Quote Originally Posted by rockclimber
I've been told I sometimes mumble in sleep, but never say anything coherent.

Quote Originally Posted by jessica129
...just curious if anyone else has trouble sleeping with other people?
It depends, for me. I'm okay sleeping by myself (obviously), but I don't mind having someone else in close proximity. What makes it comfortable or not depends on whether or not I think they're comfortable with it. If I think they don't like it, I have more trouble sleeping because I'm all tense about trying not to bother them. If they're just fine or even welcoming, then I am, too. It can be comforting to have a warm someone next to me, to reach out and touch or even cuddle. When we were younger, it wasn't unusual for my sister and I to sleep in the same bed, usually because one of us had had a nightmare or was otherwise feeling alone.

I'm fine with sleeping in groups, too. For example, on camping trips with friends, the girls will often all pile into one tent. Or when I'm at summer camp with my little group, sometimes when we're outdoors the kids will cuddle up to me for warmth and comfort. Which I'm fine with. Makes me feel all motherly.