Quote Originally Posted by Darklord
Quote Originally Posted by Cone
I'll still probably lose sleep over it, and it will go into my "Register of Unforgiveable Mistakes".
You have one of those too? I thought I was the only one...

-The time I carried a joke too far on my father's birthday
-The time I forgot my costume for a play and had to use a girl's dress (And screwed it up even worse in a way I shall not mention )
-The time I refused to believe a girl's name
-The time I got my hand stuck in a pool table
-The time I got a piece of apple stuck in my ear channel ( Don't even ask...)
-The time I carried a joke too far in an online chat
and several others.

Every time I remember one, I remember the others, and I just want to sink into a hole in the ground.
And, now, the list has a new addition:
-The time I carried a joke too far on this thread
Pool table! That had me laughing...

Seriously though, DON'T FEEL BAD! If I truly wanted to scold you I would have sent a PM since I do not confront people in public unless it's absolutely necessary. I wasn't scolding you, just arguing Cone's (and the rest of us who don't feel we owe people an explanation as to why it's uncomfortable or not okay to touch us) case. No one's feelings were hurt, right Cone?

And like I said, I could tell what you were doing and it was a noble effort. There is a perspective here that you weren't getting quite yet, that's all. And who knows! I could be dead wrong about all of this. Just putting in my two cents.

The reason we type ourselves and eachother is to understand our differences. How can we begin to do that without risking the occasional misunderstand?

And don't get me started on my list... the top two things are jokes I made about death to the WRONG person at the WRONG time!!! Trust me, nothing on your list looks as bad as the stuff on mine... and have you ever said something when you were cranky and then later found out that someone cried over it??? That's happened to me more times than I care to admit to. There was this one girl that I used to be friends with who would call me crying and begging for forgiveness... and I'd yell at her and then hang up on her... and I wasn't even mad anymore! Okay, I gotta stop...