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Thread: Please type me, I'm getting desperate!!

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    Default Please type me, I'm getting desperate!!

    The Extended Questionnaire v0.2

    Describe yourself.
    Oh my, this is the first question and I am already at a loss for words. I honestly don’t know how to answer this question – I think that I am far too complex, fluid and ever-changing to be rendered into static categorisations and mere adjectives.
    I’ll try though (urgh) – on the outside, I am a mediocre-looking girl. Asian, and still trying to come to terms with the cultural baggage that comes with it. I am simple on the outside, but very complicated on the inside. Absent-minded, often lost in my own thoughts. I have multiple worlds in my head that I keep jealously guarded in the realms of my imagination. Anything I do and see and experience feeds into this rich and textured imagination of mine. Sometimes I can’t tell apart objective reality (what I see and view around me) from my subconscious reality (what I see and view in my mind’s eye) and that’s scary – I also have a hard time telling apart dreams from reality. I am also (I think) pretty kinky. But you wouldn’t know this if you’d just met me – on the outset, I am your typical nerdy, bubbly, anime-loving, matcha-drinking straight A student.

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    I am currently doing a Graduate Diploma in Law to qualify as a solicitor. That’s law school for non-lawyers for those of you outside the UK. Before that I completed an undergraduate degree in Geography/International Relations and Spanish. If that sounds like a mouthful, it is. It was basically a really ambitious degree that attempts to teach you a lot about everything, but ends up teaching you nothing. Come to think of it, that suits me rather well – I feel like I’m someone who compiles a lot of shallow knowledge over a broad range of subjects and interests and yet never really has the time/motivation/will to really delve all the way through.
    That said, the reason why I went to law school was because I realised I needed a vocational degree and a vocational qualification for some form of professional stability. I’m liking law enough, but it’s a very ‘heavy’ discipline and that scares me a lot. I already have a graduate job lined up as a corporate lawyer, which sounds scary in itself. I’m not sure how good I am with dealing with a cut-throat suit-and-tie environment. I must admit though, that the prestige and financial stability were huge factors for me. I don’t plan on staying there forever – in about 5 years or so I could be doing anything from opening a café in the Mediterranean coast or working in some fashion magazine interviewing models.

    What are your values, and why?
    Um… I’m not sure I have any. Don’t get me wrong. I have concepts that I believe are very important to me that I try to stick to whenever I can (eg. loyalty, open-mindedness, sincerity, not being a dick, helping others), but I feel like these are in a constant state of flux and to an extent malleable. I am constantly reworking and redeveloping my outlook on life and people, and I consider myself open to new possibilities.
    I guess I value diversity – not only in physical being but also in mind. I come from a culturally mixed background and am surrounded by people hailing from all corners of the globe. I also try to relate to everyone in the world, no matter what their political/religious beliefs may be. I like to think that I will be able to sit down and have a chat with a convicted murderer or a high-functioning psychopath, and then sit down for lunch with the Queen of England.

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    I am absolutely in love with foreign languages and cultures. I am natively bilingual, but I learnt two foreign languages to fluency and am conversational in a few more. It annoys me when people attribute this purely to talent, because while I might have an inclination towards foreign languages, a LOT of my spare time goes into working on them. I would very much prefer to sit down and practise writing Chinese characters and work on understanding Persian grammar than go out with people. I am constantly listening to foreign music, watching foreign TV, reading foreign books, learning about foreign cultures.
    Other than that, I blog (usually about foreign cultures) and participate in Facebook groups about language learning. I have a feeling that a lot of you are shaking your heads now and going all ‘this girl literally has no life’ LOL, but I swear, languages have opened multiple UNIVERSES for me. I have discovered a way to express myself across multiple channels of thought, explore new ways of life, and learn about new concepts, feelings, emotions and stories in a way that I have never been able to do through my native languages. It has given me new avenues to seeing and perceiving the world, for which I am eternally grateful.

    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?
    I … am not very close with my family. I am playful, affectionate, cheerful and open with them on the outside, but inside … I don’t feel like they understand me and I guess I also make sure I don’t let them understand me. To me, family members are people who are introduced to your life by way of lottery, and I don’t really feel like there is any need for me to automatically open up to them because of that.
    My friends, on the other hand … all of them are wonderful, some more wonderful than others (perhaps because I get to hand-pick them? Idk). I have a VERY close and exclusive group of people that I trust. I call them my ‘best’ or ‘closest’ friends. But these friends don’t know one another – one is my best friend from childhood, another one is my best friend from college, and the last one is my best friend from university. I tend to categorise people this way in my head – assigning them to specific temporal periods of my life and/or specific experiences. I am also completely different people around each one of them – wait no, I am the same person. I just choose to highlight different aspects of my personality around them, to accentuate things I feel they like/appreciate/want to see in me. Outside the realm of my closest friends, I have a number of ‘good friends’ (people I trust and with whom I have shared a number of positive experiences and can somewhat confide in) and ‘acquaintances’ (people who I like and sometimes meet, but strictly on a superficial level).
    My closest friends are all mirror opposites of one another, but they’re all supremely intelligent and enthusiastic about certain things that I am not familiar with, which I find intriguing and stimulating. I like being able to talk to them, have a good laugh and learn new things along the way… and I like how they are able to understand more aspects of me than most. My good friends are also very much the same ... only that I haven’t shared as much with them or felt the same kind of ‘deep’ connection that I’ve felt with my closest friends. My acquaintances are merely that .. acquaintances. I like them, but I don’t go out of my way to talk to them and am not bothered in the least if they don’t seek me out (in fact… I prefer it?).
    However, all of them have one or two aspects about them that I dislike and am put off by – be it a certain personality quirk or a certain way or reacting to things or a certain lifestyle… but I’m sure that I also give off the same vibe, and I like that we’re still friends despite (or because of?) that.

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    In friends? Nothing, really. I have no criteria in terms of judging friendships … I just ask that we’re compatible in some. Or even if we’re not compatible in any way, that will still be something to explore.
    I suppose I like loyal, authentic and honest people (who doesn’t?) but I am quite self-contained in the sense that I would rather NOT do anything that would require me to test their loyalty or honesty. I look for people I like, simple as that.
    Romantic relationships are a little different. I start off by an equally large base – I am one of those people who can find pretty much anyone physically attractive. But I guess they have to like me too, because that is likely to make me more attracted to them. I am VERY physical and open to trying out new things in the bedroom … but I also appreciate emotional intimacy as well for a long-term relationship. I can do long-distance just fine.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    Funnily-enough, I have had three different conflicts recently with all three of my closest friends. Oops. I’ll go over them very superficially, to protect their privacy.
    A – owed me a rather large sum of money but kept dodging/ignoring me whenever I asked about repayment. I told A I didn’t care about the money, I was just bothered about his attitude towards me about it. When the situation got too heated, A withdrew for 3 whole days which left me incredibly annoyed. In the end, I told A to forget about the money, and to let us resume our friendship as it once was. We were fine after that, and he apologised for being too scared to face me.
    B – had very reactionary views on something which made us fundamentally incompatible (the way a pro-gun lobbyist may be fundamentally incompatible with someone who lost a relative to gun violence, for instance). B’s views were (to B) far more important than my reaction to it. It wasn’t a conflict per se (no screaming matches or anything), but I never realised that that particular value was so important to B and I began to doubt whether or not I really even knew B or had a place in B’s life. In the end, I decided to get the hell over it, and to understand and appreciate this particular value as an intrinsic part of B’s character and learn from it and about it at the same time.
    C – and I had a minor conflict of sorts over … socionics, of all things. C knows a lot about socionics and when I told C what type I thought I was, C told me I was wrong and that I was a different type, which I wasn’t too happy about. Pretty stupid of me in retrospect, since I was/am still only superficially acquainted with the subject, but I was bothered about C’s matter-of-fact tone about describing me, as I felt that no one but me knew me best and that I should be the one figuring this out for myself. When I raised this point with C, C’s only reply was ‘well, you may know more about yourself, but I know more about socionics than you’ … which hurt, somehow. So over the past few months I’ve been trying to learn more about the discipline, and am opening up to the possibility that I might well be wrong! J

    How would your friends describe you?
    Open, kind, ‘intense’, clumsy, perhaps too trusting, careless always managing to get into incredible/weird situations (eg. ‘why does this only happen to you!?’ as they say), inappropriate, sometimes intelligent, childish, doesn’t take herself too seriously, happy and outgoing …
    I feel like a lot of that is a façade, though. I really am only selectively open and kind (I actually feel like I’m an incredibly unpleasant person inside, but I never openly express it), I make myself the butt of jokes to control/influence particular environments, and I have had major bouts of depression and panic attacks and I hate socialising ... but I do get the impression that I come across as very ditzy/childish, and people seem to feel protective over me for that.

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    What people see as my strengths: My openness and positivity, my sense of humour, my comedic effect
    What I like about myself: my open-mindedness, how well I ‘mould’ myself to suit everyone I meet, my self-reliance, my creativity, my adaptability.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Criticism from others: How emotional I am, my childishness, my carelessness, my selfishness, my ridiculousness
    My weaknesses: How emotional I am, my temperament, my jealousy/resentfulness of others, my need to always be validated/understood/mollycoddled. I think I might have some qualities of a narcissist but I am too scared to face that side of myself.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I am quite self-reliant regarding most aspects in my life (relationships, studies, working life). I generally try not to ask help or favours from anyone, and I pride myself on never having had to ask help from my teachers/professors/anyone with any position of authority. I wrote all my job applications myself. I prefer to figure things out on my own.
    That said, when I need emotional support, I NEED emotional support. I need to have my grievances addressed, my conscience abated, my dignity and pride soothed. Which is weird, because while I feel like I am quite guarded emotionally, sometimes it all spills out … and when it spills out … I am an uncontrollable mess of tears, rage, fear.

