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Thread: My answers to a type questionnaire

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    Default My answers to a type questionnaire

    Thanks to
    for posting the questionnaire.

    The Extended Questionnaire v0.2

    Tell me about yourself.

    Just a boring 30-something male with a wife and son.

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    I work at a "9-5" office job, in supply chain and procurement of goods for a manufacturing company. I sort of fell into this job by chance. I was working in a different department and a vacancy opened up in my current department so I applied for the position on a whim.

    I dislike the monotony of a lot of my responsibilities. There isn't much room for creative thinking, it isn't a mentally stimulating job, although it does require some strong analytical abilities, which is OK.

    I like that I enjoy a relative amount of independence. My bosses don't bother me much as long as I am working within the basic guidelines and parameters of my position. I don't like bosses who micromanage and constantly look over their employees' shoulders.

    My job is boring so sometimes I make a game out of tasks by finding different ways to complete them. I try to split up tasks into smaller chunks or chapters, so it makes getting through a really monotonous day a little easier and more interesting. I like it when shit hits the fan and I actually get to think and troubleshoot. It's expected that I will really enjoy any new job for anywhere from 3 months to a year, then I will become dissatisfied and jaded with it, thinking of moving on to a different type of work.

    What are your values, and why?

    Fairly simple: treat everyone with basic respect and dignity, then it should follow that they should do the same to others. I value independence as well. I value logic, competence and accuracy as well. I'm not really sure how else to answer this question.

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?

    Like I said, I'm fairly boring. I spend a lot of time in my head. If I have time, I compose and record my own music. I think I do this because I like to create and invent. I'm good at drawing and visual arts as well, but it's not something I'm really interested in doing. Maybe when I'm an old man I'll live that trope and paint all day.

    My interests range all over the place. Sometimes I'll look something up out of the blue, for no other reason than sheer curiosity. Generally my interests are in history, philosophy, psychology/sociology/anthropology, music, though not limited to those subjects.

    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?

    I could probably do better in this area of life. I'm not a very affectionate person. I tend to hold resentments within, though if I'm pushed, I can let out a very blunt, incisive attack/analysis. I've left friends and family in tears before.

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?

    I want people who are willing to listen to me talk about ideas and connections. I like it when I say something to someone and they respond with "I never thought of that before" or "I hadn't thought of it like that." All the more beneficial if they then bounce their own ideas back or put another interesting spin on my own ideas and theories.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    I'm not really a big seeker or generator of conflict. I honestly have a hard time thinking of any recent ones. A few years ago I got in the middle of a big family rivalry and to this day I haven't spoken with one of my cousins because of it. I don't even remember the details or the whys, it was probably over some trivial bullshit. I suppose I have minor conflicts on a daily basis, given the nature of my job, but they're really minor and not personal and I don't think of them as problematic.

    How would your friends describe you?

    I'll never forget a moment when I was younger, getting high with a friend on his back porch. He told me he was the brightest star in the sky, but that I was like the north star--not necessarily the brightest one, but one that could guide people. Another friend said I was the TS Elliot to his Ezra Pound, though I'm not sure if I should have taken that as compliment or insult.

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    The traits I consider positive that are evident to others: I've been told I am witty and funny. I've been told I'm intelligent and insightful. I've been told I'm a creative person. I've been told I'm weird (I take this as a compliment).

    I like that I don't usually rush to judge others without good reason or sufficient data, and that I tend to be good at divorcing judgment of others' ideas from the person (meaning I might brutally criticize a person's ideas, but it is rarely personal and meant as a criticism of a person's character or worth as a human being).

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?

    I'm very forgetful and generally bad at basic things that should be easy. This morning I was at work and realized my pants zipper was down after being at work for nearly two hours. Luckily I didn't go commando today. I misplace things a lot and can be embarrassingly clumsy.

    Others would say I can come across as aloof and uncaring.

    I dislike that I can get easily stressed by being overloaded with too many small details and long lists of to-dos. I dislike that I get easily stressed out by big displays of emotion. Even displays of positive emotion are something I don't always react to well; I worry that I'm not showing enough enthusiasm for the person displaying positive emotions.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I do well at work, managing myself essentially. I tend to get a little stressed with things like bills and personal finances.

