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Thread: What can you deduce about these two people in this IM chat?

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    Default What can you deduce about these two people in this IM chat?

    The following is an IM convo I had with one of my mates about 25 minutes ago. It started off on a debate whether it was right to throw away cats on the grounds that they are annyoing and kind of escalated into a full on talk about morality and stuff (I love it when that happens). Pictures of us are at the bottom of the page.

    I'm interested in what you feel you can deduce socionics wise about us from this conversation and our relationship together.

    Patrick says: my cat is so stupid
    Ben says: lol
    Patrick says:she comes in the back door of the house then sits at the front door immediatly and meows till we let her out
    Ben says:lol
    Ben says:unlucky
    Ben says:i reckon u give it away
    Ben says:wud u miss it
    Patrick says:course I would
    Ben says:u serious??
    Ben says:i wud never miss a cat
    Ben says:the stupid creatures
    Patrick says:Well you know what they say
    Patrick says:"You can shoot all the blue jays you want, but it's a sin to kill a cat"
    Ben says:narp
    Ben says:to kill a mocking bird
    Patrick says:If you don't do english lit that one may not rub off on you
    Ben says:ive read it
    Ben says:i decided to read it cos th eeng lit ppl said it was goo
    Ben says:good*
    Patrick saysne of the best books every written imo
    Patrick says:It's just perfect
    Ben says:u think??
    Patrick says:Almost like Stephen Kerr wrote it
    Patrick says:He wrote the perfect essay once
    Ben says:lol
    Ben says:really??
    Patrick says:much to our english classes hilarity
    Patrick says:yeah lol
    Ben says:did u like that book?
    Patrick says:Mockingbird?
    Patrick says:what book? ^^
    Ben says:yea
    Patrick says:Loved it
    Ben says:did u feel sorry for ur crazy guy
    Ben says:the one who took the black guy to court
    Ben says:i forget the names
    Patrick says:Well yeah, everybody is a product of their environment ben
    Patrick says:It's not like our personality is decided when we're born
    Ben says:but u can choose ur environment
    Patrick says:not in Bob Ewell's case
    Ben says:yea
    Ben says:he cudda worked
    Patrick says:He was raised to act like a shit therefor he grew up like a shit
    Patrick says:It was how Maycomb treated him how he was
    Patrick says:Same for anybody that does a bad action
    Ben says:to be treated like he was hed have to gain that personality to begin with
    Ben says:some bad action is just a bad choice
    Ben says:not all of it is how we were treated
    Patrick says:Not when you don't know any better
    Patrick says:The only reason Atticus was like he was was because he had a damn good education
    Ben says:but if everyone treats u nice
    Ben says:u wont be nice
    Patrick says:it's not about being nice
    Patrick says:It's about the morals that you accept and whether you cross them
    Patrick says:In Bob's eyes
    Ben says:no but its about being how ur treated
    Patrick says:He wasn't doing anything wrong
    Patrick says:But in Atticus eyes he was a tool
    Ben says:well he was being a drain on society
    Patrick says:Society gave up on him
    Patrick says:and people like him before he was born
    Ben says:no someone hired him the book said
    Ben says:and he quit like first day
    Patrick says:that's because he's completely fucked up
    Patrick says:it's like arresting a paedophile
    Patrick says:Fair enough, they do horrible stuff
    Patrick says:But you know that deep down they arn't right
    Patrick says:and something shit must have happened to them to make them feel that way towards children
    Patrick says:So it's really not right to punish them
    Patrick says:You have to rehabilitate them
    Ben says:yea
    Patrick says:It's not their fault their parents abused them etc....
    Ben says:ill debate wen i can talk
    Patrick says:same applies to Bob Ewell
    Ben says:i dont like it over the comp
    Patrick says:It's easier for me over the comp
    Ben says:u can t reHabilitate bob ewell
    Patrick says:And that is the whole point of the novel
    Patrick says:the damage was done to bob as his personality was developing in his childhood
    Ben says:did he commit suicide in t end
    Ben says:the*
    Patrick says:Bob didn't he tried to attack Jem and Scout then Boo radley came and stopped him
    Patrick says:Radley stuck the knife in him in self defence
    Ben saysh rite
    Ben says:so thats the solution
    Ben says:lol
    Ben saysj
    Patrick says:lmao
    Patrick says:This is one of the primary reasons Christianity pisses me off so much
    Patrick says:no offence
    Ben says:why sorry?
    Patrick says:It's says God gave us free will to do as we please
    Patrick says:But some of us are at a much greater disadvantage than others
