SLI (ISTp) Profile by Stratiyevskaya
Socionics SLI ISTp Sam Walton.png
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Extended SLI Profile by Stratiyevskaya
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SLI observations
SLI in pictures
Socionics Type Tests
Type examples in videos
Type and Intertype Descriptions by Stratiyevskaya
Ego Block: 1st Program Function - Si Introverted Sensing
Representatives of this type are characterized by shielding themselves off from unpleasant experiences and perceptions. To leave and join a pleasant society, a comfortable solitude, or a "warm company" that allows for light, non-obliging, non-binding relations; to depart into memories that vividly and accurately recreate pleasant impressions, once experienced and remembered for a long time. ("As now I remember the smell of freshly cut grass of the football field, on which I walked for the first time in my life...")
SLIs are endowed with an exceptional memory for perceptions and experiences. They readily describe their personal impressions of what they have heard, seen, and lived through, recreating their experiences of colors, sounds, smells, and tastes. (In movies of Andrey Tarkovsky, SLI, the recollection of sound is used as a kind of "sensory symbolism", that is, the relayed experiences carry specific thematic significance.)
The SLI also knows how to observe that which is experienced by another person. He especially acutely notices unpleasant and uncomfortable experiences. (In films of A. Tarkovsky, some of the unpleasant experiences of characters are filmed up close and in slow motion, so that the viewer would have time to pay attention to this fact, since it has thematic value.)
The SLI is the only type who fully and unmistakably notices the hidden needs and sensations that not every person will notice or admit to in themselves. Moreover, the SLI can come up to an unfamiliar person and tell them about this. For example, he can by the look in a person's eyes figure out that this person is hungry, and invite them over for a meal. He flawlessly assesses physical dissatisfaction of a person and typically cannot remain indifferent to it. The SLI is perturbed seeing another person's suffering.
The SLI greatly values the created by him soulful, emotional, and sensory comfort. He tries to avoid any unpleasant, irritating stimuli, that destroy this subjective harmony. Such unpleasant stimuli can be poor aesthetics of someone's appearance, sharp smells or sounds, dim lighting, cluttered interior space, old and worn wallpaper, chipped corners, unpleasant intonations in someone's voice, and so on. Any manifestations of emotional and sensory discomfort has an effect on SLI's mood (sometimes even his potency), evoking in him an inner protest, igniting in him a wish to immediately change his surroundings. The SLI always tries to insulate himself from unpleasant surrounding stimuli. For example, being at home, he can turn off his phone so that nothing would interfere with his pleasant isolation.
The SLI prefers to perceive the harmony of his experiences in a single complex, according to his own subjective system of interrelations: an object must be simultaneously aesthetically visually pleasing, pleasing to touch, to smell, and to taste. Harmony of perceived sensations - is the main demand that representatives of this type make of their surrounding reality.
Outwardly the SLIs are characterized by measured, flowing, smooth movements, good coordination, and a combination of outer softness and laxness with composure and some restraint.
The SLI prefers to dress simply, comfortably, and with a sense of taste. Likes practical and sporty styles. Any clothes, even the working ones, he knows how to wear with natural, unaffected gracefulness. Independent of what they are wearing, SLIs always feel themselves quite comfortable and assured in what they are in. The SLI is least of all interested in chasing fashion, since in his tastes he is quite conservative and individualistic. He prefers to look neat and well cared for, although he doesn't feel shy and awkward about showing up somewhere in his working set of clothes, if he wishes it.
The SLI knows how to pay attention to and heed his internal impressions. Likes to talk about them, to analyze them. He values natural beauty and sharp, thrilling experiences and sensations. Lack of such impressions just as their overload irritates the SLI, sometimes evoking aversion.
The SLI likes and appreciates enjoyment and pleasure in all its forms and does not under any circumstances turn it down; he can make it stretch out and last for a long time, thanks to his ability to again and again recreate pleasant experiences from memory. A tendency towards pleasure - is more likely a norm of his life: "And who doesn't like pleasant experiences and things? What, is it necessary to live one's life in suffering? If I had ten lives, I would live one as my mother wants, anther - as my wife wants ... But I have only one life, and I live it as I want."