    What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    I don’t like small talk. I absolutely hate going to networking events and talking to a number of blank faces that I don’t care about, all while putting on a fake smile and exchanging business cards … yuck yuck yuck. I also hate going to parties and social events, unless it’s a small gathering of people that I’ve carefully selected and vetted beforehand. Otherwise, I get extremely tired and grumpy and self-conscious and want to leave after 2 seconds. (That said, I’ve been told I’m particularly good at this though .. which is weird considering how little I like it).
    I used to dislike cleaning … but now that I’ve moved into my ‘own’ place and living on my own, I have developed an obsession for keeping it tidy and decorating it according to my own personal aesthetic guidelines. I guess I am quite territorial – back when I was flat-sharing with a few mates I couldn’t care less about keeping spaces clean, but now I’m quite neurotic about it.
    As for what I enjoy more than others..? Well, foreign language learning, probably. I have a huge collection of grammar and textbooks at home in a number of languages that will take me years to master. I find that learning foreign languages – be it through poring over a textbook or going through flashcards – really helps me ‘ground’ my mind all the while allowing me to learn new things at the same time.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?
    Nothing’s set in stone. I have no particular plans for the future. The way things are going right now I’ll be stuck in corporate law for the next few years, where I hope to build a rather stable financial platform to do the things I really want to do. It probably sounds awful, but I’m really only in it for the money. That said, I’ve always liked the thought of publishing my own fantasy novel. Perhaps I’ll start training for marathons. Perhaps I’ll end up a weed-smoking vegan hippie lost somewhere in Jamaica. Perhaps I’ll be married and living in a cute little semi-detached house with a white picket fence and raising five children. Or perhaps I’ll have grown wings by then and attempt an Icarus. I have no idea. It doesn’t bother me J

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?
    Um … I’ll keep learning foreign languages. And uproot myself from home and live somewhere new every 2 years or so, until I’ve covered the entire planet. I hate the thought of travelling/backpacking/touristing but I LOVE the idea of LIVING somewhere completely new and getting lost in new places and remaking my life from the get go.
    I’ll probably start studying a bunch of different subjects too. Really test the frontiers of my intellectual potential and exploring different interests. I’ll learn medicine, music, Mancunian history and Malaysian poetry … and everything in between. I’ll probably combine that with my aforementioned goal and study each of these things at a different university.

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    Honestly, I can’t think of anything right now. I find everything relative. I might like fastidiousness in one person but dislike it in another. And childishness in one might be an endearing trait to me but annoy me when it comes to someone else. Even excessive kindness or patience tends to grate to me if it’s on the wrong person. And intelligence as well … it’s hard to describe.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?
    I LOVE beautiful knick-knacks and weird items. Postcards of places (even when they’re not sent by anyone). Pot-pourri and fairy lights. Strategically-placed magazines. Fake flowers. Lots of pillows in different colours.
    I consider daily chores an unfortunate necessity to maintain a space that I enjoy. It can also sometimes be therapeutic – when I’m feeling stressed out or unhappy, mindlessly clearing my bedroom can sometimes be helpful in controlling the huge whirlwind of emotions in my mind.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    Depends on the stranger. But I am usually friendly and open to listening to them. I ask questions, trying to learn more about them, deciding how to act and what information about myself to offer based on my impression of them. Because of that people get the impression that I am ‘friendly’, ‘charismatic’, ‘sociable’. I try to let them do most of the talking, though, even though I’m actually the one controlling the situation. I smile a lot, acknowledge their jokes, and try to make them warm up to me.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    This is an area of life where I have taken a radical 180 degree turn (hopefully in a good way). I used to hate conflict and avoid it at all costs (aka being THE prototypical passive-aggressive bitch) … but now I prefer to directly address it and get it over with. I would much rather have a confrontation lasting 20 minutes where we get to listen to one another and then have it resolved, than have it last for days in passive-aggressive silence.
    I don’t take well to insults or attacks, and depending on my mood it can either NOT affect me or DEEPLY affect me. It’s hard to gauge what kind of insults or what kind of people have which effects … that entirely depends on my mood. But I usually get over it in the end, and I try to acknowledge where the other person comes from.
    I am also quick to acknowledge my faults and apologise where necessary, even though I may not feel like I am in the wrong. I find that taking a position of vulnerability is often a good thing, as it allows you to resolve conflicts sooner.

    What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong.
    That there is one universal truth – a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer to every moral, political or social question. In truth, there are just different perspectives, informed through one’s own particular experiences or background. Everything is relative – subject to multiple definitions, reworkings and interpretations. I prefer to look for multiple truths and acknowledge each and every one of them, while understanding all sides of the matter.

    What did you do last Friday?
    I spent the day ill L Vomitted the entire day and felt like death. I had to register at my law school and thus had to drag my arse to school anyway .. but I escaped as soon as I could and collapsed onto my bed. Today was better, though. At least the fever’s gone! J

    If you are doing a video you can stop here and/or choose from the rest of the questions as you like.

    What is your biggest accomplishment?
    Learning two languages to C1-C2 fluency. I still can’t believe I managed to do it!

    What is something you regret?
    Nothing, at the moment. If I could, I would probably change certain actions or decisions in the past, some of which have led to lost friendships and/or poor results, but I don’t think I regret them in the way most people do. Everything I do is an opportunity to learn more about myself, people, and the world. Even if it isn’t quite the result I had hoped for.

    Who do you admire, and why?
    Probably Joko Widodo. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more humble, altruistic and decent man in politics. And Ahok for his no-corruption stance and attention to detail. Wu Zetian for being a total badass. Clement Atlee for fundamentally changing British society (for the better).

    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?
    I’m very worried that I may be in over my head with this whole law thing – what if I’m going to despise being a corporate lawyer or worse still, end up so bad at it that I might want to kill myself? I’m also wondering why my closest friends haven’t yet replied to me (they’re all living in different countries atm so we’re long-distance) – are they getting too busy for me? No, they must just have other things going on. Right? Right.

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?
    At the moment … I have none. I was raised Catholic, but I’ve expunged myself of all Abrahamic beliefs and am trying to approach this whole ‘spirituality’ thing from a clean slate. Right now, I feel very spiritual – I believe that there is a transcendental being that mysterious energy force if you will … or something intangible that engulfs all of us and connects all of us in ways we don’t understand … but that which isn’t at all similar to what we envision gods – especially Abrahamic Gods – to be. I believe there are still a lot of unexplained mysteries in this world … miracles and evils that can’t be explained through science and logic alone … but I reject any concept of religion as is.

    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?
    My political beliefs are malleable. I don’t feel like I fall neatly on any spectrum – I would be your typical ‘floating voter’, not tied to any partisan viewpoint or ideology. In this case, I adjust my vote or political preferences according to the issue in question. I am also probably the kind of voter most politicians would HATE to campaign to – because I need to be CONVINCED, and being CONVINCED for me takes more than just burying me in facts or inciting an emotional response from me … it has to be both, and it has to coincide with what I feel at the time.
    Generally, I’ve been leaning left for social issues, though I am still floating when it comes to economic/fiscal issues. Go figure.

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
    Perhaps. I don’t see myself as your typical entrepreneur type because I prefer not to ‘market’ myself that way (‘buy my ebook! I got an angel investor my life is so wonderful! Change your life the way I changed mine! Look .. my absss!) ... but if I were to start a business, it would be small and rather avant-garde/artisan, like an anti-café. Or maybe something big, like a waste food supermarket – I like the thought of being able to provide homeless people with free food.

    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?
    I’d rather not work at all and still get my money Fine .. it’ll have to be an environment that inspires me. An environment where I feel like I’m making a difference … and an environment where I get to grow as a person and learn new things.

    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?
    Probably English. It was the only subject where I got to express myself through the written word, and put down a lot of my muddled thoughts (and my then fledging inner world) onto paper, and have people admire it as ‘creativity’. Wow!

    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?
    I tend to be pretty flexible on this. But then again, I guess I expect others to behave in a way that mirrors what I would do in a similar situation. For example, if I were to do something in a given situation, I would expect others to do the same. But it often doesn’t happen, and I get disgruntled as a result. Then I remember that people are different and they approach situations with different vantage points, and I try to see things from their point of view.

    Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?
    Paris, came back two days ago. It’s not my favourite city, but I really enjoy being in large urban spaces so I did manage to wander around a bit which was great. The buildings and wide avenues and squares were also wonderful. But then again, I got ill at the end and nearly got robbed at a department store and was scammed once, so all in all .. not quite the best trip.

    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?
    I got taller. A little fatter. Got rid of the glasses, though. Inside, I am still very much that kid – confused, curious, conscious about the subconscious. Like a floating vessel. Never rooted.

    What was your high school experience like?
    Eh. Nothing much to write home about. I had a group of friends I was part of, which was nice. I moved to two different schools in two different countries, so that was new. This was when I most discovered myself though – my love for languages, and my ability to interact with different people. All in all I don’t really look upon this experience with fondness or longing – it was a time of my life that I enjoyed and appreciated, but I am not really nostalgic in any way.

