Sexual attractiveness is primarily a matter of contrast between information metabolism (classic socionics) type and exertion type. The higher the contrast of the types, the higher the "good looking" level. It's an evolutionary trait: the better a person's understanding of the relationship between subject and object, the more attractive they appear. Barak Obama is an excellent example. So is Johnny Depp. And many, many other stars besides.
some comments on this; if you're going by the shorthand dichotomies you're going to have to throw static/dynamic in there too, as that one is as fundamental to temperament as ex/int and j/p. As for the other ones, your theory would give an interesting twist to smilex's quadra progressions, as then it would seem that a person would get rewarded for progressing to the metabolism type that best complements their exertion type.

combine those two things with a provisional hypothesis that there must be a contrast between the temperament of the metabolism type and that of the exertion type and you've got a world in which no one is privileged. perfection available to everyone.