The SLI categorically does no agree with the assertion that "any pleasure in this life comes at a price"; he in general rejects such framing of the issue. In his understanding, pleasure is the individual adjustment of subjective experiences. The ability to tune and adjust one's experiences with the orientation towards harmony and pleasure - is his own individual capability, his own merit. Therefore, why does he has to pay for it?
Under no circumstances does the SLI place his personal prosperity, well-being, and convenience under a destructive blow. Moreover, he tries not to create any precedents for this. If the current circumstances have already folded in an unfavorable to him manner, he will try to come out of this situation with minimal losses for himself.
As a result of such attitude and values, the SLI can make an impression of an egoistical, self-loving, insensitive person. Such opinions, that do arise in people around him, indeed substantially complicate his life. However, the SLI will obstinately and stubbornly defend his right to live as he wishes, supporting and motivating it by the fact that he doesn't really want to cause suffering or problems to anyone else, and sincerely feels upset if his lifestyle causes suffering and inconvenience to anyone.
The SLI likes to sense his own strength and physical condition. Many of them will try to lead a healthy lifestyle. SLIs prefer the types of sports that are filled with trilling, bright impressions and strong sensations: mountain climbing, travel, scuba diving. Sport for the SLI is not only a test and check for endurance, but also a way to feel the fullness and vividness of life. (Image of a courageous traveler-trailblazer is very appealing to representatives of this type.)
Many SLIs will adhere to healthy diets, take up vegetarianism or "raw" food eating. Almost all of them know how to prepare food well practically not having to learn and study this. Representatives of this type value natural, non-artificial beauty of taste sensations, and can without an issue avoid using much salt and spices in their diet.
Some representatives of this type, in an attempt to find the most effective bio-energic regime of life and to achieve the full concentration of sensations, take up yoga, meditation, martial arts, striving to explore the boundaries of their physical possibilities.
SLIs like to walk by food, moreover, there is a perception of good coordination and measured automatism in their movements and their gait. For the duration of the entire walk, the SLI keeps the same even pre-set pace. They don't like to stop and wait for people who fell behind. Thus they like to walk to jog alone. Walking for the SLI is also an opportunity to focus on his own thoughts. The experience of the walk or run itself can be more important to them than its final goal or destination.
SLIs are endowed by a refined and discerning sense of harmony of colors, lines, forms. They sensitively feel color combinations, percept the saturation of color, the dynamics of a line, the lightness and gracefulness of form.
The SLI dislikes oppressive monumentalism. They enjoy simple forms, deprived of any decorative excesses.
The SLI knows how to rationally use space. Even in a cramped tight space, the SLI can create an illusion of spaciousness and a sense of uncongested open space. (A model of SLI type of aesthetics is most accurately represented by the aesthetic traditions of Japan: the combination of harmony and functionality of simple, natural forms.)
In their homes, SLIs don't tolerate superfluous unnecessary things and throw them out without regrets. In everyday life they know how to get by with very little. They know how to create a sensation of coziness and comfort in any conditions and under any circumstances.
Ego Block: 2nd Creative Function - Te Extraverted Logic
Representatives of this type are endowed by an ability to act prudently, calculatedly, purposefully, to conduct themselves based on a logical estimation, in any situation. Any problem, any technical assignment they resolve methodically and rationally. From any work they try to extract a maximum of use and benefit, any idea the develop further in such a way that would would bring a maximum of returns.
SLI sees his mission in life in development of new methods and procedures.** Any scientific discovery is interesting to him from the point of view of its practical implementation and realization.
[Editor's note: Perhaps the
logical subtype, but not so much the sensory SLI.]
SLIs focus on the goal in the development of new procedures and new technologies. They are interested in any scientific discovery from the point of view of its practical application.
The SLI chooses rational approach for any type of work. While at this, SLI's rationalism sets a goal of increasing the effectiveness of labor and alleviating the work conditions to make them less burdensome.
