Conversation Between ILoveChinchillas and crazymaisy

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thank you very much! @Rune
  2. Happy birthday!
  3. Lol @ all the likes.
  4. Here's another one: If These Trees Could Talk.
  5. I've never heard of Baroness. Thank you.
  6. Explosions in the Sky, starting at the bottom, first song gives me big Baroness vibes, no singing though.
  7. Oh man, can't stop laughing! [Godsmack]
  8. I have a distaste for Godsmack too lol... Don't ask me why I put that in there.
  9. Well I didn't suggest Chevelle, 10 Years, or Tool because they are more commonplace, but I love them too.

    Godsmack, I'm not as fond of ... not sure why either.

    Black Sabbath, I always have liked them, just haven't listened to them on purpose. Thanks for the reminder!

    Your other list, I'll check out, I've heard of some of them but haven't heard any of them.

  10. I haven't heard of some of those. I'll check them out. Thanks! We have similar music taste. Here's a list of bands you hopefully haven't heard of:
    God is an Astronaut
    Explosions in the Sky
    Frontline Assembly

    More commonplace:
    10 Years
    Black Sabbath
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
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