    What things do you dislike doing? What things do you enjoy more than others?

    I don't really like working a Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 type of job. I don't like just sitting and "relaxing."

    Although I'm a pretty lazy person, I like to keep my mind busy, either with intellectual or physical stimulation. I enjoy arguing, sometimes for the sake of arguing. Although I don't do it in a manner that is meant to be antagonistic. It's not a power game for me. I think I do it to challenge myself, to keep myself on my toes, to fine tune my own ideas and theories by arguing them and bouncing them off other people. Sometimes the people one argues with can give an insight or suggest an angle or caveat that would have otherwise seemed obvious, yet was somehow missed.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?

    I wouldn't mind writing a screenplay at some point, or perhaps a novel. I'd like to record an album's worth of music but the time and energy to do this seems very limited these days. I'd like to travel and there's a whole lot of books I'd like to read that I just haven't had time for.

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?

    I might go to college and get a few degrees. I would buy a modest size house with enough room to pursue my interests, maybe build a personal music/recording studio in the basement.
    I would travel to places I haven't been;
    I've never been abroad and I think everyone with the opportunity should travel, because travel can broaden our minds and make us more complete and open-minded; we can learn more about ourselves by learning about others. There's a Mark Twain quote about travel being the great destroyer of hatred and prejudice. I paraphrase; he said it more eloquently.

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?

    I like honesty and accuracy of logic, even when it might upset people. I like it when people don't take themselves or situations too seriously. I can often find humor and irony even in the gravest of situations. Some people take things and themselves too seriously. I'm a bit of a class clown, joker, despite giving off what seems to be a serious and reserved demeanor at a distance.

    Sugarcoating of facts and bad news annoys me. Disregard for logic annoys me. Neither facts nor logic give a fuck about feelings. When people are too serious and can never take a joke or see the absurdity that is in most situations (if you look for it), that bothers me.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?

    Not enough. I am a bit of a slob and I find chores mundane, rote tasks, although they can be meditative or fine when I lose myself in thought or put on headphones to listen to podcasts or music.

    How do you behave around strangers?

    Very reserved, very guarded, although I can feign being pleasant and outgoing, particularly if it's in a professional/work situation.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?

    There's a part of me that wants to avoid conflict, but another part of me that wants to jump in and mediate, feeling that common ground can be reached. If insulted with ad hominem/personal attacks, I don't really know how to take it. If someone attacks an idea, I will vigorously debate them and attempt to outdo them by making as strong of a case as possible for my underlying logic.

    What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong.
    I think people have a hard time seeing their own mortality, especially when they're younger. I think a lot of people feel entitled, like some form of big payout is on their way, feeling like "I deserve this" or "I don't deserve this" when really, the universe isn't thinking you deserve or don't deserve your current status or circumstances. You can't just sit on your ass and wait for good luck to come your way. I understand some people are in worse circumstances than others, but I think there are almost always options, ways to improve one's situation. It's just a matter of looking for and finding opportunities. Often they're right in front of people, but people are either unwilling or unable to see them.

    What did you do last Friday?

    Last Friday I had to work. After I got off, I went home and sat on the couch exhausted before having a cup of coffee. My son showed me some youtube memes on his tablet which found amusing. I read a bit, watched a movie with my wife, then I played a video game until about 2 AM and went to bed. I don't remember much else, not all of the specific details. I just remember that I was very busy at work.

    If you are doing a video you can stop here or choose from the rest of the questions as you like.

    If you are answering in writing, please answer ALL questions.

    What is your biggest accomplishment?
    My son.

    What is something you regret?

    Too many little embarrassments to list. A lot of moments that make me cringe. Moments where I put my foot in my mouth or unwittingly hurt others' feelings. I try not to dwell in these past moments, though they at least help me avoid making similar mistakes.

    Who do you admire, and why?

    Historically, anyone who stood up to "common sense" or dared to question "the way things are". Socrates, John Quincy Adams. Probably more, but those two jumped to my mind first for some reason. More recently, Edward Snowden, Clair Patterson.

