Every single one I meet always nitpicks at me, doesn't find me charming, (or at least is able to resist my charms) and is generally a boring person who doesn't like change. Why are they so scared of change? They always want to stay put, live in the same place their entire lives, and have a cute little family and a spouse they can take care of. BALLS TO THAT. The problem is I find things I can't have attractive. I am easily sexually attracted by ISFjs, and I want it to end, as I find their personalities boooooooring.
Why would you want a girlfriend with the following attributes:
1. Wants everything to always be the same.
2. Doesn't like crude humor.
3. Will do things against you in secret.
4. Nitpicky.
5. If they don't want to talk to you on AIM, they will simply block you without explanation. Rude.
6. They're not lazy at all! They always work hard. WTH. What happened to kicking back with a fatty, popping in a Peter Tosh album and having a cuddle?
8. They are incapable of having deep discussions on subjects pertaining to our existence, the meaning of life, God, etc. One time I brought the question of God up, and an ISFj asked me to change the subject because she apparently gets panic attacks when she thinks about it. Hidden Agenda, I guess. I call it being retarded.
9. They are scared -- literally scared -- of sex. Or at least they are before losing their precious virginity.
That's all I can think of. I know that to other types ISFjs may be sweet, kind-hearted people, but all I see is a person I could never relate to on a deep level. But I may be wrong. Maybe it's a matter of facing one's weaknesses. Perhaps your conflicting partner simply smacks you in the face with your primal fears and unconciousness.
For now, though, I don't like ISFjs that much. Also, INFps are boring. (at least the one I used to date)