See also:
Introduction to Socionics
The Socion, or Socionics Basics by A. Augusta
Type Descriptions
Information Elements: A Primer
The Dual Nature of Man by A. Augusta
Type Names (Wikisocion)
This article begins with brief explanations of the concepts of the socion, small groups, dyads, and an explanation of the various nomenclature used for the 16 sociotypes. A summary of characteristics for each of the 16 sociotypes then follows. These summaries include each type's: Model A, names and pseudonyms, subtypes, general mood, quadra, club, temperament, communication style, erotic attitude, cognitive form, type dichotomies, and intertype relations.
The Socion.
The purpose of this article is to provide an introductory overview of the socion. The term "socion" refers to the set of all 16 socionic types. These types represent the 16 different kinds of information metabolism; that is, the 16 possible structures of the psyche allowed by Model A. A person's socionic type describes how their psyche tends to perceive, process, and produce different kinds of information. A person's socionic type can also be referred to as their type, sociotype, type of information metabolism (TIM), or IM type. Aushra Augusta, the founder of socionics, described the socion this way: "You might call the socion the basic unit of human society and the basis of man's social nature... But the socion is not only the sum of 16 different intellects or a group of 16 people of different IM types. It is also a strict system of their interaction. In other words, it is not only 16 distinct and specific intellects, but also 16 completely different (and no less distinct and specific) relationships of each person with every other." [Source] Therefore, the socion not only refers to the 16 sociotypes, but the 16 kinds of relationships each type has with the others. See articles on intertype relations for more information.
Small Groups.
The socion can be divided up into groups of types that share certain characteristics. These groups usually comprise 4 different types, and are known as small groups (or quaternions). Small groups are not arbitrary combinations of types, as all members of a small group share 3 dichotomies with the other members. Four types together comprise a small group if they: 1) share two of the Jungian dichotomies, 2) share the same strong function, and/or 3) form a symmetry of intertype relations within the group. In all three of these situations, members of a small group will still share 3 dichotomies. Small groups can be studied in different ways, whether by looking at the interactions between members, the effect the members have on each other ("group effect"), or determining the general properties of the group. Grigoriy Reinin has stated that theoretically, 35 designations of small groups exist (meaning a total of 140 distinct groups), but most of these have not been studied in depth, and more research is needed in this area. Popularly used small groups include quadras and clubs. These and other small group designations are identified below for each type, including their respective temperaments, communication styles, erotic attitudes, and cognitive forms. Read more about small groups here and here (Russian article).
The socion can also be divided into 8 dual pairs, known as dyads. Dyads refer to the 8 type pairs that each comprise a relation of duality. Each quadra contains 2 dyads, one Rational pair and one Irrational pair. Dyads are usually referred to by their quadra and the rationality of the pair. For example, "Alpha irrational dyad" refers to the SEI-ILE dual pair. The other dyads are the Alpha rational dyad (LII-ESE), Beta rational dyad (LSI-EIE), Beta irrational dyad (IEI-SLE), Gamma irrational dyad (ILI-SEE), Gamma rational dyad (ESI-LIE), Delta rational dyad (EII-LSE), and the Delta irrational dyad (SLI-IEE). See descriptions of the dyads for information about each dual pair.
Type Nomenclature.
Each of the 16 types of the socion has many names and abbreviation systems used to identify it. The different ways to name the types (and their respective subtypes) are explained below, using the Intuitive Logical Extravert (ILE or ENTp) as an example. (Read more about type names at Wikisocion):
- Full name: determined by the type's 1st function, 2nd function, and whether the 1st function is Extraverted or Introverted. Si/Se = Sensing, Ni/Ne = Intuitive, Ti/Te = Logical, Fi/Fe = Ethical. Si/Ni/Ti/Fi are Introverted elements, and Se/Ne/Te/Fe are Extraverted elements. A type has Ne as a 1st function (Intuitive), Ti as a 2nd function (Logical). The first function Ne is Extraverted. Put these three qualities together = Intuitive Logical Extravert.
- 3-letter code: an abbreviation of the full name. Intuitive Logical Extravert = ILE.
