Poll Results

View Poll Results: alphas, how much do you identify with the "silliness" stuff?

  • i'm alpha nt and i relate a lot

    2 14.29%
    1. 13iokenesis,
    2. Memph
  • i'm alpha nt and i relate somewhat

    5 35.71%
    1. Esaman,
    2. Filambee,
    3. FoxOnStilts,
    4. mu4 ,
    5. para
  • i'm alpha nt and i don't relate at all

    2 14.29%
    1. krieger,
    2. Reficulris
  • i'm alpha sf and i relate a lot

    2 14.29%
    1. lemontrees,
    2. Xaiviay
  • i'm alpha sf and i relate somewhat

    0 0%
  • i'm alpha sf and i don't relate at all

    0 0%
  • i'm alpha and i am offended by this question

    0 0%
  • i'm not alpha and i'm offended by this question

    0 0%
  • i'm not alpha and i'm offended that i lack a voice in this poll

    1 7.14%
    1. Kim
  • asjflasdkfakl;sjfk;ljfas

    2 14.29%
    1. ashlesha,
    2. blackburry
  • i don't type myself and i'm offended that i lack a voice

    0 0%