Any work the SLI does qualitatively, methodically, at a measured steady pace, paying attention to and working through the details. Whichever work the SLI takes up, he does everything unhurriedly, comprehensively, obtaining the maximum enjoyment from the working process itself.
The SLI thoroughly prepares his work place, ensuring that it is equipped with everything that is necessary for work. SLI’s tools are always carefully laid out - sometimes even with the same even spacing between the items. The process of preparation for work is just as "sacred" for the SLI as the work itself.
The SLI can take on any assignment or task with enthusiasm, if only it would bring some real, concrete, perceptible benefit. He can scrupulously and methodically study the most complicated and entangled cases. He can successfully carry out work that to others seems impossible to do, for example, fix a seemingly hopelessly broken instrument or tool, while using for this the most surprising adaptations. (If the SLI refuses to fix a thing, seeing that it has completely lost its usefulness and functionality, one can safely throw away such item away.)
Any complex and difficult-to-solve problem the SLI divides into several stages, breaking it into several smaller and feasible tasks: "... Imagine that your problem - is like an enormous mountain, and clearing it is only possible if you move the earth to the side by a handful. One handful at least on each day ... Then, before your eyes, you will see that the problem by itself will be resolved."
To the SLI the process of resolving problems presumes doing some work. Therefore, he tries to do this in a measured and pre-planned manner, sequentially, consistently, purposefully, and yet with a sense pleasure. (The SLI derives pleasure from the fact that even if the project is moving slow, still it's progressing.)
The SLI knows how to please someone by a service or a deed. In his understanding, the best way to show his own friendly intentions and to earn somebody's positive predisposition - is through concrete help in all life matters.
The SLI will never take up something that doesn't bring him any moral satisfaction. While it is important for him that his work is paid for, he may also do something unselfishly, altruistically, "as a gift". If his work truly interests and captivates him, then he may with pleasure take it up in his free time as well.
The SLI prefers to prove his view point in business and work-related questions by the actual results of the work. He is content when his work receives a high evaluation. In any matter, he strives to reach a high level of professionalism. Can be quite critical in evaluating work - both his own and that of others. Demanding towards others and himself. It is difficult to earn his praise.
Assessing the aesthetic side of work in progress, the SLI attaches importance to the originality of the overall idea. (The SLI sometimes values originality even above aesthetics, since he is "suggested" on this aspect. Therefore, work that is not distinguished by originality, even if it is aesthetically faultless, does not evoke pleasant enthusiasm from the SLI. Similarly, he will criticize and reject work that doesn't correspond to his own idea about the assigned theme.)
The SLI loves to instruct. He explains everything simply and clearly. Loves to teach, to train (as well as to edify and lecture). The SLI derives pleasure when others turn to him for advice and consultation concerning any matter. He considers it to be his duty to teach even the simplest things. (For example, while serving tea, he immediately starts explaining how he has brewed it.) The SLI loves to explain the sequence of actions or steps of some task he is doing in an easily accessible and understandable way. He loves to work demonstratively, in the presence of on-lookers or an audience. For example, while he is fixing an appliance, the SLI goes on to explain the cause of the its malfunction and how it should be used. (A quality highly valued by his dual, the IEE, in whose hands things break all the time since he doesn't concern himself with reading instructions, and precisely because of this he is grateful to anyone who takes up fixing his things or at least gives him useful instruction.)
Super-Id Block: 6th Activating Function - Fi Introverted Feeling
The SLI is always glad to have an opportunity to establish kind, friendly relations. He's not against expanding his circle of acquaintances and friends. Glad when he has a chance to do some service for his friends. He likes it when others turn to him for help and advice. Moreover, the SLI does not impose his services and help - he simply provides it, without extra words. He considers that extending his services and help is the best way to make friends.
For example, if the SLI makes acquaintance with a woman, coming over to her place he might try to fix something, becoming so absorbed by this activity that he seemingly loses sight of the purpose of the visit. From this point on, two possible directions of development of events can be traced: a psychologically incompatible woman will feel awkward and inconvenienced by this, try to distract him, to bring something to eat and drink, etc. This will be a serious strategic mistake from her side, since the SLI will perceive this as a willful effort to determine the course of relations. It will seem to the SLI that she is too focused on him, and that his female companion is hurrying and moving things along too quickly to close the distance. In this case, the SLI immediately feels psychological discomfort, begins to lose interest in his female friend, and next he will try to "change the scenery".