- 4-letter code: derived from MBTI's typing system and started by Sergei Ganin. Identifies the type based on Jungian dichotomies: Introversion (I) and Extraversion (E), Intuition (N) and Sensing (S), Feeling/Ethics (F) and Thinking/Logic (T), Judging/Rationality (j) and Perceiving/Irrationality (p). It is always written in this order of dichotomies. The j/p is written in lower-case to distinguish it from MBTI types, which use upper-case J/P. An ILE is Extraverted (E), Intuitive (N), Logical (T), and Irrational (p), so its 4-letter code = ENTp.
- Symbols/IM elements: uses the two symbols or abbreviations that correspond with the type's 1st and 2nd function elements. An ILE has (Ne) as its 1st function and (Ti) as its 2nd function. So, ILE = or NeTi.
- 2-letter code: uses Gulenko's single-letter abbreviations of the 8 information elements, each deriving from a Latin word. S = Si (sensus), L = Ti (lex), T = Ni (tempus), R = Fi (relatio), F = Se (factor), P = Te (profiteor), I = Ne (intueor), and E = Fe (emoveo). Corresponds with the type's 1st and 2nd function elements. An ILE has Ne (I) as its 1st function and Ti (L) as its 2nd function. So, ILE = IL.
- Social roles: these are names assigned by Gulenko that attempt to capture the essential characteristics of each type, including common social roles exemplified by the type. ILE = Seeker or Inventor.
- Pseudonym: these are names popular in the Russian-speaking socionics community, originally assigned by A. Augusta that associate each type with a famous historical or literary figure that stands as an exemplar of that type. ILE = Don Quixote, the protagonist of Cervantes' famous novel.
- Subtypes: the most popularly used subtype systems in socionics recognize 2 subtypes per sociotype, generally named according to their 1st and 2nd functions. Meged & Ovcharov have also assigned "social role" names to each of the 32 subtypes, though it is much more common to name subtypes simply by attaching the 1st and 2nd function elements in front of/after the 3-letter or 4-letter code names. Subtypes may also be referred to by the Intuitive-Sensing or Logical-Ethical poles of the 1st or 2nd function elements. Examples for ILE subtypes = Ne-ILE, ENTp-Ne, ILE intuitive sub (Innovator), or Ti-ILE, ENTp-Ti, ILE logical sub (Selector).
Sensory Ethical Introvert (SEI, ISFp)
Model A | |
Names | SEI, ISFp, , SiFe, SE, Mediator, Peacemaker, Epicurean, Dumas |
Subtypes | SEI-Si (Hedonist), SEI-Fe (Harmonizer) |
Mood | Soft, helping; gentle smile; touch naturally; comfort oriented; sensual and expressive |
Quadra | Alpha |
Club | Socials (SF) |
Temperament | Receptive-adaptive (IP) |
Communication Style | Sincere |
Erotic Attitude | Caregiver |
Cognitive Form | Dialectical-Algorithmic |
Dichotomies | Introverted, Sensing, Ethical, Irrational, Dynamic, Yielding, Democratic, Strategic, Emotivist, Carefree, Merry, Judicious, Negativist, Process, Declaring |
Intertype Relations | Dual (ILE), Identical (SEI), Mirror (ESE), Activator (LII), Kindred (SLI), Semi-dual (IEE), Illusionary (SLE), Business (IEI), Contrary (SEE), Superego (ILI), Quasi-identical (ESI), Conflictor (LIE), Supervisor (LSE), Supervisee (EIE), Benefactor (EII), Beneficiary (LSI) |
Intuitive Logical Extravert (ILE, ENTp)
Model A | |
Names | ILE, ENTp, , NeTi, IL, Seeker, Inventor, Don Quixote |
Subtypes | ILE-Ne (Innovator), ILE-Ti (Selector) |
Mood | Explorative; light-hearted and detached curiosity; focused on interests and ideas; usually upbeat and good-natured |
