Compatible subtypes
(machine trans--further translation needed)
If you follow the principles of Jungian typology, the repression of the human behavior of psychological functions, opposite to the value of the leading features of his personality type, should affect the relationship of subtypes. Heavy-duty functions in the interaction of subtypes can produce compatibility effects, or conversely, discord in the relationship, the more pronounced the more unfavorable overall intertype relations (relations between the 16 th personality types).
The best compatibility is at the duals, if they are subtypes of enhanced non-opposed to each other (in regard to the information), a pair of functions, as intuition, logic, ethics, or sensory, as they are not antagonistic to each other. This means that such people can easily find a common language, at least - at the information level of communication. In addition, pairs of the same subtype of career guidance due to the relatively enhanced in their subtypes similar (identical) functions are located in vertical blocks of model A for each of these TIMov. It is there are elements that are responsible for an additional subtype of these types of career guidance. After the basic setup for the type of activity in duals never the same, so it is easier to find a common occupation, at least if the same innate intellectual additional installation.
Let us illustrate this by the example of the dual pair IEE and SLI:
IEE - Model A
Inert subtype | Contact subtype |
Inert subtype | Contact subtype |
The most consistent in the work - the first one. Intuitive subtype of the IEE and the second, logical subtype of SLI, or a subtype of an IEE-ethical and sensory subtype of SLI). For example, a subtype of the IEE intuitive, but the main humanitarian, is also adjacent to the scientific and theoretical setup by a characteristic increase in the vertical block A model of intuition and logic (as in type ILE). Those elements are strengthened and the logical sub-type SLI. Such a pair can be readily and productively engaged in the humanities (for example, the authors). A subtype of the IEE and ethical touch subtype SLI are more likely to humanitarian and social direction of the activity. In both cases, an extrovert rather IEE may be moderated. But if the program specifies the SLI, then the dual pair of related scientific and theoretical setting will be engaged in industrial and scientific activities. This is the main tipnaya orientation and additional SLI - in both. A second dual pair is willing to engage in productive and social activities.
As for emotional compatibility, which is manifested on the ethical level of contacts, there are more compatible with the strengthening of subtypes opposite but complementary elements of information metabolism: sensory perceptions and intuitive features, the logic of relations and the ethics of emotion, volition and sensory intuition of time, the business logic and ethics of relations (in the figure are the first subtypes of the IEE and the SLI, or second of these subtypes of personality types). Such a pair of well-relax with each other and remove unnecessary stress, because their interests do not overlap, and there is mutual. In addition, they will have the same performance biorhythms. It is important for emotional and harmonious sexual relationship. In contrast, better communicate different subtypes. In this case, one will be effective at the beginning, and the second in its completion.
The relatively incompatible (antagonistic) subtypes with increased metabolism of opposing elements of information: logic, ethics, sensing and intuition. This does not mean that such people can not get along with each other. It all depends on intertype relations, but at the information level it will be harder to understand each other, than previous partners. But on an emotional level, enabling intertype relations, they may feel more comfortable than in the discussions and general sessions.
The representatives of the same subtype - in some respects may be compatible, while others - not in all. Much depends on what it is, and subtypes in what way they interact.
Complement each other in these types:
A. Intuitive subtype combined:
a) with Ethics subtype
b) the logical subtype
Two. Touch combined subtype
a) with Ethics subtype
b) the logical subtype
Three. Logical subtype combined:
a) with an intuitive subtype
b) touch a subtype
4. Combined subtype of Ethics:
a) with an intuitive subtype
b) touch a subtype
Representatives of the intuitive subtypes combines with the "subtype" ethical idealism and a desire to change the world for the better, but with the logic (at the level of sub-types) - the relative ability of abstract thinking and analysis of various phenomena. Subtype of sensory subtype ethics brings interest to the specific problems of each other, care for the convenience of the people, and with subtype logician - the clarity and sharpness of the goals and effectiveness of methods for achieving them.
Despite the difference in all of these subtypes, they may find the path to understanding, if they learn to use more that unites them, rather than focus on the opposite qualities of each other. It is more difficult, but possible, and adapt to the opposite subtype.
