• EII (INFj) Socionics Type Description by Stratiyevskaya

    EII (INFj) Profile by Stratiyevskaya

    Holliday Grainger socionics infj.jpg

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    Extended EII Profile by Stratiyevskaya
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    Fi Block of Ego, 1st position, Program Function: "Ethics of Relation"

    The EII attempts to create the most harmonious, most humane, in his opinion, form of ethical relations, which would exclude the suppression of one personality by another, conflicts, discord, lack of understanding, and mutual distrust.

    "Poor peace is better than a good quarrel" – this is the basic form of his ethical strategy.

    EII's entire life consists of a search for means and possibilities to realize his idealistic system of relations; moreover, his own behavior usually serves as a positive example of it. The outcome of such an orientation is heightened introspection and self-analysis, self-critical approach, and constant ethical self-improvement that is characteristic of people of this type. While he is highly demanding of himself, the EII is unusually very tolerant of weaknesses of other people.

    The commandment "Do not do unto others what you wouldn't wish for yourself" EII takes with exceptional seriousness: he in principle doesn't wish to hurt or upset anyone else. He tries to endow each person with a grain of his personal warmth and kindness thereby creating conditions of maximum psychological comfort for other people. Gentleness, tolerance for weaknesses in strangers, inner soulful sensitivity, "opening bid" of benevolence – all of these are basic values of EII's ethical program.

    Building relations with others, EII tries to be sensitive, tactful, and responsive. For example, he won't allow himself to categorically reject advice or help that was offered to him, even if it is obviously ineffective or even harmful. After all, he cannot dismiss a person who has offered help from the depths of his heart and from his best motivations. EII treats absurd advice that has been given to him in exactly the same manner – most often, he will be delicate and tactful with the adviser, listen attentively, then thank him for his care and act in accordance to his own discretion and prevailing circumstances. ("Why not listen to well-wishing counsel?" – especially since not every "well-wisher" will check if his advice has been followed.) EII thinks of such advice not only as instructions but also as an expression of sympathy for his hardships.

    The EII easily closes the psychological distance with others and builds his relations in close proximity, which sometimes especially warms up and positively predisposes people towards him. Sometimes, such effort to get close may seem ingratiating and intrusive to others. However, any hint that he has been too imposing is rather painful for the EII to hear, since he did not intend to burden others by his company. He tries to be kind and sensitive, whatever it costs him, and does everything possible and impossible not to offend, as to not make enemies for himself and create precedents for open expressions of hostility. The psychological barrier that he sometimes creates he does not consider to be a sign hostility, but as his right to keep distance from someone whom he dislikes. If further relations develop unfavorably, he distances from such a person.

    EII mends conflicts in his relationships by means of making concessions and compromises. However, he counts on the others to take note of these concessions and to adequately value them. In essence, EII's agreeableness is a kind of an ethical tactic intended to predispose others to good favor and compromises. While EII presents himself as kind and agreeable, in reality there are reasonable limits to these qualities in him. If the demands of his partner go beyond what is permissible for him, the EII will show resistance and stubbornness and may even erect between himself and the source of his disappointment an psychological barrier that is difficult to penetrate.

    The break-ups and conflicts in his personal relations EII usually experiences very painfully, especially, when he sees no possibility of fixing and restoring them. For example, if someone close to him forces him to lose a friend, EII ends up in a situation that contradicts his main ethical orientation: from one side, he is betraying his friend, from another – he does not want to disappoint another dear person.

    The EII can maintain relations with an incompatible partner for a long time, relying on feeling of debt and responsibility before family and relatives. However, in cases of especially unfavorable relations and, when he is absolutely confident in the impossibility to fix and improve anything, he irrevocably and unconditionally leaves his partner. (This quality is also characteristic of ESI.) A representative of this type who personally has not gone through a breakup in the past, may attempt to prevent the dissolution of relationships of people who are close to him. He will try to reconcile them until he personally becomes absolutely convinced that they cannot coexist together.

    The EII is usually sensitive and responsive to the misfortune of strangers. He readily sympathizes even with people who are not very close to him. He has the ability to literally dissolve in problems of others. In his understanding, the act of comforting by itself is already very telling. Such demonstratively sympathetic and sensitive attitude usually makes the EII become valued and favorite of others. Developed ability to sympathize with another's grief is one of the basic values of EII's system of relations.

