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    Default ISFps and insects

    This may not be type related, but it's someone I noticed.

    My ISFp father was extremely annoyed by insects buzzing near him. He'd stop doing whatever he was doing in order to pursue and kill the bug. It was as if he couldn't do anything else before destroying the annoying insect.

    A few nights ago I had a drink with my present ISFp boss, and he behaved precisely the same way.

    I'm not saying that I like insects flying around my head, but it's not the same kind of reaction. Also, some people will wave the insects away but stop short of killing them. But my father and now my boss would stop everything else to destroy the insect.

    Coincidence, or is it perhaps type-related? I can see how a Si IP could be overly sensitive to something disrupting their sensorial perceptions of the immediate environment.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    could be an SF esfj daughter freaks out more than the usual person, too.

    yet she'll pick up frogs and lizards


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  3. #3
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    An ISFp I know usually went to lengths to make sure the insect was safely removed from the situation, and has recalled vivid memories of adoring insects when he was younger.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

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    reyn_til_runa's Avatar
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    These are the only 3 ISFps I know. I know the second one quite well.

    1) The female wants to become an entymologist and even traveled abroad to study insects.

    2) The male just discovered he has Lyme disease and before that had a spider bite that led to celulitis. He does not seem bothered by insects or the potential for insect bites as he spends most of his time outdoors. Prior to getting Lyme disease, he must have told me 10 times about being bitten by a tick. Perhaps he doesn't adore the insects, but if he were really bothered by all these bug bites, wouldn't he come indoors?

    3) The male ISFp I once knew seemed at peace with nature. He would have never freaked out about an insect being annoying. We saw horses with masks over their eyes one time and he was very interested in the flies as well as the horses. he was crawling in the dirt to take pictures.

    It could be, however, that an ISFp might react differently if an insect is indoors or out of his natural habitat.
    whenever the dog and i see each other we both stop where we are. we regard each other with a mixture of sadness and suspicion and then we feign indifference.

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    My dad is an ISFp and he's always had a problem with insects. We never went camping because of it and if he found one in the house, he would kill it but with a scrunched up face like he was really grossed out. I have another friend who is either ISFp or ISFj and he's the same way about bugs. He can't stand the sound of the cicadas crunching as he steps on them along the sidewalk (they are everywhere here in the midwest right now). Although I suppose lots of types would feel that way about the cicadas.
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    Suidoken (the friend I believe to be ISFp) fits this sentiment on bugs flying around him or whatever. He is sensative to small annoyances.
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    Default Re: ISFps and insects

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    This may not be type related, but it's someone I noticed.

    My ISFp father was extremely annoyed by insects buzzing near him. He'd stop doing whatever he was doing in order to pursue and kill the bug. It was as if he couldn't do anything else before destroying the annoying insect.

    A few nights ago I had a drink with my present ISFp boss, and he behaved precisely the same way.

    I'm not saying that I like insects flying around my head, but it's not the same kind of reaction. Also, some people will wave the insects away but stop short of killing them. But my father and now my boss would stop everything else to destroy the insect.

    Coincidence, or is it perhaps type-related? I can see how a Si IP could be overly sensitive to something disrupting their sensorial perceptions of the immediate environment.
    I have always thought that it was a sentiment shared by everyone else i.e. to be "overly sensitive to something disrupting their sensorial perceptions of the immediate environment", be it insects or not. I have never thought that it would be type related.

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    Default Re: ISFps and insects

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    My ISFp father was extremely annoyed by insects buzzing near him. He'd stop doing whatever he was doing in order to pursue and kill the bug. It was as if he couldn't do anything else before destroying the annoying insect.
    I behave the same way. I hate bugs.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    my mom who is ISFp, is not afraid of insects at all. She will catch them with her hand and dispose of them, or let them go outside.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    my mom who is ISFp, is not afraid of insects at all. She will catch them with her hand and dispose of them, or let them go outside.
    The way I meant it, it's not about being afraid of them at all -- it's about being bothered by their buzzing around, and needing to get rid of them.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    I wonder if it could be as simple as the fact that Si types are the first to notice that the bug is there, and the most comfortable with dealing with it.

    I suspect that Ni types dislike distractions just as much, but they may not notice the bug at first, and may not want to handle it when they do.

    However, I'd be surprised if ISFps would be more inclined to kill the bug than ISTps.

    Then again, let's flip this around: What types of people would be most likely to insist that cockroaches, ants, and the like, should never be killed, but just carefully taken out of the house and deposited in the woods without killing them? Would acc-Fi types be more likely to do that?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan
    I wonder if it could be as simple as the fact that Si types are the first to notice that the bug is there, and the most comfortable with dealing with it.