    Talk about a significant event from your life.
    I moved to Spain for a year, and that was the worst year of my life. I have nothing against the country in itself – it was beautiful. However, I was surrounded by people who gave off negative vibes, whom I didn’t find worth connecting with, and I was studying things that completely didn’t inspire me. My relationship was tumultuous at the time, and I fell into a deep depression. I developed panic attacks, and was hospitalised twice. This was when I took up writing blog posts in foreign languages – it helped give me an outlet to express all of these negative emotions, and allowed me to rework them into something beautiful. Writing in foreign languages also helped me think about what I wanted to say and how to say things, which helped me work through my emotions.

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?
    I’m pretty indifferent. I change my mind on this all the time. I admire their perspectives and outlook on life, but I also find a lot of them annoying. It depends on their age and cultural background I think.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    My main concern will be to make them as exposed to and accepting of as many different (and equally subjective) forms of thought as possible. I would like to be that non-judgmental mum that provides a space for her child to forge their own self-identity and sense of self. I would love to raise an intelligent, self-aware and perceptive child. That said, I’m not sure how well I would fare with discipline, and I’m afraid that the darker sides of my personality (narcissistic/controlling traits) will take over and lead to destructive parenting.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    The one time I was really stuck in a rut was probably when I was in Spain. I was uninspired by everything, had no motivation to do anything or attempt anything, and I had no goals or anything to work towards. I was missing home and fantasising about it every waking moment of my life – to an extent that it was starting to be unhealthy. I got a number of job rejections which also killed off what was left of my self-esteem.
    Still, I slogged on. I completed my study abroad program (failed one module though), kept filling in job applications, decided that I wanted to do law as a graduate degree (cos money and options), and knowing that my study abroad experience was soon going to come to an end helped keep me going.
    Back in the UK I felt so much more at peace and was able to lift myself out of that hole – but I was battered, emotionally-scarred with panic attacks … but I made it out alive and breathing. And I was a survivor. And all the more stronger for it.

    How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    I like to think that I see people first and foremost as individuals, but I am very likely to take into account their backstories and positionalities in terms of dealing with them. This includes things such as ethnic background, age (possible generational differences?), linguistic background, educational history, past experiences, family histories … For example, if I were to meet a black American from the Deep South, I would of course treat them first and foremost like an individual … but I am also acute aware of the fact that they are black, American, Southern and likely the product of a set of values and mentalities and perceptions and worldviews that is informed by the society (or microcosms of society) that they live in. And I take that into account when I interact with them. I do think that we are all somewhat unique but I also (very conflictingly) believe that we are shaped by all sorts of complex processes that allow us to be comparable to people of similar groups or experiences.
    A prevalent social problem for me right now would be a lack of understanding and dialogue. People are shutting themselves out from one another, unwilling to engage in uncomfortable debate and understand the other side. It annoys me when people of all sides of moral/political/social spectrums enclose themselves into their own spaces and refuse to acknowledge the other side at best, or reduce the other side to a hopeless meaningless and dumbed-down caricature based on stereotypes at worst. I believe this leads to a lot of misunderstandings, which leads to a lot of conflicts today.

    What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?
    That entirely depends on who the other person is, and what I want from them. Depending on the person, I adjust my methods accordingly. I sometimes take on a position of weakness or vulnerability to allow them to develop an over-protective stance over me and give me what I want. Or sometimes I straight up ask them, if I feel that a blunt approach is necessary. Sometimes I lie, make up stories or go about things more sneakily, if I feel that the direct approach won’t work. It scares me how often it works.
    I have to learn that I can’t always get what I want though. I feel that in doing half the things I do, I am disrespecting people and robbing them of their autonomy and ability to make informed decisions … but sometimes straight up ‘persuasion’ works best. I’m not sure if I should feel guilty in doing this, though.

    Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?
    It’s not really my default position, per se, but I’ve grown more comfortable with it over the years (particularly having had relevant experience). I think that I am good at managing people and building a positive team dynamic. When I managed a team of 25 people in an organisation, I found that I was able to acutely sense how different people would react to one another, and were thus able to ‘arrange’ mini-teams in such a way that people would complement one each other’s strengths and bolster each other’s weakness. I thought I was good at energising the team by allowing everyone to participate in creating a team vision, as I felt that if everyone had a stake in building this vision, they would be more energised in participating and working. I am the kind of person that shies away from the limelight – my team actually won a few performance prizes that year but I made my members go and get the prize J I love seeing my team members achieve greater bigger and better things than I did.
    I am also quite territorial, I suppose. I was very much into team chants, team cookies, team activities and I was very loyal to my team … often to the detriment of other teams in the organisation, who felt a little disgruntled that my team was getting along so well and showing such solidarity.

    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?
    Finding contentment. I believe this should be a right for EVERYBODY. Contentment can take however form the individual wishes (even when they find contentment in NOT seeking contentment!), but I believe that all people should be able to feel content with their lives. It bothers me that so many people have so many structural hindrances from being able to pursue this contentment - from material hindrances like lack of water/poverty/lack of economic resources or psychological hindrances like depression. I get indignant by that, and very, very sad.

    What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?
    Probably Bashkortorstan (in the Southern Urals of Russia) – I was briefly in Ufa for two days, and then I attended a conference in the middle of nowhere in the country. While I consider myself a much more urban person than rural, being surrounded by nothing but forests and mountains and rivers and mosquitoes for a week was an interesting experience. I was also disconnected from everywhere – and I think it was good for my inner peace. It was a very uncomfortable but rewarding experience.
    Conversely, probably Tokyo, Japan. I lived there for a couple of months trying to improve my Japanese. It was a complete DREAM. I was surrounded by all sorts of different and eccentric subcultures in the middle of an urban metropolis. I loved how ‘anonymous’ I was in Tokyo – being able to pass off as a local was incredible. I spent my days meandering through the streets lost in thoughts, focusing on everything and nothing at the same time. I also enjoyed going to huge bookstores and second-hand bookshops just admiring the language – couldn’t understand much, but that wasn’t the point.

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?
    It’s not of upmost importance to me, but I like to look good. I also like ‘fashion’ as a concept though, though I’m not always informed of the latest trends. I dress in minimalist colours and earthy/neutral tones like beige, mocha, off-whites, moss green, rust, salmon, mustard, and layer my clothes in such a way that minimalises my curves. Long skirts, loose trousers, oversized jumpers, that sort of thing. It looks simple but (I think) it gives off a sense of understated elegance.

    Do you like surprises?
    Sure. I’m hardly ever bothered by them, negative or positive. Sometimes I even long for them.

    Is there anything else important about you that we should know?
    Last edited by gakuenita; 01-07-2017 at 01:31 PM.

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    EIE? Or IEE?

    May I ask which type do you think more likely correspond to your inner working?

    Personally I think you seem to value Ti more than Te (which your friend C seem to value), intuitive, ethical (constant readjustment on social settings) and based on your answers your focus seem to be more extraverted than introverted.

    Wish you the best in your journey here.

    @Chae what do you think?

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    Thanks I'm not sure to be honest. I've been trying to figure this out myself and I think IEI-Fe fits the best so far (IEI-Ni doesn't do much for me though), although I'm quite partial to IEE or EII. I'm currently looking at EIE and that fits too. According to the Quadras, I think I'm more of a Beta or a Delta - I agree with and disagree with both equally. But I *think* I see a lot of victimisation and aristocracy in my behaviour, which sounds a little horrendous haha. I think I'm more judicious and merry than decisive and serious, so perhaps Beta? But then again, Delta people seem far more pleasant ...

    I'm curious as to how you differentiate between an extraverted and introverted focus? No matter how much I read I can't seem to figure it out. A few examples would be nice.

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    Are you sure you're ethical > logical?

    At any rate, finding cleaning up sometimes therapeutic, liking knick-knacks, finding "everything relative," uprooting yourself every 2 years as an ideal, "finding contentment" as a general life goal, these things seem at odds with EIE.

    There's a lot of focus on opening up possibilities, having well-being, exploring various modes of thought -- seems more IEE. Also the pillow fetish.
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

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    At this point I'm not sure about anything anymore! I feel like all the intuitive irrationals match me somehow. Not sure how much the 'uprooting myself every two years' ideal stems from my intrinsic personality though - it's just what I'm used to due to my upbringing. Which brings me back to this whole idea of socionics - is it nature or nurture?

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    I read about 20% of the first post, and my impression is IEI.

    I can do a line-by-line analysis when I'm not so busy, but it seems like it was written by an almost proto-typical IEI.

    While I am usually not too good at typing, IEI is one type that I think I can recognize. The above post seems IEI to me.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 01-07-2017 at 04:52 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gakuenita View Post
    At this point I'm not sure about anything anymore! I feel like all the intuitive irrationals match me somehow. Not sure how much the 'uprooting myself every two years' ideal stems from my intrinsic personality though - it's just what I'm used to due to my upbringing. Which brings me back to this whole idea of socionics - is it nature or nurture?
    Your personality is like a tree in the forest. It might be a Maple tree or an Oak or a Cedar, but it is one of those types. And then, there are the other trees crowding in, the storms, the fires, the nesting animals, the insects, the fungus, the years of too much rainfall or too little, and of course, the highway interchange that is planned to pass through the point where you had the extreme misfortune of taking root.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 01-07-2017 at 03:47 PM.

