as "social request": it's that aspect that they feel that it has to be taken into account even if they don't like it, so they want to look over-prepeared about it even if it is unvalued, like I said before. It is needed to use correctly the creative, which exploit also demonstrative. In this case, both types doesn't need to communicate an external emotional consensuns, concentrating instead on intense and personal exchange of emotional demonstration (sometimes even provocative), and matter of efficiency regarding Te.

    - They both "ignore" the other's Role function, and that's another relaxing aspect too.

    LIE dualize with ESI:

    - ESIs consider loyalty as a very important value. They could easily feel betrayed if they don't receive enough intensity, cause they need to be considered unique from his partner. Fi is about connection with people, yet ESIs are on first sight very cold and distant, cause they are Fi - (in +/- theory): and that's not a contraddiction! ESIs have a need to make you understant they care or hate you, so if they dislike you, they will try so hard to make you feel their concern in "hating you", that you will feel a "short" distance from them, it's just a cold one. If they dislike you, they are still giving importance to you, they are not ignoring you. LIEs are very sensitive to short psychological distance, but way less concerned in searching for the intensity theirselve. They somewhat hope it happens, cause they have no starting skill to crave it for theirselves, nor they have an interest to make everyone know what they think about them. The important things for them it's to apply justice in the way they answer to others. LIE adore the strong emotional intensity they receive from ESIs, and ESIs feel their intensity to be accepted completely with all their shades. Also, ESIs like LIEs way of behaving "right", in an efficient way, considering even relationships a matter of efficiency.

    - ESIs preoccupy to look cool and aesthetically perfect cause looking this way is a way to enforce their power on others (Si demonstrative tied to creative Se), cause they think society like and want it. Yet, their Se very often betray them, making even female ESIs happear very masculine. They are able to happear as the most feminine and aristocratic girl when they have to demonstrate it, yet they happear masculine as hell when they don't have too. LIE doesn't give importance to what society expect and what is considered cool. Nor they give importance to look relaxed to others. ESIs feel they can be theirselves with LIEs, and they creative Se can flourish as it is with no limitation (being LIE's mob), and LIEs don't have to bother about Ne field, cause ESI just doesn't matter.

    Hope my exemples were good and not too offensive. Feel free to add something, or to criticize what I wrote here. I will write more when I notice something more.
    Last edited by Mairon; 03-24-2024 at 09:38 PM.

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    When a LIE does dating he goes outside, when an ILI does dating he chooses a video game with relational activities.
    Winning is for losers


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