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Thread: Discussion of Si PoLR in LIEs-ENTjs

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I saw a female LIE wearing a trench coat and it looked like someone took a black trash bag and wrapped it around her shoulders and taped it together crookedly in front.
    It was dull black, didn't fit, didn't hang right, wasn't stylish in any way, seemed to have buttons which were 3" in diameter (although that might just be the impression it gave), and she seemed completely oblivious to the way it looked.

    Seeing other LIE's dress themselves is exactly the reason why I don't pick out my own clothes any more.

    My god. I was just thinking about the outfit I was wearing and I'm now wondering how bad that looked.

    I don't miss my SLI ex in any way other than the fact that I miss her excellent Si.
    I always though that i had a really good taste in clothes... After getting married i have given up.
    Apparently i dress like a Military General / LoTR king with white sneakers for extra comfort.

    SLI ex? Sounds dry

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    Quote Originally Posted by Whitespike View Post
    I always though that i had a really good taste in clothes... After getting married i have given up.
    Apparently i dress like a Military General / LoTR king with white sneakers for extra comfort.

    SLI ex? Sounds dry

    Whitespike, I recruited a sartorial arbiter rather than a life partner.

    A word to the wise.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Whitespike, I recruited a sartorial arbiter rather than a life partner.

    A word to the wise.
    That makes sense! My SLI father in law and I really have no common ground. Being EIE-Ni (not LIE after all) and having Si-PoLR does not exactly pair with his leading Si. He wrote my wife out of his will because i converted her to a cult he is not a fan of.

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    theoretically I'm a Ni PolR's dual (not LIE.. EIE).. <_< curious tho if my approach would bother a LIE.

    4D Si (Demonstrative), daily morning routine:

    I sleep either on the floor or hard mattress bed or wherever I can.. wake up at 5:15, sleepwalk into a cold shower.. internally scream and sharply suck air in through gritted teeth as the icy water shocks me awake. Brush teeth, deodorant, hair gel, dress by 5:35, feed the cat and start my 40 minute speed-walk to work (fuck the car). Change T-shirt at work (because it's sweaty by the time I arrive) coffee, filtered black, no sugar.

    Standard attire for autumn-winter usually looks like this, black with darker or pastel colors (no bright ones), everything slim fit is a must (no logos, slogans, clean):

    Standard attire for spring-summer usually looks like this, black with darker or pastel colors (no bright ones), everything slim fit is a must (no logos, slogans, clean):

    I like my combat boots and chucks Stuff I buy must be good quality and reliable, paying more for better stuff . Wardrobe is compact & efficient, I don't have many clothes or shoes.

    At home I wear whatever or clothes that suck and I set them aside for "this will get destroyed when I do stuff around the house & garden".
    On the weekend I'll go to sleep whenever the fuck I feel like & wake up the same. I prefer to have a clean and organized environment, but personally I'm messy e_e and only clean up when the chaos & dirt is starting to get on my nerves.

    I like to keep things simple and I'm rather spartan for myself, but I did note that when it comes to the girlfriend's (or other ppl's) Si needs I'm much more engaging and thoughtful... that is if she appreciates it (some women don't) I'm not fond of hearing ppl complain about comfort, annoying.

    I also cut my own hair lol.. with good results.. the first time I cut it.. results were terrible tho. Live and learn.
    Last edited by SGF; 09-16-2020 at 09:57 AM.

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    During our marriage, I let my SLI-Te ex-wife run the house. Everything that happened to it was her doing. It got repainted and redecorated with new and very tasteful furniture. Some items were truly amazing in that way that only SLI's have.

    But then she moved out and I divorced her. She took the nice stuff with her.

    I replaced a lot of the furniture with stuff I got from family members, and none of it matches. Also, since she had zero interest in putting money into the house rather than her retirement account, the bones of the house suffered. So all the basic systems, like plumbing, HVAC, electrical, roof, windows, insulation, and appliances all had to be replaced.