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    What golden said makes sense, that seems like clear Ne + Si valuing. The outward focused part---it is just my overall impression, I could be wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by gakuenita View Post
    At this point I'm not sure about anything anymore! I feel like all the intuitive irrationals match me somehow. Not sure how much the 'uprooting myself every two years' ideal stems from my intrinsic personality though - it's just what I'm used to due to my upbringing. Which brings me back to this whole idea of socionics - is it nature or nurture?
    I believe that socionics explain both; the nature and nurture.

    Please continue to share, time will unfold the truth you are seeking for, if you view it as truth after all.
    Last edited by Mori; 01-08-2017 at 03:50 PM. Reason: Doubt myself

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mori View Post
    EIE? Or IEE?

    May I ask which type do you think more likely correspond to your inner working?

    Personally I think you seem to value Ti more than Te (which your friend C seem to value), intuitive, ethical (constant readjustment on social settings) and based on your answers your focus seem to be more extraverted than introverted.

    Wish you the best in your journey here.

    @Chae what do you think?
    IEE > EIE!

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    Can't I claim everything and be done with it? It strikes me that this whole process might be rather subjective - no one has yet to come up with a definite consensus so far. I like subjectivity, so it works for me.

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    Thank you very much!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I read about 20% of the first post, and my impression is IEI.

    I can do a line-by-line analysis when I'm not so busy, but it seems like it was written by an almost proto-typical IEI.

    While I am usually not too good at typing, IEI is one type that I think I can recognize. The above post seems IEI to me.
    Thank you for your input! I do think that I fit IEI-Fe best myself. I've been reading the descriptions and it seems to have described me to a tee. I'll more closely analyse the different functions later, but I'm glad you offered your perspective.

    And your description was so vivid and lovely and made so much sense. Thank you!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by gakuenita View Post
    Can't I claim everything and be done with it? It strikes me that this whole process might be rather subjective - no one has yet to come up with a definite consensus so far. I like subjectivity, so it works for me.
    Yup! I truly agree with you on that. After all only you know your inner working. If you think IEI-Fe works for you then it explains how somehow you seem like a bit more extroverted based on these answers.

    I personally think that typing based on descriptions sometimes will lead to more confusions rather than the answers.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mori View Post
    Yup! I truly agree with you on that. After all only you know your inner working. If you think IEI-Fe works for you then it explains how somehow you seem like a bit more extroverted based on these answers.

    I personally think that typing based on descriptions sometimes will lead to more confusions rather than the answers.
    It's like there's this massive deluge of information shoved in your face when you're just starting out on your socionics journey and yet all the sources subtly differ from one another so it makes typing yourself (surely the first thing most people do?) such a difficult affair.

    I was honestly most confused between IEI and IEE, because identified BOTH wth Ne and Ni as base/dominant functions, and honestly couldn't see why they necessarily had to contradict one another. But then I decided to focus on the other informational elements, and realised that I probably agreed with the Ego and Id functions for IEI MORE. So I guess I'll stick to that for the time being, until I learn new things that may or may not lead me to change my mind. this is such a great forum though - everyone's been so supportive and helpful!

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    Overall very Irrational, Ne lead with your main focus being not just imagination but the diversity in things and learning new things purely for the sake of that, clearly Ethical type too - for some specifics, I agree with @golden's points + the childishness you talk of sounds like Infantile Ne ego, too, etc.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gakuenita View Post
    The Extended Questionnaire v0.2

    Describe yourself.
    Oh my, this is the first question and I am already at a loss for words. I honestly don’t know how to answer this question – I think that I am far too complex, fluid and ever-changing to be rendered into static categorisations and mere adjectives. sounds like
    I’ll try though (urgh) – on the outside, I am a mediocre-looking girl. Asian, and still trying to come to terms with the cultural baggage that comes with it. I am simple on the outside, but very complicated on the inside. Absent-minded, often lost in my own thoughts. I have multiple worlds in my head that I keep jealously guarded in the realms of my imagination. Anything I do and see and experience feeds into this rich and textured imagination of mine. Sometimes I can’t tell apart objective reality (what I see and view around me) from my subconscious reality (what I see and view in my mind’s eye) and that’s scary – I also have a hard time telling apart dreams from reality. more , weak and I am also (I think) pretty kinky. But you wouldn’t know this if you’d just met me – on the outset, I am your typical nerdy, bubbly, anime-loving, matcha-drinking straight A student.

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    I am currently doing a Graduate Diploma in Law to qualify as a solicitor. That’s law school for non-lawyers for those of you outside the UK. Before that I completed an undergraduate degree in Geography/International Relations and Spanish. If that sounds like a mouthful, it is. It was basically a really ambitious degree that attempts to teach you a lot about everything, but ends up teaching you nothing. Come to think of it, that suits me rather well – I feel like I’m someone who compiles a lot of shallow knowledge over a broad range of subjects and interests and yet never really has the time/motivation/will to really delve all the way through.
    That said, the reason why I went to law school was because I realised I needed a vocational degree and a vocational qualification for some form of professional stability. I’m liking law enough, but it’s a very ‘heavy’ discipline and that scares me a lot. I already have a graduate job lined up as a corporate lawyer, which sounds scary in itself. I’m not sure how good I am with dealing with a cut-throat suit-and-tie environment. I must admit though, that the prestige and financial stability were huge factors for me. valued likely I don’t plan on staying there forever – in about 5 years or so I could be doing anything from opening a café in the Mediterranean coast or working in some fashion magazine interviewing models.

    What are your values, and why?
    Um… I’m not sure I have any. Don’t get me wrong. I have concepts that I believe are very important to me that I try to stick to whenever I can (eg. loyalty, open-mindedness, sincerity, not being a dick, helping others), but I feel like these are in a constant state of flux and to an extent malleable. I am constantly reworking and redeveloping my outlook on life and people, and I consider myself open to new possibilities. some here
    I guess I value diversity – not only in physical being but also in mind. I come from a culturally mixed background and am surrounded by people hailing from all corners of the globe. I also try to relate to everyone in the world, no matter what their political/religious beliefs may be. I like to think that I will be able to sit down and have a chat with a convicted murderer or a high-functioning psychopath, and then sit down for lunch with the Queen of England.

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    I am absolutely in love with foreign languages and cultures. I am natively bilingual, but I learnt two foreign languages to fluency and am conversational in a few more. It annoys me when people attribute this purely to talent, because while I might have an inclination towards foreign languages, a LOT of my spare time goes into working on them. > I would very much prefer to sit down and practise writing Chinese characters and work on understanding Persian grammar than go out with people. I am constantly listening to foreign music, watching foreign TV, reading foreign books, learning about foreign cultures.
    Other than that, I blog (usually about foreign cultures) and participate in Facebook groups about language learning. I have a feeling that a lot of you are shaking your heads now and going all ‘this girl literally has no life’ LOL, but I swear, languages have opened multiple UNIVERSES for me. I have discovered a way to express myself across multiple channels of thought, explore new ways of life, and learn about new concepts, feelings, emotions and stories in a way that I have never been able to do through my native languages. It has given me new avenues to seeing and perceiving the world, for which I am eternally grateful. , , and

    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?
    I … am not very close with my family. I am playful, affectionate, cheerful and open with them on the outside, but inside … I don’t feel like they understand me and I guess I also make sure I don’t let them understand me. To me, family members are people who are introduced to your life by way of lottery, and I don’t really feel like there is any need for me to automatically open up to them because of that.
    My friends, on the other hand … all of them are wonderful, some more wonderful than others (perhaps because I get to hand-pick them? Idk). I have a VERY close and exclusive group of people that I trust. and I call them my ‘best’ or ‘closest’ friends. But these friends don’t know one another – one is my best friend from childhood, another one is my best friend from college, and the last one is my best friend from university. I tend to categorise people this way in my head – assigning them to specific temporal periods of my life and/or specific experiences. I am also completely different people around each one of them – wait no, I am the same person. I just choose to highlight different aspects of my personality around them, to accentuate things I feel they like/appreciate/want to see in me. again seems like ego Outside the realm of my closest friends, I have a number of ‘good friends’ (people I trust and with whom I have shared a number of positive experiences and can somewhat confide in) and ‘acquaintances’ (people who I like and sometimes meet, but strictly on a superficial level).
    My closest friends are all mirror opposites of one another, but they’re all supremely intelligent and enthusiastic about certain things that I am not familiar with, which I find intriguing and stimulating. I like being able to talk to them, have a good laugh and learn new things along the way… and I like how they are able to understand more aspects of me than most. My good friends are also very much the same ... only that I haven’t shared as much with them or felt the same kind of ‘deep’ connection that I’ve felt with my closest friends. My acquaintances are merely that .. acquaintances. I like them, but I don’t go out of my way to talk to them and am not bothered in the least if they don’t seek me out (in fact… I prefer it?).
    However, all of them have one or two aspects about them that I dislike and am put off by – be it a certain personality quirk or a certain way or reacting to things or a certain lifestyle… but I’m sure that I also give off the same vibe, and I like that we’re still friends despite (or because of?) that.