    I suspect that Ni types dislike distractions just as much, but they may not notice the bug at first, and may not want to handle it when they do.

    However, I'd be surprised if ISFps would be more inclined to kill the bug than ISTps.

    Then again, let's flip this around: What types of people would be most likely to insist that cockroaches, ants, and the like, should never be killed, but just carefully taken out of the house and deposited in the woods without killing them? Would acc-Fi types be more likely to do that?
    you probably do need to differentiate between bugs which are legitimately harmful or unpleasant (like mosquitoes) and completely harmless ones (like flies). clearly, the latter category will receive less attention.

    you will probably find that very few types would take such a foolish and radical stance as to respect the lives of the former group. my gut says that EIIs would probably be most likely to do it (i have seen EIIs reprimand people for not respecting the feelings of a chair) but i still think that few sane people would view certain types of insects as anything but a nuisance.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan
    Then again, let's flip this around: What types of people would be most likely to insist that cockroaches, ants, and the like, should never be killed, but just carefully taken out of the house and deposited in the woods without killing them? Would acc-Fi types be more likely to do that?

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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    my mom who is ISFp, is not afraid of insects at all. She will catch them with her hand and dispose of them, or let them go outside.
    The way I meant it, it's not about being afraid of them at all -- it's about being bothered by their buzzing around, and needing to get rid of them.
    My mother doesn't like it if you observe her while she is doing something.
    Well I am back. How's everyone? Don't have as much time now, but glad to see some of the old gang are still here.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
    you will probably find that very few types would take such a foolish and radical stance as to respect the lives of the former group. my gut says that EIIs would probably be most likely to do it (i have seen EIIs reprimand people for not respecting the feelings of a chair)

    I do think Alpha SFs are likely to be annoyed/scared by such things, as part of the corresponding ditzy girl stereotype.

    There was a monstrous fly buzzing around my room a short while ago, and I did everything I could to kill it. It took at least 15 minutes. I saw it as an exercise in Se.

    On a side note: flies are evolving to the point where it is nearly impossible to kill them. I expect this trend to continue into the future unless someone does something about it.

  16. #16
    reyn_til_runa's Avatar
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    The problems with assuming that a person, ISFp or otherwise, would be more apt to kill a "harmful" bug are:

    1 sometimes people are afraid of harmful bugs, but are more afraid to try to kill them for fear that they will suddenly jump/fly off the wall and bite. for a short period, i had an irrational fear of certain spiders because i imagined their having 8 eyes and actually being able to see me from every angle.

    2 sometimes, as hotelambush suggested, harmless bugs are difficult to kill for another reason. there are probably more moving harmless bugs than lurking harmless bugs. other times, even when they are flying erratically, they are more easily killed than the harmful ones because they do not instill the fear not to kill (1).

    my point is simply that a person may still be more likely to kill a harmless bug such as a fly than a potentially harmful one such as a black widow.

    honestly, this problem is becoming too complicated. perhaps we must find an ISFp who lives alone, outside, and in an area where there are equal parts harmful & harmless bugs. also there are these dichotomies to consider:

    flies / walks?

    small / large?

    stings / bites?

    itch / hurt?

    dark / bright colors?

    indoors / outdoors?

    one leg / many legs?

    one eye / many eyes?


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    I react the same way but only to things that fly and make a lot of noise right next to my ear or in front of my eyes.
    Actually just yesterday in a cafe at night I killed a little fly buzzing around me.
    The dude in front of me was like "What? Did you kill a fly? Was there a fly here? How did you even see that thing?"
    Hm, it's a little black spot and it moves and buzzes all-the-time
    So beware, buzzy things.

    But other than that I dig insects, if I can I'll move them,
    killing is for extreme annoyance or pain

    Bit scared of wasps though ,they make me run

  18. #18
    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    lol at this thread!

    I am pretty bug averse tbh. About the only ones I'll tolerate to live are lady bugs or daddy long legs, not that I like the latter running about the house. Or unless they're slimy bugs (like how would they get inside though?). Those get grabbed and flung as far outside as possible due to the grossness factor. Everything else invading my house must die!

    Interesting to the theme of this thread, my SLI roomie and myself once went on a rampage with an air pistol because we had a fly 'infestation' (like a dozen flies in our house). It took about an hour or so of drinking and (not so) steady aim to dispatch them all, including an awesome shot that actually cut one of them in half. For some reason we're rather merciless here regarding bugs. I wonder if this is how the Germans felt.
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  19. #19
    Pretend like it's the weekend Banana Pancakes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
    I wonder if this is how the Germans felt.
    6w7 sx/sp (low level of confidence)

  20. #20


    people killing bugs makes me sad...

