Conversation Between Lord Panda and Desert Financial

33 Visitor Messages

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  2. I managed to find a worse one:
  3. Ah. You must be second wisest human. Well done.

    I must get back to work. However, this conversation is very enjoyable.

    For now, I will leave you with this:

  4. I already know that contrails are actually chemtrails, AIDS was created by the US government as a means of controlling the gays and the earth is flat cuz NASA is a conspiracy. This theory fits my framework perfectly.
  5. I guess you're just going to have to place 100% confidence in me (the wisest human) and the infallible, ineffable TIMECUBE™.
  6. Omg stop this is too much for my PoLR Te >.>


    How do I know who to trust? How do I know???
  7. Don't worry. It makes absolutely no sense.

    Or does it?
  8. I actually like that theory xD it sounds more fun than the boring stuff were taught at school

    What if it's all true tho D: OMG now I'm paranoid
  9. It's a website created by this guy who devised the concept of the TIMECUBE.

    The TIMECUBE™ is an alternative to our standard notion of timezones (all LIES).

    In contrast with the notion of timezones, the TIMECUBE™ theory says that true time is built on the Earth's 4 sides. Therefore, time has 4 sides. Fishes, belly-buttons, evil education etc.
  10. What is this lol I can barely make sense of it
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 33
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