    In order to get to this stuff, I've had to remove the plaster walls and ceilings on the inside. And because I'm doing this out of cash flow because a house without a kitchen can't be borrowed against, the repairs are taking a long time. Basically, my LSE sister said it looks like a crack house, and she's right. Honestly, living in a destroyed house doesn't bother me, but it's not going to stay like this, because I might need to sell the place someday.

    In the meantime, it looks like Nick Wilde's house in Zootopia.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 02-12-2021 at 06:52 PM.

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    I just made a lunch of braised, wild-caught salmon, pan-fried asparagus, a cucumber salad with red onions and a vinegar-parsley dressing, and a cold lemon-ginger tea, (all made from scratch), put it all on a tray, then tipped the tray over onto the kitchen floor.

    This is why I eat in restaurants.

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    Sounds about right for murphy's law...

    I used to do that a ton, but currently, I've gone a while without incident. Forget to turn off the stove though. For comparison, I will never break any bones.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

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    Not an LIE but I have PoLr Si and a lot of this sounds very familiar. So I'll add my experience.

    My wisdom teeth grew crooked in my mouth and I didn't go to the dentist to get them pulled for like 2 years. I just ignored it lol.

    When I feel like I need to lose weight I just fast every other day and workout twice a day every day. The weight comes off fast.

    I can eat the same thing over and over and over and not get tired of it. Though I think I'm more adventurous than other weak Si types.

    I can live out of boxes and have and slept on a mattress on the floor, it wasn't that bad. I ignore the environment around me.

    I need white noise and a blindfold to fall asleep.

    Now a story from my life. I went with my fiancee's family to go tubing (taking an inflatable raft down a river).

    Everyone had to tell me to "just relax" and to "let the river take you". I literally couldn't help myself from moving around paddling with my hands.

    This random guy even told me to chill. I ignored him but internally I'm like "who TF are you?" he was nice so there was no point in being confrontational.

    My fiancee (LSI) was like "everyone relaxes differently" when I talked about it later. She wasn't that bothered by it. She just thought it was funny.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    I twisted my left knee when I slipped and fell while running. It's been three weeks now and the tendon is still fucked up. I can walk in a straight line without too much pain, but my leg doesn't do turns well.

    I was getting out of my car the other day at the specialty foods store. This involves opening the door, swinging a leg out, then carefully putting weight on it as I stand up. I looked up to see a woman watching me. Just watching me.

    I hate being physically broken, even just a little bit. I hate it.

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    Of all polr, Si polr seem like the best polr you could have. I think it's not gonna bring you that much trouble as other polr. People would not hate you much for the lack of Si. or LIE could buy it with their money.

    LIE is a good all-round type.

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    Will we start over, or circle the drain crazymaisy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarnished View Post
    Of all polr, Si polr seem like the best polr you could have. I think it's not gonna bring you that much trouble as other polr. People would not hate you much for the lack of Si. or LIE could buy it with their money.

    LIE is a good all-round type.
    Yeah. FE polr 75% trouble bringer. Hiding out all alone is our best option. There is great meaning in being ILI and wanting to be alone.
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    Yes - The Yes Album - from "Perpetual Change" (written by Howe and Squire)

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    I was running and slipped and fell and screwed up my knee pretty badly, but I got up, tested it for function, and ran a few hundred yards home. It didn’t seem that bad.

    Two weeks later I was running again and wow, it was that bad. I changed from running to walking, and by the end of the day, my knee was complaining a lot.

    I spent the next few days moving heavy objects around and the pain was making my eyes water and my stomach nauseous. The ESI that I was working with told me to go see a doctor, so I reluctantly did so. Usually, I never go see doctors.

    The doctor told me that I tore the meniscus in my knee and I needed to stop continuing to damage it or I wouldn’t be able to walk at all, and would need surgery just to get back up to “cripple” status. The doctor recommended physical therapy.

    So now I was in the hands of the Health System, which is Terra Incognito to me.

    While waiting a week for the first physical therapy session, I mostly stayed off my knee. It didn’t get worse, but it didn’t get better. Pain all the time, and about ten steps before it got serious.