    If someone close to him falls ill, the EII will care for the sick person with exceptional selflessness, not taking into account the effect this has on his own health and state of mind, nor the danger of possible infection. Any family with someone of this type can be confident in its health: whenever someone falls ill, the EII, as a rule, will take a leave from work and care for them. The degree and closeness of relations, in this case, do not matter to him.

    The EII is unlikely to commit treachery in respect to his close ones, and condemns these qualities in others. He never forgives the abuse of his trust, although he prefers not to focus attention on upsetting memories and is generally not rancorous by his nature. Being implicated in some intrigue, or finding himself in a system of relations which contradicts his ethical values, EII feels lost and disoriented, but in each separate case he tries to behave such that his behavior would not contradict his own values. Precautionary distrust and suspiciousness he perceives as something unethical and heartless. For this very same reason, it is sometimes impossible to convince him of someone's misdeeds and poor intentions, even if this has been already proven and is obvious to everyone else. EII's actions are to a significant extent determined by his personal sympathies and antipathies i.e. if he sympathizes with someone he may simply ignore many of this person's faults. And he is capable of self-sacrifice in the name of love and friendship. For example, he can take upon himself the blame for someone else, thus protecting his friend from trouble and suffering.

    EII is usually not resentful and vengeful (to be rancorous, in his understanding, is unethical), but he will not seek to mend damaged relations until he is confident that his offender has realized his own transgressions. In order to obtain EII's forgiveness, it is sufficient to demonstrate your positive disposition to him. Moreover, making profuse apologies is unnecessarily. The world of EII's feelings is so refined and rich, that he does not need verbal explications of emotions and experiences in order to intuitively understand what is going on in his relations.

    EII knows how to keep secrets. Therefore, he can often be entrusted without reservations and without reminders that "this must remain between us", since it would violate the assumption itself, that he is even capable of such a deed. Himself, he also assumes that his "secret confessions" will be piously observed and safeguarded, for he fears to offend someone by distrust because he considers distrust to be something insulting for everyone, including himself. The EII considers good intentions to be the standard of human relationships; therefore initially he tries not to assume any poor motives. If his own secrets are nevertheless divulged, this becomes the heaviest of disappointments for him.

    EII is constantly searching for some original forms of the expression of sympathy and solidarity with the emotional state of another (or his environment). For example, a representative of this type, on the occasion of the end of the divorce of her friend presented her with a bouquet of flowers – in this manner she congratulated her friend with the beginnings of a new, "free" life.

    It is very important for the EII that the motivation of his behavior would be correctly understood and appropriately evaluated by other people. For him, any gift, any service presents enormous value as a form of expression of good intentions. At the same time, the real cost of this service for him means much less. (His dual, Stierlitz (LSE) also attributes purely symbolic value to gifts, at least to those which he gives himself.)

    The EII never forgets the good that was done for him, and considers that ingratitude is a quality, which deserves most severe criticism. Kindness and the sympathy – these are consistent values of EII's ethical program. He knows how to demonstrate them as no one else. Representatives of this type are inclined to deep ethical analysis and introspection.

    Ne Block of Ego, 2nd position, Creative Function: "Intuition of Possibilities"

    The EII finds it difficult to implement and realize his "non-conflicting" system of relations in a world full of contradictions. The qualities that aid and encourage him in this noble endeavor are his innate optimism and flexible intuition of possibilities.

    EII believes that in each complex situation one should search for means, methods, and forms to smooth out emergent contradictions. For example, if both sides agree to certain concessions, this will already yield some results and their conflict will be, although partially, resolved. Conveniences of those near him EII often values greater than his own. EII constantly correlates own behaviors with the opinions, interests, and way of life of other people.

    Creatively implemented intuition of possibilities allows the EII to be farsighted, prudent and judicious in his behavior. The purpose of his foresight is to be able to foresee possible complications of relations and act preemptively to avoid or prevent them. For example, an EII woman, when she was preparing a children's celebration, portioned the sweets in equal portions, since if she didn't do so, as she could foresee one of the invited children will eat more than others, and therefore make other children upset by such unfairness - and this cannot be allowed! For the same reason she did not allow her grandsons to bring candy out on the street - she considered the possibility that this will inspire resentment and envy in other children, and this would could have negative consequences.