Quadra | Alpha |
Club | Researchers (NT) |
Temperament | Flexible-maneuvering (EP) |
Communication Style | Businesslike |
Erotic Attitude | Infantile |
Cognitive Form | Causal-Deterministic |
Dichotomies | Extraverted, Intuitive, Logical, Irrational, Static, Yielding, Democratic, Tactical, Constructivist, Carefree, Merry, Judicious, Positivist, Process, Asking |
Intertype Relations | Dual (SEI), Identical (ILE), Mirror (LII), Activator (ESE), Kindred (IEE), Semi-dual (SLI), Illusionary (IEI), Business (SLE), Contrary (ILI), Superego (SEE), Quasi-identical (LIE), Conflictor (ESI), Supervisor (EII), Supervisee (LSI), Benefactor (LSE), Beneficiary (EIE) |
Logical Intuitive Introvert (LII, INTj)
Model A | |
Names | LII, INTj, , TiNe, LI, Analyst, Scientist, Robespierre |
Subtypes | LII-Ti (Systemizer), LII-Ne (Researcher) |
Mood | Detached critical analysis; clear and independent thought and worldviews; appearance of self-control |
Quadra | Alpha |
Club | Researchers (NT) |
Temperament | Balanced-stable (IJ) |
Communication Style | Cold-blooded |
Erotic Attitude | Infantile |
Cognitive Form | Holographical-Panoramic |
Dichotomies | Introverted, Intuitive, Logical, Rational, Static, Obstinate, Democratic, Strategic, Emotivist, Farsighted, Merry, Judicious, Negativist, Result, Asking |
Intertype Relations | Dual (ESE), Identical (LII), Mirror (ILE), Activator (SEI), Kindred (LSI), Semi-dual (EIE), Illusionary (LSE), Business (EII), Contrary (LIE), Superego (ESI), Quasi-identical (ILI), Conflictor (SEE), Supervisor (SLE), Supervisee (IEE), Benefactor (IEI), Beneficiary (SLI) |
Ethical Sensory Extravert (ESE, ESFj)
Model A | |
Names | ESE, ESFj, , FeSi, ES, Enthusiast, Bonvivant, Communicator, Hugo |
Subtypes | ESE-Fe (Popularizer), ESE-Si (Trustee) |
Mood | Strong tastes and preferences; enthusiastic and forceful about likes and dislikes; socialites; emotionally involved; reflect values of community; large emotional range |
Quadra | Alpha |
Club | Socials (SF) |
Temperament | Linear-assertive (EJ) |
Communication Style | Passionate |
Erotic Attitude | Caregiver |
Cognitive Form | Vortical-Synergetic |
Dichotomies | Extraverted, Sensing, Ethical, Rational, Dynamic, Obstinate, Democratic, Tactical, Constructivist, Farsighted, Merry, Judicious, Positivist, Result, Declaring |
Intertype Relations | Dual (LII), Identical (ESE), Mirror (SEI), Activator (ILE), Kindred (EIE), Semi-dual (LSI), Illusionary (EII), Business (LSE), Contrary (ESI), Superego (LIE), Quasi-identical (SEE), Conflictor (ILI), Supervisor (IEI), Supervisee (SLI), Benefactor (SLE), Beneficiary (IEE) |
Logical Sensory Introvert (LSI, ISTj)
Model A | |
Names | LSI, ISTj, , TiSe, LF, Inspector, Pragmatist, Structurist, Maxim Gorky |
Subtypes | LSI-Ti (Instructor), LSI-Se (Controller) |
Mood | Tough, serious, decisive, tough-minded, disciplined, controlling, firm, resolute; mistrustful; stand their ground |
Quadra | Beta |
Club | Pragmatists (ST) |
Temperament | Balanced-stable (IJ) |
Communication Style | Cold-blooded |
Erotic Attitude | Aggressor |
Cognitive Form | Causal-Deterministic |
Dichotomies | Introverted, Sensing, Logical, Rational, Static, Obstinate, Aristocratic, Tactical, Emotivist, Carefree, Merry, Decisive, Positivist, Process, Declaring |
Intertype Relations | Dual (EIE), Identical (LSI), Mirror (SLE), Activator (IEI), Kindred (LII), Semi-dual (ESE), Illusionary (LIE), Business (ESI), Contrary (LSE), Superego (EII), Quasi-identical (SLI), Conflictor (IEE), Supervisor (ILE), Supervisee (SEE), Benefactor (SEI), Beneficiary (ILI) |
