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Thread: This had better be worth my time: TheHotelAmbush questionnaire as answered by Chips and Underwear

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    Default This had better be worth my time: TheHotelAmbush questionnaire as answered by Chips and Underwear

    I even made videos! Warning, it's long! There are lots of questions and I wanted to answer thoroughly. I split it up into 4 parts.

    Last edited by The Exception; 11-16-2016 at 09:30 AM.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    How do I embed the videos right into this thread? I keep trying but its not working.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    How do I embed the videos right into this thread? I keep trying but its not working.
    You have to include the www.

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    I also wrote out the answers for those who can't be bothered to watch the videos.

    The Questionnaire from TheHotelAmbush v0.1

    Describe yourself.
    This question is so vague and could be answered in so many different ways and contexts. If you want to know what I’m like, read the responses to the other questions below. I would give a more extensive answer except this questionnaire is so long as it is.

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    I am a librarian. I chose the career because I am interested in helping other people locate books and various types of information. I like helping others find information, providing technology assistance, and hooking them up with community resources. I feel like I am providing a noble and useful service for people and I get to put my knowledge and expertise to use. I am always learning new things! What I dislike is dealing with rude customers, having too many demands from too many people at once, and the fact that it is very difficult to land a full-time job with benefits in this profession because jobs are insanely competitive. I am piecing together multiple part-time jobs to make it work.

    What are your values, and why?
    Fairness and equality for all. I believe all humans are inherently equal in their worth. We all deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. The exception is if you hurt someone then, you cannot expect someone to respect you. I believe people are basically good. Sometimes people do bad things- mainly as a result of upbringing, environment, etc. And sometimes people just make mistakes.

    I value knowledge, self-improvement, thinking for oneself, being true to yourself, living and authentic and fulfilling life and doing things that improve society.

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    Besides work, shower, sleep, eat, etc. I listen to music, read, surf the Internet for topics of Interest, check Facebook and my social media accounts, check the 16types and other forums. I also frequently play video games, work on improving my Spanish, take walks outside when the weather is nice, play with my 2 year old nephew.

    My biggest interest and hobby is personality typology, particularly socionics. I love mastering a logical system and also understanding myself and others better. Other
    hobbies are games of all types- board games, card games, video games, computer games. I belong to a couple of different gaming groups. It gets me out of the house and socializing. I find socializing easier when its more structured, built around some purpose. I’m not always the best at just spontaneous conversation, but the game itself provides the spark for good conversation. Normally, we don’t take the game overly seriously, its more about socializing and laughing and joking.
    I also like solitary games like Bejeweled or the Legend of Zelda. I like the mental stimulation, being immersed into a world, collecting goodies and upgrades, or just trying to better my score from last time.

    I also like learning Spanish. I feel its also a useful skill to have. Eventually I would like to travel to Mexico or Spain and I would be more comfortable if I knew the language. Many of the customers I serve are Spanish-speaking and I could serve them better if I was more proficient in the language. I consider my proficiency at a high-intermediate level. I can understand and hold simple conversations and read simple books and articles. But I feel nowhere near fluent. I would like to get to the point where conversation becomes automatic, where I don’t have to consciously translate everything in my head. Where I can listen to some radio broadcast and understand everything even when speaking fast.

    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?
    Family- generally relationships are good and close. There is room for improvement though. With my mother, I know that she will love me unconditionally and that she will always be there for me in times of trouble. She is good at providing emotional support. However she is a bit overprotective even though I’m a grown adult and sometimes I think she talks too much when I just want quiet and time to reflect. However when I’m in the mood to talk she is good at providing the conversation. She also has a good sense of humor. I am not as emotionally close to my father. He is quite reserved with his feelings and sometimes I feel like he’s emotionally unavailable. If I have some emotional distress, he is not so good at supporting me. If its more lighthearted and every-day routine topics we get along well and enjoy each others company. He is fun to play cards with and he has a good sense of humor. I have one younger sister. We are close and we usually get along but lately we haven’t interacted as much. She is very busy with her job and her two year old son. She is kind, sweet, smart, funny, but sometimes she can be a bit bossy as she has a strong sense of right/wrong about some things.

    There are some things I’m not comfortable sharing with my family though. Like my interest and love of personality typology. They don’t get it. They thinks its hogwash. People can’t really be placed in categories, it’s so much more complex than that. No scientific evidence. I understand where they are coming from but it’s still hurtful when they make remarks hinting that I should stop reading that crap. So I learned not to discuss it anymore. They don’t even know I still pursue that interest.

    Friends- Honestly I don’t have any close friends. I have a lot of acquaintances and more casual friendships. What I like about my friends is their kindness, their intellectual curiosity, open mindedness, sense of humor. I’m not sure what I dislike.

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    With friends: Shared interests, kindness, good listener, empathy, trustworthy, intelligence, uniqueness, sense of humor, open mindedness.
    Same for romantic relationships although even more important to get it right. Because if I’m in a relationship I want it to last a long time and feel like we have long-term compatibility.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    There have been occasional conflicts with people in an online group when they say something I perceive as a bit too rude and harsh. I call them out on it, remind them they should be more tactful. The other person then gets upset at me because s/he thinks I’m being overly controlling of how they behave and what they say. The other person thinks s/he can say what they want regardless of how others might feel. I am fine with differences of opinion, just try to be more tactful about it.
    I can’t think of any conflicts that happen on a regular basis. I hate conflict and find it very unpleasant so if I run into a conflict with someone I will try hard to understand it so it doesn’t happen again with that person. If that’s not possible, I just try avoiding that person.

    So I don’t think I have regular conflicts with any particular individuals but I the types of conflicts I have are what I stated above. Also conflicts regarding idealogies or how people should be treated.

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    What I find endearing is when people are open and honest about their insecurities and weaknesses. It makes them more human, more authentic, and more relateable. I far prefer that to someone who is overly arrogant. I know some people dislike that though. They believe that showing weaknesses invites others to exploit you and take advantage of you.

    Traits that annoy me that others might find positive or neutral:
    *Brutal honesty where you just care about speaking the truth and not if you are offending someone. Think Donald Trump.
    *People who are very materialistic and just want to live in the present and don’t think much about the future or the consequences of their actions.
    *Rebel without a cause, bad boy/bad girl types. I think most laws are there for a good reason but occasionally authority should be challenged. What I dislike is people that don’t have any respect for laws whatsoever and just want to stir up trouble and cause a ruckus.

    How would your friends describe you?
    Intelligent, thoughtful, kind, considerate, fair, honest but tactful, funny (sometimes), dependable.

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    Strengths: Intelligent, honest (without being rude or tactless), fair, kind, considerate, reliable, hardworking, introspective, good ideas and insight, good sense of humor (sometimes).

    What do I like about myself: All of the above strengths.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Weakness: I care way too much what other people think of me. I am not the best at taking criticism. I am thin skinned and my feelings are hurt easily. I am prone to anxiety and way too hard on myself. I compare myself to others too much and easily get envious of other peoples’ successes.

    Criticisms I get from others: Overly sensitive and thin-skinned, too introverted, too passive, too self-absorbed and in my own world, unaware of what’s going on around me at times, worries too much, insecure and lacking confidence.

    Dislike about myself: All of the above.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I’m quite independent and self-sufficient. I manage almost all aspects on my own effectively. I suppose I would like help dealing with difficult personalities more effectively- particularly those I find rude or intimidating. Sometimes I could use help in feeling more confident or better about myself. Sometimes I get down on myself when I see others that seem more talented or accomplished than I am. I want people to assure me that I’m a talented person with a lot to offer of value to others.

    What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    The normal things most people find to be unpleasant chores. Cleaning, housework, paying bills, etc. Also filling out forms, doing taxes, applying for health insurance. My plan got cancelled for next year and I had to switch over.

    Things I enjoy: thinking and pondering things, learning, listening to music, playing games, surfing the Intenet.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?
    Travel more- I am curious to see more of the world and experience different cultures. It would be easier if I had more money.
    Become fluent in Spanish. I like learning languages and also want to be more proficient at it for my job and because I plan to travel to Spanish speaking countries in the future.

    I would also like to learn Russian. For Socionics reasons, because so much stuff is still just in Russian and the translation to English is sometimes poor. I would like to be able to converse with Russian speaking socionicists.

    Become more proficient in my career as a librarian. Continue to acquire additional knowledge and skills Hopefully land a full-time job as a librarian. Jobs are insanely competitive in that field though. I should probably be happy with what I have. Many get a degree and can’t any job in that field.