    Patrick says:And effectively our personalities are formed from the environment God gave us
    Patrick says:So that means
    Patrick says:God pretty much decided how we act
    Ben says:but the environment has been formed by peoples sin if u wanna put it that way
    Patrick says:Sin is a really stupid word if you think about it
    Ben says:yea
    Ben says:that was for want of a better word
    Patrick says:It's pretty easy to go against God if your a single mother that needs to raise money for her children by prostitution
    Patrick says:and that is why God's system of judgement is entirely unjust
    Ben says:but its a breakdown of society that causes that
    Patrick says:Yes
    Patrick says:But then
    Patrick says:That means that we are accountable for the sins of those before us
    Patrick says:which is drastically unfair
    Ben says:no she didnt have to have a child with that random bloke on the corner
    Patrick says:but in her eyes she knew no alternative
    Ben says:than having a child??
    Patrick says:her moral values were warped just like Bob ewells
    Ben says:u all know a child costs money
    Ben says:admit this tho
    Ben says:if everyone was a true christian society would have less problem
    Patrick says:If everyone was a true christian we would probably still have slaves, women would be subservient to men, free will would not exist
    Ben says:i didnt say that
    Patrick says:Some people overlook the fact that God is a tight fucker when it comes to women
    Ben says:i said society would have less problems
    Patrick says:No
    Patrick says:because morality is only morality in the eye of the beholder
    Ben says:exactly and if everyone was achristian everyone wud have the same eye
    Patrick says:but that doesn't make it the right eye does it?
    Ben says:i didnt say that
    Ben says:but ur avoidin teh ques
    Ben says:and point
    Patrick says:I'm not avoiding it
    Ben says:its not a debate that christians are right or wrong
    Ben says:u are
    Patrick says:It's just your asking your questions on the assumption that the morals of christianity are the absolute set of morals
    Ben says:im not tho
    Patrick says:you are though
    Ben says:k watever u think
    Patrick says:lol
    Ben says:rite
    Patrick says:hold on I'll answer them as easily as I can
    Ben says:dont type for a min
    Ben says:ill ask a ques
    Patrick says:k
    Ben says:not saying that christianity is right... if everyone today became a true christian society would be a better place
    Ben says:dont type still
    Ben says:reasons as follows
    Ben says:communism wud work because there wud be no corrupt polititians sex in marriage so no single mothers
    Ben says:also this is assuming christians are perfect which i hasten to say is not true
    Ben says:rite go
    Patrick says:K don't type
    Ben says:k
    Ben says:whoops
    Ben says:lol
    Ben says:go
    Patrick says:"if everyone today became a true christian society would be a better place"
    Patrick says:This means that society would operate off an absolute set of morals and there would be no choice of free will. To define a 'better' place would be claiming that you know how to make society better. The defenition of better varies immensely between different individuals and if everybody was a true Christian then this would not be upheld.
    Patrick says:It would be a better place in the case that there would be no rapists or paedophiles
    Patrick says:But
    Patrick says:It would not be a society that exercises the will that God gave us
    Patrick says:"Communism would work"
    Patrick says:This assumes that morality follows productivity in life
    Patrick says:That's to say
    Patrick says:If I am a man with a 'good' set of morals then naturally I am going to be somebody that works for a living
    Patrick says:"No corrupt politicians"
    Patrick says:If society was absolute there would be no need for politicians as there would be no arguments between either side as there is nothing for them to compete against
    Patrick says:"Sex in Marriage"
    Ben says:excellent even better
    Ben says:no polititians
    Patrick says:Hehe maybe for Northern ireland
    Ben says:srry
    Patrick says:nps
    Patrick says:To say sex before marriage simply dismisses the fact that sex CAN BE a VERY good and enjoyable thing between two individuals before marriage
    Patrick says:God states that sex outside of marriage is against his 'wishes'
    Patrick saysr will
    Patrick says:it began with the letter w
    Patrick says:^^
    Ben says:lol
    Patrick says:Sex can help two individuals consolidate their love for one another before their marriage, sex can help people to get married
    Patrick says:In some cases can fuck it up
    Patrick says:in some cases sex can make it better
    Patrick says:So really
    Patrick says:If there was no sex before marriage and if there was sex before marriage there really isn't a tremendous difference between the two
    Patrick says:Without sex nothing given nothing gained