    The physical therapist had me do some simple, low stress exercises to strengthen the muscles around the knee. The exercises are quick and easy and they seem to be working.

    I can’t believe this is working.

    And that’s Si-PoLR, folks. 100%.

    It’s like, you don’t want to look at that area, you don’t want to participate in that area, and you can’t believe anything in that area works at all.

    I dated an IEI once, and that’s exactly how her Te-PoLR looked to me.

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    Will we start over, or circle the drain crazymaisy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post

    I dated an IEI once, and that’s exactly how her Te-PoLR looked to me.

    My daughter IEI can be SOOOO FrustratING to me. She bangs her head at me since I can't use an encyclopedia in my head to prove what I say to her. Such disbelief and ... not fun for an NiTe mother.

    She goes around in her little cloud of happy/miserable beta whatever cloud and I should just leave her out of my informative discussions.
    ILI-Ni (INTp)
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    "And one peculiar point I see,
    As one of the many ones of me.
    As truth is gathered, I rearrange,
    Inside out, outside in, inside out, outside in,
    Perpetual change"

    Yes - The Yes Album - from "Perpetual Change" (written by Howe and Squire)

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazymaisy View Post
    My daughter IEI can be SOOOO FrustratING to me. She bangs her head at me since I can't use an encyclopedia in my head to prove what I say to her. Such disbelief and ... not fun for an NiTe mother.

    She goes around in her little cloud of happy/miserable beta whatever cloud and I should just leave her out of my informative discussions.
    @crazymaisy, I have an IEI cousin whom I love dearly, but I can't spent much time with her because my Te actually hurts her. I can turn my Te off to a degree and try to act like an Se-dom SLE, but I'm not great at it and things quickly become problematic for both of us.

    If I'm going to spend some time with her, I try to involve a third party. Preferably a Beta.

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    Will we start over, or circle the drain crazymaisy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @crazymaisy, I have an IEI cousin whom I love dearly, but I can't spent much time with her because my Te actually hurts her. I can turn my Te off to a degree and try to act like an Se-dom SLE, but I'm not great at it and things quickly become problematic for both of us.

    If I'm going to spend some time with her, I try to involve a third party. Preferably a Beta.
    I have this weird beta-gamma-alpha family

    Youngest is alpha, without him our dynamic was pretty good, curve balls now from the "baby" but I digress

    My IEI has that lovely SLE for a brother and when they are together, it's great, and yes, everything is peachy with us.

    Without alpha in the mix we are all dual and semi-duals and Kindred to each other with just two of us ILI same.

    SEE - ILI
    SLE - IEI


    But all of us have Creative for each other's PoLR

    Good and bad, but more good than bad.
    ILI-Ni (INTp)
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    "And one peculiar point I see,
    As one of the many ones of me.
    As truth is gathered, I rearrange,
    Inside out, outside in, inside out, outside in,
    Perpetual change"

    Yes - The Yes Album - from "Perpetual Change" (written by Howe and Squire)

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    The one person that insists I need to work on my outbursts is my IEI. She doesn't "understand" why I won't. LOL
    ILI-Ni (INTp)
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    "And one peculiar point I see,
    As one of the many ones of me.
    As truth is gathered, I rearrange,
    Inside out, outside in, inside out, outside in,
    Perpetual change"

    Yes - The Yes Album - from "Perpetual Change" (written by Howe and Squire)

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazymaisy View Post
    The one person that insists I need to work on my outbursts is my IEI. She doesn't "understand" why I won't. LOL
    Probably a result of the - axis conflicting with their - axis. In the mind of the IEI things would work out better for you if you didn't get so passionate, stubborn, and/or implacable all of a sudden for, in their mind, no really good reason. In your (and my own) mind they're failing to understand how, when, and why ya just gotta stand up for your principles regardless of the consequences.

    This is likely why kindred relationships are quite positive and yet also still somewhat frustrating. See, the leading functions match up so that's awesome, but the creative functions are the other's PoLR and the judgement axis' are mirrored thereby. wants to construct a universal and internally consistent system and relates the workings of it to others in such a way that they may best implement them. knows best how to relate systems and logic to others and get them to set upon the realization of their system.

