Conversation Between Soupman and Nomenclature

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  1. But the engineering frat brothers I hang out with don't seem to think that way, at least.
  2. -shrug- nothing ever said I didn't think about the interaction context. It's just that I wasn't asked about that. And no, the last thing I mentioned is definitely in part a sexist and ageist thing. It's assumed that young girls don't know jack shit about shit; that pretty girls especially had everything handed to them; and that promiscuous women are stupid. I have to go way out of my way to get taken seriously in many places because people imagine this discord between intelligence and sexuality.
  3. "" If there's no chemistry there, it doesn't matter whether they're likeable. Life's too short for that."
    You are purely Sx, since you focus on the energy field between a person rather than the interaction context as So types do. Its the same with me as 5w6Sx, though unfortunately with me, I become robotic and clueless socially so becoming awkward. ILI-NiTi makes me clueless about the present and the interpersonal space, and that is made worse by how I can't fake a none existent connection to save my self socially at times. Even though I can fake being social and what not at times, the closer someone gets the more they realize my none existent SeFe field.

    "As for me being nice, I live in an unfortunate world where males presumptuously mistake me being nice for me wanting the D. So I had to stop doing that.
    That never happens to me for obvious reasons with me being a dude but I don't know why but I feel unconscious when person is being uncharacteristically nice to me. I mistakenly feel like other guys or girls are hitting on me when that happens :embarrassment: . I feel like that when someone is being submissively nice, and either guys or girls make me feel awkward when that happens, but since I'm already detached from the interpersonal world luckily people don't see it, they see my general awkwardness when its on.

    Though when someone is energetically nice, as opposed to being submissively nice, I don't feel any self consciousness and I don't see such a person as making sexual advances unconsciously. I'm drawn more to passionately energetic people since they have the very thing I lack, ESFJ, ESFP, ENFP and ENFJ both guys and girls are the types I enjoy their company the most.

    "Sexual Threes want to be appreciated for their depth and intelligence too, but they fear that others are only interested in them for their attractiveness." Women exist in a strange place in men's minds. It's way more mind-blowing to people than it should be that a 19-year-old girl who looks like me is coherent and might be more knowledgeable than them."
    As explained above I don't think its a men vs women issue at all but rather its all about a person being nice with a submissive aurora.
  4. "if she doesn't feel a connection with someone she won't care whether she doesn't get to see that person again even if they felt she was nice and she'd appeared to be very likeable towards the person"
    Absolutely. If there's no chemistry there, it doesn't matter whether they're likeable. Life's too short for that. I wouldn't go as far as "nobody knows me" though. Some people click with me and some people don't. Even then, people are just people. It sounds terrible, but it's very rare that I can't deal with losing a friend because there are always going to be others there. As for me being nice, I live in an unfortunate world where males presumptuously mistake me being nice for me wanting the D. So I had to stop doing that.

    "Sexual Threes want to be appreciated for their depth and intelligence too, but they fear that others are only interested in them for their attractiveness."
    Women exist in a strange place in men's minds. It's way more mind-blowing to people than it should be that a 19-year-old girl who looks like me is coherent and might be more knowledgeable than them.

    As for the rest of the stuff about being a SX 3: it's a constant struggle between "maybe if I was a little prettier, a little more ____, a little less ____, I wouldn't have been rejected," and "the sooner I can accept that I'll never be the ideal of attractiveness, the happier I can be." It's a stupid cycle, but it just hits really hard when one of the few people I fear will leave, leave.

    I don't know what type you are. That's not my call to make.
  5. I wasn't expecting you to watch properly at all, I'd thought you'd just scheme through the video and get a feel of her personality:

    On this ten minute edit they both talk about the trouble of being an Enneatype 3w2 that, they adapt to their surroundings. The ESE says that if she doesn't feel a connection with someone she won't care whether she doesn't get to see that person again even if they felt she was nice and she'd appeared to be very likeable towards the person. She is purely SX by the way, I don't believe that you can be more than one instinctual type, but people think that is true since most time the theory is misunderstood.

    Sexual 3 - Seeking Intimacy/Intensity
    Udit Patel The Catch (Ichazo's "Virility/Femininity")

    Sexual Threes feel that their value comes from their desirability, so they do whatever they can to enhance their attractiveness to others. Many movie stars, models, and popular singers are Sexual Threes. They know how to project attractive qualities but also how to be a blank screen that others can project their desires onto. They often possess great charm and magnetism, yet they fear being dismissed by others for lacking some essential ingredient. As Sexual types, they want to have a strong intimate connection with someone, but because of the Three's image issues and underlying feelings of shame, they are often insecure about letting people know them too well. Thus, many Sexual Threes are able to gain attention and interest from others, but they fear that once they get someone's attention, they will be unable to keep it.

    Sexual Threes want to be appreciated for their depth and intelligence too, but they fear that others are only interested in them for their attractiveness. Some Sexual Threes may go through periods of rebellion, downplaying their physical attributes for a while to see if people still like them and to find out more about themselves. Ultimately, this type grows by recognizing their own value directly—that is, without believing that it only exists reflected in the admiring eyes of others.


    Intimate Threes mask themselves with an image of what a sexually appealing man or woman is. They play roles in romantic relationships hoping to get love or admiration. Image is based on community or cultural standards of desirability or a given partner's expectations. If not committed to a specific partner then they will project an image generally and seek sexual conquests. Intimate Threes in the movies can be sexual imposters or suave, attractive ideals of masculinity or femininity. Female characters tend to be beautiful out-of-reach Sirens.
  6. Ehhh it's more like if I feel like the other person is being engaged, I'll be engaged too. Otherwise, a wall starts building up on both sides because I don't know how I expect them to respond to something I say.

    First video: HELL no. Second video: any particular section you want me to skip to? I'm not watching all 3 hours.
  7. so you are a chameleon to say? Out of interest do you relate in any way to this girl:
    ESE 3w2
  8. I don't really think of SEE as gentle but my personality is inconsistent enough to throw people off on MBTI. I've had people guess literally every type in the SP family.

    Mostly, my demeanor is just way too tuned to whether or not I get the intended reaction from other people.
  9. Based on your bravado that didn't really seem like you were a gentle SF and your NSFW tumblr, its was just a rushed assumption plus usually pretty girl in an avatar is really ever the person. end of long boring response :0
  10. Haha, you thought I was a dude based on what?
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