Ethical Intuitive Extravert (EIE, ENFj)
Model A | |
Names | EIE, ENFj, , FeNi, ET, Mentor, Actor, Performer, Hamlet |
Subtypes | EIE-Fe (Educator), EIE-Ni (Artist) |
Mood | Dramatism, restraint, alarm; purposeful emotions and purposeful involvement |
Quadra | Beta |
Club | Humanitarians (NF) |
Temperament | Linear-assertive (EJ) |
Communication Style | Passionate |
Erotic Attitude | Victim |
Cognitive Form | Dialectical-Algorithmic |
Dichotomies | Extroverted, Intuitive, Ethical, Rational, Dynamic, Obstinate, Aristocratic, Strategic, Constructivist, Carefree, Merry, Decisive, Negativist, Process, Asking |
Intertype Relations | Dual (LSI), Identical (EIE), Mirror (IEI), Activator (SLE), Kindred (ESE), Semi-dual (LII), Illusionary (ESI), Business (LIE), Contrary (EII), Superego (LSE), Quasi-identical (IEE), Conflictor (SLI), Supervisor (SEI), Supervisee (ILI), Benefactor (ILE), Beneficiary (SEE) |
Intuitive Ethical Introvert (IEI, INFp)
Model A | |
Names | IEI, INFp, , NiFe, TE, Lyricist, Romantic, Tutankhamun, Yesenin |
Subtypes | IEI-Ni (Idealist), IEI-Fe (Diplomat) |
Mood | Wacky, goofy, dreamy, zany; interested in people's inner experiences and where people are going with their emotional life; mix of joy and melancholy |
Quadra | Beta |
Club | Humanitarians (NF) |
Temperament | Receptive-adaptive (IP) |
Communication Style | Sincere |
Erotic Attitude | Victim |
Cognitive Form | Vortical-Synergetic |
Dichotomies | Introverted, Intuitive, Ethical, Irrational, Dynamic, Yielding, Aristocratic, Tactical, Emotivist, Farsighted, Merry, Decisive, Positivist, Result, Asking |
Intertype Relations | Dual (SLE), Identical (IEI), Mirror (EIE), Activator (LSI), Kindred (ILI), Semi-dual (SEE), Illusionary (ILE), Business (SEI), Contrary (IEE), Superego (SLI), Quasi-identical (EII), Conflictor (LSE), Supervisor (LIE), Supervisee (ESE), Benefactor (ESI), Beneficiary (LII) |
Sensory Logical Extravert (SLE, ESTp)
Model A | |
Names | SLE, ESTp, , SeTi, FL, Conqueror, Commander, Marshal, Legionnaire, Zhukov |
Subtypes | SLE-Se (Coordinator), SLE-Ti (Organizer) |
Mood | Forceful; demanding of others; go-getters; not easily intimidated; ready for confrontation |
Quadra | Beta |
Club | Pragmatists (ST) |
Temperament | Flexible-maneuvering (EP) |
Communication Style | Businesslike |
Erotic Attitude | Aggressor |
Cognitive Form | Holographical-Panoramic |
Dichotomies | Extroverted, Sensing, Logical, Irrational, Static, Yielding, Aristocratic, Strategic, Constructivist, Farsighted, Merry, Decisive, Negativist, Result, Declaring |
Intertype Relations | Dual (IEI), Identical (SLE), Mirror (LSI), Activator (EIE), Kindred (SEE), Semi-dual (ILI), Illusionary (SEI), Business (ILE), Contrary (SLI), Superego (IEE), Quasi-identical (LSE), Conflictor (EII), Supervisor (ESI), Supervisee (LII), Benefactor (LIE), Beneficiary (ESE) |
Intuitive Logical Introvert (ILI, INTp)
Model A | |
Names | ILI, INTp, , NiTe, TP, Critic, Observer, Balzac |
Subtypes | ILI-Ni (Philosopher), ILI-Te (Expert) |
Mood | Goofy; don't reveal their inner life; interested in processes; passive relaxedness; ironic attitude |
Quadra | Gamma |
Club | Researchers (NT) |
Temperament | Receptive-adaptive (IP) |
Communication Style | Cold-blooded |
Erotic Attitude | Victim |
Cognitive Form | Dialectical-Algorithmic |
Dichotomies | Introverted, Intuitive, Logical, Irrational, Dynamic, Obstinate, Democratic, Tactical, Constructivist, Farsighted, Serious, Decisive, Negativist, Process, Declaring |