The opposite types:
A. The logical opposite of a subtype of Ethics;
Two. Intuitive touch the opposite subtype.
There is a law of unity and struggle of opposites. If you apply it to Socionics, the most striking example of the unity of opposites are dual pairs. Even with the mismatch of subtypes, they complement each other well, although the commonality of interests, mutual understanding and harmony in the relationship will still have the best matching (with respect to the identity), rather than supplementing subtypes.
The struggle of opposites, of course, brighter than the impact of conflict in couples, and especially for parts of their subtypes. This does not mean that such cases are hopeless, but they require more effort for mutual adjustment.
The degree of compatibility of the same subtype, as, indeed, any other, may depend on various factors. In particular, not only on their intertype relations, but also focus on the type, temperament, psihoform, as well as various individual characteristics that may be outside of the typology.
Knowing the degree of compatibility with your partner at the subtype level, it is easy to anticipate some of the possible reasons for differences that may occur at the opposite subtype. Let us examine them.
A. Logical and ethical subtypes may be most keenly perceive their dissimilarity, sometimes generating antagonism. It's - the conflict between thought and feeling personality types, the more enhanced with additional, subtype of manifestation they have these qualities. In this case, ethics will suffer from the coldness of logic and of its lack of compromise in relationships and decisions. A logician will experience spiritual discomfort due to excessive emotion, resentment and unfounded, from his point of view, the claims of ethics. A compromise is possible if one makes a step forward to accept the other as he is, and will try to answer at least some of its demands.
2. Touch and intuitive subtypes have differences from other causes. It is a conflict with the idealistic realist. Specifically thinking, sensible and impatient sensory intuitive type may seem abstract, or bum a weakling. Intuit will suffer from ground sensing and meticulousness, his inability to capture the essence of what was said or what is happening with polunamekami. On the other hand, when intuit starts to explain something, it makes it so vague and difficult to understand the sensing, that lack the patience to try to understand or make sense of this, especially since he is not capable of associative and creative thinking. As a result, both feel that their interests are as different as the way of thinking. They will be able to achieve greater harmony in the relationship, but if properly distribute responsibilities and will not demand the impossible from each other. However, they need to try to find a common hobby or learn to share the interests of another.
In addition to these general trends, we must also consider the compatibility of individual personality types at the level of interaction between types of information models. Of course, this can be done only Socionics consultant who has specialized knowledge.
Now consider the four groups of intertype relations subtype level.
A. Relationships: identical, mirror, parallel and cancel, that is - the relationship of people with common matching items informobmena. These relationships bring people into intellectual clubs, as they have a similar setup to the innate activity.
This is - the case where a large discrepancy in attitudes and outlook of the representatives of subtypes does not happen, so do not really matter what kind of a subtype of a partner. However, in humans is more common if the same subtype enhanced, although sometimes more interesting to talk to those who have enhanced complement subtype. In any case, their interests are similar.
Two. Relationships: dual, activation, and the superego conflict. This is - a relationship in which the leading features of personality types there is no identity element for information exchange, and there is only complementary or antagonistic. This is the most need at least add subtype relations, especially the last two of them. Otherwise, you may need to adjust a lot of effort and achieve a good understanding, even in the duals.
Three. The relationship audit, business and family - it is such a relationship in which the data types of the person has an identity function (eg, ethics - one partner and another), and one - the opposite (for example, the logic of one partner and the ethics of the other). This is a pretty contrast ratio at which the agreement is particularly important elements of informational metabolism in their subtypes. 4. The relationship of social order, and poludualnye mirage, associate partner with a complementary and quencheth one element of information exchange in their respective functions, the Model A types. These relationships are more comfortable and less antagonistic, but they also need to add subtype, albeit to a lesser extent than the previous ones.
We have examined the compatibility relations at the level of personality types and subtypes. To understand how complex the world of human relations and a broad set of tools for their correction in the next chapter you will learn about the types of interoperability at the level of psihoform and their thinking styles, types of options, as well as patterns of emotional compatibility at the level of forms of senses and relations.
Meged VV, 1989-1990.
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