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Thread: photo type this group of people

  1. #1
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Default photo type this group of people

    type guesses from left to right:

    esfp intp intp isfj isfj
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  2. #2
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    Ok, from the pictures alone, without having seen your guesses, I thought --

    - Blond girl on the left - ESFp
    - Guy with glasses - INTj or ENTp
    - Girl in sunglasses - difficult, some introvert I guess
    - girl with glasses - ISFp
    - girl to the right - ESTp or something
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  3. #3
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    The only one whose type I am certain of is the INTp guy; also the girl with sunglasses is very likely INTp, all the others are up to discussion.

    Brief descriptions:

    1st from left: "regular" girl. Likes to prepare dinners and partecipate in social events. Almost always friendly. Hates insincerity, likes to work in public relations related jobs. Ballet dancer.

    2nd from left: economics nerd. Very proud of what he studies. Always blantering on how people should study more mathematics, more theorethical subject, always warning about ecological catastrophes that are ready to happen. However he is a really friendly approachable and easygoing guy, when he's not talking about the above stuff.

    3rd from left: quiet studios social girl with a wicked sense of humor. She can get along with almost everybody but generally despises many people she gets in contact with. Very critical when working on any project she can find logical fallacies everywhere. Always ready to say "yes" to any proposal regarding going to the beach, dancing, or spending money on Se-related stuff.

    4th from left: studious and bossy. Secretary of the newspaper, she mediates between the two "bosses" and the executors. She is okay as a social company because I can make her loosen up very easily with some jokes, however I cannot work with her succesfully because she becomes extremely bossy in a short amount of time.

    5th from left: moody and very smart, hides a very critical and pessimistic nature under a friendliness in regard to most superficial acquaintances. Prone to overwork, extremely good sense of humor, is rumored to have won a match of sexual jokes with FDG, however there were no witnesses around.


    the 1st from the left is a bit isolated from the rest of the group of people. the 2nd from the left usually talks with me about economics and also proposes far fetched theories on women and money and work that i take seriously and start elaborating with all the logical implications, everybody starts to look at me bewildered, and after a short time he says that he was joking. the has a crush on the 4th girl from the left and also constantly banters with another ESFp girl which is not there in the picture. the 3rd girl from the left usually hangs out with me and the 5th girl from the left; we work very well toghether because we keep on reivising a project from all the sides, however it is very tiresome to convice her. Her and the 5th from the left are best-friends or something similar. The 4th girl from the left is somewhat isolated but gets along well in a group when the group is formed by me, her and the 5th girl from the left - in that case i take the role of the entertainer and they are the audience. However she is very hard to work with because of the bossiness. The 5th girl on the left hangs out with me and the 4th , she gets along well with the 2nd but not so much with the 4th because she finds her too high strung; i am also dating her and the relationship is very good when we are one-on-one or in groups of max 4 people however it becomes strained when the group enlarges because she becomes more critical the psychological distance becomes bigger and there are usually fights because i want all the attention on me, me me and me. We work extremely well toghether each one taking the part of the task that the other can't be bothered with (usually i do all the core work, both logical and practical, and she takes care of the details)
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  4. #4
    le petit prince raisonpure's Avatar
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    Girl on the left: Can't see the Se, doesn't look Fi-ESFp. Looks like Kim. ENFp > ESFp
    Guy: Didn't strike me as INTp. ESTj?...
    Girl with sunglasses: smile looks very familiar, but it's hard to tell with those sunglasses... she looks like Kristiina, though
    Girl with glasses: Doesn't look ISFj. No clue.
    Girl on the right: Se-ISTj
    “I think, therefore I'll think" - Ayn Rand (ESTp, UR GUARDIAN ANGEL)

  5. #5
    Joy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raisonpure
    Girl on the left: Can't see the Se, doesn't look Fi-ESFp.
    my exact thoughts

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  6. #6
    eunice's Avatar
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    Based on the photos and the descriptions provided by FDG,
    Girl on the left: ENFp
    Guy: ENTp
    Girl with sunglasses:ENFj
    Girl with specs: ISFj
    Girl on the right: ISTj

  7. #7
    Kristiina's Avatar
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    initial VI from left to right: NF, INTp or maybe ENTj, ????, ENFj, some Se type (ISTj?)

    With your descriptions:
    1) sounds like a possible no-bullshit social beta NF to me.
    2) INTp works.
    3) Yes, INTp would work, especially because she has the possible IP features.
    4) lol. ENFj. I think she becomes bossy because you're trying to take it easy and go with the flow.
    5) might still be ISTj
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

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    Kristiina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raisonpure
    Girl with sunglasses: smile looks very familiar, but it's hard to tell with those sunglasses... she looks like Kristiina, though
    lol. can't see it. Both facial bone structure and body type are very different.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

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  9. #9
    context is king
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    1st: EIE, she holds herself a lot like kristiina does
    2nd: ILI or even IEI
    3rd: Don't know
    4th: EIE, but I'm really not sure
    5th: Beta ST, more likely LSI

  10. #10
    Joy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    2nd from left: economics nerd. Very proud of what he studies. Always blantering on how people should study more mathematics, more theorethical subject, always warning about ecological catastrophes that are ready to happen. However he is a really friendly approachable and easygoing guy, when he's not talking about the above stuff.
    That sounds more ISTj than INTp.

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    1st: ENFj
    2nd: INTj
    3rd: kinda hard to guess from that picture, but I think she's gamma from the description.
    4th: ISFj
    5th: no idea.