    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?
    Things like potential pandemics worry me. Although there's a part of me that also accepts such disasters as a part of the process of nature.

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?
    Somewhere between atheist, agnostic and gnostic, I think. It's difficult to explain. I would say that I am spiritual but not overly superstitious. I believe universal consciousness may be a possibility. I don't believe in the traditional Judeo-Christian-Islamic view of a monarchical God, but I'm open to the idea that "god" could be defined as something that inhabits every molecule, every atom, every particle...something similar to the Vedantic tradition, maybe.

    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?

    I'm currently a bit disillusioned with politics. I used to be fairly liberal/progressive. I suppose I still am socially, though otherwise I would probably line up closer to libertarian and classical liberal sentiments and views. I don't really like PC culture where speech becomes so policed that people are afraid to speak their ideas and minds, but I also believe all people should be treated with respect and not summed up by superficial, physical traits. I don't really like the idea of state socialism, but I'm open to some merging of libertarian and socialist ideals, for instance, worker-owned companies is an idea I like.

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
    Perhaps, but I don't want to be the CEO. I also don't want to be involved in nitty gritty details. Perhaps as an advisor type role, helping come up with long-term strategies and visions.

    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?

    An environment where people are granted a certain level of autonomy. I want a job that sparks my creativity and doesn't involve a lot of mundane, overly detail oriented tasks.

    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?

    I liked history and biology when younger. History because I think a lot of it is just patterns and trends being repeated throughout time; I also obsess over historical what-ifs and could-have-beens. Biology because I've always been fascinated by the diversity of life, the fact that so many specialized and unique species evolved from a pool of single celled organisms.

    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?

    Responsibility is key to people developing, although it's also okay to give people a helping hand and a nudge in the right direction. I expect others to live up to their full abilities and potentials and take full responsibility for their actions. If I feel they have done their best and still need help, I'm not against them being helped.

    Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?

    I took my son to Washington DC and we spent a few days exploring the zoo and some museums. It was fun. I like cities. I like to study the architecture and layout and to speculate on the reason behind it as well as compare them to other cities.

    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?

    A class clown, yet also very serious and professor-like, based on how adults used to describe me. I was often in my imagination.

    What was your high school experience like?

    Unmemorable and somewhat mundane. I would not want to relive it. It's kind of depressing to me that many people look back on that period as the best years of their lives.

    Talk about a significant event from your life.

    When my son was being born. I was a ball of nerves. Nothing ever really prepares a man for becoming a father. It was terrifying and exhilarating.

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?

    Yes and no. They can really grate on the nerves but I love them at that really precocious age where they're curious about everything, roughly between 7 years old and 12, when they start to turn into moody teenagers.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I try to encourage my son to use critical thinking and not believe anything at face value, to engage his bullshit detector. I encourage him to not take any situation too seriously, but also to treat other people with some basic respect. If those people violate that respect, then I tell him they may not be worth his time.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

    Yes, more frequently than I'd like. I think I already described why above. Working in monotony and rote jobs doesn't affect me well. I become more nihilistic and prone to depression.

    How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.

    I think we haven't really learned how to live in a world with the internet. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the internet and technology, but I think social media, while potentially useful, has led to more division and rancor between people. On the other hand it allows people from different backgrounds to mingle and learn about one another and experience varying perspectives and ideas. Yet I'm disappointed that many people are still afraid of that sort of intermingling and exchange, that they just double down on their own beliefs and don't seem interested in opening their minds. I suppose to some extent these were already underlying problems and prejudices and the internet has just allowed them to bubble to the surface.

    What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?

    Re-evaluate how bad I need or want it. If I still want it, back to the drawing board to re-strategize and look for other possible ways to get it.

    Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?

    Yes, but I don't really want to be a taskmaster. I'd prefer to look for people's strengths and encourage them to use them. I'd encourage a certain level of independence in them.

    How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?
    Not often do I get really angry. I might get annoyed a lot but that's different then anger, in my opinion. People doing or believing the same thing over and over, getting the same bad results, then doubling down and continuing to so the same method...that makes me angry. People ignoring what would seem to be obvious logic.

