• Information Aspect

    by Published on 08-08-2012 03:26 AM  Number of Views: 38698 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. MBTI,
    4. Information Element,
    5. Information Aspect
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    Speaking Different Languages, Striving for the Same

    © Victor Gulenko, 1996
    From V. Gulenko, V. Tyshchenko, Jung At School.
    Translated by Dmitri Lytov
    Edited by Jeffrey Bolden

    For a long time development of socionics was limited by a single country's borders, but in 1984 its founder, Ausra Augustinaviciute, learned about the MBTI test (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)19, and this was the beginning of communication between socionics and its “transatlantic cousin”.

    Comparison between the American type theory and socionics became possible due to the publication in 1995-1996 of several books by American authors: D. Keirsey, M. Bates, O. Kroeger, J. Thuesen, P. Tieger, and B. Barron-Tieger11-13,16. Although the primary source, the theory of personality types developed by C.G. Jung20, is the same for the both typologies, there is a serious difference between them in contents and language.
    by Published on 10-02-2011 05:58 PM  Number of Views: 22127 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. Information Element,
    4. Semantics,
    5. Information Aspect
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    Aspect Semantics

    T. Prokofieva
    Source: http://en.socionics.ru/index.php?opt...254&Itemid=137
    You know, we cannot foresee
    The echo of words pronounced.
    F.I. Tyutchev

    The matter of aspects semantics is one of the main matters of socionics. If socionics is the science of information metabolism, then its subject is the information exchange. Certainly, we communicate with each other both verbally and non-verbally. And a great role in information transfer belongs to gestures, mimics, and also the very image of the person speaking. But we can not deny the most important role of words in the information exchange.

    Watching attentively the representatives of different types of information metabolism (TIM) we notice typical words for each TIM and reactions to them. One and the same word will activate one TIM, will cause irritation with another one, will upset the third one and so on in accordance to the force and deep understanding of the corresponding function.

    According to this a socionics expert should know the results of his influence. Then we can foresee the effect of our words on different TIM representatives or at least understand post factum what happened when people did not understand each other, got insulted and quarreled not intending to do so. Analyzing all this “mess” caused by misunderstanding we give them a chance to reconcile with each other and not make such mistakes again. This can be called socionic diagnostics or even wider – socionic conflictology allowing to find a way out of conflicts or to prevent them.
    by Published on 10-01-2011 03:01 PM  Number of Views: 27586 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. Information Element,
    4. Information Aspect

    Psychological functions and Information metabolism models

    Tatyana Prokofieva
    Marina Kuzmina

    In the previous article we told you, dear readers, about the connection between socionics and psychology. And now it’s time to describe the connection between socionics and informatics, to tell you about that information system which, as it tuned out, all of us have. Recently people could not even imagine that there is some kind of a “trip computer” in our psyche which determines our talents, preferences, spheres of interest, professional inclinations, the mode of life. The ability to know it in details helps to consciously manage our life, not to make same mistakes again and again, to secure ourselves against troubles in time.

    What do we know about the exchange processes?

    There is a term in biology – metabolism, which literally means exchange, assimilation and processing. The food received by an organism is decomposed into numerous components and gets into ...

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