I have always had somewhat of an aversion to touch. Well, being touched is more like it. At holidays my relatives would always want hugs, and that irritated me for as long as I can remember. While some people are allowed inside my personal "bubble", as I refer to it, for the most part I just don't see what would make another person think it's okay to touch me or even be within a couple feet of me. It's an intrusion.

So this is somewhat of a pole I suppose. I'm looking for a correlation between type and how strongly people value their bubble. I realize that some of this is cultural... but let's give this a shot anyways. How much do you value your "bubble" on a scale of 0 to 10 (0 being you hug every person you walk past on the street and 10 being you have a clinical phobia of being touched by anyone at anytime and shy away if someone even stands within a couple feet of you)?

With family and close friends:
In a relationship:

Type: ENTp
Generally: 7.5
With family and close friends: 6.5
In a relationship: 1

This used to be a big issue for me. Now I think my tolerence is pretty healthy.