    What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?
    The end of the work week.

    What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?
    The whole week was pretty long and boring, very stressful.

    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?
    To survive and adapt. I like life's little coincidences and surprises.

    What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?
    When I was a kid my grandfather took me to a park in the Everglades. It literally felt like stepping into a prehistoric world or something. It was just a wooden walkway in the middle of a vast, lush area of swamp. Very serene and surreal.

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?
    A mix of functionality and style. Usually darker, neutral colors, like grey and black, sometimes dark blue.

    Do you like surprises?

    Is there anything else important about you that we should know?


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    You say you are boring, this might be introversion, but it's really not so good conclusion. You also said you like to use your analytical skills which is T. You also say you value logic which is very T.
    You mentioned you value accuracy, I think that would be Judging or Thinking.
    You said again you are boring and that you spend most of the time in your head, that would be Introversion.
    You again say you are not really affectionate person and that would make you T.
    So far now it's sure you are introverted and thinking so it would be IxTx however I is not sure bet because there are subtypes.
    Then you say you like to talk about ideas, that would be one point for N. You also mentioned that you are not generator of conflicts that would be Ne, but as I know myself you can't avoid conflicts in life BTW.
    Then you say that people say you are witty and intelligent. That could also point to the Ne or Ni.
    You say you are clumsy so that would say N.
    So far it would say INTx or ENTx, as I/E is something really varying.
    Then you say you are overloaded by details and also you mention that you don't display enthusiasm towards emotional people. In first case that would be N I think and in the second case it would be somewhat NT.
    Then you say you like arguing it's again Ne, but from my experience I can tell arguing is not a good thing and it only alienates from people.
    You have very introverted aspirations.
    You again mention you like accuracy of logic which would score for Thinking.
    You say you don't like mundane work which would make you P.
    So far you could be INTp or ENTp but it's not clear whatever you are extroverted or introverted. You then say you are reserved person but can be very outgoing at work, let's say true introverts have problems being outgoing and when they are they're kinda weird.
    Regarding conflict you say you would prefer avoiding it which is somewhat N or mediate it which is like Si. So it sounds more like delta / alpha values here.
    Then you point out to opportunities like typical Ne, but could be also something else, but Ne types very often mention this. You seem also to be somewhat Se devaluing but I could be wrong.
    You say you would prefer to advise on long term strategies and visions which would be NT like.
    Again you mention you dont like mundane (P) and detailed (N) tasks.
    You say you like to study architecture and layouts as well you were often inside your head, that would be Ni as in INTp.
    You again mention you don't like mundane job which is I think P.
    You said you don't like to be task master which would be low Te I believe or low sensing.

    You said you value logic multiple times so that would make you Thinking type.
    You said many times you dislike mundane job and few other similar things which would make you Perceiving type.
    You said that you don't like detail oriented work, and also you like to argue that would make you Intuitive, but your text is not abstract so I am not really sure, but you haven't said anything Sensing valuing either.
    You said few times you are often inside your head but also can be outgoing at work.

    This would make you either ILI or ILE. You mentioned few times something loosely related to Ne but you have also ILI like interests. Regardless you said you are introverted I would guess you are most likely ILE and secondly ILI. Or maybe the other way around I am not really sure. I would give 50/50.
    Last edited by falsehope; 02-26-2018 at 04:18 PM.

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    After reading myself I noticed that sometimes where I said it something would point out to P actually is low sensing. So that this could make you also LII. So I would give 33% ILI 33% ILE 33% LII, I don't think LIE would be something because overall it doesn't sound like one.

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    Analytical IxTx should be obvious, answers are full of standard Ti lead statements about ethical issues too.

    A lot of emphasis on creativity and opportunities/possibilities and primarily approaching things from this point of view beyond the logical analysis.

    Bad with details, that just adds to the N typing.

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    Your questionnaire mainly says introverted, logical. The lazy part makes me think IP is possible over IJ, but we don't really know for sure without at least photos. Preferably a video, bringing some life to the text.

    Alternatively just interact for a while.

