Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
Quote Originally Posted by FDG
Quote Originally Posted by machintruc
How to talk to them ? I know that well, my father is ESI himself.

1. Be modest and sincere. In contrast of LSE's, which would want you an assertive behaviour, ESI's prefer you submit to them. They are normative by nature.
2. Don't complain, they would think you're weak and childish.
3. Don't tell them to take risks, they can be pretty reckless and misevaluate them.
4. Avoid at most as possible to contradict or criticise them. Some ESI's always wants to be right, even if they are wrong.
5. If they do projection, don't react to it.
6. Avoid expressive volontary anger, they can take this as a personal attack.
7. Avoid to behave as unethical in general.
8. Be straightforward and tell them the truth. A thing they don't like is : lying.
9. If an ESI is yelling at you or insulting you, ignore it as it is possible. They can have a very loud voice, especially males.
10. If they begin to get angry, try to abort communication.
This is a good way to become their slaves.

1 - only if the requests are not unreasonable
2- probably
4- argue, argue and argue to death until they are hurt. This way they understand that they cannot always be right. I agree that you should avoid criticizing them. Unless their criticism becomes too much, in which case it's okay to "repay" it back
5- tell them that they are projecting
6- express anger when necessary
9- yell 2 times louder
10- as 9

Anyway Dioklecian. You have to be insisting. Depending on whether you know if the girl likes you or not, you can gauge if to insist on asking for a date, or not. Most ISFjs will reply "no" as standard response even when they like you.

It's not a "will", I have been living with an ISFj for 20 years, duh, so everything has been tested. Please think before posting.