    Patrick says:nothing lost
    Ben says:well if sex was granted before marriage
    Patrick says:with sex there is the possibility of something gained something lost
    Patrick says:it really all evens out in my opinion
    Ben says:it wud be abused
    Patrick says:define abused
    Ben says:srry from achristian point of view
    Ben says:it wud cause single parent families
    Ben says:unless a 100% effective condom was created
    Patrick says:you're missing my point
    Ben says:srry
    Ben says:explain
    Patrick says:K let me gather my thoughts lol
    Patrick says:right
    Ben says:k
    Ben says
    Ben says:were u on a rant
    Patrick says:lol no
    Ben says:lol
    Patrick sayskay lets both agree that sex before marriage can lead to two individuals being together for the rest of their life because the marriage consolidated their love - even though it may be wrong by biblical teaching
    Patrick says:does that seem okay to you?
    Ben says:wait
    Ben says:well it may do for some ppl but i reckon if ur gonna be with someone for the rest of ur life u should know without sex
    Patrick says:but you agreed that it "may do for some ppl"
    Ben saysk yes i agree with ur point
    Patrick says:so in effect, it can make people very happy together
    Patrick says:kk
    Ben says:yes *hesitantly*
    Patrick sayskay and I'm sure we both agree that sex before marriage can completely fuck things up totally, abortion, single mothers and all yeah?
    Ben says:k
    Patrick sayskay
    Patrick says:now let me try and get this right
    Ben says:k
    Patrick says:If there was no sex before marriage, none at all
    Patrick says:The couples that possibly could have been happy together do not get a chance to consolidate their TRUE love for oneanother, not just lust, love
    Patrick says:and
    Ben says:k
    Patrick says:The people that fucked up all their lives by 'abusing' sex and creating single mothers and unwanted children and abortion and stuff wouldn't have had this stuff happened to them
    Patrick says:So my point is that in effect
    Ben says:srry wait
    Patrick says:There is really no moral slant on either side of the argument, with sex before marriage you can win and you can lose; with no sex before marriage you can't win and you can't lose
    Ben says:but its better for society if you have less couples than if u have single mothers who cant afford to keep their child
    Patrick says:But do you have the right to deny the people that could have met having sex before marriage their happiness?
    Ben says:no i dont
    Ben says:im just sayin i'd sacrifice some ppls true love for struggleing single mothers
    Ben says:srry for no stuggling mother
    Patrick says:and I'd say I'd sacrifice some struggling mothers so some people can be happy together
    Ben says:really??
    Ben saysnly cos ud never be one
    Ben says:ur not being empathetic
    Patrick says:I only used struggling mother's as an example
    Patrick says:I'd say exactly the same thing about AIDS
    Ben saysut that into context plz
    Patrick says:has sex before marriage possible aids possible happiness, doesn't have sex no chance of aids no chance of happiness
    Patrick says:same principles pretty much
    Ben says:see
    Ben says:this is where u try and be have a happy life
    Ben says:if you depend on sex for happiness then yes ur gonna choose sex
    Patrick says:I never said depend ben
    Ben says:but if yu can have friends for happiness or a good job
    Ben says:soory
    Patrick says:I said kind of use to consolidate
    Ben says:if u use sex for happiness
    Patrick says:kk
    Ben says:well there are other ways to be happy so if u dont have sex in that situation then it is still possible to be happy
    Ben says:and not have aids
    Ben saysr single mothers
    Patrick says:but there are still couples that exist that would not have existed had sex before marriage been permitted
    Patrick says:and to ban sex before marriage is to ban love between two individuals in some cases
    Patrick says:And I'm not willing to do that
    Patrick says:regardless of whether they're gay or straight or whatever
    Ben says:lol
    Ben says:kk
    Ben says:well whether in the unlikely case that we decide im roght i dont think gordon brown'll buy it
    Ben says:but anyway
    Ben says:thanks for the debate
    Patrick says:lol you too though
    Ben says:gotta go do bio
    Patrick says:I think you can do argument mathematically
    Ben says?
    Patrick says:+1 -1 = 0, 0 - 0 =0
    Ben says:me or you in general?
    Patrick says:general
    Ben says:yea lol
    Ben says:neways
    Patrick says:so I think even though we both have different opinions
    Patrick says:we have everybodies best interests at heart
    Ben says:yea
    Ben says:u can never please everyone
    Ben says:which is too bad really
    Patrick says:^^
    Ben says:itd be nice to have everyone happy
    Ben says:cya tomoro
    Patrick says:later man
    Patrick says:have fun
    Ben says:i plan to