    I'm assuming you've sat some tests? What were the results?

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    Quote Originally Posted by at sirac son of sirac View Post
    Your questionnaire mainly says introverted, logical. The lazy part makes me think IP is possible over IJ, but we don't really know for sure without at least photos. Preferably a video, bringing some life to the text.

    Alternatively just interact for a while.

    I'm assuming you've sat some tests? What were the results?
    I usually get LII or ILE on socionics tests. Occasionally I've gotten ILI and I think once I got IEI. When I tried to type myself on the Reinin dichotomies, I got stuck between LII and ILE.

    I'll interact a bit more, then revisit this topic in a few months and see what people's impressions are. My personal impression is that I am an alpha NT, but I wanted to get others' impressions and make sure I wasn't falling prey to confirmation bias.

    I'll also see if I can find a few decent photos for the people interested in doing a visual analysis.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Toynbee View Post
    I usually get LII or ILE on socionics tests. Occasionally I've gotten ILI and I think once I got IEI. When I tried to type myself on the Reinin dichotomies, I got stuck between LII and ILE.

    I'll interact a bit more, then revisit this topic in a few months and see what people's impressions are. My personal impression is that I am an alpha NT, but I wanted to get others' impressions and make sure I wasn't falling prey to confirmation bias.

    I'll also see if I can find a few decent photos for the people interested in doing a visual analysis.
    That's interesting, thank you.

    Strange IMO how you'd differ in two dichotomies, I/E and J/P, but maybe some of the test you're sitting are function orientated. Function orientated tests are good, but how to determine between base and creative function is the problem when determining which of the mirrors a person is. Some dichotomies (or all dichotomies) seems as the best.

    Still, making a test isn't something i'm interested in, probably never, but who knows.

    I'm going to assume you've done all the tests, but if not this one

    Is good IMO

    This one's not bad

    The following one isn't for the fainthearted but I think it's the best. Many questions but very clever IMO with a normal and reversed mode. When I sat it, I tried to forget I knew anything about socionics, and just picked what I thought. It seemed to work as gave a confidence factor of .66 (lower is better, approaching .8 means the test result is suspect).

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    Quote Originally Posted by at sirac son of sirac View Post


    I will get to the other tests...soon.

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    Quote Originally Posted by at sirac son of sirac View Post
    That's interesting, thank you.

    Strange IMO how you'd differ in two dichotomies, I/E and J/P
    I'm like that too. I can get SLE vs LSI on tests.

    Function orientated tests are good, but how to determine between base and creative function is the problem when determining which of the mirrors a person is.
    Determine which one leads and determines the outlook for the other one too. That's the only real way the Mirrors with Creative subtype differ from each other.

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    Quote Originally Posted by at sirac son of sirac View Post

    This one's not bad

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    @at sirac son of sirac

    I'm working on the type assistant. However, the scoring factor was higher than .8, which it said can result in a less accurate profile, so I reset the test and started over.

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    @Toynbee: Either LII or ILI. I lean more toward LII, because I see a lot of Ne valuing in your questionnaire and I get more Alpha vibes than Gamma vibes. Also, you seem to care a lot about "logic" (you used this words plenty of times), which points at Ti. Yeah, in general I'd say Ti/Ne > Ni/Te.

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    As much as I use the word 'logic,' I risk becoming a stereotype of myself.

    However, I would say it's pretty important to me, to the degree that finding contradictions in my inner logic can throw me for a loop and force me into a long state of deep thought, analysis and re-evaluation.

    I also don't like when people explain things or make declarations that contain contradicting logic. I almost instinctively feel a need to correct them when I see it, or in the very least to question their thought process in case I missed something.
    Last edited by perpetuus; 02-28-2018 at 02:42 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Toynbee View Post
    As much as I use the word 'logic,' I risk becoming a stereotype of myself.

    However, I would say it's pretty important to me, to the degree that finding contradictions in my inner logic can throw me for a loop and force me into a long state of deep thought, analysis and re-evaluation.