A psychologically compatible woman will act completely differently: she will only encourage his enthusiasm and bring him everything else from her house that needs to get fixed (perhaps, this person has come over precisely for this?). Moreover, she will occupy him by work until the SLI himself says that he needs to rest and promise that he will fix everything else during his next visit.
Here, the situation happens exactly the way it's needed to his dual, the ENFp - that is, the time of the visit has been spent on some practical benefit for the household, and, in addition, some positive prospects appeared for the near future, and relations are developing in such a way that the distance isn't being closed too quickly. For the IEE this is very important, because it is important for the SLI. The IEE builds his relationships as if outside of such concept as distance, because he subconsciously feels that this is most convenient and comfortable for his SLI friend.
The SLI is indeed very much inconvenienced by relations with clearly and rigidly set distance, because a strictly defined distance presupposes certain restrictions of behavior, some ethical boundaries and firm obligations. Where there are boundaries, restrictions, and limitations, the SLI doesn't feel himself too well. He feels himself being deprived of the opportunity to choose the nature of the development of relations in each specific and distinct situation. For example, the SLI, being oriented at the flexible ethics of the IEE, assumes that when he is told "you and I can be good friends" - this should be understood as a hidden hint that "we could become physically, emotionally, and spiritually close companions". But when, following through with "being friends" his partner keeps him at a friendly distance, the SLI feels himself perplexed. Yet, on the other side, if "things are called their names", the SLI starts to feel uncomfortable and awkward, and a result of this experiences psychological discomfort.
SLIs dislikes very much when intimate things are being talked about directly - this is almost like a sacrilege to him. Therefore, the IEE speaks of intimate relations by the way of hints and insinuations, in a veiled and concealed form. On the inside, SLIs are quite squeamish and sensitive towards any straightforward banality.
The SLI also dislikes when "clarity" is introduced into a relationship, when it gets clearly defined. He dislikes clear-cut outlining and assignments of rights and responsibilities. All the time he tries to blur the boundaries of what is permissible, change the distance in relations, and make it be independent from each person's rights and obligations. ("How can there be any obligations? If I feel myself good with someone, I will do everything for them ...")
If the SLI feels bad being around someone, he leaves the situation with the same ease as if he was leaving a room - he simply turns around and departs, not saying anything about his reasons or to where he is leaving. He may reappear again, but not too soon and exactly when he is not wanted. In this case the SLI may feel confused why he isn't being received well and treated as before. Has he done something wrong? - He simply took a break from the emotional discomfort to return with new energies and strengths to his loved person. That is took a very long time for him to renew and reconstitute his emotional forces - this is his personal matter that doesn't affect others in any shape or form, and concerns only his subjective inner experience. (Of course, within the framework of "emotional regeneration" the SLI may develop relations with several partners at the same time and sequentially alternate them.)
As has been mentioned before, the SLI greatly values the harmony and wholesomeness of his inner subjective experiences, just as he values emotional agreement, amity, and comfort, but it is exactly for this reasons that his personal relationships don't always develop easily and smoothly.
Least bit of problems are caused to the SLI by firmly set friendly relations - for friends the SLI will always find time and the wish to do something. Friendship, in his understanding, are voluntary and reciprocal relations.
SLI's relationship with his or her own children are usually good. SLIs love their children and their grandchildren. In general, they easily find contact points with kids. (SLIs typically make for great mentors and teachers.)
Problems begin when a notion of duty, debt, or responsibility is introduced into his relations. The SLI will never be obligated or obliged by anything to anyone. He will visit his relatives only when he wants to be with them, else any contact with them won't bring him any satisfaction. The SLI tries to avoid any relations that are completely based on responsibilities and obligations. The "visits of politeness" to the relatives, where he will have to listen to their lecturing, complaints, and detailed reports about poor health, for SLI is sheer torture.
