Quote Originally Posted by misutii
Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg
I was reading over Gulenko recently, where he made a really arrogant comment regarding "the impending fall of the West and the rise of the East".

Impression is created, that the West will not become to trouble itself the perception of deep multilevel concepts. Possibly because for the integral approach the right cerebral hemisphere, which in the technogenic civilization is secretly considered less developed, as the more primitive than leftist, answers. However, it is difficult to deny the fact that both Young and Aushra itself were faster eastern type scientists — certain spiritual to kieselguhr, but not laboratory- computer specialists.

This is not completely bad. It's no secret to anyone, that the West approaches its historical end. In the next decades a substantial change of the ethnic composition of Euro-Atlantic civilization in favor of alien to it peoples as a result of the low birth rate among the indigenous population and the mass migration from the poor countries expects us. Similar to Western Roman empire, its historical successor will undergo the invasion of contemporary "barbarians" and, shaken at her bases, will end further existence. World civilizational center inevitably is moved to the side of southeastern Asia. The sun arises in the east.
If a Western author does not introduce socionics, it will not be introduced at all. Institutionalized Russian bigotry is probably socionics's greatest opponent at this time.
He's not far off-base, if you ask me.
Seconded. I recommend "The Clash of Civilizations" by Samuel P. Huntington if anyone wants insights into this issue. He provides tonnes of interesting facts and charts, like that the West has been in decline since about 1920 (when it reached it's zenith), since then the West, relative to the rest of the world, has been steadily losing power- economically and politically. The cold war and eventual Western victory provided the illusion that the West had won and proved its system of liberal democracy to be superior and thus its system would become everyone's system. However, modernization and westernization have proven to be two different things.

Anyways I really recommend that book, it was written in 1998, I believe, but the information it provides accurately predicts pretty much everything in global politics that's happened lately (America's failure in Iraq, Ukraine's political instability, Russia moving away from a western style political democracy, increasing islamic fundamentalism in Turkey etc.)
If we had preserved the same West-to-East power ratio that we had in 1920, the West would be a super high-tech society full of wealth, and the rest of the world would be living in huts with primitive sewer systems. I think Huntington was talking about the power ratio being in decline, not the actual West itself. Isn't that a good thing?

[Just noticed the new breast cancer adds at the bottom of the page, btw ]