    Eventually hope to find a soul mate in life- where I can have a fulfilling relationship and still feel like I can be true to myself and not pressured to change.

    Read more of the great works of literature, view the great works of art and listen to the classical music that stood the test of time. Why? Because I’m curious. To understand why it stood the test of time. To see it lives up to the hype. I want to experience the great art and beauty the world has to offer.

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?
    Travel the world, spend time on my hobbies and interests.

    What did you do last Friday?
    Last Friday I went to work, then stayed home and surfed the Internet, then I slept. I probably checked and Facebook. I know, boring.

    The Friday before that, I worked then went and played Pinochle with the gaming group. It was my first time playing the game. I enjoyed learning and mastering the game but I did not like the partner I was stuck with. She didn’t seem very patient with me. Because I was new, I made some bad moves and then she criticized me every time. Her tone of voice sounded very bossy and yelling at me. She made me really uncomfortable. Which was too bad because normally I have fun playing cards but she ruined it for me.

    What is your biggest accomplishment?
    Not sure. I don’t feel all that accomplished in the general sense. I feel like my biggest accomplishment in life is yet to come. I suppose earning my Masters degree in Library Science or being in the process of mastering Spanish.

    What is something you regret?
    I majored in biochemistry only to realize later that it wasn’t a suitable major. I hated lab work, it found it tedious and I was clumsy with lab equipment. I then switched my focus to teaching but that wasn’t exactly where my heart was either. It was more tolerable than lab work but having to deal with classroom control issues and constantly developing lesson plans and grading assignments burned me out. So I went back to school and got my Masters degree in Library Science and then got a job as a Librarian. I find that line of work much more fulfilling.

    I also sometimes regret when I said something I shouldn’t have, hurt someone unintentionally, or overreacted to some perceived slight.

    Who do you admire, and why?
    Albert Einstein- his intellect and his imagination. Made a huge impact on how we perceive the laws of physics.

    Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Gandhi - people who stood up for their beliefs, stayed true to them without having to resort to violence or crude measures, and impacted the world for the better

    In everyday life I admire people who can be true to themselves, who aren’t afraid to be different and don’t care so much what other people think. People who are thick-skinned and resilient.

    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?
    Basically what’s on my mind is what I’ve answered in these questions. I suppose I’d add that I worry a lot about the future, about my mortality, about aging and growing old. I find it depressing because even if life isn’t perfect there are a lot of things I enjoy about life and I want to keep it that way. I don’t want to lose my health, my stamina, my memory, my quick thinking, my looks, etc. I worry that I’m going to be close to my death and realized that I didn’t get to do or accomplish all the things I wanted to do. I find that depressing. Life is way too short.

    Problem I’ve encountered lately. Well this happened last spring so it isn’t the most recent but it still haunts me. One of my part-time jobs is working as an on-call librarian for a public library system. I float between different library branches as needed. One of the branches I substituted at frequently and got to know the staff and the location quite well. The problem was the customers. The library is in a rather sketchy, poor part of town. Many of the patrons have economic, health, or mental issues. They carry a lot of emotional baggage and they take it out on the staff frequently. So there are a lot of problem customers and potential security issues. A few times when customers were rude to me, I yelled back at them. I know my mistake and I greatly regret it. But I was told by the manager that I would no longer be able to sub at that library branch. I was very upset because I never thought I was given any fair warning that this would happen. In fact I’ve seen coworkers occasionally yell back at customers and as far as I know they are still here. I think its because I’m a substitute I’m just ‘disposable’ to them.

    If they just explicitly told me “this is your final warning” or if you keep doing that you won’t be allowed to work here anymore and then if I still did it, then it would have been a more ‘fair’ decision. I felt hurt that they refused to give me one last chance, refused to work out any sort of deal and compromise, just deemed me as incompetent and not fit to work there. I’ve tried to fight their decision with no success. I’m upset that no one will vouch for me, no one sees it my way. I know I have potential for improvement and I was willing to work hard on my weaknesses but no one wants to give me a chance. Just boot me out. Well at least it was just that one library branch I was barred working at and not the entire library system. It could have worse. So even though this happened last spring, I still hold a grudge and cannot completely let go. Another weakness of mine I suppose.

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?
    Agnostic but open to various kinds of spiritual beliefs. I am agnostic because there is no scientific proof of some higher being or any inherent meaning or purpose to life other than what we mortals make of it. I would like to believe though, to think there is some higher purpose and meaning. But I have serious doubts, like if there is a God, why is there so much evil and injustice in the world?

    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?
    Politically I tend towards liberal. On social issues, I believe in equal rights regardless of sexual orientation, gays should be allowed to marry. Abortion- mostly pro choice although if not rape, incest, or harmful to the mother’s health, the mother should try to keep the child or put up for adoption if possible. Still I believe there should be a choice. Anti-death penalty- the person committing the crime might genuinely be sorry and have potential to improve oneself and how can one prove guilt without any doubt whatsoever? Once you execute someone you can’t bring the person back. Euthanasia should be a person’s right, although a last resort. People have the right to own a gun but some screening should take place to avoid them getting in the wrong hands.

    Economically, I’m more center. Try to reduce wasteful spending and cut back the deficit. Some rights to private property and economic freedom but have some measures in place so businesses don’t get overly greedy. Also, so that there are programs in place to help the poor and disadvantaged.
    I used to not care that much about politics. I guess I didn’t see how it directly affected me. But in the past few years, I’ve started to care more. In this election, I cared a lot. I know some people are going to disagree with this and I don’t want to offend anyone, but I am very anti-Trump. My biggest problem with him is his attitude and personality. He seems very crude and bullying to me. Dishonest, greedy, self-centered. It’s not the kind of person I want running the country.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
    Not particularly. Sounds like too much work, planning, and logistics to worry about. Also read that around 90% of new businesses fail. That’s not very encouraging. I am reluctant to get involved in something with that high likelihood of failure.
    I am not sure what role I would play. I started the business so I suppose I’d be the person in charge. I’d delegate the unpleasant tasks to others if I could. Also I am bad at promoting so that would probably be delegated to someone else.
    What kind of business? Something consulting related maybe? Something having to do with personality typology would be interesting.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?
    I don’t do a whole lot with my environment. My top priority is to keep it clean and sanitary. I don’t want to live in a pigsty. I like it neat and organized enough so I don’t have to waste time looking for things. Occasionally I find something pretty to hang on a wall or a cute knick-knack but its not my top priority overall.
    Daily chores I find unpleasant and boring which I’m sure most people would agree with. I still do them anyway because I want to live in a clean apartment not a pigsty. Also I have to do things like pay bills to avoid financial trouble.

    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?
    One where I can focus on an intellectually stimulating task with minimal interruption. A quiet, calm environment. Paradoxically, I like the kinds of work where I can do something useful for people but yet I don’t seem to want or need much actual people contact. A job that would minimize interaction with difficult personalities. Minimal to no conflict. Financial security. Benefits like medical insurance and sick leave. Something where I feel competent where I am appreciated. Where I have opportunities for growth and improvement and to learn new things. A physically comfortable work environment. No military basic training or inclement weather conditions that I would have to be exposed to. Where I have clear expectations so that there are no unpleasant surprises later. But yet, I have a great deal of freedom to do it the way I want without someone breathing down my neck. I don’t work well when I know I’m being ‘watched.’
    I find that the work conditions are far more important in my job satisfaction than the actual job itself.

    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?
    Math and science. I was naturally good at these subjects and I like learning and mastering logical systems. Science explains why the world works. Also liked the non-ambiguity of those subjects unlike something like art or creative writing where you had to just ‘guess’ what the teacher wanted. How is it ‘creative’ if the teacher still grades it as if there are ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ ways?

    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?
    I take responsibility very seriously and I expect others to also do that. I am the type of person that is very reliable and will keep my word. If for some reason I find that I cannot deliver my promise due to some unforeseen purpose I will let that person know so I don’t let them down later. I am well aware of the consequences that my actions may have on other people and I don’t deliberately do anything that could cause potential harm to others. I own up to my mistakes.

    Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?
    My parents and I took a 2 week vacation this last summer to California. It was a road trip- we started from Minnesota. We saw and did many wonderful things. Highlights included: Black Hills, Badlands, Bryce Canyon, Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, San Diego (the zoo was the major highlight), Los Angeles, Disneyland. I loved my trip even if it was with my parents. It was nice to not have to work for 2 weeks, to do things outside of my normal routine. I saw lots of beautiful scenery.