    For us it is reversed. tells us what we plain and simply must do no matter what others say and is what/how we relate to others (and ourselves) how that may best be brought about. You want X? Well for reasons you're damn right you do and here's the way of making it happen!

    It creates and endlessly intriguing and enjoyable dynamic for both ends, but there is still that lingering frustration. The kindred is so, so very close to actually "getting it" as it were so far as both sides are concerned. And yet, they never actually will. And maybe we both rather like that seemingly negative fact. After all, a world of identical types would be so very boring, vapid, and empty. It is our conflicts, both minor and major and the contexts therein that make life interesting and stories compelling

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @crazymaisy, I have an IEI cousin whom I love dearly, but I can't spent much time with her because my Te actually hurts her. I can turn my Te off to a degree and try to act like an Se-dom SLE, but I'm not great at it and things quickly become problematic for both of us.

    If I'm going to spend some time with her, I try to involve a third party. Preferably a Beta.
    LIE supervises IEI. I guess this is why I can get along with them better as their kindred. I can actually "Turn Off" my pretty damned easy whereas you cannot. Servants can be ordered back to their quarters within good reason, but commanders must always assume the mantle of command. A person's "leading" function is the supreme commander of their psyche, where "the buck stops" as it were. To turn it off would be akin to turning off gravity. You simply cannot no matter how much you may desire to.

    Their creative function is likewise their most loyal, competent, and actually willing servant/apostle. Let's use an example. Why does serve my ? Because, if I must anthropomorphize this, he/she/it knows/believes with all their heart and soul that if, in my case, they can but feed me the best objective facts I will see the best way forward. No matter what else it believes in my /their master and commander and works its ass off in order to get my to where it needs to be. It serves because it is only right it serves. I need data to function. Data it dutifully gathers and provides whenever I request it of them.

    To put it bluntly, the creative function has a religious faith in the leading and will never truly fight against it thereby. Like I keep saying, we all have a god. Now I bet many others may be coming to a better understanding of their relationships if you think of these concepts that way. I can expand upon them, but that'd take way more work. Might do it anyway if enough people are interested

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    To put it bluntly, the creative function has a religious faith in the leading and will never truly fight against it thereby. Like I keep saying, we all have a god. Now I bet many others may be coming to a better understanding of their relationships if you think of these concepts that way. I can expand upon them, but that'd take way more work. Might do it anyway if enough people are interested
    Seems to me you want to, so DO IT!
    ILI-Ni (INTp)
    I think in pictures, moving pictures...

    Recommended Music - ILI-Ni

    "And one peculiar point I see,
    As one of the many ones of me.
    As truth is gathered, I rearrange,
    Inside out, outside in, inside out, outside in,
    Perpetual change"

    Yes - The Yes Album - from "Perpetual Change" (written by Howe and Squire)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I was running and slipped and fell and screwed up my knee pretty badly
    hm, to me it's good to hear that the *original* injury came about from a simple mistake and not something like improper form / insufficient conditioning (e.g., working the glutes, the core, stretching the fascia through foam rolling...), the latter of which hampered my now-retired running career. I didn't and don't have the Te and Ni to formulate and stick to a comprehensive fitness plan that would support running at the distances I was trying (especially at the encouragement of others) to run. So to me if you were running without issues until this incident, i'm impressed

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    Quote Originally Posted by wonderwoman View Post
    hm, to me it's good to hear that the *original* injury came about from a simple mistake and not something like improper form / insufficient conditioning (e.g., working the glutes, the core, stretching the fascia through foam rolling...), the latter of which hampered my now-retired running career. I didn't and don't have the Te and Ni to formulate and stick to a comprehensive fitness plan that would support running at the distances I was trying (especially at the encouragement of others) to run. So to me if you were running without issues until this incident, i'm impressed
    It would be nice to be able to say that I was running without issues before this, but that’s not true. I started cutting back on my running a few years ago when the pain in my knees and ankles got to be too bad. Since then, I only go out intermittently. I had been walking and riding a bike regularly and I thought I was back up to being 18 again or some such stupidity. So I pushed myself to run like I had before, and that, of course, was a big mistake.