  21. #21
    Haikus Pink's Avatar
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    Insects really bother me. I get extreme anxiety when I notice them and am too scared to kill it. I make others kill them for me

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    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pink View Post
    Insects really bother me. I get extreme anxiety when I notice them and am too scared to kill it. I make others kill them for me
    this is me, usually.

    but if nobody is around to kill it, i wont be at peace until i get it done.

    Some bugs elicit a stronger reaction than others. Stinkbugs are cute enough and slow enough that i could feasibly get them into a jar and take them outside. I love ladybugs though, I allow them to coexist with me.
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    Sounds like perfect duality material. I don't like them because some of them bite or sting etc and that would send me into hypochondriac state or just make unable to concentrate on other things. Yes, I have bunch of Si related insecurities.

    My ISTp father takes care of that business by putting them into a cup and then he will release them back to the "wilderness". Deltas are so funny at times but I kind of appreciate that attitude.

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    Worms/maggots send me into a state of panic, then shock. My sister tortured me when we were children by chasing me with worms. Thinking of them now is making me cringe and queasy. I doubt if this is type related unless it is activating my role.

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    I am not a fan of any bugs inside. I will kill them and dispose of them as soon as I can. Outside they can be free and I don't care as much.

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    I... eat bugs after I catch them...

    just kidding...

    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    SEI will close eyes and wait for insect to fly closer and quickly squoosh between two fingers.
    Important to note! People who share "indentical" socionics TIMs won't necessarily appear to be very similar, since they have have different backgrounds, experiences, capabilities, genetics, as well as different types in other typological systems (enneagram, instinctual variants, etc.) all of which also have a sway on compatibility and identification. Thus, Socionics type "identicals" won't necessarily be identical i.e. highly similar to each other, and not all people of "dual" types will seem interesting, attractive and appealing to each other.

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    slightly surprised this thread was started by expat for some reason.

    i usually prefer to leave the insects be. i used to take them outside sometimes, until i finally realized, why bother. spiders still scare me a lot since i seem to think they want to kill me, so i might actually take them outside... or leave them under a glass and then forget about them and then end up feeling bad about it.

    last night when an ant was crawling on my keyboard i offered it an escape onto my hand, and traded it between hands for a while, and stared at it like a creep. it seemed to grow more and more agitated and started going faster and faster, maybe because it kept stumbling increasingly upon its own chemical trails, and knew this meant it was definitely going in circles, yet maddeningly wasn't finding a way out. or maybe that (increasingly) told it that it had a long way to go, so it needed to go (increasingly) faster?

    i wonder if insects leave chemical trails everywhere not just as communication or reference points but to remember... maybe i'm wrong, but i wonder if they really have no memory. the chemical trails allow them an external means of measuring time and marking what they encountered and the way back and it's so precise because it basically acts as their memory, scribbled on the earth (whereas we would just keep it in our brains, and um then invent writing and scribble on the earth next...).

    it's not bizarre as dogs also may gauge time, in part, by scent (how it fades over time - which i guess really so can people in a really, really minimal way - e.g. stale or rotten smells); but i think that just maybe ants can't form associative memories either and so they need to mark what is good (and some ants also mark what is bad - which may be especially sophisticated for them).

    i want to be right about this because i think it would be more interesting than ants and/or insects forming memories as other animals do. i mean the very structure of insect society really to me implies that individuals don't remember... anything.

    anyway, i think little black ants are kind of adorable. and i'm still trying to work on my spider issues. it's not like i live in the middle of a tropical rainforest where there truly are horrible deadly insects everywhere that will kill me.

    i would probably expect to work well-ish with everything i just said, which is to say, not (necessarily) horribly interested in pursuing insects to the final meeting with the fly swatter. isn't supposed to kind of be about these nature-y harmonious sentiments? (<--and that just sounds kind of stupid, haha)

    Worms/maggots send me into a state of panic, then shock. My sister tortured me when we were children by chasing me with worms. Thinking of them now is making me cringe and queasy. I doubt if this is type related unless it is activating my role.
    this reminds me of hiroshima documentaries, @Aylen. the maggots apparently thrived afterwards...


    oh, end of the story, i released the ant onto the top of the couch and i don't know where it went after. ants in my apt are only lost (scouting?) or passing through i guess... as there isn't anything here for them really.
    Last edited by marooned; 04-14-2015 at 05:57 AM.

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    I chased an SEI around with a grasshopper once, it was rad, she was scared though... ooops. We were both over 20 of course.

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