    Despite all his optimism, EII is capable of prudently calculating the worst course of events precisely for the purpose of avoiding negative consequences and making sure that everything works out in best possible way for himself and for others. As a result of these intuitive calculations, EII safeguards and insures his future actions. This sometimes leads to a positive outcome and the EII is able to avoid many troubles. For example, a family of the "enemy of the people"* in expectation of their exile, have decided to give away their piano to a girl for their neighborhood as a gift. The girl (Dostoyevsky) was categorically against this present and demanded that the piano would be sent back. This episode in her family is recounted as a legend – it is considered that by this act she has saved her own family from repressions.
    *[Likely this story originated in the times of Stalin's repressions, when those who came into disfavor with the new communist regime were labeled "enemies of the people" and sent into exile to Siberia and other inhospitable locations.]

    And nevertheless, however strong an intuition the EII possesses, his calculations do not always prove to be accurate. Indeed, one cannot foresee and account for all circumstances, especially because frequently EII takes the desired for the real, and traces sometimes an imaginary course of events rather than the real one, relying on previously conceived stereotypes and generalized notions. For example, he will try to reconcile husband and wife, fearing that if he does not interfere, their broken personal life could later affect him, too. In another case, he doesn't interfere between those who are fighting in order to "not draw the fight onto himself" and not to acquire future enemies.

    In each specific case the correctness of calculations and behavior of Dostoyevsky depends on his previous experience and on how deeply he understands the situation.

    Ethical-intuitive influence of EII is founded on his ability to notice and develop everything that is good in the human soul – this traits allows representatives of this type to do magnificent work as pedagogues. In each individual, EII denotes their ethical qualities and their potential. Dostoyevsky does not understand and does not accept such notions as "damaged children" or "rotten children". In his conception, there is not such concept as "damaged children" that could not be mended and persuaded by a positive personal example. Of course, development of positive qualities requires expenditure of time and honest effort and a lot of patience. Therefore, in the opinion of Dostoyevsky, the educator must constantly work on himself, improving his own qualities, instilling into himself a sense of conscientiousness and responsibility for the fate of the person entrusted to him.

    In exactly the same manner Dostoyevsky considers that there are no relations that are initially hopeless, that could not be mended and improved with sufficient resourcefulness and patience, with the ability "to wait out the storm", to prove the sincerity of one's motives, to display the best traits of one's nature on one's personal example.

    Si Block of SuperId, 6th position, Activating Function: "Sensing of Experiences"

    Representatives of this type experience some complications and demonstrate some deficiencies in this realm, which shows in organization and maintenance of their homes and lifestyles, although, it goes without saying, that the EII can be taught how to accomplish such tasks, and he will take them up responsibly.

    The area of aesthetics presents its own challenges to them, therefore Dostoyevskies appreciate any help or information relayed on this aspect. A representative of this type can live side by side with a partner of a sensing type, and nevertheless continue committing mistakes in the realm of sensing if he isn't guarded or advised on how to prevent and avoid them.

    Dostoyevskies are frequently indifferent to their exterior appearance (and that of others). Their basic requirement: not to stand out, not to dress provocatively, not to draw too much attention to themselves. The main thing – not to displease and irritate others by his looks and ignite excess emotions; therefore they try to dress modestly, inconspicuously, and conveniently and usually avoid bright colors and favor of calm, neutral tones.

    Women of this type prefer a natural look, and therefore very unwillingly apply cosmetics. Many of them do not invest effort into trying to appear younger.

    Representatives of this type also encounter difficulties in the culinary sphere. Often, one can sense an excess or deficiency of some ingredients in their dishes. It happens that they prepare food that is too plain because they fear high calories or try to save on some ingredients. Other times, they prepare excessively fatty foods because otherwise they burn it.

    Frequently, they trust not so much their taste and senses, as pure knowledge: "I don't know how much salt is needed for this quantity. I can salt it, of course, but what if it seems too salty to someone?.." However, as a rule, they are not greatly upset by setbacks and failures in this area; they listen with readiness to constructive advice and instructions given in benevolent form, and learning they can make for very good cooks.

    Dostoyevsky prefers to lead a healthy lifestyle, pays attention to his diet, checks his health. And nevertheless he still needs someone who will periodically inquire about his state.

    Dostoyevsky greatly values, when someone worries about his comfort, nourishment and well-being. He needs a person who could create a cozy, convenient, domestic environment, and who would from time to time remind him to take care of himself.