    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?
    My parents and teachers often told me I was stubborn. I’m not sure how much I agree. I think I was a lot more stubborn when younger but more flexible and considerate now. I was very socially awkward as a child. I strongly suspect I had mild Asperger syndrome. I was very smart and really good at things involving math and logic. I enjoyed games, puzzles, and brainteasers. I was honest and fair to a fault.

    In many ways I haven’t changed much. I have the same personality type. I suppose nowdays I’m a bit less stubborn and less socially awkward. I’ve learned to be more flexible in dealing with situations and people. I’ve become far more tactful and considerate of others and their feelings.

    What was your high school experience like?
    LOL! Pretty pathetic. I was the typical nerd archetype. I wasn’t good looking, wasn’t popular, wasn’t athletic, musical, or artistic. Academics, however, was one thing I was really good at. So I worked very hard in my classes, graduated with a 3.75 GPA. I wasn’t at the very top but I was in the top ten percent, so I felt good about that. Plus I took several academically challenging courses like Advanced Placement.

    All of my extracurricular activities were academic related. I didn’t do any sports, music, or theatre stuff because I believed that I lacked the skill and felt inadequate. I did things like quiz bowl, math team, and Spanish club.

    I didn’t really have any close or long lasting friendships. Occasionally I might have had a more short lived friendship. I was mostly a loner. I would sometimes sit with the ‘nerdy’ people at lunch but I never really did anything with them outside of school.

    I never dated, didn’t go to any dances, didn’t party, etc. But I didn’t really care much about that anyway.

    I had zero fashion sense, I just wore what my parents brought me. I didn’t care about fashion much either.

    Talk about a significant event from your life.
    Well there are many. I suppose my nephew being born. I don’t have any children of my own so he is the closest thing I have to a child. I love playing with him and watching him grow and develop. He is 2 now.

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?
    I have a two year old nephew that I love dearly. I love watching him grow and develop and playing with them. I like other peoples’ kids too. Just observing them, watching them play, their innocence and sense of wonder at the world. Wondering what they will become in the future.
    I don’t like physically taking care of kids though. I could live without calming down a crying baby at 3:00 am or changing dirty diapers. I don’t want kids of my own as I would likely see that as an unwanted burden on my time and energy. I can understand why people don’t want kids or dislike taking care of them.

    However, I get angry when people say they hate kids, as if they hate them as people. If someone said they hated the elderly, likely we would think they are being discriminatory. But for some reason it’s more socially acceptable to openly express your hatred towards children or teenagers. I don’t quite get it. I may not always like the way they behave but I certainly don’t hate them as people.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    Answering purely from the hypothetical here. I would encourage my child to pursue their interests and be true to themselves. (as long as it doesn’t harm anyone else of course). I would encourage my child to explore and try new things, to not get discouraged after failure. I would provide a lot of emotional support, make sure the child had adequate self-esteem, and encourage them to become independent and self-sufficient. There would be some rules I’d expect them to follow but I would be careful not to go overboard and become overprotective.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Sometimes. I think the causes are feeling unfilled and that something is missing in my life. Perhaps, I’ve been doing the same routine things for too long and need a change. Or the things I do are no longer fulfilling and providing me with the satisfaction I want. Reaction- at first I just reflect on why I feel that way and wait to see if the feeling passes. Oftentimes it’s a short-lived state. If the feeling persists, then I work towards making some changes. Find a new job, try a new hobby, do something non routine for a change.

    How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    I think people have inherently equal worth and value. People are basically good. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and kindness unless they harm or hurt others and don’t care. But that said, there are some people I personally like more than others, that I prefer to spend time with that I feel more compatible with.
    A prevalent social problem is intolerance. Like racism, sexism, bigotry, hatred towards homosexuals, people or certain religions or cultures. It fuels things like war and terrorism.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    Depends on the strangers and how receptive they are towards me, what kind of demeanor they exhibit. If the stranger seems less approachable I may feel a bit anxious or awkward. With other strangers, I can open up relatively quickly, laugh and joke with them. Talk as if they were a good friend.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    Poorly. I find conflict very unpleasant but I know sometimes its inevitable. People will never agree on everything. People have different personalities, different values, etc. With people I conflict with, I either tend to avoid them entirely (my preferred approach) or I come on too strong with them, too insistent they do things a certain way (which rarely works), or I just give into them against my wishes, hoping to make it end (might work in the moment but might not prevent future conflicts). I wish I could feel more at ease in conflict situations. Sometimes having to deal with difficult people, I literally feel the discomfort in my body. My body tenses up, my heart starts to race, my thinking is not as effective.

    If someone insults me, I will likely get very upset and express that anger. I may even insult them back. I won’t put up with being insulted. My feelings get hurt easily. I wish I had thicker skin. It would make my life easier and happier. If someone attacks me as in a physical attack I would either try to just run away as fast as I could, or attack them back out of self-defense. I would be scared shitless probably. Luckily that hardly ever happens.

    What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?
    Depends on the context. I would analyze why I’m not getting the results I want. Maybe I need to change my approach? Maybe I just need to try harder and practice more? I can ask others for advice? I assess how badly I want it and if the time and effort will be worth the result I want to achieve in the end. If there is too much effort in order to succeed or if the likelihood of failure is too high, I might just give up on it.

    Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?
    It depends on the kind of leadership. I am not comfortable nor am I good at the commanding style of leadership where you boss others around and insist they do things. Or when you have to make decisions that will upset many people and then have to deal with all of the emotional backlash. I hate feeling pressured myself and forced to do things I may not want to do. Out of the same consideration, I avoid doing that to others.

    I am comfortable with the more democratic style of leadership and where you guide or mentor others rather than the more ‘militant’ style. I like helping others with my knowledge and expertise and seeing others grow and develop (just as long as they don’t outperform me or I’d probably feel envious).

    Right now I am a co-organizer for a local Socionics group that meets once a month. So I guess you could call that being a leader. We present Socionics materials and lead discussions. Its a lot of fun.

    How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?
    In all honesty, I get angry quite often. But I usually hide it well. People generally see me as an easygoing, pleasant person. However, if I let my internal anger bottle up too much, I will likely explode eventually and then I will regret how I reacted.

    What makes me angry are insults, rudeness either to myself or others, being treated unfairly, being told I’m incompetent, working really hard at something and failing to achieve the success I wanted, Trump being elected president.

    What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?
    I co-hosted a socionics meetup. I always look forward to those. I get to help teach others on one of my favorite topics, I get to socialize with others who share my interest. The discussion is always interesting.

    What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?
    Trump got elected president. Well it didn’t exactly happen to just me, but to the whole nation. But it is definitely going to impact my life and the whole United States. I was upset by it, not so much because he is a Republican and has mostly different views. But rather because of his crudeness, his overly blunt and bullying style. It’s like he won due to his bullying, lying, and insistence he should win and that rules don’t apply to him. All this rather than being truly experienced or competent for the job. It felt very unfair to me, even though I know that technically he won fair and square (got the most electoral votes).

    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?
    I’m not sure what the purpose is or even if there is an inherent purpose. I suppose we have to make our own meaning in life. Maybe the meaning in life is to figure out what the meaning is? Ha ha! Personally, I find meaningful enjoying the beauty of the world around me, fulfilling relationships, getting totally absorbed in hobbies and subjects of interest and completely losing track of time, learning new knowledge and working towards self-improvement, doing things that better society.

    What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?
    Well there are many interesting places. I can’t think of just one most interesting place but recently last summer I visited Bryce Canyon in Utah. The views were just majestic and awe inspiring. I hadn’t seen anything else quite like it. I almost cried over how beautiful it was.

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?
    Dress rather simply, mostly for comfort and function, although I still want to wear clothes I find visually appealing. Accessories- some jewelry, nothing too elaborate. I hardly ever wear make-up. Appearance is more about having good hygiene and looking presentable than it is about looking gorgeous or stylish.

    Do you like surprises?
    If the surprises have a pleasant outcome, yes. If the outcome is unpleasant, then no. A lot of people are answering that, so this question is not very insightful. I like the occasional surprise to prevent life from being too boring but overall, I tend towards more predictability and routine.