    I sometimes think that I’m in the greatest danger when I try to do something that I USED TO BE good at but which I haven’t done for a while. I remember the exhilaration but forget the caution that protected me.

    So, yeah. I was ignoring my body and I screwed it up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    It would be nice to be able to say that I was running without issues before this, but that’s not true. I started cutting back on my running a few years ago when the pain in my knees and ankles got to be too bad. Since then, I only go out intermittently. I had been walking and riding a bike regularly and I thought I was back up to being 18 again or some such stupidity. So I pushed myself to run like I had before, and that, of course, was a big mistake.

    I sometimes think that I’m in the greatest danger when I try to do something that I USED TO BE good at but which I haven’t done for a while. I remember the exhilaration but forget the caution that protected me.

    So, yeah. I was ignoring my body and I screwed it up.
    I can relate, especially with my Se wanting to feel those good vibes quickly. Glad that the PT is helping. And thanks for elaborating - I enjoy hearing more of the backstory.

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    Hmm I see si-polr as rudeness or not being appropriately caring towards an individual. Even though EIEs and LIEs can be quite the opposite of this. When it’s bad it’s bad though.

    I once took a family member to a party and they took drugs and overdosed and I had to call an ambulance and spend the night with them in hospital. I feel bad that I hadn’t kept more or an eye on my own family member. However..later on I heard that the host of the party (my childhood EIE best friend) had been in a strop because after the ambulance came the vibe of the party was ruined and we had ruined her birthday party. She said my family member would have been fine if we’d just let things pass…uh no. I watched my family member fitting in a bathroom, body in contortions and her lips blew up like she’d had surgery on them from how much she bit them.

    Also: I actually feel in a very si-polr mood myself the last few days as I’m feeling exhausted from xmas and new year’s busyness. I feel a little on edge, grumpy and like I want to see people but also don’t at the same time.

    Edit: SORRY I MISREAD the title of the thread, def in a si-polr mood..bad moody/impulsive/ bit worn out
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 01-06-2022 at 01:21 PM.

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    My Si-polr is why I always buy my clothing at physical stores, despite so many shopping online nowadays, due to the COVID-pandemic. The last time I bought shoes I was very glad for the expertise of the shopkeeper. Despite that I recalled my usual size, they turned out to be two sizes too large. I had walked in them a bit and tested to see if they fitted, but I genuinely didn't notice. If they had been too small, I would have easily picked up on that, but I have a hard time recognizing if something's too large for me or a good fit. This is why I rather shop as seldomly as possible and buy a lot whenever I do have to go shopping, because the next time I have to figure it out all over again what fits me and what doesn't.

    I am, however, able to easily judge what style of clothing I like and suits me. I think that this is because it seems to be Se-related, instead of Si.
    Last edited by Armitage; 01-06-2022 at 03:13 PM.

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    Ok so I was just thinking about an LIE lady I know who is my colleague and I’d also call her a work friend. For a while she’d try to talk to me but I always thought she seemed to talk too much and didn’t know how to turn-take in a convo. This is before I know about socionics and I didn’t think much of it, I just thought oh nice lady but can’t be bothered to get into a mundane/tricky conversation in my lunch break. At some point we did start chatting though and during the pandemic I ended up joining her writing group and chatting a lot in the office. All I can really say relating to si-polr is sometimes she talks too much and I think she exhausts herself by it. She is a pretty funny lady telling off people in the customer service setting I work in..especially regarding Covid restrictions. I know she has some health problems too and I sense she probably is a little depressed being single. Or more than a little.

    Another LIE female I knew briefly told me she was always known as the ‘mother’ in her friendship group, taking care of people. I didn’t know her long but she just seemed really nice. She was a very high achieving student. I remember her saying she had a very dark sense of humour.

