Conversation Between ILoveChinchillas and Xima

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey! From what I read, I related the most to the D and C descriptions, especially the reinforcement of Fe and Se functions! Didn’t relate much to any of the SEE short descriptions... except I like to rest (does that really make someone an H subtype?) If you have more complete descriptions of SEE subtypes,I will gladly read them when I get the chance !
  2. Also, a big difference between 8 and 4 is that 8 has an expanding energy while 4 has a contracting energy. Ie. 8s take up space sand exert a lot of pressure, while 4s withdraw.
  3. I'd say enneagram 8 correlates to D and N subtypes. Enneagram 4 correlates to C and H. There's not much to go off, though.

    Dominating in the sphere of primary needs generates a group role of the motivator (psychologists call this the informal leader) [Dominant subtype-primary], while dominating along the axis of secondary needs creates the role of the mover, or the engine (a formal leader) [Dominant subtype - secondary].

    Creativeness along the primary axis creates for itself the role of the contactor, while creativess along the sphere of secondary needs creates the group role of the innovator.

    Normalizing along the primary axis produces role of the conscience of the group, while normalizing along the secondary creates the role of the coordinator.

    And finally, harmonizing along the axis of primary needs leads to the role of the designer, or layout artist who creates a form through managing different aspects, while harmonizing along secondary needs leads to the role of the expert.

    I can PM you the long SEE DCNH descriptions of you want. Brief descriptions can be found here:
  4. I haven't read about DCNH types so I have no idea.... I'm either an enneagram 8 or 4 if that can help!
  5. Hi. What DCNH type are you?
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