Conversation Between FreelancePoliceman and Nairda

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Also, since I didn't make that explicitly clear- I think what I want to do with my life is learn. Learning and traveling to learn as well as learning to travel
  2. Overall I think the hardest thing for me is choosing one subject to deeply delve into, I want to know them all which I think for me would be a rather difficult feat but not one which is entirely impossible. Anyways, as a start for this endless quest of erudition I do agree with you in saying that the humanities are a good choice, which is why it's something I am heavily considering.

    and with that said, money isn't the most important thing to me- I've been poor and it wasn't so bad at all.. Hell, I even lived in a yurt with no running water for 6 months last year
  3. I see.

    I’d advise that you choose a major you enjoy, with some caveats — many majors are, I think, almost useless in terms of actually providing an education, and exist pretty much to give students an easy major — like business, international relations, or communications. Then some majors can be useless depending on the quality of the program — again, like English, and the social sciences are like this more often than not.

    Trade school’s a good option if you want a job. If that’s all you want, university is an ineffective and expensive path. Uni really ought to be divorced from the expectation of a job though IMO; its purpose ought to be to educate in a broad sense of the word, not provide vocational training. And though I don’t have anything against the sciences, especially not if students are interested in them, that’s why I like to shill for the humanities: they teach you how to think and to read, and to make the most of your education.

    What are you thinking you want to do with your life?
  4. I wouldn't necessarily apply that label to myself as it is just one of my interests and subsequently, possible paths I might take.
    Really at the moment it is an argument of:
    -Where I go
    -Whether I go
    -Whether or not I choose a major I enjoy or choose one for monetary gain


    -tying into the second on the list, whether or not it would be worth more to just go to a trade school as the benefits are less debt than I would have overall (assuming I stay in the US) and depending on the trade my net value may very well be far above what I could gain from that fancy diploma. However, I also believe that with the rise of automation trades and manual work in general are going to be in grave danger.
  5. Good! Definitely do consider taking at least some Latin or Greek if you have any interest — they’re being cut all over the country as so few students are interested in taking them anymore. Though that is somewhat beneficial to you — smaller class sizes mean more interaction and guidance from your professors. Classical Greek will probably have smaller class sizes than Latin, fwtw.

    The quality of literature and English programs depends on the university, honestly. Unfortunately many universities seem to think noawadays that English is equivalent to creative writing or joirnalism, and so you can go through programs without even hearing the name of Shakespeare. IMO it’s a consequence of viewing university as a means of getting a job.

    Anyway, so you’re a humanities guy/guyette?
  6. According to your Interests on your About me tab you like:
    "Literature, history, classical civilization/language"

    This is exactly what I think I want to study at Uni
  7. Hello!
  8. A friend!
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