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    In friends? Nothing, really. I have no criteria in terms of judging friendships … I just ask that we’re compatible in some. Or even if we’re not compatible in any way, that will still be something to explore.
    I suppose I like loyal, authentic and honest people (who doesn’t?) but I am quite self-contained in the sense that I would rather NOT do anything that would require me to test their loyalty or honesty. I look for people I like, simple as that. likely not Gamma
    Romantic relationships are a little different. I start off by an equally large base – I am one of those people who can find pretty much anyone physically attractive. But I guess they have to like me too, because that is likely to make me more attracted to them. I am VERY physical and open to trying out new things in the bedroom … but I also appreciate emotional intimacy as well for a long-term relationship. I can do long-distance just fine.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    Funnily-enough, I have had three different conflicts recently with all three of my closest friends. Oops. I’ll go over them very superficially, to protect their privacy.
    A – owed me a rather large sum of money but kept dodging/ignoring me whenever I asked about repayment. I told A I didn’t care about the money, I was just bothered about his attitude towards me about it. When the situation got too heated, A withdrew for 3 whole days which left me incredibly annoyed. Generally -valuing and specifically a Beta attitude In the end, I told A to forget about the money, and to let us resume our friendship as it once was. We were fine after that, and he apologised for being too scared to face me.
    B – had very reactionary views on something which made us fundamentally incompatible (the way a pro-gun lobbyist may be fundamentally incompatible with someone who lost a relative to gun violence, for instance). B’s views were (to B) far more important than my reaction to it. It wasn’t a conflict per se (no screaming matches or anything), but I never realised that that particular value was so important to B and I began to doubt whether or not I really even knew B or had a place in B’s life. In the end, I decided to get the hell over it, and to understand and appreciate this particular value as an intrinsic part of B’s character and learn from it and about it at the same time. again seems like a Beta or valuing thing - relating to someone based on their views
    C – and I had a minor conflict of sorts over … socionics, of all things. C knows a lot about socionics and when I told C what type I thought I was, C told me I was wrong and that I was a different type, which I wasn’t too happy about. Pretty stupid of me in retrospect, since I was/am still only superficially acquainted with the subject, but I was bothered about C’s matter-of-fact tone about describing me, as I felt that no one but me knew me best and that I should be the one figuring this out for myself. When I raised this point with C, C’s only reply was ‘well, you may know more about yourself, but I know more about socionics than you’ … which hurt, somehow. So over the past few months I’ve been trying to learn more about the discipline, and am opening up to the possibility that I might well be wrong! J

    How would your friends describe you?
    Open, kind, ‘intense’, clumsy, perhaps too trusting, careless always managing to get into incredible/weird situations (eg. ‘why does this only happen to you!?’ as they say), inappropriate, sometimes intelligent, childish, doesn’t take herself too seriously, happy and outgoing …
    I feel like a lot of that is a façade, though. I really am only selectively open and kind (I actually feel like I’m an incredibly unpleasant person inside, but I never openly express it), I make myself the butt of jokes to control/influence particular environments, and I have had major bouts of depression and panic attacks and I hate socialising ... but I do get the impression that I come across as very ditzy/childish, and people seem to feel protective over me for that. likely weak

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    What people see as my strengths: My openness and positivity, my sense of humour, my comedic effect
    What I like about myself: my open-mindedness, how well I ‘mould’ myself to suit everyone I meet, my self-reliance, my creativity, my adaptability.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Criticism from others: How emotional I am, my childishness, my carelessness, my selfishness, my ridiculousness
    My weaknesses: How emotional I am, my temperament, my jealousy/resentfulness of others, my need to always be validated/understood/mollycoddled. I think I might have some qualities of a narcissist but I am too scared to face that side of myself.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I am quite self-reliant regarding most aspects in my life (relationships, studies, working life). I generally try not to ask help or favours from anyone, and I pride myself on never having had to ask help from my teachers/professors/anyone with any position of authority. I wrote all my job applications myself. I prefer to figure things out on my own.
    That said, when I need emotional support, I NEED emotional support. I need to have my grievances addressed, my conscience abated, my dignity and pride soothed. Which is weird, because while I feel like I am quite guarded emotionally, sometimes it all spills out … and when it spills out … I am an uncontrollable mess of tears, rage, fear.

    What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    I don’t like small talk. I absolutely hate going to networking events and talking to a number of blank faces that I don’t care about, all while putting on a fake smile and exchanging business cards … yuck yuck yuck. I also hate going to parties and social events, unless it’s a small gathering of people that I’ve carefully selected and vetted beforehand. Otherwise, I get extremely tired and grumpy and self-conscious and want to leave after 2 seconds. (That said, I’ve been told I’m particularly good at this though .. which is weird considering how little I like it).
    I used to dislike cleaning … but now that I’ve moved into my ‘own’ place and living on my own, I have developed an obsession for keeping it tidy and decorating it according to my own personal aesthetic guidelines. I guess I am quite territorial – back when I was flat-sharing with a few mates I couldn’t care less about keeping spaces clean, but now I’m quite neurotic about it.
    As for what I enjoy more than others..? Well, foreign language learning, probably. I have a huge collection of grammar and textbooks at home in a number of languages that will take me years to master. I find that learning foreign languages – be it through poring over a textbook or going through flashcards – really helps me ‘ground’ my mind all the while allowing me to learn new things at the same time.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?
    Nothing’s set in stone. I have no particular plans for the future. The way things are going right now I’ll be stuck in corporate law for the next few years, where I hope to build a rather stable financial platform to do the things I really want to do. It probably sounds awful, but I’m really only in it for the money. That said, I’ve always liked the thought of publishing my own fantasy novel. Perhaps I’ll start training for marathons. Perhaps I’ll end up a weed-smoking vegan hippie lost somewhere in Jamaica. Perhaps I’ll be married and living in a cute little semi-detached house with a white picket fence and raising five children. Or perhaps I’ll have grown wings by then and attempt an Icarus. I have no idea. It doesn’t bother me J

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?
    Um … I’ll keep learning foreign languages. And uproot myself from home and live somewhere new every 2 years or so, until I’ve covered the entire planet. I hate the thought of travelling/backpacking/touristing but I LOVE the idea of LIVING somewhere completely new and getting lost in new places and remaking my life from the get go. this suggests high , more likely Demonstrative than Ignoring
    I’ll probably start studying a bunch of different subjects too. Really test the frontiers of my intellectual potential and exploring different interests. I’ll learn medicine, music, Mancunian history and Malaysian poetry … and everything in between. I’ll probably combine that with my aforementioned goal and study each of these things at a different university.

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    Honestly, I can’t think of anything right now. I find everything relative. I might like fastidiousness in one person but dislike it in another. And childishness in one might be an endearing trait to me but annoy me when it comes to someone else. Even excessive kindness or patience tends to grate to me if it’s on the wrong person. And intelligence as well … it’s hard to describe.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?
    I LOVE beautiful knick-knacks and weird items. Postcards of places (even when they’re not sent by anyone). Pot-pourri and fairy lights. Strategically-placed magazines. Fake flowers. Lots of pillows in different colours.
    I consider daily chores an unfortunate necessity to maintain a space that I enjoy. It can also sometimes be therapeutic – when I’m feeling stressed out or unhappy, mindlessly clearing my bedroom can sometimes be helpful in controlling the huge whirlwind of emotions in my mind.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    Depends on the stranger. But I am usually friendly and open to listening to them. I ask questions, trying to learn more about them, deciding how to act and what information about myself to offer based on my impression of them. Because of that people get the impression that I am ‘friendly’, ‘charismatic’, ‘sociable’. I try to let them do most of the talking, though, even though I’m actually the one controlling the situation. I smile a lot, acknowledge their jokes, and try to make them warm up to me. high

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    This is an area of life where I have taken a radical 180 degree turn (hopefully in a good way). I used to hate conflict and avoid it at all costs (aka being THE prototypical passive-aggressive bitch) … but now I prefer to directly address it and get it over with. I would much rather have a confrontation lasting 20 minutes where we get to listen to one another and then have it resolved, than have it last for days in passive-aggressive silence. Again, defniitely valuing and probably Beta
    I don’t take well to insults or attacks, and depending on my mood it can either NOT affect me or DEEPLY affect me. It’s hard to gauge what kind of insults or what kind of people have which effects … that entirely depends on my mood. But I usually get over it in the end, and I try to acknowledge where the other person comes from.
    I am also quick to acknowledge my faults and apologise where necessary, even though I may not feel like I am in the wrong. I find that taking a position of vulnerability is often a good thing, as it allows you to resolve conflicts sooner.

    What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong.
    That there is one universal truth – a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer to every moral, political or social question. In truth, there are just different perspectives, informed through one’s own particular experiences or background. Everything is relative – subject to multiple definitions, reworkings and interpretations. I prefer to look for multiple truths and acknowledge each and every one of them, while understanding all sides of the matter. again lots of here

    What did you do last Friday?
    I spent the day ill L Vomitted the entire day and felt like death. I had to register at my law school and thus had to drag my arse to school anyway .. but I escaped as soon as I could and collapsed onto my bed. Today was better, though. At least the fever’s gone! J

    If you are doing a video you can stop here and/or choose from the rest of the questions as you like.

    What is your biggest accomplishment?
    Learning two languages to C1-C2 fluency. I still can’t believe I managed to do it!

    What is something you regret?
    Nothing, at the moment. If I could, I would probably change certain actions or decisions in the past, some of which have led to lost friendships and/or poor results, but I don’t think I regret them in the way most people do. Everything I do is an opportunity to learn more about myself, people, and the world. Even if it isn’t quite the result I had hoped for.

    Who do you admire, and why?
    Probably Joko Widodo. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more humble, altruistic and decent man in politics. And Ahok for his no-corruption stance and attention to detail. Wu Zetian for being a total badass. Clement Atlee for fundamentally changing British society (for the better).