    What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong
    I know for myself, I have erred in believing that there is an inherent fairness to life. I have been let down multiple times because of this belief. Much of what happens in life is just random chance. I mean you can influence things to some degree but you don’t have complete control. Also, there are factors beyond ones control like genetics and environmental factors. It’s not like there’s some ‘force’ that tracks down the number of points for everybody making sure its all equal. I suppose other people have this misconception too.

    Is there anything else important about you that we should know?
    There isn’t much else to say. I’ve addressed all of the important points in the questions above. I suppose if I could add one more thing it would be that one of my biggest struggle is to feel like you can truly be yourself in the presence of other people. Maybe that’s why I haven’t had many intimate relationships. I fear getting too close, fear of losing myself, that I will be pressured into being someone I’m not and then having to decide between being myself or the relationship. I guess I would prefer to be myself so I don’t get too involved in close relationships? Also I greatly fear rejection and not be accepted for who I truly am so maybe I pull out too soon or don’t give others a chance to get intimate with me to avoid hurt later.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    You have to include the www.
    That didn't work. In fact, I ended up with a 'privacy error' when I tried to click on the links. So I changed it back to the way I originally had it.

    Here's what I did:

    Clicked on the "Insert Video" button.
    Then entered the videoclip URL.
    Then inserted www. right after the https:// part

    For example: becomes
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    That didn't work. In fact, I ended up with a 'privacy error' when I tried to click on the links. So I changed it back to the way I originally had it.

    Here's what I did:

    Clicked on the "Insert Video" button.
    Then entered the videoclip URL.
    Then inserted www. right after the https:// part

    For example: becomes
    Use the full link, not the shortened one. Then there shouldn't be a problem.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Use the full link, not the shortened one. Then there shouldn't be a problem.
    Thanks, it works now.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    I'll leave deeper analysis for hotel but I after reading the written answers I very strongly think that you are IEE.

    The liberal left and their hatred towards racism and inequality is very stereotypically Delta, IEE in particular. Ti polr might sound strange given who you like to organize things, but that could be related more to Si which you clearly value. People acting rudely towards you seems to be what hits your Polr and that is exactly what Ti egos are the most guility of, as they are more concerned about correcting something illogical then acting in way that promotes positive relationships with others. Se on the hand is something constantly beat yourself up about, but you are so aware of it that you've practically made it into a joke meme, which sounds textbook to the role function.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    I'll leave deeper analysis for hotel but I after reading the written answers I very strongly think that you are IEE.

    The liberal left and their hatred towards racism and inequality is very stereotypically Delta, IEE in particular. Ti polr might sound strange given who you like to organize things, but that could be related more to Si which you clearly value. People acting rudely towards you seems to be what hits your Polr and that is exactly what Ti egos are the most guility of, as they are more concerned about correcting something illogical then acting in way that promotes positive relationships with others. Se on the hand is something constantly beat yourself up about, but you are so aware of it that you've practically made it into a joke meme, which sounds textbook to the role function.

    Interesting. I thought the themes of fairness, consistency throughout my questionnaire were more related to base Ti. Why would Ti egos be more rude? It seems to me the more rude people are the Se egos but I also think that I probably have Se PoLR. I can see your point about Ti egos wanting to correct illogical things. Ti egos also have weak but valued Fe, they want an emotionally positive environment but aren't so good at providing it. Yes, I beat myself up alot about Se. But Se seems like it would fit better as a painful function for me than as a role function. I identify far more with Fi as a role. Although I could potentially see Se as ignoring for myself. SEI is another type I periodically have considered for myself. I do think LII is far more likely though.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    Interesting. I thought the themes of fairness, consistency throughout my questionnaire were more related to base Ti. Why would Ti egos be more rude? It seems to me the more rude people are the Se egos but I also think that I probably have Se PoLR. I can see your point about Ti egos wanting to correct illogical things. Ti egos also have weak but valued Fe, they want an emotionally positive environment but aren't so good at providing it. Yes, I beat myself up alot about Se. But Se seems like it would fit better as a painful function for me than as a role function. I identify far more with Fi as a role. Although I could potentially see Se as ignoring for myself. SEI is another type I periodically have considered for myself. I do think LII is far more likely though.
    The reason people avoid being rude in the first place is for better quality relationships (Fi). Having Ti in the means in Ego means having Fi in the superego and therefore Fi is both repressed and not cared about.

    I see you being more conflict prone with SLEs and LSIs then I do with SEEs and ESIs. Gamma SFs, while they can be invasive, try to act diplomatically and recognize your value as human being. Beta STs, and the other hand, won't give two shits whether or not you see them as offensive or rude, and may even take pride in their own straightforwardness (think Donald Trump).

    Your general expressiveness in the videos makes sense for IEE then LII. You energetic matter of speaking seems extroverted. (It wouldn't be surprising at all either for an Ne base type to be a social introvert)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    The reason people avoid being rude in the first place is for better quality relationships (Fi). Having Ti in the means in Ego means having Fi in the superego and therefore Fi is both repressed and not cared about.

    I see you being more conflict prone with SLEs and LSIs then I do with SEEs and ESIs. Gamma SFs, while they can be invasive, try to act diplomatically and recognize your value as human being. Beta STs, and the other hand, won't give two shits whether or not you see them as offensive or rude, and may even take pride in their own straightforwardness (think Donald Trump).

    Your general expressiveness in the videos makes sense for IEE then LII. You energetic matter of speaking seems extroverted. (It wouldn't be surprising at all either for an Ne base type to be a social introvert)

    I understand your reasoning, but I just cannot see Ti PoLR for myself. I love putting things into logical systems, striving for consistency, and fair rules for all too much. I have seriously considered EII as a possibility though. That type is the mirror of IEE. And I am aware that I am more emotionally expressive than many LII types would be. Maybe there is some other factor here?

    The people that bother the most tend to be SLEs. That would be consistent with EII as a typing. Moreso than SEE probably, also a really Se heavy SEE would probably by unpleasant. Subtype makes a difference.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    I understand your reasoning, but I just cannot see Ti PoLR for myself. I love putting things into logical systems, striving for consistency, and fair rules for all too much. I have seriously considered EII as a possibility though. That type is the mirror of IEE. And I am aware that I am more emotionally expressive than many LII types would be. Maybe there is some other factor here?

    The people that bother the most tend to be SLEs. That would be consistent with EII as a typing. Moreso than SEE probably, also a really Se heavy SEE would probably by unpleasant. Subtype makes a difference.
    Again, the appreciation for order and consistency you describe could be related more to Delta Si then Ti. When I did my taxes last last all the people who worked there seemed like delta types. Deltas like their environment to be calm and organized.

    I have an easier time seeing you as Ne base rather then Fi base. You just don't seem as relationship orientated as someone like @Maritsa.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    I also wrote out the answers for those who can't be bothered to watch the videos.

    The Questionnaire from TheHotelAmbush v0.1

    Describe yourself.
    This question is so vague and could be answered in so many different ways and contexts. If you want to know what I’m like, read the responses to the other questions below. I would give a more extensive answer except this questionnaire is so long as it is.

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    I am a librarian. I chose the career because I am interested in helping other people locate books and various types of information. I like helping others find information, providing technology assistance, and hooking them up with community resources. I feel like I am providing a noble and useful service for people and I get to put my knowledge and expertise to use. I am always learning new things! What I dislike is dealing with rude customers, having too many demands from too many people at once, and the fact that it is very difficult to land a full-time job with benefits in this profession because jobs are insanely competitive. I am piecing together multiple part-time jobs to make it work.

    What are your values, and why?
    Fairness and equality for all. I believe all humans are inherently equal in their worth. We all deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. The exception is if you hurt someone then, you cannot expect someone to respect you. I believe people are basically good. Sometimes people do bad things- mainly as a result of upbringing, environment, etc. And sometimes people just make mistakes.

    I value knowledge, self-improvement, thinking for oneself, being true to yourself, living and authentic and fulfilling life and doing things that improve society.

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    Besides work, shower, sleep, eat, etc. I listen to music, read, surf the Internet for topics of Interest, check Facebook and my social media accounts, check the 16types and other forums. I also frequently play video games, work on improving my Spanish, take walks outside when the weather is nice, play with my 2 year old nephew.