    I also don't like when people explain things or make declarations that contain contradicting logic. I almost instinctively feel a need to correct them when I see it, or in the very least to question their thought process in case I missed something.
    Sounds very Ti Lead.

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    ILE/LII. I think ILE better because you don't like overloaded display of emotions (Fe), live a lot in your own imagination (Ne), have multiple kinds of hobbies that trigger you (Ne), can hurt others with witty remarks and dont necessarily care (Fi devalued)... then the part about noticing architectures and confronting them, as well as your soft spot for history could be Si.

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    Let's see... Hugo vs Dumas... Hugos are very uplifting and praising people while Dumas might be more likely to put out emotional discharges by themselves.

    in a way that part of Hugo annoys me a bit if they do it way too much. It gets old.
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    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toynbee View Post
    As much as I use the word 'logic,' I risk becoming a stereotype of myself.

    However, I would say it's pretty important to me, to the degree that finding contradictions in my inner logic can throw me for a loop and force me into a long state of deep thought, analysis and re-evaluation.

    I also don't like when people explain things or make declarations that contain contradicting logic. I almost instinctively feel a need to correct them when I see it, or in the very least to question their thought process in case I missed something.
    Forget ILE. They don't care this much about logic lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Forget ILE. They don't care this much about logic lol
    The funny thing is that I never thought of myself as an especially logical person when I was younger. However, looking back I can see that it was a pattern for me to question a lot of what people said. I annoyed a lot of school teachers and authority figures. It wasn’t really my intention to annoy though.
    Last edited by perpetuus; 03-01-2018 at 01:18 AM.

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    You sound like LII.

    I have annoyed people with my scattered brain and still do. Logic usually comes after I have some hypothetical stuff that seems to be important to me.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toynbee View Post
    The funny thing is that I never thought of myself as an especially logical person when I was younger. However, looking back I can see that it was a pattern for me to question a lot of what people said. I annoyed a lot of school teachers and authority figures. It wasn’t really my intention to annoy though.
    I did not think of myself that way either. I still only see myself as half rational (I'm not Ti subtype either). And oh yeah your questioning thingy is very LII there lol

    I would argue with the teachers sometimes too but not by questioning the truth of their ideas, instead I usually just wanted to get/have stuff my way. I did often have the ability to see how it was justified though and so reason a bit for it but there was more push than elaborate logic overall lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Toynbee View Post
    @at sirac son of sirac

    I'm working on the type assistant. However, the scoring factor was higher than .8, which it said can result in a less accurate profile, so I reset the test and started over.
    Well, maybe just take a break from tests for a while in my humble opinion.

    There's quite a few people saying LII, you might well be LII (I think it's possible too and quite likely), but I wouldn't rule out ILI, or ILE too I suppose (but LII, ILI are most likely I think.)

    There is a lot from your questionnaire which would suggest LII, but, from memory, from reading it, there's a lot too which says you are just a regular guy in a job which isn't great but you are just doing it because it's for the best overall, which is where many people are in this world - actually to be honest it's probably the better part of where most of us can be. So yeah, you're questionnaire can just describe what many of us are like.

    I think that you get bored doing routine tasks and create games to pass the time is interesting. When I do routine work, I do well just plowing through the work. Anyone can get bored doing the same thing of course, but I thought the difference at least how i'm seeing it was interesting from an S and an N perspective (because at least you are clearly N.)

    For dichotomies

    N types:
    do not like routine
    Wonder mostly about the past or the future

    S types:
    are practical and active
    live in the here and now

    S types are better suited for mundane repetitive tasks compared to N types (of course everyone will adapt to some degree to earn a living), but I just thought it was interesting at least for my own knowledge.

    As for your type, there's probably no need to rush.

    Thanks for your post.

    Edit: I don't think putting the @(then bolding the name) works, as I didn't get a notification, might be something to do with the code, but just to let you know for future reference.
    Last edited by at sirac son of sirac; 03-01-2018 at 11:29 AM.