    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?
    I’m very worried that I may be in over my head with this whole law thing – what if I’m going to despise being a corporate lawyer or worse still, end up so bad at it that I might want to kill myself? I’m also wondering why my closest friends haven’t yet replied to me (they’re all living in different countries atm so we’re long-distance) – are they getting too busy for me? No, they must just have other things going on. Right? Right.

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?
    At the moment … I have none. I was raised Catholic, but I’ve expunged myself of all Abrahamic beliefs and am trying to approach this whole ‘spirituality’ thing from a clean slate. Right now, I feel very spiritual – I believe that there is a transcendental being that mysterious energy force if you will … or something intangible that engulfs all of us and connects all of us in ways we don’t understand … but that which isn’t at all similar to what we envision gods – especially Abrahamic Gods – to be. I believe there are still a lot of unexplained mysteries in this world … miracles and evils that can’t be explained through science and logic alone … but I reject any concept of religion as is.

    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?
    My political beliefs are malleable. I don’t feel like I fall neatly on any spectrum – I would be your typical ‘floating voter’, not tied to any partisan viewpoint or ideology. > ? In this case, I adjust my vote or political preferences according to the issue in question. I am also probably the kind of voter most politicians would HATE to campaign to – because I need to be CONVINCED, and being CONVINCED for me takes more than just burying me in facts or inciting an emotional response from me … it has to be both, and it has to coincide with what I feel at the time.
    Generally, I’ve been leaning left for social issues, though I am still floating when it comes to economic/fiscal issues. Go figure.

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
    Perhaps. I don’t see myself as your typical entrepreneur type because I prefer not to ‘market’ myself that way (‘buy my ebook! I got an angel investor my life is so wonderful! Change your life the way I changed mine! Look .. my absss!) ... but if I were to start a business, it would be small and rather avant-garde/artisan, like an anti-café. Or maybe something big, like a waste food supermarket – I like the thought of being able to provide homeless people with free food.

    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?
    I’d rather not work at all and still get my money Fine .. it’ll have to be an environment that inspires me. An environment where I feel like I’m making a difference … and an environment where I get to grow as a person and learn new things. More ,

    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?
    Probably English. It was the only subject where I got to express myself through the written word, and put down a lot of my muddled thoughts (and my then fledging inner world) onto paper, and have people admire it as ‘creativity’. Wow!

    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?
    I tend to be pretty flexible on this. But then again, I guess I expect others to behave in a way that mirrors what I would do in a similar situation. For example, if I were to do something in a given situation, I would expect others to do the same. But it often doesn’t happen, and I get disgruntled as a result. Then I remember that people are different and they approach situations with different vantage points, and I try to see things from their point of view.

    Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?
    Paris, came back two days ago. It’s not my favourite city, but I really enjoy being in large urban spaces so I did manage to wander around a bit which was great. The buildings and wide avenues and squares were also wonderful. But then again, I got ill at the end and nearly got robbed at a department store and was scammed once, so all in all .. not quite the best trip.

    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?
    I got taller. A little fatter. Got rid of the glasses, though. Inside, I am still very much that kid – confused, curious, conscious about the subconscious. Like a floating vessel. Never rooted.

    What was your high school experience like?
    Eh. Nothing much to write home about. I had a group of friends I was part of, which was nice. I moved to two different schools in two different countries, so that was new. This was when I most discovered myself though – my love for languages, and my ability to interact with different people. All in all I don’t really look upon this experience with fondness or longing – it was a time of my life that I enjoyed and appreciated, but I am not really nostalgic in any way.

    Talk about a significant event from your life.
    I moved to Spain for a year, and that was the worst year of my life. I have nothing against the country in itself – it was beautiful. However, I was surrounded by people who gave off negative vibes, whom I didn’t find worth connecting with, and I was studying things that completely didn’t inspire me. My relationship was tumultuous at the time, and I fell into a deep depression. I developed panic attacks, and was hospitalised twice. This was when I took up writing blog posts in foreign languages – it helped give me an outlet to express all of these negative emotions, and allowed me to rework them into something beautiful. Writing in foreign languages also helped me think about what I wanted to say and how to say things, which helped me work through my emotions.

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?
    I’m pretty indifferent. I change my mind on this all the time. I admire their perspectives and outlook on life, but I also find a lot of them annoying. It depends on their age and cultural background I think.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    My main concern will be to make them as exposed to and accepting of as many different (and equally subjective) forms of thought as possible. I would like to be that non-judgmental mum that provides a space for her child to forge their own self-identity and sense of self. I would love to raise an intelligent, self-aware and perceptive child. That said, I’m not sure how well I would fare with discipline, and I’m afraid that the darker sides of my personality (narcissistic/controlling traits) will take over and lead to destructive parenting.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    The one time I was really stuck in a rut was probably when I was in Spain. I was uninspired by everything, had no motivation to do anything or attempt anything, and I had no goals or anything to work towards. I was missing home and fantasising about it every waking moment of my life – to an extent that it was starting to be unhealthy. I got a number of job rejections which also killed off what was left of my self-esteem.
    Still, I slogged on. I completed my study abroad program (failed one module though), kept filling in job applications, decided that I wanted to do law as a graduate degree (cos money and options), and knowing that my study abroad experience was soon going to come to an end helped keep me going.
    Back in the UK I felt so much more at peace and was able to lift myself out of that hole – but I was battered, emotionally-scarred with panic attacks … but I made it out alive and breathing. And I was a survivor. And all the more stronger for it.

    How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    I like to think that I see people first and foremost as individuals, but I am very likely to take into account their backstories and positionalities in terms of dealing with them. This includes things such as ethnic background, age (possible generational differences?), linguistic background, educational history, past experiences, family histories … For example, if I were to meet a black American from the Deep South, I would of course treat them first and foremost like an individual … but I am also acute aware of the fact that they are black, American, Southern and likely the product of a set of values and mentalities and perceptions and worldviews that is informed by the society (or microcosms of society) that they live in. And I take that into account when I interact with them. I do think that we are all somewhat unique but I also (very conflictingly) believe that we are shaped by all sorts of complex processes that allow us to be comparable to people of similar groups or experiences.
    A prevalent social problem for me right now would be a lack of understanding and dialogue. People are shutting themselves out from one another, unwilling to engage in uncomfortable debate and understand the other side. It annoys me when people of all sides of moral/political/social spectrums enclose themselves into their own spaces and refuse to acknowledge the other side at best, or reduce the other side to a hopeless meaningless and dumbed-down caricature based on stereotypes at worst. I believe this leads to a lot of misunderstandings, which leads to a lot of conflicts today.

    What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?
    That entirely depends on who the other person is, and what I want from them. Depending on the person, I adjust my methods accordingly. I sometimes take on a position of weakness or vulnerability to allow them to develop an over-protective stance over me and give me what I want. Or sometimes I straight up ask them, if I feel that a blunt approach is necessary. Sometimes I lie, make up stories or go about things more sneakily, if I feel that the direct approach won’t work. It scares me how often it works.
    I have to learn that I can’t always get what I want though. I feel that in doing half the things I do, I am disrespecting people and robbing them of their autonomy and ability to make informed decisions … but sometimes straight up ‘persuasion’ works best. I’m not sure if I should feel guilty in doing this, though.

    Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?
    It’s not really my default position, per se, but I’ve grown more comfortable with it over the years (particularly having had relevant experience). I think that I am good at managing people and building a positive team dynamic. When I managed a team of 25 people in an organisation, I found that I was able to acutely sense how different people would react to one another, and were thus able to ‘arrange’ mini-teams in such a way that people would complement one each other’s strengths and bolster each other’s weakness. I thought I was good at energising the team by allowing everyone to participate in creating a team vision, as I felt that if everyone had a stake in building this vision, they would be more energised in participating and working. I am the kind of person that shies away from the limelight – my team actually won a few performance prizes that year but I made my members go and get the prize J I love seeing my team members achieve greater bigger and better things than I did.
    I am also quite territorial, I suppose. I was very much into team chants, team cookies, team activities and I was very loyal to my team … often to the detriment of other teams in the organisation, who felt a little disgruntled that my team was getting along so well and showing such solidarity.

    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?
    Finding contentment. I believe this should be a right for EVERYBODY. Contentment can take however form the individual wishes (even when they find contentment in NOT seeking contentment!), but I believe that all people should be able to feel content with their lives. It bothers me that so many people have so many structural hindrances from being able to pursue this contentment - from material hindrances like lack of water/poverty/lack of economic resources or psychological hindrances like depression. I get indignant by that, and very, very sad.

    What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?
    Probably Bashkortorstan (in the Southern Urals of Russia) – I was briefly in Ufa for two days, and then I attended a conference in the middle of nowhere in the country. While I consider myself a much more urban person than rural, being surrounded by nothing but forests and mountains and rivers and mosquitoes for a week was an interesting experience. I was also disconnected from everywhere – and I think it was good for my inner peace. It was a very uncomfortable but rewarding experience.
    Conversely, probably Tokyo, Japan. I lived there for a couple of months trying to improve my Japanese. It was a complete DREAM. I was surrounded by all sorts of different and eccentric subcultures in the middle of an urban metropolis. I loved how ‘anonymous’ I was in Tokyo – being able to pass off as a local was incredible. I spent my days meandering through the streets lost in thoughts, focusing on everything and nothing at the same time. I also enjoyed going to huge bookstores and second-hand bookshops just admiring the language – couldn’t understand much, but that wasn’t the point.

