some ILEs are the biggest liars ever known. Ne Ti + Fi PoLR can be great for that.
we still choose to withold information or what to tell someone at...
It's very likely that World War III will happen in my lifetime. If there's one thing that generates considerable global change when it happens, it's...
Alan Turing screams sensor from his work and quotes.
I even had theory of computation classes and they all scream some sort of ST pass time, which I...
I’ve done some recent research into attachment theory, and it has confirmed what I have always suspected: ‘attachment style’ is largely influenced by...
SEEs are basically a physically competent EIE (both are F+ and R+ and quite promiscuous due to that); you'll often find them on the positive end of a...
Hi, Darth... I haven't met you before, or spoken to you. But I just wanted to say hello, and thank you... It's thanks to you, along with others like...
Fuck it. I sent them a text explaining why I can't see them anymore. I'll talk to my mom tomorrow, but this is what it's come down to. The last of my...
I think the opposite. I don't think it has much to do with social issues, or more like Kamala didn't have the right backbone to really claim what she...