• Socionics

    by Published on 10-31-2011 03:07 PM  Number of Views: 56109 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. SEE - ESFp
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    Napoleon, Male Portrait, ESFp by Beskova

    NAPOLEON men are almost never bony and thin. This is a sufficiently solid, conspicuous, attractive, self-controlled person with a resolute stare. He is active and energetic, and holds himself rather assuredly. Everyone, who has had the pleasure of conversing with NAPOLEON right away knows who is "the boss in the house". His entire appearance points out that he knows his worth. But if he is positively predisposed to you, he will endow you with his encouraging ...
    by Published on 10-26-2011 05:18 AM  Number of Views: 41853 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. Reinin Dichotomy,
    4. Semantics
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    Original article.
    References to dichotomies referenced in this article: Process/Result, Negativist/Positivist, Static/Dynamic

    Defining Specialized Logical Functions by V. Gulenko

    Notes: This is Gulenko's early work that preceded his writing on cognitive styles.


    General logic, structuring, will be denoted by function L. Its varieties will then be called specialized logical functions. If one considers that not a single sociotype is same as the other in its logical thinking, from this follows that there must be as many specialized functions as there are sociotypes - sixteen. Specialized functions I will denote with + and - signs as well as make use of operations from propositional logic. In this article when the word "logic" carries the meaning of structural logic rather than business logic.

    1. Sign dichotomies

    Originally I have assigned the positive and negative signs of communicative functions, including logic, to the dichotomy "left/right" [also known as process/result]. "Right" logic I have denoted with symbol +L and left logic by -L. What is the difference between these two logic types?

    Right/Process/Evolutionary logic: straight and absolute, has no reverse feedback. This type of logic as if delineates contours of forms on some background that is then discarded as insignificant. It is characterized by absence of context and is categorical, explicit in judgements.

    Left/Result/Involutionary logic: inversive, derived from straight logic using the operation of subtraction. It is reflexive and considers not the upfront side as much as the back side of the coin. It underlines the background, contextual dependencies of judgements.

    Right logic (process): ILE, SEI, EIE, LSI, SEE, ILI, LSE, EII
    Left logic (result): ESE, LII, SLE, IEI, LIE, ESI, IEE, SLI

    However, there is another way of assign + and - signs that is no less substantiated: using the dichotomy of negativism/positivism. Then +L will denote the logic of positivists while -L will denote the logic of negativists.

    Positivist logic: unified, accordant in all parts. This kind of logic comes closest to what is known as formal logic. An example of this kind of logic is syllogism - inferential sequence of arguments described by Aristotle in "Organon".

    Negativist logic: logic of contradictions. Dialectic, containing in itself oppositions and contradictions. This logical instrument works best when analyzing complicated multilayered systems.

    Positivists: ILE, ESE, LSI, ...
    by Published on 10-25-2011 09:16 PM  Number of Views: 39449 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. EIE - ENFj
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    Ethical Intuitive Extrovert
    EIE – ENFj – Hamlet (Artist)

    To the EIE life is filled with meaning when it contains emotional heat and dramatic experiences. He guesses which idea will take the imaginations if people ...
    by Published on 10-25-2011 09:11 PM  Number of Views: 38396 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. SLE - ESTp
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    Zhukov, Female Portrait, ESTp by Beskova

    Female ZHUKOV is one of the strongest and most direct types in the socion. Outwardly she appears to be solidly built, possibly athletic, eye-catching, with open face that could only belong to a volitional person. Such a woman one cannot fail to notice.

    SLE woman is often physically well developed with an excellent sense of command over her body. In clothing she may prefer to dress sporty and hold herself in an unconstrained manner. Those ...
    by Published on 10-25-2011 09:01 PM  Number of Views: 38062 
    1. Categories:
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    3. SLE - ESTp
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    Zhukov, Male Portrait, ESTp by Beskova

    Even if the male Zhukov is thin and slender (though this is rare), nevertheless he looks like a well grounded person who solidly stands on his two feet. His demeanor gives off an impression of a steady, large person. He moves slowly but naturally and with confidence. His judgements sound solid and substantiated.