  22. #22
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    In your test you have Ti and Ne higher than Ni and Te yet it typed you as ILI instead of LII. This test instead of matching functions to type takes simpler approach by computing how much introversion, sensing / intuition, thinking / feeling and rationality you have without measuring functions themselves, which I think should be more reliable.
    Also on the second picture from the results it shows that in typical score for ILI there is high Ni and Ti while Te is close to zero while the Te should be higher than Ti which is quite strange.
    This and other tests are mainly good to measure intuition / sensing and thinking / feeling and everything else is always close to zero and also very often on the wrong side of the graph.
    That's why I think by measuring intuition / sensing and thinking / feeling and matching it to specific functions like Ni Ne Si Se Fi Fe Ti Te would be the best method for typing people and not measuring introversion in general or rationality in general but specific functions only. If that would work this way it would type you as LII and not ILI, which I think would be better.

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    Quote Originally Posted by falsehope View Post
    In your test you have Ti and Ne higher than Ni and Te yet it typed you as ILI instead of LII. This test instead of matching functions to type takes simpler approach by computing how much introversion, sensing / intuition, thinking / feeling and rationality you have without measuring functions themselves, which I think should be more reliable.
    Also on the second picture from the results it shows that in typical score for ILI there is high Ni and Ti while Te is close to zero while the Te should be higher than Ti which is quite strange. Either it classified ILIs who were IEIs for example.
    This and other tests are mainly good to measure intuition / sensing and thinking / feeling and everything else is always close to zero and also very often on the wrong side.
    That's why I think by measuring intuition / sensing and thinking / feeling and matching it to specific functions like Ni Ne Si Se Fi Fe Ti Te would be the best method for typing people and not measuring introversion in general or rationality in general but specific functions only. If that would work this way it would type you as LII and not ILI, which I think would be better.
    You're better measuring it with dichotomies at least included because if you assess it on function 'strength' then you would have to somehow work out questions that would separate eg base Te from creative Te, because otherwise you have no idea if someone is LIE or ILI (for example.)

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    Thanks for all of the feedback so far.

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    So that function strength could be used to determine at lest two possible types and then dichotomies to guess which type exactly.
    So from the test one can conclude that there's high Ti and Ne and weaker Ni and Te.
    So let's take a shot on dichotomies:

    You scored negativist just like LII and ILI and that would negatively correlate with ILE
    Right would score for LII and against ILI and ILE
    Carefree would score for ILE and against LII ILI
    Egalitarist, I think that mean democratic that would score for all three LII, ILE and ILI
    Static score for LII ILE but not for ILI
    Obstinate scores for LII and ILI but not for ILE
    Strategic would score for LII and not for ILE and ILI
    Constructivist is ILE, ILI and not LII

    Questim / declatim I can't find which type are which it only says that questim are extratims with + in model a and intratims with -, I am not sure what does it mean.
    Central / Peripheral not sure which one is this
    Ascending / descending can't find

    Maybe someone can advise on these 3 dichotomies which are those exactly. They would be one of these: Process and result, Judicious and decisive, merry and serious, asking and declaring, and also one of these is Left and right already.

    I intentionally bypassed Intro/Extro version and Rationality / Irrationality because these two are most unreliable, and Sensing / Intuition and Thinking / Feeling were used to single out 3 types ILI, LII and ILE, and also these point to all these 3 types anyway.

    Score points:
    ILE: 4
    LII: 6
    ILI: 3

    So from this quick analysis you would be most likely LII.
    It's because you have strongest pair Ti and Ne as well dichotomies point to LII.
    This test may have good questions (I don't know, it's down now), but the calculations are not perfect, are somewhat simplified, manually calculating it gives better results.

    So taking into account Introversion / Extraversion that would be one point more for ILI and LII, with LII still being most likely.

    Anyway you pointed out many ILI traits so I would not be suprised if you turned ILI or even ILE as you display these traits as well, the best would be to do VI, that would clear things out.
    Last edited by falsehope; 03-01-2018 at 06:58 PM.

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    Reinin dichotomies are useless for typing.

    Apart from perhaps static/dynamic which can be described with functions anyway


    Is Ashura's way to break down the functions, but, it's not required: the functions stand for themselves.

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    I was going to make a video or take a photo but I've been smoking substances and want to wait to provide a sober visual example.

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