    My biggest interest and hobby is personality typology, particularly socionics. I love mastering a logical system and also understanding myself and others better. Other
    hobbies are games of all types- board games, card games, video games, computer games. I belong to a couple of different gaming groups. It gets me out of the house and socializing. I find socializing easier when its more structured, built around some purpose. I’m not always the best at just spontaneous conversation, but the game itself provides the spark for good conversation. Normally, we don’t take the game overly seriously, its more about socializing and laughing and joking.
    I also like solitary games like Bejeweled or the Legend of Zelda. I like the mental stimulation, being immersed into a world, collecting goodies and upgrades, or just trying to better my score from last time.

    I also like learning Spanish. I feel its also a useful skill to have. Eventually I would like to travel to Mexico or Spain and I would be more comfortable if I knew the language. Many of the customers I serve are Spanish-speaking and I could serve them better if I was more proficient in the language. I consider my proficiency at a high-intermediate level. I can understand and hold simple conversations and read simple books and articles. But I feel nowhere near fluent. I would like to get to the point where conversation becomes automatic, where I don’t have to consciously translate everything in my head. Where I can listen to some radio broadcast and understand everything even when speaking fast.

    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?
    Family- generally relationships are good and close. There is room for improvement though. With my mother, I know that she will love me unconditionally and that she will always be there for me in times of trouble. She is good at providing emotional support. However she is a bit overprotective even though I’m a grown adult and sometimes I think she talks too much when I just want quiet and time to reflect. However when I’m in the mood to talk she is good at providing the conversation. She also has a good sense of humor. I am not as emotionally close to my father. He is quite reserved with his feelings and sometimes I feel like he’s emotionally unavailable. If I have some emotional distress, he is not so good at supporting me. If its more lighthearted and every-day routine topics we get along well and enjoy each others company. He is fun to play cards with and he has a good sense of humor. I have one younger sister. We are close and we usually get along but lately we haven’t interacted as much. She is very busy with her job and her two year old son. She is kind, sweet, smart, funny, but sometimes she can be a bit bossy as she has a strong sense of right/wrong about some things.

    There are some things I’m not comfortable sharing with my family though. Like my interest and love of personality typology. They don’t get it. They thinks its hogwash. People can’t really be placed in categories, it’s so much more complex than that. No scientific evidence. I understand where they are coming from but it’s still hurtful when they make remarks hinting that I should stop reading that crap. So I learned not to discuss it anymore. They don’t even know I still pursue that interest.

    Friends- Honestly I don’t have any close friends. I have a lot of acquaintances and more casual friendships. What I like about my friends is their kindness, their intellectual curiosity, open mindedness, sense of humor. I’m not sure what I dislike.

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    With friends: Shared interests, kindness, good listener, empathy, trustworthy, intelligence, uniqueness, sense of humor, open mindedness.
    Same for romantic relationships although even more important to get it right. Because if I’m in a relationship I want it to last a long time and feel like we have long-term compatibility.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    There have been occasional conflicts with people in an online group when they say something I perceive as a bit too rude and harsh. I call them out on it, remind them they should be more tactful. The other person then gets upset at me because s/he thinks I’m being overly controlling of how they behave and what they say. The other person thinks s/he can say what they want regardless of how others might feel. I am fine with differences of opinion, just try to be more tactful about it.
    I can’t think of any conflicts that happen on a regular basis. I hate conflict and find it very unpleasant so if I run into a conflict with someone I will try hard to understand it so it doesn’t happen again with that person. If that’s not possible, I just try avoiding that person.

    So I don’t think I have regular conflicts with any particular individuals but I the types of conflicts I have are what I stated above. Also conflicts regarding idealogies or how people should be treated.

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    What I find endearing is when people are open and honest about their insecurities and weaknesses. It makes them more human, more authentic, and more relateable. I far prefer that to someone who is overly arrogant. I know some people dislike that though. They believe that showing weaknesses invites others to exploit you and take advantage of you.

    Traits that annoy me that others might find positive or neutral:
    *Brutal honesty where you just care about speaking the truth and not if you are offending someone. Think Donald Trump.
    *People who are very materialistic and just want to live in the present and don’t think much about the future or the consequences of their actions.
    *Rebel without a cause, bad boy/bad girl types. I think most laws are there for a good reason but occasionally authority should be challenged. What I dislike is people that don’t have any respect for laws whatsoever and just want to stir up trouble and cause a ruckus.

    How would your friends describe you?
    Intelligent, thoughtful, kind, considerate, fair, honest but tactful, funny (sometimes), dependable.

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    Strengths: Intelligent, honest (without being rude or tactless), fair, kind, considerate, reliable, hardworking, introspective, good ideas and insight, good sense of humor (sometimes).

    What do I like about myself: All of the above strengths.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Weakness: I care way too much what other people think of me. I am not the best at taking criticism. I am thin skinned and my feelings are hurt easily. I am prone to anxiety and way too hard on myself. I compare myself to others too much and easily get envious of other peoples’ successes.

    Criticisms I get from others: Overly sensitive and thin-skinned, too introverted, too passive, too self-absorbed and in my own world, unaware of what’s going on around me at times, worries too much, insecure and lacking confidence.

    Dislike about myself: All of the above.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I’m quite independent and self-sufficient. I manage almost all aspects on my own effectively. I suppose I would like help dealing with difficult personalities more effectively- particularly those I find rude or intimidating. Sometimes I could use help in feeling more confident or better about myself. Sometimes I get down on myself when I see others that seem more talented or accomplished than I am. I want people to assure me that I’m a talented person with a lot to offer of value to others.

    What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    The normal things most people find to be unpleasant chores. Cleaning, housework, paying bills, etc. Also filling out forms, doing taxes, applying for health insurance. My plan got cancelled for next year and I had to switch over.

    Things I enjoy: thinking and pondering things, learning, listening to music, playing games, surfing the Intenet.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?
    Travel more- I am curious to see more of the world and experience different cultures. It would be easier if I had more money.
    Become fluent in Spanish. I like learning languages and also want to be more proficient at it for my job and because I plan to travel to Spanish speaking countries in the future.

    I would also like to learn Russian. For Socionics reasons, because so much stuff is still just in Russian and the translation to English is sometimes poor. I would like to be able to converse with Russian speaking socionicists.

    Become more proficient in my career as a librarian. Continue to acquire additional knowledge and skills Hopefully land a full-time job as a librarian. Jobs are insanely competitive in that field though. I should probably be happy with what I have. Many get a degree and can’t any job in that field.

    Eventually hope to find a soul mate in life- where I can have a fulfilling relationship and still feel like I can be true to myself and not pressured to change.

    Read more of the great works of literature, view the great works of art and listen to the classical music that stood the test of time. Why? Because I’m curious. To understand why it stood the test of time. To see it lives up to the hype. I want to experience the great art and beauty the world has to offer.

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?
    Travel the world, spend time on my hobbies and interests.

    What did you do last Friday?
    Last Friday I went to work, then stayed home and surfed the Internet, then I slept. I probably checked and Facebook. I know, boring.

    The Friday before that, I worked then went and played Pinochle with the gaming group. It was my first time playing the game. I enjoyed learning and mastering the game but I did not like the partner I was stuck with. She didn’t seem very patient with me. Because I was new, I made some bad moves and then she criticized me every time. Her tone of voice sounded very bossy and yelling at me. She made me really uncomfortable. Which was too bad because normally I have fun playing cards but she ruined it for me.

    What is your biggest accomplishment?
    Not sure. I don’t feel all that accomplished in the general sense. I feel like my biggest accomplishment in life is yet to come. I suppose earning my Masters degree in Library Science or being in the process of mastering Spanish.

    What is something you regret?
    I majored in biochemistry only to realize later that it wasn’t a suitable major. I hated lab work, it found it tedious and I was clumsy with lab equipment. I then switched my focus to teaching but that wasn’t exactly where my heart was either. It was more tolerable than lab work but having to deal with classroom control issues and constantly developing lesson plans and grading assignments burned me out. So I went back to school and got my Masters degree in Library Science and then got a job as a Librarian. I find that line of work much more fulfilling.

    I also sometimes regret when I said something I shouldn’t have, hurt someone unintentionally, or overreacted to some perceived slight.

    Who do you admire, and why?
    Albert Einstein- his intellect and his imagination. Made a huge impact on how we perceive the laws of physics.

    Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Gandhi - people who stood up for their beliefs, stayed true to them without having to resort to violence or crude measures, and impacted the world for the better

    In everyday life I admire people who can be true to themselves, who aren’t afraid to be different and don’t care so much what other people think. People who are thick-skinned and resilient.