    Usually male SLEs have short or slightly grown ...
    by Published on 10-24-2011 07:03 AM  Number of Views: 36598 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. Jung
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    Back to C.G. Jung main page



    In the following pages I shall attempt a general description of the types, and my first concern must be with the two general types I have termed introverted and extraverted. But, in addition, I shall also try to give a certain characterization of those special types whose particularity is due to the fact that his most differentiated function plays the principal role in an individual's adaptation or orientation to life. The former I would term general attitude types, since they are distinguished by the direction of general interest or libido movement, while the latter I would call function-types.

    The general-attitude types, as I have pointed out more than once, are differentiated by their particular attitude to the object. The introvert's attitude to the object is an abstracting one; at bottom, he is always facing the problem of how libido can be withdrawn from the object, as though an attempted ascendancy on. the part of the object had to be continually frustrated. The extravert, on the contrary, maintains a positive relation to the object. To such an extent does he affirm its importance that his subjective attitude is continually being orientated by, and related to the object. An fond, the object can never have sufficient value; for him, therefore, its importance must always be paramount.

    The two types are so essentially different, presenting so striking a contrast, that their existence, even to the [p. 413] uninitiated in psychological matters becomes an obvious fact, when once attention has been drawn to it. Who does not know those taciturn, impenetrable, often shy natures, who form such a vivid contrast to these other open, sociable, serene maybe, or at least friendly and accessible characters, who are on good terms with all the world, or, even when disagreeing with it, still hold a relation to it by which they and it are mutually affected.

    Naturally, at first, one is inclined to regard such differences as mere individual idiosyncrasies. But anyone with the opportunity of gaining a fundamental knowledge ...
    by Published on 10-24-2011 05:51 AM  Number of Views: 50032 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. Philosophy
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    Published by V.V. Gulenko, Kiev, 13.06.1992. Original article.
    Notes: Only part 6 of this article titled "Philosophy of Types" has been translated.

    6. Philosophy of Types

    The problem of incentives is closely related to the problem of existential motifs. This is a deeper and more abstract category, which I, as a representative of intuitive thinker class, would like to address in conclusion of this article. Each sociotype has its own existential outlook - a philosophically-oriented generalized concept of the driving force that directs other people and the world at large. From this particular interpretation it will follow how a type chooses to solve the question of the primacy of the material and the ideal. Those sociotypes whose motivation is primarily of material nature, I will conditionally call "materialists". All sensing types fall under this category. The opposing group of types, whose inner motivations are predominantly idealistic in nature, I will call "idealists". This group is comprised of all of the intuitive types.

    As is known in philosophy, idealism can be divided into two branches - objective idealism, which recognizes in one shape or form the idea of god - external supra-material instance that governs the world, and subjective idealism, which supposes that our notions of the world are that which gives rise to it.

    According to Jung, objective-oriented types are extraverts, subjective-oriented types are introverts. Consequently objective idealism is the philosophy of intuitive extraverts while subjective idealism - of intuitive introverts. In analogous manner this can be applied to the "materialist" sensing group: sensing introverts are thus subjective materialists while sensing extraverts are objective materialists. Different philosophical schools of thoughts will be treated rather loosely here, however, I am doing this for one purpose - to systematize existing observations about motivation of behavior on 16 levels.
    by Published on 10-22-2011 03:23 PM     Number of Views: 39951 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. EIE - ENFj
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    Hamlet, Female portrait, ENFj by Beskova

    Woman Hamlet often presents as a thin figure with noble face and elevated, refined look. Her posture has a tint of royalty - her back is straight, she holds her head proudly. At the same time she is light and elegant and can remain the same until very old age. It seems that this goddess cannot be but slightly haughty and arrogant, and possibly somewhere in the depths of her soul she is. She smiles with a winning smile and treats others so ...
    by Published on 10-22-2011 03:11 PM  Number of Views: 38856 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. EIE - ENFj
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    Hamlet, Male portrait, ENFj by Beskova

    Young HAMLET is one of those who first to attract attention in a new group. His noble appearance successfully blends with his artistic manners. It is possible to say it otherwise: his artistic appearance successfully blends with his noble manners. In short, bright eyes, spectacular gestures, a sea of charm - all of this usually produces quite an impression on women.

    HAMLET is like a prince. His clothing may vary from professional ...
    by Published on 10-19-2011 06:19 PM  Number of Views: 58094 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. IEI - INFp
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    Intuitive-Ethical Introvert
    IEI – INFp – Esenin (Lyricist)

    The IEI’s principal value in this world are the invaluable gardens of his own imagination, with the aid of which it is possible for him to penetrate ...
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