    Another female I work with..oh boy I can see us falling out already. She has a screechy voice, bad temper and says insensitive/awkward stuff or disguises rude comments in a playful way. She gets frustrated with me, as if to suggest I’m being uncaring or inconsiderate, when she is doing that same thing to me without realising the irony..There are things that are cool or nice about her but I think we def need to find a more appropriate boundary apart from each other. Also, she has mentioned having quite severe depression in the past.

    Male LIEs:

    One annoying young one I work with. Doesn’t understand the concept of personal space. This may just be a young male thing. Or something about my work place because it’s happened before with an SEI.

    A guy I used to know: used to overdo at the gym, now he appears to be taking part in body-building competitions. Looks happy/healthy. Posts too many pics of his social life/himself on Instagram but sweet, fun guy from what I recall.

    Another LIE: just a bit intense. Quite fun to party with, similar to SEE. Chats to people and acts a bit crazy.
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 01-06-2022 at 08:44 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    Another female I work with..oh boy I can see us falling out already. She has a screechy voice, bad temper and says insensitive/awkward stuff or disguises rude comments in a playful way. She gets frustrated with me, as if to suggest I’m being uncaring or inconsiderate, when she is doing that same thing to me without realising the irony..There are things that are cool or nice about her but I think we def need to find a more appropriate boundary apart from each other. Also, she has mentioned having quite severe depression in the past.
    it turns out this person is really quite nice. Supervision can be v cool. All ITR are precious really

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    it turns out this person is really quite nice. Supervision can be v cool. All ITR are precious really

    Bethany, I've dated a few IEIs and I think THEY are very cool, and two of them were talking LTR with a potential contract.

    BUT, I married my Supervisor and after a few years, found that there were some significant problems. I also have a beloved IEI cousin whom I grew up with. I love her dearly, but I can't hang out with her for very long because my Te hurts her.

    Long term, Supervision turns into one-sided Conflict. Apartness is the medicine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Bethany, I've dated a few IEIs and I think THEY are very cool, and two of them were talking LTR with a potential contract.

    BUT, I married my Supervisor and after a few years, found that there were some significant problems. I also have a beloved IEI cousin whom I grew up with. I love her dearly, but I can't hang out with her for very long because my Te hurts her.

    Long term, Supervision turns into one-sided Conflict. Apartness is the medicine.
    Yeah I can’t be around my mum and dad when they’re arguing. I can’t tell who suffers more though. The person who’s learned to tune out the shouting or the person doing the shouting..I think with some LIE friends there is a natural boundary, you both understand. But with some LIEs I just end up clashing with them even if we’re both trying to be nice.
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 01-17-2022 at 07:20 AM.

  29. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    it turns out this person is really quite nice. Supervision can be v cool. All ITR are precious really
    Absolutely. Outside of the typology community, my experiences with SLEs are completely different. The main difference is that rather than Fi-bashing and embracing their PoLR, the (older, more mature ones, at least) are capable of realizing it's their own flaw and they need to improve. I love SLEs, though, and appreciate several things about them. I don't think I've met anyone who was my supervisor in RL/outside of typology communities, so...can't say there.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neuroplasticity View Post
    Absolutely. Outside of the typology community, my experiences with SLEs are completely different. The main difference is that rather than Fi-bashing and embracing their PoLR, the (older, more mature ones, at least) are capable of realizing it's their own flaw and they need to improve. I love SLEs, though, and appreciate several things about them. I don't think I've met anyone who was my supervisor in RL/outside of typology communities, so...can't say there.’s confusing. She is nice but she does seem a bit obsessed with wanting to be my friend, maybe outside of work as well as at work. That I do not appreciate, but maybe if I just ignore it she’ll stop. I think it also might just be time to move jobs.

    I had a better dynamic with the other LIEs I mentioned earlier. I truly admire the lady who runs my writing group, she has a very sweet side. Recently I’ve worked closely with two (LIEs) who have really bothered me. I think my bosses are hiring different kinds of people atm..

    I don’t know if I would have tolerated these people better in the past. Either way, I have to now. I had to tell the young LIE male off recently..maybe when you’ve been somewhere a few years the chances simply increase that you’ll work with someone a bit challenging and make you want to leave/progress

    ok this is going way off topic now but..

