Conversation Between Tallmo and FreelancePoliceman

26 Visitor Messages

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  1. She has descriptions of all 8 functions in her book. Very interesting to read her perspective, but they are colored by her understanding of them, of course. She relies a lot on her work with analysands. She often mentions the need to integrate the inferior (suggestive) function. Her perspective is the need for individuation and not the socionics focus on duality.
  2. Thank you. I’ll read it.
  3. Hi. It's from the book Lectures on Jung's typology by von Franz. The quote basically criticizes duality. I thought it was nice to get that perspective too. I have the e-book.
  4. I notice in your profile’s picture album there’s an interesting quotation. What is it from?

    By the way, I’ve seen the light. You were right to type Jung LII, I think.
  5. Edit: good God this was embarrassing; I apologize.
  6. Hi, Ok so you study Greek and Latin. Cool. Do you read a lot in Latin? Like just for fun? There must be an enormous literature in Latin. I've recently gotten more interested in ancient languages, it's something romantic and fascinating about them. I like that feeling of historical "depth" in the language, like something old and historical. A hint of a world long gone. I can basically read Old Norse quite well, so I could get into the Icelandic saga literature or pagan poetry with a little practice. I've never really had any use of it so far. Latin - I only know the basics, but enough to start reading very simple texts. These are just some things I've been thinking about recently so that's why I asked.
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