Intertype Relations | Dual (SEE), Identical (ILI), Mirror (LIE), Activator (ESI), Kindred (IEI), Semi-dual (SLE), Illusionary (IEE), Business (SLI), Contrary (ILE), Superego (SEI), Quasi-identical (LII), Conflictor (ESE), Supervisor (EIE), Supervisee (LSE), Benefactor (LSI), Beneficiary (EII) |
Sensory Ethical Extravert (SEE, ESFp)
Model A | |
Names | SEE, ESFp, , SeFi, FR, Politician, Ambassador, Leader, Napoleon, Caesar |
Subtypes | SEE-Se (Tactician), SEE-Fi (Businessman) |
Mood | Flair, playfulness; socialites; physical center of attention; hands-on involvement in world around them |
Quadra | Gamma |
Club | Socials (SF) |
Temperament | Flexible-maneuvering (EP) |
Communication Style | Passionate |
Erotic Attitude | Aggressor |
Cognitive Form | Causal-Deterministic |
Dichotomies | Extroverted, Sensing, Ethical, Irrational, Static, Obstinate, Democratic, Strategic, Emotivist, Farsighted, Serious, Decisive, Positivist, Process, Asking |
Intertype Relations | Dual (ILI), Identical (SEE), Mirror (ESI), Activator (LIE), Kindred (SLE), Semi-dual (IEI), Illusionary (SLI), Business (IEE), Contrary (SEI), Superego (ILE), Quasi-identical (ESE), Conflictor (LII), Supervisor (LSI), Supervisee (EII), Benefactor (EIE), Beneficiary (LSE) |
Ethical Sensory Introvert (ESI, ISFj)
Model A | |
Names | ESI, ISFj, , FiSe, RF, Guardian, Conservator, Dreiser |
Subtypes | ESI-Fi (Moralist), ESI-Se (Traditionalist) |
Mood | Concerned about proper behavior; stand their ground; hard to convince; conservative views and methods |
Quadra | Gamma |
Club | Socials (SF) |
Temperament | Balanced-stable (IJ) |
Communication Style | Sincere |
Erotic Attitude | Aggressor |
Cognitive Form | Holographical-Panoramic |
Dichotomies | Introverted, Sensing, Ethical, Rational, Static, Yielding, Democratic, Tactical, Constructivist, Carefree, Serious, Decisive, Negativist, Result, Asking |
Intertype Relations | Dual (LIE), Identical (ESI), Mirror (SEE), Activator (ILI), Kindred (EII), Semi-dual (LSE), Illusionary (EIE), Business (LSI), Contrary (ESE), Superego (LII), Quasi-identical (SEI), Conflictor (ILE), Supervisor (IEE), Supervisee (SLE), Benefactor (SLI), Beneficiary (IEI) |
Logical Intuitive Extravert (LIE, ENTj)
Model A | |
Names | LIE, ENTj, , TeNi, PT, Enterpriser, Pioneer, Entrepreneur, Experimenter, Jack London |
Subtypes | LIE-Te (Reformer), LIE-Ni (Strategist) |
Mood | Unbridled optimism; like movement; energetic; opportunistic; like to test limits; direct |
Quadra | Gamma |
Club | Researchers (NT) |
Temperament | Linear-assertive (EJ) |
Communication Style | Businesslike |
Erotic Attitude | Victim |
Cognitive Form | Vortical-Synergetic |
Dichotomies | Extroverted, Intuitive, Logical, Rational, Dynamic, Yielding, Democratic, Strategic, Emotivist, Carefree, Serious, Decisive, Positivist, Result, Declaring |
Intertype Relations | Dual (ESI), Identical (LIE), Mirror (ILI), Activator (SEE), Kindred (LSE), Semi-dual (EII), Illusionary (LSI), Business (EIE), Contrary (LII), Superego (ESE), Quasi-identical (ILE), Conflictor (SEI), Supervisor (SLI), Supervisee (IEI), Benefactor (IEE), Beneficiary (SLE) |
Ethical Intuitive Introvert (EII, INFj)
Model A | |
Names | EII, INFj, , FiNe, RI, Empath, Humanist, Dostoevsky, Watson |
Subtypes | EII-Fi (Psychologist), EII-Ne (Teacher) |
Mood | Gentle but with firm principles; demonstrate positive attitude; willingness to share your world |
Quadra | Delta |
Club | Humanitarians (NF) |
Temperament | Balanced-stable (IJ) |
