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Thread: The16types Typings Spreadsheet

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Award for least intuitive enneagram typing for me on spreadsheet goes to @silke for 9w1 sp/sx but if you would like to show how you arrived at that I would be interested to see it. You can put it in the enneagram typings thread if you wish since I have already had two others type me 9w1 too and most of my responses to it are probably covered but I will add the fine distinctions here so you can tell me how you arrived at this?

    Highlight what you think fits OR use a description of your choice.You perception of my instincts would also be appreciated now dazzle me with your Ti baby!

    Self Preservation Nines

    • Often preoccupied with physical comfort, maintaining routines and satisfying appetites.
    • Exceptionally good receivers and appreciators; the best things in life are free
    • Grateful for what they have and treasure it
    • Can be reliable, dependable and consistent
    • Specialize in a defense of small horizons
    • Self Preservation Nines are especially prone to diminish their own expectations, to not quite hope for much out of life-a defense against disappointment
    • Could be financially well-off but have a self-image of someone poor or destitute
    • Distract themselves with pleasant domestic activities. Live conservatively
    • Consume food and drink for anaesthesia. Tend towards addiction, especially to numbing substances, smoking pot, overeating to the point of stupor
    • Can have a love of the minimal and enjoy the repetition of known routines
    • Sleepy; may be slow moving, lack energy and be physically lazy
    • The cliche of the couch potato goes with the low side of this subtype
    • Can be extremely neglectful and messy
    • A spaced out, unfocused mentality; lack of rigor
    • No enthusiasm for anything; life is purgatorial, just killing time

    Intimate Nines

    • Loyal in love; patient and enduring; able to stay steady in long term relationships
    • Realistically see their partners limits but accept them
    • Good listeners; supportive non-judgmental friends
    • Often focused on an unconscious ideal of romantic union
    • Nines with this subtype are sometimes mistaken for Fours because of the way they can melancholically yearn for what they don’t have
    • May have high expectations of romantic partners and be prone to jealousy
    • Often this dynamic represents a yearning for a distant parent
    • The ideal of romantic union blocks out the real relationship. It is a way of staying disengaged from your priorities, a distracting obsession
    • Find their attractiveness and self-worth in how others see them
    • May idealize people while deleting their flaws; could tolerate being mistreated or abused
    • Can be fickle in love. After committing to a relationship they can grow critical of their partner and develop a wandering eye
    • Indiscriminate; might have multiple serial relationships, searching from one person to the next, obsessing about whether their current partner is “the right one”
    • Some Intimate Nines get involved with two partners and can’t decide between them, a pattern of triangulation
    • Can be romantic on the one hand, callous on the other
    • Sometimes feel driven by lust, especially when the have an Eight wing

    Nine with a One Wing

    • Nines with a One wing tend to have been “model children.” They instinctively worked to please their parents by being virtuous, orderly, and low maintenance
    • Idealistic; a quiet moral authority plus good-hearted peacemaking tendencies
    • Often have a sense of mission, public or private; work hard for the welfare of whomever they are committed to. Good with detail
    • Unpretentious yet dignified; generally empathetic, have the “common touch;” An elegant simplicity of manner and speech
    • Can be well-liked, modest, endearing; gentle yet firm. Some have a striking quality of grace and composure punctuated by bursts of spontaneity and sweetness
    • Sincere, practice what they preach; effective, good natured and idealistic.
    • Rule-bound, obedient/compliant; perfectionistic and self-critical
    • Can be compulsively orderly, overly controlled, unemotional and disassociated
    • Can act on weird principles that don’t make sense; A dubious, fractured morality
    • May be visibly successful but don’t really feel connected to their achievements
    • Passive tolerance of absurd or damaging situations; so normal they’re strange
    • Exceptionally conservative in their habits of living and around making changes
    • May go passively self-neglectful. Dutiful to what they shouldn’t be
    • Minimize, tell themselves they had a great childhood, everything’s fine
    • Placid numbness can creep over them. exceptionally out of touch with feelings. Intolerant of their own emotions; gradually deaden their souls
    To quote my girl @fox (with her permission) who is gone but not forgotten. <3


    Thank you for giving me the D! But what kind of D is it?
    Last edited by Aylen; 05-01-2018 at 09:07 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    To quote my girl fox (with her permission) who is gone but not forgotten.
    Any not secret info what was the explanation to remove all her messages?

  3. #3
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post


    Thank you for giving me the D! But what kind of D is it?
    Just a vague feeling that you could be D subtype. Someone suggested H earlier, but you don't seem that.

    But it doesn't mean much, I could remove it. I also type Aster D, but I've seen her video and her Dness seemed clear to me.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  4. #4
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Just a vague feeling that you could be D subtype. Someone suggested H earlier, but you don't seem that.

    But it doesn't mean much, I could remove it. I also type Aster D, but I've seen her video and her Dness seemed clear to me.
    No need to remove it. I was just confused because that's all that was there. I am sure you have posted this but what are the signs for DCNH for you? Like Troll gave his in another thread so I understood his method. A link to a post you have made will do. I just never saw anyone do it without a base type before.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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