The SLI cannot stand moralizing and lectures. For him it's easier to "become good" when he is already considered to be so.
He doesn't allow for other people to "punish" him. Responds well with kindness only when he feels that others sincerely like and welcome him. Does not permit any attempts to re-educate himself - in such cases the SLI distances immediately and becomes closed off.
Inclined to compassion and sympathy. Not demonstrative of his antipathies and sympathies (only that he may openly demonstrate his wishes).
Does not boast about and broadcast his merits and virtues.
Tries not to have anything in common with ungrateful people.
Dislikes asking or pleading for anything - he can achieve what he wants without making requests.
The SLI fully and unconditionally trusts the partner with whom he is on good terms, with whom he feels pleasant and calm, and even allows this person some frivolities in his behavior. However, around a person with whom he has little reciprocal understanding, he doesn't trust and becomes jealous on the slightest occasion.
The SLI considers himself to be too trusting, and assumes that he can easily be deceived or tricked. For this reason, he doesn't allow too many people to get close with him.
Close distance appears for him in relations that are "beyond distance" - on the basis of very sensitive, flexible, and mobile ethics of relations (Fi), which is exactly characteristic of his dual the IEE. With representatives of other sociotypes, SLIs relations develop problematically and sufficiently difficultly.
Super-Id Block: 5th Dual-Seeking Function - Ne Extraverted Intuition
No matter how much the SLI tries to develop his intuition and ability to foresee things, certain difficulties always arise in this respect for him. For example, sometimes the SLI finally understands something about the nature of another person only after he has quarreled with him and relations have come to a breaking point, and this is not to mention the understanding of his own nature that typically remains an incomprehensible riddle for the SLI, despite the fact that the SLI frequently engages in introspection.
The SLI frequently evaluates the possibilities of a person through an ethical evaluation ("… he is a good person, capable of achieving much").
The SLI greatly respects the ability to accurately and laconically describe traits and qualities of any person, just as he admires and respects the ability to predict the development of interrelations.
Any science or scientific method that expands the boundaries of human capabilities evokes much interest and respect in the SLI.
The SLI is very much attentive and considerate of the opinions of people who know how to find ways out of very difficult situations. He listens with pleasure to their recommendations and advice on how to behave oneself, how to act and what to do in an unexpected situation or in the case of danger.
Sometimes the SLI becomes convinced or persuaded by anomalous phenomena and events. Sometimes the SLI can with all seriousness discuss a certain unusual and anomalous event or thing which supposedly exists in his home. He may study and try to memorize "rules" of defense from "energy vampires" like a multiplication table, and then in all seriousness try to teach them to others.
The SLI with respect refers to people who have unusual and supernatual abilities. He may try to develop the same abilities in himself.
The SLI is very much persuaded and convinced by authoritative people. A person who has achieved success, public acknowledgement and acclaim, inspires deep respect in him. If his own work is not properly recognized by its merit, the SLI reacts very painfully to this, because he is in the habit of comparing his own achievements with successes and attainments of other people. In a conversation, the SLI may mention and make references to his own titles and merits. He generally disapproves of "leveling" and equalization of people in any respect - in his opinion, each individual much have have his own personal approach.
The SLI is in need of individuals who are capable of discovering and evaluating his own creative abilities, unlocking and opening up his talents, and inspiring him to bring them to fruition.
The SLI has much respect for people who know how to quickly grasp the essence of events or phenomena and share this understanding with others.
Dislikes it when his own abilities and possibilities are being criticized - this evokes internal protest in him, since he usually tries to all-inclusively develop and evolve his own talents. With seriousness engages in self-education and self-improvement.
Examples of other people's successes and achievements are convincing to a SLI only in a from that is presented by his dual, the IEE. Only the IEE is able to inspire and motivate the SLI, suggesting and showing to him original, unique, and intriguing idea, captivating the SLI by new, unexplored possibilities.
Source -
What are the main differences between an IEI and an EII ?
Tallmo once advised not using Quadra values to type oneself on an individual level-- I believe the reasoning was along the lines of, Quadra values show
spacious Today, 07:43 PM