    Exactly such a partner is his dual, Stierlitz, who is naturally endowed with sensing and aesthetic perception, who knows how to create an accommodating environment, how to worry and care about his loved ones. Stierlitz magnificently resolves the everyday and livelihood problems of Dostoyevsky.

    Te Block of SuperId, 5th position, Suggestive Function: "Logic of Actions"

    The concept of "logic of actions" for Dostoyevsky is first of all understood on the aspect of professional relations.

    To a question what should one do and how should one do it, he will reply approximately in the following manner: "It is necessary to do that, which is concretely required from you, in a way that others will be pleased with you". Dostoyevsky prefers that his partner would express his opinion not in the form of ruminative contemplations and reflections, but as direct, explicit, accurate formulations, and would give him concrete advice and proposals on what he should do.

    Dostoyevsky is usually very diligent and strives to perform well. He strictly follows the established procedures: as he was taught and shown – so he will do.

    Working through and polishing the details, Dostoyevsky frequently misses the moment when his work is already of sufficient quality and it's time to stop. It is good if there is a person in vicinity, whose opinion of this situation is reliable. Otherwise, Dostoyevsky's tendency to be constantly improving and perfecting his work can lead to directly opposite results.

    Dostoyevsky greatly values well organized working conditions – this is one of the reasons why he finds it convenient to collaborate with Stierlitz (who usually creates for those who depend on him the best conditions for successful and productive activity).

    Dostoyevsky tries to invest into work as much effort as is required for it most conscientious and qualitative fulfillment. Therefore he can can also stay and work overtime, in order to finish his work by the deadlines. (Sometimes this the only method to carry out the excessive volume of work assigned by Stierlitz.)

    For Dostoyevsky it is usually "inconvenient" to reject additional requests; therefore they are frequently exploited.

    To Dostoyevsky it is very important that his professional enthusiasm is properly evaluated and valued. A manager who demonstratively ignores his exceptional zeal, he will not trust nor sympathize with. Moreover, such relations in the course of time will affect the results of his work and his working discipline.

    Work, which he considers to be too primitive and below his abilities, intellect, position, evokes a feeling of internal protest in him. The commission of such work her receives as a personal offence.

    Dostoyevsky usually does not like to scrupulously recheck the results of his work: better leave this for a competent and reliable partner. If there is no such person around, Dostoyevsky will try to personally verify that everything has been done as it should be and make inquiries requesting external feedback.

    While reporting work accomplished work, he will make a mention about shortcomings and unresolved problems thus letting others know that he can do even better.

    A feeling of solidarity in his professional work relations is very important for Dostoyevsky. Moreover, not only with his colleagues, but also with the management. If his boss at least attempts to "play" in workplace democracy, for Dostoyevsky this already sufficient.

    Dostoyevsky usually has very modest opinion of his own objective capabilities, therefore he is always grateful for any "hints", advice and suggestions in this sphere. He is very suggestible by councils concerning the logic of actions. Sometimes he simply absorbs such advice and applies it noncritically. If, for example, someone has stated that it is necessary to store postal receipts, he will keep them, until he himself realizes that this isn't needed.

    He is always very attentive to business recommendations. If he is recommended a certain company, which sells goods that are expensive but useful and handy, he will make his purchases there. (However, Dostoyevsky can also be seen at garage sales, and in thrift shops, where he searches for inexpensive, but high-quality items.)

    The organization and maintenance of his apartment or house requires a lot of efforts from him (wouldn't it be great if someone else took care of this, allowing him more time for intellectual and creative endeavors), but if there is nobody like this nearby, Dostoyevsky has to do everything himself.

    If he cannot find any more use or value in some item, he will mercilessly throw it away. Anything that from his point of view has retained some value, he will carefully store in his house. Dostoyevsky knows how to be thrifty and judicious, knows how to value what he has.

    Dostoyevsky does not like to haggle and negotiate, but he will not miss an opportunity to politely inquire whether it is possible for the price to be lowered. And if it is possible, he will very delicately ask for it.

    Dostoyevsky does not like to loan money, but himself with readiness lends it (if he can). However, fairly often he runs into difficulties in situations where he has to ask or pressure the debtor to return his money. If this is a small sum, he can even make peace with its loss, but if this was a large loan, Dostoyevsky will find a way to gently and unobtrusively remind about it: "Those 300 dollars that I gave you in April, you can hold until the next month".