  12. #12
    XoX's Avatar
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    Default Re: photo type this group of people

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    type guesses from left to right:

    esfp intp intp isfj isfj
    I haven't read the texts yet but I checked the pics and quickly check what others have said and my current guesses are...

    enfj intj intp isfj istj

    to comment a bit...
    the first girl might be enfj. she has the aristocratic enfj look

    the guy you claim as intp doesn't strike me as intp really. Not impossible just i don't get that impression. He seems rational to me. And Alpha. Could be ENTp from VI I guess but from what little I read about you writing about him ranting about destruction of the world doesn't sound ENTp. So I stick with INTj.

    I can't get much from the girl with sun glasses. I guess introverted irrational. I put intp because I have no real reason to contest that but I can't get accurate "vibe".

    I can't get much vibe from the "isfj" either. I guess she could be. My first impression was EJ but then I don't know which EJ so I stick with the isfj for now.

    Last girl I could well see as istj. more so than as isfj.

    I might take the time to read through the descriptions and perhaps change my mind.

  13. #13
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Default Re: photo type this group of people

    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    type guesses from left to right:

    esfp intp intp isfj isfj
    I haven't read the texts yet but I checked the pics and quickly check what others have said and my current guesses are...

    enfj intj intp isfj istj

    to comment a bit...
    the first girl might be enfj. she has the aristocratic enfj look
    Well there is an ENFj male in our group too, and they are very different. This girl never starts monologues about crap, rarely talks about any abstract topic - if you knew her you would immediatly say "SF" I'm pretty certain.

    I can't get much vibe from the "isfj" either. I guess she could be. My first impression was EJ but then I don't know which EJ so I stick with the isfj for now.
    She might be ESFj. However I have an hard time seeing her a positivist since she is the one always reminding me of what errors I have done, what I haven't already done, etc.

    Last girl I could well see as istj. more so than as isfj.

    I might take the time to read through the descriptions and perhaps change my mind.
    When I first got to know her some months ago I typed her as estp/enfj. However soon the IJ temperament became clear, and the negativism too. the negativism isn't visible if not from a very very short psychological distance. the motto seems very clearly "why do i suck so much" anyway
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  14. #14
    le petit prince raisonpure's Avatar
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    “I think, therefore I'll think" - Ayn Rand (ESTp, UR GUARDIAN ANGEL)

  15. #15
    Kristiina's Avatar
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    Default Re: photo type this group of people

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Last girl I could well see as istj. more so than as isfj.

    I might take the time to read through the descriptions and perhaps change my mind.
    When I first got to know her some months ago I typed her as estp/enfj. However soon the IJ temperament became clear, and the negativism too. the negativism isn't visible if not from a very very short psychological distance. the motto seems very clearly "why do i suck so much" anyway
    I think you mistyped her the second time. When people first meet me, I definitely don't let them see the "why do I suck so much" negativism. I hide it. I show them as much sheer determinism as I can, because I think they will respect me more. They might type me as ESTp/ENFj if they see me in familiar surroundings. I really am determined, though, so even when they know me better, they will say Se>>Ne. It does not make me an IJ. I have many Ti-traits - I tend to get caught in details every once in a while, maybe you'd also type that as IJ.

    I'm starting to understand why you keep typing me ISFj. It's because you've mistypes this girl. She's definitely ENFj>>>ISFj and so am I. (I probably sound slightly aggitated right now. It's because it all fell into place for me with this thread, but I'm afraid you'll ignore this opinion and just say that we are both ISFjs - me and her.)

    EDIT: on second look, here you're talking about the girl I typed ISTj. Well ok, but you still thought the second from right was ISFj.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

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  16. #16
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Default Re: photo type this group of people

    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Last girl I could well see as istj. more so than as isfj.

    I might take the time to read through the descriptions and perhaps change my mind.
    When I first got to know her some months ago I typed her as estp/enfj. However soon the IJ temperament became clear, and the negativism too. the negativism isn't visible if not from a very very short psychological distance. the motto seems very clearly "why do i suck so much" anyway
    I think you mistyped her the second time. When people first meet me, I definitely don't let them see the "why do I suck so much" negativism. I hide it. I show them as much sheer determinism as I can, because I think they will respect me more. They might type me as ESTp/ENFj if they see me in familiar surroundings. I really am determined, though, so even when they know me better, they will say Se>>Ne. It does not make me an IJ. I have many Ti-traits - I tend to get caught in details every once in a while, maybe you'd also type that as IJ.

    I'm starting to understand why you keep typing me ISFj. It's because you've mistypes this girl. She's definitely ENFj>>>ISFj and so am I. (I probably sound slightly aggitated right now. It's because it all fell into place for me with this thread, but I'm afraid you'll ignore this opinion and just say that we are both ISFjs - me and her.)
    I honestly think she can only be a Se-creative type (seen it in action multiple times in regard to orderliness, especially in comparison with myself - I have also clearly seen a Ni-HA, and glimpses of both Fe and Te dual seeking). Yes anyway, of course I won't ignore the option that you both are the same type, but that only means that you are both ISxjs (I see this in both girl 4 and 5, although I am nearer to girl 5, and girl 4 displays too much negativism for me to be able to help her in any way)

    However I also see a similarity with this picture:

    Raisonpure: nope, that girl's smile looks way too open in comparison to the usual smile that is on the mouth of the girl with the sunglasses. Let me check for an analog picture:
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  17. #17
    Kristiina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    I honestly think she can only be a Se-creative type (seen it in action multiple times in regard to orderliness, especially in comparison with myself - I have also clearly seen a Ni-dual seeking). Yes anyway, of course I won't ignore the option that you both are the same type, but that only means that you are both ISxjs
    girl 4 or 5?
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

    Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!

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