Esenin, Female portrait, INFp by Beskova
The female IEI is the embodiment of the conventional ideas of femininity. She is mysterious, elusive, changeable, emotional, risible, and fascinating. Yet, she seems so sensitive, brittle, and defenseless that it makes any man want to turn his shoulders and protect her. Easy on the eye, the female IEI usually dresses stylishly and has a young and tender looking face. She does not laugh too often, but when she does, she fills the room with positive energy with her voice ringing like a bell. Her gait is swift and directed, but does not seem very purposeful. It seems like at any moment she can change where she was going.
In school this is usually a slender, cheerful girl who easily laughs and is often the soul of a small (or even not so small) company of her peers. Boys start falling for her her and losing their heads early on. Her stormy personal life may have a negative influence on her school life, drawing her time and attention away from her studies. Although IEI girls have academic potential in any discipline, they usually flourish in subjects such as humanities, literature, arts and theater, sociology and psychology. If this girl is earning high marks in other subjects, she is usually doing this for her mother, who wants her daughter to finish school with good grades.
IEI girls don't like sports too much, preferring to spend time participating in literary circles, play practices, or archeological groups. Although often enough, given their flexibility and mobility, they are made to take up figure skating, gymnastics, or dance classes. Growing up, the female IEI may prefer tennis, because it is prestigious, or badminton, because it is swift, or archery, shooting from a bow, because it is cool if a girl knows how to shoot. As the IEI girl gets older, she begins to show some inclination towards the extreme and to come off the earth. Students of this type can be found in skydiving and bungee jumping classes and excursions.
The IEI girl in her essence is sociable and light on her feet. She has many girlfriends with whom she always has something to talk about and discuss, and neither is she short of admirers among guys. Around her it's always fun, because she is spontaneous and original, and livens up any company by her presence. She may entertain those who are present, try to tell their fortunes, read some poetry, sometimes of her own composition.
The IEI female listens to everyone with interest and expresses her affection such that it's difficult to remain indifferent. She flirts creatively, showing resourcefulness and quickness. She doesn't lose herself under any circumstances. Additionally, she has an air of victimness that is very attractive for men. After all, it is gratifying to feel oneself as strong and courageous, to approach her and lead her by one's hand, and especially to show oneself as strong and daring where she hesitates, where she might be in danger, to help her and support her, to be next to her.
If an impression forms that it is possible to take the female IEI directly by bare hands, in reality this is not so. The IEI female is not completely defenseless, she knows how to stand up for herself and achieve what she wants. She uses emotions as the finest tool of influencing others (which she does often without any pangs of conscience). As long as everything is going well, she can be as playful and soft as a kitten, but if something isn't right in her view she can become angry, threaten, promise to leave if you do not do as she wants.
The IEI female is very responsive to any tomfoolery and pranks. With her it's truly never boring. Being brave to the point of self-forgetting, even reckless, she can propose to her friends some very risky activities and diversions that without her no one else would have imagined. For example, she may suggest in the middle of the night to climb up to the very top of main building of the university and get to the spire itself, to which there is no access and to which the doors have been locked up. Much excitement and exhilarating fear to be experienced by all! And all of these adventures will be invariably accompanied by the crystal ringing of her laughter. Grief to those who will fall into the whirlpool of IEI female's emotions and adventurism, especially men, for she knows well how to make them follow herself.
An example from life: "I decided to part with her (a girl of type IEI) and in the evening invited her to a cafe in order to tell her about this. Everything was going well. She related to my words with understanding. We were parting as friends. Around 20:30 I accompanied her to the nearest subway station and was ready to turn around and go home myself. At this point her mother called and asked her to urgently purchase some medicine before the pharmacy closes. She became terribly upset and said that she does not want to go home because she has quarreled with her mother. First we bought the medicine, but then, for some reason, we ended up going for a walk. We arrived at her home when it was already midnight. She entreated me not to leave but to wait for her on the staircase.
And of course I could not leave her! She went inside the apartment, I heard her mother screaming, while she started crying. I understood that she won't be let out again. At this point she calls me on the cell phone and in tears starts begging me to somehow get her out. I rang the doorbell and very politely asked her mother to see her for 5 minutes. I lied that I'm leaving tomorrow morning and would like to say my goodbye to her right now. Her mother believed my words. Then, for some reason, we ended up on a roof, she has cheered up, we laughed and talked. At 2am she said that we should go, so we drove over to my place. We drank tea, at 3am she said that she is going to her friend and doesn't need to be accompanied. I went to sleep and the next morning was late for work."
Female IEIs love to put their feelings into lyrical and romantic forms. For example, symbolically burning a handkerchief of a dear person with whom relations have ended - this is in their style. Sometimes they behave according to the principle "the worse it is, the better it is", forcing themselves into dead end, hopeless situations, then complaining to others about the difficult fate that has befallen to them. They love to tell their friends how others have mistreated them. In reality, they are simply lacking in sufficiently strong, bright emotions and impressions in this monotonous daily life. Thus, they attempt to decorate their life with more emotions.
If an IEI girl becomes your wife, try to make all of the decisions of major importance yourself. This will be easier for her and calmer for you. If it happens that somehow she becomes in charge of the budget of the family, you may come into debts. Money with inevitably regularly disappear somewhere. It will be better if you do the purchases, wash the dishes, get up at night to tend to the children. This not a traditional distribution of responsibilities within a family, but next to you is such a fascinating person, so playful and risible, subordinate, always attentive to your words and decisions, someone who greatly decorates your life. True, your wife also knows how to skillfully spoil the mood, but this will be followed by a beautiful scene of stormy reconciliation and everything will become well again. Female IEIs are knowledgeable in love, and are capable of keeping up this feeling in both themselves and in their partner for many years.
Female IEIs are typically very devoted to their children. They think about their future and direct their development in accordance with their innate inclinations and talents. They know how to create a light cheerful holiday-like atmosphere within the family. Moreover, your house will be always open to friends and the new acquaintances.
Also they drive very rapidly and love to travel, so that you are guaranteed to have new impressions.
Female IEIs find their calling in life as teachers of literature, foreign languages, history. They are also successful as journalists, psychologists, museum workers, stylists, artists, and designers.
At work, IEI women like to socialize; therefore, their work will bring them more satisfaction if it is connected to people. If this work requires solitude and concentration, for example editorial work, then it will brighten the IEI woman's if she can interact with people around her. She knows how to make her co-workers laugh and shake them up, thus her colleagues often won't miss the opportunity to talk with her.
See also:
Wikisocion - IEI profiles
IEI observations
IEI in pictures
Type examples in videos
Socionics Type Tests
Typing Questionnaire (including photos and/or a video in your questionnaire thread tends to increase the number of replies and accurate typings)
Your typing of forum members
It's speculation and "what if's" and a connection to the universal consciousness. The potential of it all.
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