Communication Style | Sincere |
Erotic Attitude | Infantile |
Cognitive Form | Causal-Deterministic |
Dichotomies | Introverted, Intuitive, Ethical, Rational, Static, Yielding, Aristocratic, Strategic, Constructivist, Farsighted, Serious, Judicious, Positivist, Process, Declaring |
Intertype Relations | Dual (LSE), Identical (EII), Mirror (IEE), Activator (SLI), Kindred (ESI), Semi-dual (LIE), Illusionary (ESE), Business (LII), Contrary (EIE), Superego (LSI), Quasi-identical (IEI), Conflictor (SLE), Supervisor (SEE), Supervisee (ILE), Benefactor (ILI), Beneficiary (SEI) |
Logical Sensory Extravert (LSE, ESTj)
Model A | |
Names | LSE, ESTj, , TeSi, PS, Administrator, Director, Professional, Stierlitz, Holmes |
Subtypes | LSE-Te (Manager), LSE-Si (Technologist) |
Mood | Always busy with projects; practical and skeptical; action oriented; professional; active involvement |
Quadra | Delta |
Club | Pragmatists (ST) |
Temperament | Linear-assertive (EJ) |
Communication Style | Businesslike |
Erotic Attitude | Caregiver |
Cognitive Form | Dialectical-Algorithmic |
Dichotomies | Extroverted, Sensing, Logical, Rational, Dynamic, Yielding, Aristocratic, Tactical, Emotivist, Farsighted, Serious, Judicious, Negativist, Process, Asking |
Intertype Relations | Dual (EII), Identical (LSE), Mirror (SLI), Activator (IEE), Kindred (LIE), Semi-dual (ESI), Illusionary (LII), Business (ESE), Contrary (LSI), Superego (EIE), Quasi-identical (SLE), Conflictor (IEI), Supervisor (ILI), Supervisee (SEI), Benefactor (SEE), Beneficiary (ILE) |
Intuitive Ethical Extravert (IEE, ENFp)
Model A | |
Names | IEE, ENFp, , NeFi, IR, Psychologist, Reporter, Inspirer, Huxley, Tom Sawyer |
Subtypes | IEE-Ne (Adviser), IEE-Fi (Improviser) |
Mood | Playfulness; tinge of irony; acceptance; frivolous; warm curiosity about people and relationships |
Quadra | Delta |
Club | Humanitarians (NF) |
Temperament | Flexible-maneuvering (EP) |
Communication Style | Passionate |
Erotic Attitude | Infantile |
Cognitive Form | Holographical-Panoramic |
Dichotomies | Extraverted, Intuitive, Ethical, Irrational, Static, Obstinate, Aristocratic, Tactical, Emotivist, Carefree, Serious, Judicious, Negativist, Result, Declaring |
Intertype Relations | Dual (SLI), Identical (IEE), Mirror (EII), Activator (LSE), Kindred (ILE), Semi-dual (SEI), Illusionary (ILI), Business (SEE), Contrary (IEI), Superego (SLE), Quasi-identical (EIE), Conflictor (LSI), Supervisor (LII), Supervisee (ESI), Benefactor (ESE), Beneficiary (LIE) |
Sensory Logical Introvert (SLI, ISTp)
Model A | |
Names | SLI, ISTp, , SiTe, SP, Craftsman, Artisan, Master, Gabin |
Subtypes | SLI-Si (Designer), SLI-Te (Rationalizer) |
Mood | Soft blankness; internal independence; hard to impress; not easily excited; emotionally cool |
Quadra | Delta |
Club | Pragmatists (ST) |
Temperament | Receptive-adaptive (IP) |
Communication Style | Cold-blooded |
Erotic Attitude | Caregiver |
Cognitive Form | Vortical-Synergetic |
Dichotomies | Introverted, Sensing, Logical, Irrational, Dynamic, Obstinate, Aristocratic, Strategic, Constructivist, Carefree, Serious, Judicious, Positivist, Result, Asking |
Intertype Relations | Dual (IEE), Identical (SLI), Mirror (LSE), Activator (EII), Kindred (SEI), Semi-dual (ILE), Illusionary (SEE), Business (ILI), Contrary (SLE), Superego (IEI), Quasi-identical (LSI), Conflictor (EIE), Supervisor (ESE), Supervisee (LIE), Benefactor (LII), Beneficiary (ESI) |
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