    I get paranoid that with some people you can get into a sort of faux supervision dynamic with people who aren’t your supervisor/supervisee. I really don’t like the thought of someone seeing me as a supervisor..even if they admire me partially.
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 01-16-2022 at 09:03 AM.

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    Wow, you know many LIEs, @Bethany, and here I was thinking that I was a special snowflake.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    Wow, you know many LIEs, @Bethany, and here I was thinking that I was a special snowflake.
    You are one! Btw you remind me a bit of a friend I know. He’s ILE. Isn’t that weird when someone on the forum reminds you a little of someone you know? (not calling you an ILE btw haha)

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    Surprise, it's me!
    Now I only have to go after my evil clone first. Or am I the evil clone?

    I have actually heard more often that some people think of me as an ILE, but that's probably due to the fact that in my casual mood I enjoy joking with Ne. Since I'm Ne-demonstrative, I'm strong in it, but don't take it too seriously, hence I find it ideal for fooling around. There's presently no serious business going on, after all.
    Last edited by Armitage; 01-09-2022 at 09:32 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    Now I only have to go after my evil clone first. Or am I the evil clone?
    I swear this is a joke my mate would make ha.

    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    have actually heard more often that some people think of me as an ILE, but that's probably due to the fact that in my casual mood I enjoy joking with Ne. Since I'm Ne-demonstrative, I'm strong in it, but don't take it too seriously, hence I find it ideal for fooling around. There's presently no serious business going on, after all.
    well you are silly hahaha maybe you have a good handle on some si stuff too? Sometimes I think I have a weird relationship with si, stemming from both my parents being si types (sli, ese). I was also the first born child so it was just me and si types for a couple of years. My really good SEE friend is very SEI like in my eyes, and her mum is an SEI. It took me a while to decide SEE for her. She is intensely E6 and is incredibly warm, although it can be alarming when she gets randomly angry.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    I swear this is a joke my mate would make ha.
    I purposefully put on my ILE silly hat. ...It makes me look like a wizard.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    maybe you have a good handle on some si stuff too?
    Seeing my room would cause any Si-user to hopelessly despair; piles of piper stacked on my coffee table and notes lying everywhere on my desk. Multiple computers and screens put in a corner, and solar system posters rolled up for years, instead of hung onto the wall. Only my bookshelf is orderly, whereas everything else I'll take care of "when nothing important is going on"... Some of those paper piles are from high-school still.
    I'm actually considering to take a gap year after my statistics master, so I can clean up, but also to conduct one of the university's faculty improvement projects and to apply for chairmanship of the sustainability committee. ... At the end of that year I probably have done a good job at the latter two, but have barely thrown away half a pile of papers, LOL. #Self-Awareness #Priorities #Si-polr

    At least my room is still livable and not as bad as that one LII professor. Jolly guy, but he can't turn around in his own office or everyone in there will be flooded with a tsunami of notes, papers, and books. It's a wonder he can find anything in there, but he actually knows where everything's at. And he sure does a better job at finding his stuff than his LIE-Te neighbour, who despite ordering and archiving everything, cannot find the papers I handed him last week even if his life depended on it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    I purposefully put on my ILE silly hat. ...It makes me look like a wizard.

    Seeing my room would cause any Si-user to hopelessly despair; piles of piper stacked on my coffee table and notes lying everywhere on my desk. Multiple computers and screens put in a corner, and solar system posters rolled up for years, instead of hung onto the wall. Only my bookshelf is orderly, whereas everything else I'll take care of "when nothing important is going on"... Some of those paper piles are from high-school still.
    I'm actually considering to take a gap year after my statistics master, so I can clean up, but also to conduct one of the university's faculty improvement projects and to apply for chairmanship of the sustainability committee. ... At the end of that year I probably have done a good job at the latter two, but have barely thrown away half a pile of papers, LOL. #Self-Awareness #Priorities #Si-polr

    At least my room is still livable and not as bad as that one LII professor. Jolly guy, but he can't turn around in his own office or everyone in there will be flooded with a tsunami of notes, papers, and books. It's a wonder he can find anything in there, but he actually knows where everything's at. And he sure does a better job at finding his stuff than his LIE-Te neighbour, who despite ordering and archiving everything, cannot find the papers I handed him last week even if his life depended on it.
    @Armitage, my room was similar to yours until I hired an ESI to redecorate. She threw out everything; papers, clothes, furniture, and bed, and bought new, according to her taste, and now the place looks great and I feel as if my mind is unburdened.