    Dostoyevsky is always grateful to a person, who is capable of advising him what he needs to do and how it is necessary to act in some specific situation. Generalized, vague phrases about how one should or shouldn't live are not sufficient for him (this trait is characteristic of his conflictor, Zhukov (SLE)): such approach to resolving life's problems only irritates Dostoyevsky.

    Another matter, when for each specific occasion, he receives tried and tested, repeatedly proven to work, stated with maximum directness and clarity, methodically presented recommendations, which he can with full confidence implement as instructions for taking concrete actions in life. It is exactly in this form and manner that he receives information from his dual, Stierlitz, and it is precisely this type information that is of vital importance for Dostoyevsky's well-being and development.

    Source: http://socionika-forever.blogspot.co...g-post_26.html
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Stratiyevskaya: INFj started by Expat View original post
    Comments 13 Comments
    1. Suz's Avatar
      Suz -
      OMG! Expat is back???
    1. Suz's Avatar
      Suz -
      I relate a lot to that whole Te-DS section...
    1. bg's Avatar
      bg -
      he isn't back, somebody just made some of his posts into articles.
    1. Absurd's Avatar
      Absurd -
      Omg, omg, omg, omg. Expat is back. Back is Expat!
    1. Beautiful sky's Avatar
      Beautiful sky -
      Quote Originally Posted by article View Post
      Crises in relations he "mends" by means of making concessions, however, he counts on his partner to notice these concessions and properly value them. In essence, his concession are a kind of an ethical tactic, intended to convince his partner of his initial goodwill and readiness to make compromises.


      IF IT'S NOT A LIE THEN TELL ME WHAT IT IS? IT'S INABILITY TO DEAL WITH WHO YOU ARE...go back to what you are before everything hope that that somehow makes things better.
    1. Absurd's Avatar
      Absurd -

      IF IT'S NOT A LIE THEN TELL ME WHAT IT IS? IT'S INABILITY TO DEAL WITH WHO YOU ARE...go back to what you are before everything hope that that that that that somehow makes thing hope that somehow makes thing hope that somehow makes thing hope that that somehow makes things better. a

      YOU ARE...go back to what you are before everything hope that that somehow makes things better. a

      YOU ARE...go back to what you are before everythings better. a

    1. Beautiful sky's Avatar
      Beautiful sky -
      For all those who keep saying that EII are not detailed and meticulous at work...
      Quote Originally Posted by article2 View Post
      Dostoyevsky tries to return to the work as many forces, will as require its most meticulous and most qualitative fulfillment. Therefore it can remain, also, to the overtime - in order to finish it in time. (sometimes this the only method to carry out the exorbitant volume of work, assigned Shtirlitsem)
    1. Suz's Avatar
      Suz -
      Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
      For all those who keep saying that EII are not detailed and meticulous at work...
      Yeah i dont buy that whole Ne=airheaded, lackadaisical stereotype. Actually all the delta NFs i know, including myself, are very diligent, hardworking, conscientious people. I do have a tendency to miss details and not read things thoroughly, and my work style tends to be not very systematic. But that actually makes me work harder because I'm so worried about missing something important, so i feel the need to double- and triple- check things and never completely feel at ease because deep down I'm always thinking whether i've missed something or forgotten to do something. This ends up making me (and other delta NFs i know) work very long hours, longer than some others who maybe dont care as much or are more efficient. (hence my username). And thus i actually have a reputation for being detailed and meticulous, because I end up catching a lot of missed things in my haphazard "review" process.