    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?
    Basically what’s on my mind is what I’ve answered in these questions. I suppose I’d add that I worry a lot about the future, about my mortality, about aging and growing old. I find it depressing because even if life isn’t perfect there are a lot of things I enjoy about life and I want to keep it that way. I don’t want to lose my health, my stamina, my memory, my quick thinking, my looks, etc. I worry that I’m going to be close to my death and realized that I didn’t get to do or accomplish all the things I wanted to do. I find that depressing. Life is way too short.

    Problem I’ve encountered lately. Well this happened last spring so it isn’t the most recent but it still haunts me. One of my part-time jobs is working as an on-call librarian for a public library system. I float between different library branches as needed. One of the branches I substituted at frequently and got to know the staff and the location quite well. The problem was the customers. The library is in a rather sketchy, poor part of town. Many of the patrons have economic, health, or mental issues. They carry a lot of emotional baggage and they take it out on the staff frequently. So there are a lot of problem customers and potential security issues. A few times when customers were rude to me, I yelled back at them. I know my mistake and I greatly regret it. But I was told by the manager that I would no longer be able to sub at that library branch. I was very upset because I never thought I was given any fair warning that this would happen. In fact I’ve seen coworkers occasionally yell back at customers and as far as I know they are still here. I think its because I’m a substitute I’m just ‘disposable’ to them.

    If they just explicitly told me “this is your final warning” or if you keep doing that you won’t be allowed to work here anymore and then if I still did it, then it would have been a more ‘fair’ decision. I felt hurt that they refused to give me one last chance, refused to work out any sort of deal and compromise, just deemed me as incompetent and not fit to work there. I’ve tried to fight their decision with no success. I’m upset that no one will vouch for me, no one sees it my way. I know I have potential for improvement and I was willing to work hard on my weaknesses but no one wants to give me a chance. Just boot me out. Well at least it was just that one library branch I was barred working at and not the entire library system. It could have worse. So even though this happened last spring, I still hold a grudge and cannot completely let go. Another weakness of mine I suppose.

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?
    Agnostic but open to various kinds of spiritual beliefs. I am agnostic because there is no scientific proof of some higher being or any inherent meaning or purpose to life other than what we mortals make of it. I would like to believe though, to think there is some higher purpose and meaning. But I have serious doubts, like if there is a God, why is there so much evil and injustice in the world?

    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?
    Politically I tend towards liberal. On social issues, I believe in equal rights regardless of sexual orientation, gays should be allowed to marry. Abortion- mostly pro choice although if not rape, incest, or harmful to the mother’s health, the mother should try to keep the child or put up for adoption if possible. Still I believe there should be a choice. Anti-death penalty- the person committing the crime might genuinely be sorry and have potential to improve oneself and how can one prove guilt without any doubt whatsoever? Once you execute someone you can’t bring the person back. Euthanasia should be a person’s right, although a last resort. People have the right to own a gun but some screening should take place to avoid them getting in the wrong hands.

    Economically, I’m more center. Try to reduce wasteful spending and cut back the deficit. Some rights to private property and economic freedom but have some measures in place so businesses don’t get overly greedy. Also, so that there are programs in place to help the poor and disadvantaged.
    I used to not care that much about politics. I guess I didn’t see how it directly affected me. But in the past few years, I’ve started to care more. In this election, I cared a lot. I know some people are going to disagree with this and I don’t want to offend anyone, but I am very anti-Trump. My biggest problem with him is his attitude and personality. He seems very crude and bullying to me. Dishonest, greedy, self-centered. It’s not the kind of person I want running the country.
    You strive to conserve your energy from unnecessary expenditure you are Sensing on the introverted
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    You are also Te because of how economical you are which makes you SLI
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    You strive to conserve your energy from unnecessary expenditure you are Sensing on the introverted

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    You are also Te because of how economical you are which makes you SLI
    Again, examples?

    You will probably think I'm SLI regardless of what I say.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    @thehotelambush Do you still think LII based on this new questionnaire or do you think some other type is more suitable?

    Upon rereading my own answers and watching my own video, I could see hints of SEI in some spots. I think LII might be more likely overall but just want your thoughts on it.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    @thehotelambush Do you still think LII based on this new questionnaire or do you think some other type is more suitable?

    Upon rereading my own answers and watching my own video, I could see hints of SEI in some spots. I think LII might be more likely overall but just want your thoughts on it.
    Sorry, I'm not going to look at it right now, maybe later.

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    Are you perchance an E9?

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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    Are you perchance an E9?
    I feel like a mix of 9, 5, and 1.

    Probably a 9 with a strong 1 wing and a 5 fix.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    I feel like a mix of 9, 5, and 1.

    Probably a 9 with a strong 1 wing and a 5 fix.
    I still think you're LII, and think maybe the 9 is lending more of an ethical flavor to the things you say.

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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    I still think you're LII, and think maybe the 9 is lending more of an ethical flavor to the things you say.
    That is quite possible. I thought the ethical flavor was more of a subtype thing but I can also see it as an enneagram thing as well.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    LII, yup.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    LII, yup.

    You're so predictable.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    You're so predictable.
    You too. lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    You too. lol

    Well we are Ti leads and balanced-stable temperament. Consistency is in our blood.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    The reason people avoid being rude in the first place is for better quality relationships (Fi). Having Ti in the means in Ego means having Fi in the superego and therefore Fi is both repressed and not cared about.

    I see you being more conflict prone with SLEs and LSIs then I do with SEEs and ESIs. Gamma SFs, while they can be invasive, try to act diplomatically and recognize your value as human being. Beta STs, and the other hand, won't give two shits whether or not you see them as offensive or rude, and may even take pride in their own straightforwardness (think Donald Trump).

    Your general expressiveness in the videos makes sense for IEE then LII. You energetic matter of speaking seems extroverted. (It wouldn't be surprising at all either for an Ne base type to be a social introvert)
    Yeah I agree OP you seem Delta IEE to me. Or IEE. You have a lot of information to say like to the "Describe yourself" question I get the feeling a lot of LIIs could just answer it in a sentence or two; you made a bunch of videos for the questions because you want to be as thorough as possible. Also I think you come across as pretty warm, helpful and diplomatic primarily whereas though LIIs can of course have those traits, those are not gonna be their primary traits.

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    You seem like someone I'd want to eat lunch with.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    The reason people avoid being rude in the first place is for better quality relationships (Fi). Having Ti in the means in Ego means having Fi in the superego and therefore Fi is both repressed and not cared about.
    Fi role does care about being not rude when the role function is being paid attention to. Fi PoLR can care also (through Fe HA? This is my observations anyway.) Mistakes may be made, at least it would be less refined Fi from the pov of Fi egos. This does not mean Ti ego must always be this crazy offensive rude person.

    I see you being more conflict prone with SLEs and LSIs then I do with SEEs and ESIs. Gamma SFs, while they can be invasive, try to act diplomatically and recognize your value as human being. Beta STs, and the other hand, won't give two shits whether or not you see them as offensive or rude, and may even take pride in their own straightforwardness (think Donald Trump).
    I'm actually decently okay with @chips and underwear, I have not conflicted with her more than with any other LIIs. It sometimes happens with them (Ne/Se), sure. Much better than with EII-Ne's, though. The Ne of EII is far worse from my pov. Same thing with IEE.

    By the way, I would not like to be mentioned together with Trump. I find your stereotypes of beta STs incredibly black and white, again. Look at @Ananke for an example of an SLE, is she anything like Trump? Really?

    All in all, Fi in superego is a tiny little bit more complex than "rude person".

    (It wouldn't be surprising at all either for an Ne base type to be a social introvert)
    Happen to agree on this one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    Again, the appreciation for order and consistency you describe could be related more to Delta Si then Ti. When I did my taxes last last all the people who worked there seemed like delta types. Deltas like their environment to be calm and organized.
    Are you coming from MBTI? Socionics Si is defined in a different way.

    I have an easier time seeing you as Ne base rather then Fi base. You just don't seem as relationship orientated as someone like @Maritsa.
    Of course, not Fi ego.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Fi role does care about being not rude when the role function is being paid attention to. Fi PoLR can care also (through Fe HA? This is my observations anyway.) Mistakes may be made, at least it would be less refined Fi from the pov of Fi egos. This does not mean Ti ego must always be this crazy offensive rude person.

    I'm actually decently okay with @chips and underwear, I have not conflicted with her more than with any other LIIs. It sometimes happens with them (Ne/Se), sure. Much better than with EII-Ne's, though. The Ne of EII is far worse from my pov. Same thing with IEE.