  2. #2

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    i think you guys are INXp, i'm not entirely sure

  3. #3
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    Middle school?
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Middle school is what 11-13 year olds attend in the US.

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    Oh. He was trying to be funny.

  7. #7
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    What is your age?
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Sixteen. What's yours? ^^

  9. #9
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    It's obvious he's young, but aren't you about the same age, UDP?
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  10. #10
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    Oh, about the IM thing - it's hard to say from that short and not very enlivened conversation, but you seem to prefer Fi to Fe, and maybe he prefers Fe to Fi.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  11. #11
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    You think I am 16 years old?
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  12. #12
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    I thought you were a teenager, or maybe in your very early 20s? I thought like 18 or something?
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pegs
    Oh. He was trying to be funny.
    I thought that he did pretty well in that regard.
    "Alpha Quadra subforum. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ~Obi-Wan Kenobi
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
    I thought you were a teenager, or maybe in your very early 20s? I thought like 18 or something?
    Nice save
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  15. #15
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    Isn't he that age? I thought he was still a teenager himself.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  16. #16
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    UDP is not a teenager.

    I'll tell you what
    there is plenty wrong with me
    but I fixed up a few old buildings
    and I've planted a few trees.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logos
    Quote Originally Posted by Pegs
    Oh. He was trying to be funny.
    I thought that he did pretty well in that regard.
    I was not trying to be funny.

    I was a teenager last month.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by UDP III
    Quote Originally Posted by Logos
    Quote Originally Posted by Pegs
    Oh. He was trying to be funny.
    I thought that he did pretty well in that regard.
    I was not trying to be funny.

    I was a teenager last month.
    I still found your statement to be humorous.
    "Alpha Quadra subforum. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ~Obi-Wan Kenobi
    Johari Box

  19. #19
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    Patrick you seem ESTJ, your mate could be ESFP.
    Well I am back. How's everyone? Don't have as much time now, but glad to see some of the old gang are still here.

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    My POV:

    Patrick: Beta>Alpha>Gamma/Delta

    Ben: Gamma>Beta>Delta>Alpha

    Ben seems to value Te I think, and Patrick Ti. Just IMO.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mea
    My POV:

    Patrick: Beta>Alpha>Gamma/Delta

    Ben: Gamma>Beta>Delta>Alpha
    Sounds good.

    I would add, Ben: Se ego & Patrick: non-Se ego.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockclimber
    UDP is not a teenager.
    No, he's a man.

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