    Try it. It worked for me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    Surprise, it's me!
    Now I only have to go after my evil clone first. Or am I the evil clone?

    I have actually heard more often that some people think of me as an ILE, but that's probably due to the fact that in my casual mood I enjoy joking with Ne. Since I'm Ne-demonstrative, I'm strong in it, but don't take it too seriously, hence I find it ideal for fooling around. There's presently no serious business going on, after all.
    I've never been mistaken for an LII but now that I think about it I think I get why "Quasi-Identical" relationships kinda sorta work out. I myself am intimately aware of and how it goes about things. To use an example I came up with...

    Say I was presented with the mythical "Gordian knot". Now, from a theoretical standpoint it is impossible to create an "impossibly" tangled knot unless you cheated and welded sections of the knot to others somehow. Like, say, the knot was constructed of nylon and you gave it a quick pass or two over a fierce and open flame. So long as that didn't happen I am well and perfectly able to untangle it without recourse to the sword and just cutting it... but I'd rather just slash it along its obvious weakpoint and be done with it! If I was given a choice in a void of course .

    The LII on the other hand would rather just untie it peaceably... but if pressed for time would know how and where to slash if it came down to it. He'd be a bit disappointed at how he was denied the chance to actually demonstrate the subtle beauty of the knot as they untied it so meticulously and carefully but all types are still human. The LII may be most everything I am not and operate on literally opposed decision axis on all fronts but we share a common humanity. Put em' in the right place at the wrong time and you'll see em' channel that shadow rather effectively!

    Case in point? Imagine if an LII saw and heard the dude who presented him with the knot swore to the highest divinities they both acknowledged that they didn't cheat and pass that nylon knot over an open flame when he wasn't looking. Once it became obvious that someone had maliciously fucked with the LII's base assumptions oh boy. If people think us gamma's know how to hurt people...

    People often make the mistake of thinking "theories" or "conjecture" can explain everything. This is the fundamental error of . likewise makes a similar and likewise major error, that everything is fundamentally "logical" on some level. A thing can be perfectly and completely logically illogical. How the fuck else would one explain "mental illness" and attachment issues after all?
    Last edited by End; 01-11-2022 at 04:48 AM.

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    As my life goes, I untie every knot that comes my way. No f'd up knots so far. It doesn't make me "feel" anything other than peaceful, another successful unknotting.
    ILI-Ni (INTp)
    I think in pictures, moving pictures...

    Recommended Music - ILI-Ni

    "And one peculiar point I see,
    As one of the many ones of me.
    As truth is gathered, I rearrange,
    Inside out, outside in, inside out, outside in,
    Perpetual change"

    Yes - The Yes Album - from "Perpetual Change" (written by Howe and Squire)

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    A few things in my case that probably haven't been mentioned:

    - Lack of a sense of belonging to "groups" such as family, or a nationality or patriotic sentiment. You just develop agency towards whathever you "like" (Fi DS) or "makes sense" (Te),

    - Strange relation to your body, as if you didn't have a "material" nature. Like it was just a thing that hangs from your head. Notices but can ignore bodily signals such as pain.

    - Dislike of sexual interchange unless really motivated (i.e in love), especially kissing (tolerates hugs better though). Other people cause feelings of ickyness generally.

    - Spartan nature. Requires very little.

    - Self-referential sense pertaining aesthetics almost absent.
    Last edited by roger557; 01-13-2022 at 03:08 PM.

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    @Adam Strange, I wish I could hire an ESI to do so for me too, yet as a student I have to hold my own pants up, because I don't earn the money yet.

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