Conversation Between bye and Chae

8 Visitor Messages

  1. I'm a samurai now? Cool c::::::::::::3
  2. If anyone ever created a Viktor painting:

  3. Lol I'm sorry, I need to work on that. Thank you for simply recognizing my badassness
  4. Aghh should have seen that coming, enneagram 6 kicking in!! Nope, everything in the chill zone pls don't worry
  5. I appreciate it, but I can't help feeling suspicious. Are you being passive aggressive about me making fun of deltas? I'm mostly just doing it because I think it's funny
  6. Being yourself
  7. Thanks! What did I do? Haha
  8. Ayyyy you're such a badass!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8