    By the way, I would not like to be mentioned together with Trump. I find your stereotypes of beta STs incredibly black and white, again. Look at @Ananke for an example of an SLE, is she anything like Trump? Really?

    All in all, Fi in superego is a tiny little bit more complex than "rude person".

    Happen to agree on this one.

    Are you coming from MBTI? Socionics Si is defined in a different way.

    Of course, not Fi ego.

    I would argue that you are LSE but I don't want to derail the thread so I'll save that later.

    Fi is all about knowing how you come across to an individual at any given moment (Static element), while Fe is about tracking the broader emotional flow (Dynamic element). ILEs and SLEs will often compensate their lack of attention to individuals by trying to please the crowd instead. To Fi valuers they look like deers staring into the headlights of an oncoming car when they run into conflicts with people. LIIs and LSIs will have somewhat better Fi, but it still is not valued, and therefore come off as insincere and artificial in their attempts to be "Nice", like they are just doing it because someone told them to. Chips, on the other hand, comes off as genuinely sincere. Not only that but chips openly expresses her contempt with those who are rude and inconsiderate.

    At first I thought Trump was SEE but I looked into WSS's reasoning for typing him SLE and I would agree with them. You can look it up yourself if you so please.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    I would argue that you are LSE but I don't want to derail the thread so I'll save that later.
    Lol how does this come up now?? Sure if you want to argue for it, feel free to do so in PM or something. I'm anything but Te lead or Fi seeking though.

    Fi is all about knowing how you come across to an individual at any given moment (Static element), while Fe is about tracking the broader emotional flow (Dynamic element). ILEs and SLEs will often compensate their lack of attention to individuals by trying to please the crowd instead. To Fi valuers they look like deers staring into the headlights of an oncoming car when they run into conflicts with people. LIIs and LSIs will have somewhat better Fi, but it still is not valued, and therefore come off as insincere and artificial in their attempts to be "Nice", like they are just doing it because someone told them to. Chips, on the other hand, comes off as genuinely sincere. Not only that but chips openly expresses her contempt with those who are rude and inconsiderate.

    At first I thought Trump was SEE but I looked into WSS's reasoning for typing him SLE and I would agree with them. You can look it up yourself if you so please.
    I've seen socially introverted xLEs who do not please the crowd like that - low soc instinct may also be part of that. And other factors outside typology, due to other psychological mechanisms, circumstances, etc.

    Also, I've been told I come off as artificial in some Fi things but it can still be with a genuinely sincere intention, just with me not feeling it "well" (not like Fi egos do it) and not knowing how to express it in a more natural way either. I see the same for @chips and underwear, she is not coming from the same place like Fi egos do. There is some Ethics there but it is not as "refined".

    Very important is also that none of this means actual rudeness. Artificiality in expression is not rudeness, it isn't an inconsiderate thing.

    And, anyone can judge rude behaviour in certain situations. This isn't the sole domain of Fi valuing quadras. Fe can do it too, just from the objective Ethics pov. So that's again a very black and white view of actual people, sorry. What here matters is how the person came to the conclusion, via what kind of information processing because there is often more than one way to get to a conclusion.

    By the way if you really think Ti egos can never be genuinely sincere then I have nothing more to say........ that's just a really weird idea. Having Ti in ego doesn't mean the person has to be a complete robot. Not that I'm offended or anything, lol, I just think this perception is really off. Maybe I find it extra weird due to your Fi PoLR and low Se, I don't know.

    Note one more thing about Fi vs Ti with regard to @chips and underwear. I'm quite sensitive to the inconsistency of Ti of delta NFs (lack of Se makes it worse) and chips does not show anything like that, her Ti is naturally and consistently formed.

    As for Trump... I didn't try to decide on his type, he can be SLE or not SLE. I didn't go deeper in it than that since not enough data / there is no point in doing so. But ok say, Trump is SLE, it does not mean he shares many traits with all other SLEs. Information processing is not about concrete traits, again.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?
    Basically what’s on my mind is what I’ve answered in these questions. I suppose I’d add that I worry a lot about the future, about my mortality, about aging and growing old. I find it depressing because even if life isn’t perfect there are a lot of things I enjoy about life and I want to keep it that way. I don’t want to lose my health, my stamina, my memory, my quick thinking, my looks, etc. I worry that I’m going to be close to my death and realized that I didn’t get to do or accomplish all the things I wanted to do. I find that depressing. Life is way too short.

    Problem I’ve encountered lately. Well this happened last spring so it isn’t the most recent but it still haunts me. One of my part-time jobs is working as an on-call librarian for a public library system. I float between different library branches as needed. One of the branches I substituted at frequently and got to know the staff and the location quite well. The problem was the customers. The library is in a rather sketchy, poor part of town. Many of the patrons have economic, health, or mental issues. They carry a lot of emotional baggage and they take it out on the staff frequently. So there are a lot of problem customers and potential security issues. A few times when customers were rude to me, I yelled back at them. I know my mistake and I greatly regret it. But I was told by the manager that I would no longer be able to sub at that library branch. I was very upset because I never thought I was given any fair warning that this would happen. In fact I’ve seen coworkers occasionally yell back at customers and as far as I know they are still here. I think its because I’m a substitute I’m just ‘disposable’ to them.

    If they just explicitly told me “this is your final warning” or if you keep doing that you won’t be allowed to work here anymore and then if I still did it, then it would have been a more ‘fair’ decision. I felt hurt that they refused to give me one last chance, refused to work out any sort of deal and compromise, just deemed me as incompetent and not fit to work there. I’ve tried to fight their decision with no success. I’m upset that no one will vouch for me, no one sees it my way. I know I have potential for improvement and I was willing to work hard on my weaknesses but no one wants to give me a chance. Just boot me out. Well at least it was just that one library branch I was barred working at and not the entire library system. It could have worse. So even though this happened last spring, I still hold a grudge and cannot completely let go. Another weakness of mine I suppose.
    This story very much sounds like a conflict with TiSe. Your emotionality (Strong Fe) caused you to break the rules (weak Ti) and the lack of sympathy and unwillingness of others to "see it your way" (NeFi) caused you to get upset. The fact that you yelled back at those people instead of just painfully coping with their rudeness also indicates you at least have 2D Se.
    Last edited by Muddy; 11-20-2016 at 05:52 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    This story very much sounds like a conflict with TiSe. Your emotionality (Strong Fe) caused you to break the rules (weak Ti) and the lack of sympathy and unwillingness of others to "see it your way" (NeFi) caused you to get upset.
    You have er, interesting notions of what TiSe must be. It could be TiSe, it could be something else, this story is absolutely not unambiguous enough for that.

    I think the part on no one else seeing it her way is Ne in general.

    @chips and underwear - was the explicit reason for you being sent away your behaviour? You didn't state this so I wonder.

    Btw here's a few "Fi" answers from @Hacim's questionnaire:

    "Some people say that I am very nice/kind/considerate - I don't know how exactly I demonstrate this (it is strange to me) but I go with it. I don't know much about what others think of me but I hope I am viewed as a fair person."

    "If people were not so selfish, inconsiderate, and closed-minded, society would be better I guess. Perhaps children should be given the proper attention and education to achieve a higher moral standard. I find that oftentimes busy parents don't give their kids the attention they need to develop. Unfortunate."

    Hacim is as LII as it gets.

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    E9, logical, very Ne/Si, could be either SLI or LII (you seem more the former in these videos imo).

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    E9, logical, very Ne/Si, could be either SLI or LII (you seem more the former in these videos imo).
    Any chance the SLI option comes up because of some conflation with E9?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Any chance the SLI option comes up because of some conflation with E9?
    Could be. SLI's and LII's can seem similar on first sight and women of both types are quite rare. Chips seems irrational to me - kinda grounded, solid voice and reminds me more of a SLI woman I know than any LII's I've encountered. She seems Si > Ti (Hacim is different, obvious Ti dom, much more "wired" and alert). I could easily see her as my conflictor (that's not meant as an offence in any way, just as in a totally opposite person of me ). BUT, she could be a strange E9 LII (haven't met anyone of that combination yet).