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?
    It’s not of upmost importance to me, but I like to look good. I also like ‘fashion’ as a concept though, though I’m not always informed of the latest trends. I dress in minimalist colours and earthy/neutral tones like beige, mocha, off-whites, moss green, rust, salmon, mustard, and layer my clothes in such a way that minimalises my curves. Long skirts, loose trousers, oversized jumpers, that sort of thing. It looks simple but (I think) it gives off a sense of understated elegance.

    Do you like surprises?
    Sure. I’m hardly ever bothered by them, negative or positive. Sometimes I even long for them.

    Is there anything else important about you that we should know?
    Overall I would much prefer EIE to IEI based on the amount of here. IEE would be reasonable if not for your approach to conflict and some other things.

    PS: also thank you for filling the questionnaire out in such detail. I see some people are giving 1-2 line answers which ends up giving a rather small total amount of information.

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    I suggest SEI in the ballroom with the lead pipe.

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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    I suggest SEI in the ballroom with the lead pipe.
    Why doesn't the Clue game have a bathroom?
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Overall I would much prefer EIE to IEI based on the amount of here. IEE would be reasonable if not for your approach to conflict and some other things.

    PS: also thank you for filling the questionnaire out in such detail. I see some people are giving 1-2 line answers which ends up giving a rather small total amount of information.
    Why do you choose to emphasize her approach to conflict thing as the decisive factor for typing her EIE>IEE? It's a learned thing for her as stated by herself. Clearly then, this can't be fully type related. It's a good thing that people are not as simple as 16 types, really.

    Otoh, I looked again and I wouldn't actually exclude EIE either.

    @gakuenita, if you look at Fe base and Ne base descriptions, what do you think?

    PS. Oh and definitely agree OP can't be IEI, the 4D Ne is definitely there.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    Why doesn't the Clue game have a bathroom?
    Maybe the house was built before indoor plumbing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Why do you choose to emphasize her approach to conflict thing as the decisive factor for typing her EIE>IEE?
    That was just the clearest example of Fe/Se values. I made note of a few others.

    It's a learned thing for her as stated by herself. Clearly then, this can't be fully type related.
    Perhaps @gakuenita can clarify whether this change in behavior was natural, or a deliberate coping mechanism to deal with the more "real" passive-aggressive behavior. If it was the latter then I agree it would be somewhat less clear, though I still wouldn't expect an IEE to want to have big fights.

    PS. Oh and definitely agree OP can't be IEI, the 4D Ne is definitely there.

    Actually there are some things that sound Fi > Fe now that I look back on it, particularly these parts:

    I am quite self-reliant regarding most aspects in my life (relationships, studies, working life). I generally try not to ask help or favours from anyone, and I pride myself on never having had to ask help from my teachers/professors/anyone with any position of authority. I wrote all my job applications myself. I prefer to figure things out on my own.
    That said, when I need emotional support, I NEED emotional support. I need to have my grievances addressed, my conscience abated, my dignity and pride soothed. Which is weird, because while I feel like I am quite guarded emotionally, sometimes it all spills out … and when it spills out … I am an uncontrollable mess of tears, rage, fear.

    What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    I don’t like small talk. I absolutely hate going to networking events and talking to a number of blank faces that I don’t care about, all while putting on a fake smile and exchanging business cards … yuck yuck yuck. I also hate going to parties and social events, unless it’s a small gathering of people that I’ve carefully selected and vetted beforehand. Otherwise, I get extremely tired and grumpy and self-conscious and want to leave after 2 seconds. (That said, I’ve been told I’m particularly good at this though .. which is weird considering how little I like it).
    Now I am thinking IEE is better actually.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Actually there are some things that sound Fi > Fe now that I look back on it, particularly these parts:

    Now I am thinking IEE is better actually.
    Wouldn't it be better knowing the reason/motivation behind hating the networking stuff?

    Does SLI give emotional support in this way?

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    My two cents: I am 100% sure I am EII, and I strongly identify with many things you say. I will green the parts that I identify with or think sound particularly EII and add some comments in blue. Overall I'm quite convinced you're an Ethical type, probably Intuitive, and I would recommend you check out Stratiyevskaya's profiles for EII, IEE, IEI, and EIE, and see which one resonates with you most. I was quite torn between typing myself as EII and IEI (I've been pretty sure I'm EII for years, but with intermittent periods of severe IEI questioning), and I think that the difference between Strati's EII and IEI profiles is just so clear in vibe/tone. But of course you have to be honest with yourself.

    Quote Originally Posted by gakuenita View Post
    The Extended Questionnaire v0.2

    Describe yourself.
    Oh my, this is the first question and I am already at a loss for words. I honestly don’t know how to answer this question – I think that I am far too complex, fluid and ever-changing to be rendered into static categorisations and mere adjectives.
    I’ll try though (urgh) – on the outside, I am a mediocre-looking girl. Asian, and still trying to come to terms with the cultural baggage that comes with it. I am simple on the outside, but very complicated on the inside. Absent-minded, often lost in my own thoughts.
    I have multiple worlds in my head that I keep jealously guarded in the realms of my imagination. Anything I do and see and experience feeds into this rich and textured imagination of mine. Sometimes I can’t tell apart objective reality (what I see and view around me) from my subconscious reality (what I see and view in my mind’s eye) and that’s scary – I also have a hard time telling apart dreams from reality. I am also (I think) pretty kinky. But you wouldn’t know this if you’d just met me – on the outset, I am your typical nerdy, bubbly, anime-loving, matcha-drinking straight A student.

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    I am currently doing a Graduate Diploma in Law to qualify as a solicitor. That’s law school for non-lawyers for those of you outside the UK. Before that I completed an undergraduate degree in Geography/International Relations and Spanish. If that sounds like a mouthful, it is. It was basically a really ambitious degree that attempts to teach you a lot about everything, but ends up teaching you nothing. Come to think of it, that suits me rather well – I feel like I’m someone who compiles a lot of shallow knowledge over a broad range of subjects and interests and yet never really has the time/motivation/will to really delve all the way through.
    That said, the reason why I went to law school was because I realised I needed a vocational degree and a vocational qualification for some form of professional stability. I’m liking law enough, but it’s a very ‘heavy’ discipline and that scares me a lot. I already have a graduate job lined up as a corporate lawyer, which sounds scary in itself. I’m not sure how good I am with dealing with a cut-throat suit-and-tie environment. I must admit though, that the prestige and financial stability were huge factors for me. I don’t plan on staying there forever – in about 5 years or so I could be doing anything from opening a café in the Mediterranean coast or working in some fashion magazine interviewing models. How do you approach your work in law school (and/or how did you approach your work in a law internship, if you did one)? There are many prestigious/high-paying jobs; how did you select corporate law in particular? Your answers here could tell us more about your relationships to Te.

    What are your values, and why?
    Um… I’m not sure I have any. Don’t get me wrong. I have concepts that I believe are very important to me that I try to stick to whenever I can (eg. loyalty, open-mindedness, sincerity, not being a dick, helping others), but I feel like these are in a constant state of flux and to an extent malleable. I am constantly reworking and redeveloping my outlook on life and people, and I consider myself open to new possibilities.
    I guess I value diversity – not only in physical being but also in mind. I come from a culturally mixed background and am surrounded by people hailing from all corners of the globe. I also try to relate to everyone in the world, no matter what their political/religious beliefs may be. I like to think that I will be able to sit down and have a chat with a convicted murderer or a high-functioning psychopath, and then sit down for lunch with the Queen of England.

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    I am absolutely in love with foreign languages and cultures. I am natively bilingual, but I learnt two foreign languages to fluency and am conversational in a few more. It annoys me when people attribute this purely to talent, because while I might have an inclination towards foreign languages, a LOT of my spare time goes into working on them. (I feel like this is such a Delta thing to say.) I would very much prefer to sit down and practise writing Chinese characters and work on understanding Persian grammar than go out with people. I am constantly listening to foreign music, watching foreign TV, reading foreign books, learning about foreign cultures.
    Other than that, I blog (usually about foreign cultures) and participate in Facebook groups about language learning. I have a feeling that a lot of you are shaking your heads now and going all ‘this girl literally has no life’ LOL, but I swear, languages have opened multiple UNIVERSES for me. I have discovered a way to express myself across multiple channels of thought, explore new ways of life, and learn about new concepts, feelings, emotions and stories in a way that I have never been able to do through my native languages. It has given me new avenues to seeing and perceiving the world, for which I am eternally grateful. I know a lot of EIIs who love foreign languages and cultures. Your reasons for loving them sound a lot like my EII friends' reasons for loving them.

