Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux
Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
I have a hard time making decisions, but I am an extreme organizer/planner with a lot of things. However, I also do like to keep my options open. I am messy, but also organized at the same time.. how is that possible? I dunno. I like to make lists, and stuff like that. I am highly motivated.. if I want to do something, I get it done. Then, other times, I just can't be bothered to do anything at all productive.
Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
Ethical-intuitive Intratim


Actually, there are several diffrences between the two. Just a couple questions:

Do you sometimes feel like you are doubting your understanding of things, even if there is little reason to?

Hmm.. I am not quite sure.. I can't think of any examples of things that I doubt I understand? I doubt I understand this question.

Do you sometimes feel like you've lived way longer than your years?
Yes.. like I've lived through so much more than others my age. (You won't believe my age, either! I look older)

Can you get neurotic about your appearence, worrying about what you look like TOO much at times?
Oh yeah.

Do you just ignore your health, but then sometimes worry about it?
No, I worry all the time
Everything is screaming INFJ. Loudly. Even if only MBTI's INFJ.

BTW: You look like like your in high school. Sophomore, or Junior. What's that age? 16-17?