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    Could be. SLI's and LII's can seem similar on first sight and women of both types are quite rare. Chips seems irrational to me - kinda grounded, solid voice and reminds me more of a SLI woman I know than any LII's I've encountered. She seems Si > Ti (Hacim is different, obvious Ti dom, much more "wired" and alert). I could easily see her as my conflictor (that's not meant as an offence in any way, just as in a totally opposite person of me ). BUT, she could be a strange E9 LII (haven't met anyone of that combination yet).
    I actually know two girls who are like this - E9ish and have a soft kinda grounded-ish quality about them. They both were with 4D Fe types (husband / boyfriend) with pretty intense breakups eventually. I type both of them LII because they do have better Ne than me (definitely a lot more focus on it) and the things they talk of are far less grounded than I expect from SLIs. I considered SLI for both of them for a short time, too but again, the strong seeming Ne, along with the very weak Se and the sensible Ti (never annoying to me like Ti demonstrative can be sometimes) are strong arguments for LII. The exact same for @chips and underwear

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    Quote Originally Posted by summerprincess View Post
    Yeah I agree OP you seem Delta IEE to me. Or IEE. You have a lot of information to say like to the "Describe yourself" question I get the feeling a lot of LIIs could just answer it in a sentence or two; you made a bunch of videos for the questions because you want to be as thorough as possible. Also I think you come across as pretty warm, helpful and diplomatic primarily whereas though LIIs can of course have those traits, those are not gonna be their primary traits.
    You said IEE twice. What was the other type you were considering?
    I'm typically not as concise as the stereotypical LII when answering questionnaires. I could be but then I feel like I would be omitting information that could potentially be useful. I don't feel as 'dry' or and 'unemotional' as other LIIs sometimes come across. I can relate to the Ne and Fi of the IEE but not the Ti PoLR part.

    Quote Originally Posted by goldenbane View Post
    You seem like someone I'd want to eat lunch with.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Fi role does care about being not rude when the role function is being paid attention to. Fi PoLR can care also (through Fe HA? This is my observations anyway.) Mistakes may be made, at least it would be less refined Fi from the pov of Fi egos. This does not mean Ti ego must always be this crazy offensive rude person.
    I find that I can be rude if I perceive other people being rude to me or towards others. Maybe that's rather hypocritical in a way. My goal is to have harmony in relationships between others in the end where rudeness between others would not exist. But I don't think I'm ever initially rude or rude without a good cause. It's more a reactionary defensive tactic.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I'm actually decently okay with @chips and underwear, I have not conflicted with her more than with any other LIIs. It sometimes happens with them (Ne/Se), sure. Much better than with EII-Ne's, though. The Ne of EII is far worse from my pov. Same thing with IEE.
    Why is it worse? Is it just an opposing quadra thing or is there more to it than that?

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    By the way, I would not like to be mentioned together with Trump. I find your stereotypes of beta STs incredibly black and white, again. Look at @Ananke for an example of an SLE, is she anything like Trump? Really?
    I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to offend you. You're right, there are many psychologically healthy SLEs that are nothing like Trump. I don't know Ananke well enough to assess his/her type. Doesn't seem anything like Trump though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    All in all, Fi in superego is a tiny little bit more complex than "rude person".

    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    I would argue that you are LSE but I don't want to derail the thread so I'll save that later.

    Fi is all about knowing how you come across to an individual at any given moment (Static element), while Fe is about tracking the broader emotional flow (Dynamic element). ILEs and SLEs will often compensate their lack of attention to individuals by trying to please the crowd instead. To Fi valuers they look like deers staring into the headlights of an oncoming car when they run into conflicts with people. LIIs and LSIs will have somewhat better Fi, but it still is not valued, and therefore come off as insincere and artificial in their attempts to be "Nice", like they are just doing it because someone told them to. Chips, on the other hand, comes off as genuinely sincere. Not only that but chips openly expresses her contempt with those who are rude and inconsiderate.

    At first I thought Trump was SEE but I looked into WSS's reasoning for typing him SLE and I would agree with them. You can look it up yourself if you so please.
    Why can't someone just be nice because it feels good to be nice? Types with strong Fi are not the only ones capable of that.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    This story very much sounds like a conflict with TiSe. Your emotionality (Strong Fe) caused you to break the rules (weak Ti) and the lack of sympathy and unwillingness of others to "see it your way" (NeFi) caused you to get upset. The fact that you yelled back at those people instead of just painfully coping with their rudeness also indicates you at least have 2D Se.
    I can see your reasoning here. However, I could also argue that this is a consequence of strong Ti. I wanted a clear rule structure to have originally been in place so avoid this unpleasant surprise. A clear warning system for reprimanding employees, and some documentation and justification. To me it felt like the manager was just going from her own feelings and not logically substantiated enough.

    I don't think my yelling back at them necessarily implies that I can't have Se PoLR. I think my Se is likely 1-D because I never feel sure what the norms are regarding this aspect. I feel I have only experience to go off of. Also yelling back, could be an Fe reaction, also 1-D if I am an LII and probably not the most appropriate reaction for this situation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    You have er, interesting notions of what TiSe must be. It could be TiSe, it could be something else, this story is absolutely not unambiguous enough for that.

    I think the part on no one else seeing it her way is Ne in general.
    Maybe. Ne is aware of different perspectives and 'sides' to things.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    @chips and underwear - was the explicit reason for you being sent away your behaviour? You didn't state this so I wonder.
    Well it wasn't just one particular instance but a buildup over time. Moments where customers were acting rude, unruly, and uncooperative and I didn't deal with them in the most constructive manner. I think the last straw might have been when I yelled back at a rude customer and told him to "shut up!" right in front of his face. A couple of times I had a talk with a manager about these interactions, how to improve them. But nothing was ever documented (or if it was, I didn't see it and didn't get a copy). There was nothing in the line of warnings- "if you do this again, you will not be allowed to work here anymore." In fact maybe the manager was a bit too reassuring at the time- she even told me she's snapped back a few times. So maybe I didn't think it was *that* serious, more like, just do it differently the next time. But this also wasn't the exact same manager as the one that told me I couldn't work there anymore. So you also have to factor in communication between people.

    I mean going back to analyze the situation, common sense tells me that how I reacted towards the customers was not acceptable- you don't tell someone to "shut up." But still I felt it was unfair to just be booted out like that without warning. They could have had me go to customer service training, had me write up a specific plan to work on this particular weakness, etc. But they didn't.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Btw here's a few "Fi" answers from @Hacim's questionnaire:

    "Some people say that I am very nice/kind/considerate - I don't know how exactly I demonstrate this (it is strange to me) but I go with it. I don't know much about what others think of me but I hope I am viewed as a fair person."

    "If people were not so selfish, inconsiderate, and closed-minded, society would be better I guess. Perhaps children should be given the proper attention and education to achieve a higher moral standard. I find that oftentimes busy parents don't give their kids the attention they need to develop. Unfortunate."

    Hacim is as LII as it gets.
    Yes, Hacim is mega LII. His Fi answers don't seem as confident or as fleshed out as mine. It doesn't mean I can't be an LII though, but it could be attributed to subtype differences, enneagram differences, or other factors. For example, he mentions that he is not as sure how he demonstrates his kindness and consideration whereas I would be able to give a more clear cut answer. Also he says he "guesses" that the society would be better if people were less selfish and inconsiderate whereas I would be more definitive in that response. *I know for sure* that society would be a better place. So those are a couple of differences.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    I'm typically not as concise as the stereotypical LII when answering questionnaires. I could be but then I feel like I would be omitting information that could potentially be useful. I don't feel as 'dry' or and 'unemotional' as other LIIs sometimes come across. I can relate to the Ne and Fi of the IEE but not the Ti PoLR part.
    My 80q is far from concise, too. I wanted to put in enough information myself, yeah.

    I do think you are relatively dry/unemotional but also there is that niceness/softness, sure.

    I find that I can be rude if I perceive other people being rude to me or towards others. Maybe that's rather hypocritical in a way. My goal is to have harmony in relationships between others in the end where rudeness between others would not exist. But I don't think I'm ever initially rude or rude without a good cause. It's more a reactionary defensive tactic.
    Yeah, I'm like that too sometimes - I get to care a lot about fair treatment of people.

    Why is it worse? Is it just an opposing quadra thing or is there more to it than that?
    Ne with Ti can make some sense (except when not, lol), Ne with Fi absolutely does not.

    I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to offend you. You're right, there are many psychologically healthy SLEs that are nothing like Trump. I don't know Ananke well enough to assess his/her type. Doesn't seem anything like Trump though.
    Err, that was written by Muddytextures, not you So definitely no worries.

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