Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
please don't take this the wrong way...
but this is one of the reasons I have issues with the enneagram...(and the issue is budding for me into other personality typing systems as well)...
that a person can always find a way to justify a listed trait.
it falls under the human ability to find patterns where there may not even be any

that's not to say that i don't think a type description could perfectly fit a person,
at least...in certain situations/interactions
ah, yes, the forer effect. and why exactly do you find enneagram to be more susceptible to this than other typologies?

i'm curious as well. i think the base could look a bit hokey, what with the "mystical" look behind it, but i'd hardly compare it with astrology like some do here. i don't know, it seems like if you think jung's work is valid at all, the enneagram shouldn't be too far of a jump for you.