      That whole bit about LSEs being a source of heavy workloads is so true. The nice thing though is that they appreciate delta NFs' efforts and become forgiving of things we may have missed. They also eventually sometimes take pity on us and ease up on the workload. I've also noticed that we delta NFs tend to be a lot harder on ourselves about not meeting expectations than they are on their workers. I'd vented to an LSE supervisor of mine a couple months ago about how slow and inefficient I am, etc, and apologized for taking so long to do stuff. So she was like "well, you've got to get more efficient, but... you'll get there... it'll come with time". A big motivator for me, besides doing a good job for people, is being appreciated for the work that I do, and that does make me work even harder. That could be a component of the "activation" aspect of the LSE-IEE interaction.
    1. Beautiful sky's Avatar
      Beautiful sky -
      I've posted some time ago that in my dual pair, I've noticed that when my cousin's up and working working, I'm usually feeling the stress and need to rest, but after eating three bowls of pasta, I get up and I'm ready to do the clean up, while she's ready to pass out, but usually with her and I, it's the case of she watches me work and work excessively and says "you can stop now because I feel like now I can eat off my floors" LOL and that's true, I don't or can't effectively keep up with my external self (monitor my own actions with regards to working) so I just keep at it like my brain's shut off or something. So, it's nice when she notices and the quality of my work is pleasing to her and can ask me to stop. I've noticed SEE who work around her, who just shuffle things from one end to another end, getting very little done or looking like they're scattered and need help with guidance of actions, while I just go "what's the direction, director! What do I do?" and in which case she'll say "Maritsa, you get this ready here and work on this." But usually, I stand by to wait for directions, I don't push my own will and do whatever around her. If she asks me to clean one thing I'll do it until it's perfect, but I won't cross territories to other things until I either ask or she tells me. I feel like she needs to think about things very carefully sometimes.

      Example: I noticed the other day that her cast iron stovetop covers needed to be seasoned. I pointed them out to her and told her that I read somewhere where they were done a certain way. She looked annoyed and hesitant to bring that up right then, because it was a party and she notices what's important at the moment and only likes to focus and take care of that thing then. I still have it in my mind that it needs to be done and if she and I were living together, I would bring it up at a more appropriate time and even do it with her. I wouldn't just assume something needs to be done and do it.

      My SEE cousin was at her house one day and my dual said something along the lines of "don't cook that because we'll grab something to go on the way" and my SEE cousin seemed like she just ignored her, had to get up early and start cooking to take something along; my LSE cousin turned to me and said "seems like she's not going to listen to me, is she?" I said "no, she wants to have her way."
    1. Beautiful sky's Avatar
      Beautiful sky -
      Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
      Yeah i dont buy that whole Ne=airheaded, lackadaisical stereotype. Actually all the delta NFs i know, including myself, are very diligent, hardworking, conscientious people. I do have a tendency to miss details and not read things thoroughly, and my work style tends to be not very systematic. But that actually makes me work harder because I'm so worried about missing something important, so i feel the need to double- and triple- check things and never completely feel at ease because deep down I'm always thinking whether i've missed something or forgotten to do something. This ends up making me (and other delta NFs i know) work very long hours, longer than some others who maybe dont care as much or are more efficient. (hence my username). And thus i actually have a reputation for being detailed and meticulous, because I end up catching a lot of missed things in my haphazard "review" process.

      That whole bit about LSEs being a source of heavy workloads is so true. The nice thing though is that they appreciate delta NFs' efforts and become forgiving of things we may have missed. They also eventually sometimes take pity on us and ease up on the workload. I've also noticed that we delta NFs tend to be a lot harder on ourselves about not meeting expectations than they are on their workers. I'd vented to an LSE supervisor of mine a couple months ago about how slow and inefficient I am, etc, and apologized for taking so long to do stuff. So she was like "well, you've got to get more efficient, but... you'll get there... it'll come with time". A big motivator for me, besides doing a good job for people, is being appreciated for the work that I do, and that does make me work even harder. That could be a component of the "activation" aspect of the LSE-IEE interaction.
      I've since found LSE who don't have good communication skills, workaholics; I thought that would NEVER happen, boy was I wrong.
    1. Absurd's Avatar
      Absurd -
      Don't bother with those LSEs, Maritsa.
    1. Suz's Avatar
      Suz -
      Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
      I've since found LSE who don't have good communication skills, workaholics; I thought that would NEVER happen, boy was I wrong.

      One LSE woman I work with is absolutely clueless about acting diplomatically. All that's in her head is efficiency, efficiency, efficiency. Getting things done that need to be done. But if you put her in a room with a patient, she'll end up antagonizing that person like 5 times in one sentence. However, when I (or another person proficient in Fi) correct her (gently of course), she is SO thankful and appreciative. And she's like "OMG i had no idea that was a bad thing to say!! Really?? Really? I shouldn't say that?"

      lol she cracks me up. She is really bullheaded about getting people to do work for her though. Especially nice people like me :/
    1. Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
      Socionics Is A Cult -
      "Poor peace is better than a good quarrel"... from "A bad peace is always better than a good war."