    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?
    I … am not very close with my family. I am playful, affectionate, cheerful and open with them on the outside, but inside … I don’t feel like they understand me and I guess I also make sure I don’t let them understand me. To me, family members are people who are introduced to your life by way of lottery, and I don’t really feel like there is any need for me to automatically open up to them because of that.
    My friends, on the other hand … all of them are wonderful, some more wonderful than others (perhaps because I get to hand-pick them? Idk). I have a VERY close and exclusive group of people that I trust. I call them my ‘best’ or ‘closest’ friends. But these friends don’t know one another – one is my best friend from childhood, another one is my best friend from college, and the last one is my best friend from university. I tend to categorise people this way in my head – assigning them to specific temporal periods of my life and/or specific experiences. I am also completely different people around each one of them – wait no, I am the same person. I just choose to highlight different aspects of my personality around them, to accentuate things I feel they like/appreciate/want to see in me. This is insanely me. Like I've basically written these same words before. Outside the realm of my closest friends, I have a number of ‘good friends’ (people I trust and with whom I have shared a number of positive experiences and can somewhat confide in) and ‘acquaintances’ (people who I like and sometimes meet, but strictly on a superficial level).
    My closest friends are all mirror opposites of one another, but they’re all supremely intelligent and enthusiastic about certain things that I am not familiar with, which I find intriguing and stimulating. I like being able to talk to them, have a good laugh and learn new things along the way… and I like how they are able to understand more aspects of me than most. My good friends are also very much the same ... only that I haven’t shared as much with them or felt the same kind of ‘deep’ connection that I’ve felt with my closest friends. My acquaintances are merely that .. acquaintances. I like them, but I don’t go out of my way to talk to them and am not bothered in the least if they don’t seek me out (in fact… I prefer it?).
    However, all of them have one or two aspects about them that I dislike and am put off by – be it a certain personality quirk or a certain way or reacting to things or a certain lifestyle… but I’m sure that I also give off the same vibe, and I like that we’re still friends despite (or because of?) that.

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    In friends? Nothing, really. I have no criteria in terms of judging friendships … I just ask that we’re compatible in some. Or even if we’re not compatible in any way, that will still be something to explore.
    I suppose I like loyal, authentic and honest people (who doesn’t?) but I am quite self-contained in the sense that I would rather NOT do anything that would require me to test their loyalty or honesty. I look for people I like, simple as that.
    Romantic relationships are a little different. I start off by an equally large base – I am one of those people who can find pretty much anyone physically attractive. But I guess they have to like me too, because that is likely to make me more attracted to them. I am VERY physical and open to trying out new things in the bedroom … but I also appreciate emotional intimacy as well for a long-term relationship. I can do long-distance just fine.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    Funnily-enough, I have had three different conflicts recently with all three of my closest friends. Oops. I’ll go over them very superficially, to protect their privacy.
    A – owed me a rather large sum of money but kept dodging/ignoring me whenever I asked about repayment. I told A I didn’t care about the money, I was just bothered about his attitude towards me about it. When the situation got too heated, A withdrew for 3 whole days which left me incredibly annoyed. In the end, I told A to forget about the money, and to let us resume our friendship as it once was. We were fine after that, and he apologised for being too scared to face me.
    B – had very reactionary views on something which made us fundamentally incompatible (the way a pro-gun lobbyist may be fundamentally incompatible with someone who lost a relative to gun violence, for instance). B’s views were (to B) far more important than my reaction to it. It wasn’t a conflict per se (no screaming matches or anything), but I never realised that that particular value was so important to B and I began to doubt whether or not I really even knew B or had a place in B’s life. In the end, I decided to get the hell over it, and to understand and appreciate this particular value as an intrinsic part of B’s character and learn from it and about it at the same time.
    C – and I had a minor conflict of sorts over … socionics, of all things. C knows a lot about socionics and when I told C what type I thought I was, C told me I was wrong and that I was a different type, which I wasn’t too happy about. Pretty stupid of me in retrospect, since I was/am still only superficially acquainted with the subject, but I was bothered about C’s matter-of-fact tone about describing me, as I felt that no one but me knew me best and that I should be the one figuring this out for myself. When I raised this point with C, C’s only reply was ‘well, you may know more about yourself, but I know more about socionics than you’ … which hurt, somehow. So over the past few months I’ve been trying to learn more about the discipline, and am opening up to the possibility that I might well be wrong! J

    How would your friends describe you?
    Open, kind, ‘intense’, clumsy, perhaps too trusting, careless always managing to get into incredible/weird situations (eg. ‘why does this only happen to you!?’ as they say), inappropriate, sometimes intelligent, childish, doesn’t take herself too seriously, happy and outgoing …
    I feel like a lot of that is a façade, though. I really am only selectively open and kind (I actually feel like I’m an incredibly unpleasant person inside, but I never openly express it), I make myself the butt of jokes to control/influence particular environments, and I have had major bouts of depression and panic attacks and I hate socialising ... but I do get the impression that I come across as very ditzy/childish, and people seem to feel protective over me for that.
    I think this sounds very Delta NF, and then the bolded part sounds more EII than IEE.

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    What people see as my strengths: My openness and positivity, my sense of humour, my comedic effect
    What I like about myself: my open-mindedness, how well I ‘mould’ myself to suit everyone I meet, my self-reliance, my creativity, my adaptability.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Criticism from others: How emotional I am, my childishness, my carelessness, my selfishness, my ridiculousness
    My weaknesses: How emotional I am, my temperament, my jealousy/resentfulness of others, my need to always be validated/understood/mollycoddled. I think I might have some qualities of a narcissist but I am too scared to face that side of myself.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I am quite self-reliant regarding most aspects in my life (relationships, studies, working life). I generally try not to ask help or favours from anyone, and I pride myself on never having had to ask help from my teachers/professors/anyone with any position of authority. I wrote all my job applications myself. I prefer to figure things out on my own.
    That said, when I need emotional support, I NEED emotional support. I need to have my grievances addressed, my conscience abated, my dignity and pride soothed. Which is weird, because while I feel like I am quite guarded emotionally, sometimes it all spills out … and when it spills out … I am an uncontrollable mess of tears, rage, fear.

    What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    I don’t like small talk. I absolutely hate going to networking events and talking to a number of blank faces that I don’t care about, all while putting on a fake smile and exchanging business cards … yuck yuck yuck. I also hate going to parties and social events, unless it’s a small gathering of people that I’ve carefully selected and vetted beforehand. Otherwise, I get extremely tired and grumpy and self-conscious and want to leave after 2 seconds. (That said, I’ve been told I’m particularly good at this though .. which is weird considering how little I like it).
    I used to dislike cleaning … but now that I’ve moved into my ‘own’ place and living on my own, I have developed an obsession for keeping it tidy and decorating it according to my own personal aesthetic guidelines. I guess I am quite territorial – back when I was flat-sharing with a few mates I couldn’t care less about keeping spaces clean, but now I’m quite neurotic about it.
    As for what I enjoy more than others..? Well, foreign language learning, probably. I have a huge collection of grammar and textbooks at home in a number of languages that will take me years to master. I find that learning foreign languages – be it through poring over a textbook or going through flashcards – really helps me ‘ground’ my mind all the while allowing me to learn new things at the same time.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?
    Nothing’s set in stone. I have no particular plans for the future. The way things are going right now I’ll be stuck in corporate law for the next few years, where I hope to build a rather stable financial platform to do the things I really want to do. It probably sounds awful, but I’m really only in it for the money. That said, I’ve always liked the thought of publishing my own fantasy novel. Perhaps I’ll start training for marathons. Perhaps I’ll end up a weed-smoking vegan hippie lost somewhere in Jamaica. Perhaps I’ll be married and living in a cute little semi-detached house with a white picket fence and raising five children. Or perhaps I’ll have grown wings by then and attempt an Icarus. I have no idea. It doesn’t bother me J

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?
    Um … I’ll keep learning foreign languages. And uproot myself from home and live somewhere new every 2 years or so, until I’ve covered the entire planet. I hate the thought of travelling/backpacking/touristing but I LOVE the idea of LIVING somewhere completely new and getting lost in new places and remaking my life from the get go.
    I’ll probably start studying a bunch of different subjects too. Really test the frontiers of my intellectual potential and exploring different interests. I’ll learn medicine, music, Mancunian history and Malaysian poetry … and everything in between. I’ll probably combine that with my aforementioned goal and study each of these things at a different university.

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    Honestly, I can’t think of anything right now. I find everything relative. I might like fastidiousness in one person but dislike it in another. And childishness in one might be an endearing trait to me but annoy me when it comes to someone else. Even excessive kindness or patience tends to grate to me if it’s on the wrong person. And intelligence as well … it’s hard to describe.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?
    I LOVE beautiful knick-knacks and weird items. Postcards of places (even when they’re not sent by anyone). Pot-pourri and fairy lights. Strategically-placed magazines. Fake flowers. Lots of pillows in different colours.
    I consider daily chores an unfortunate necessity to maintain a space that I enjoy. It can also sometimes be therapeutic – when I’m feeling stressed out or unhappy, mindlessly clearing my bedroom can sometimes be helpful in controlling the huge whirlwind of emotions in my mind.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    Depends on the stranger. But I am usually friendly and open to listening to them. I ask questions, trying to learn more about them, deciding how to act and what information about myself to offer based on my impression of them. Because of that people get the impression that I am ‘friendly’, ‘charismatic’, ‘sociable’. I try to let them do most of the talking, though, even though I’m actually the one controlling the situation. I smile a lot, acknowledge their jokes, and try to make them warm up to me.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    This is an area of life where I have taken a radical 180 degree turn (hopefully in a good way). I used to hate conflict and avoid it at all costs (aka being THE prototypical passive-aggressive bitch) … but now I prefer to directly address it and get it over with. I would much rather have a confrontation lasting 20 minutes where we get to listen to one another and then have it resolved, than have it last for days in passive-aggressive silence.
    I don’t take well to insults or attacks, and depending on my mood it can either NOT affect me or DEEPLY affect me. It’s hard to gauge what kind of insults or what kind of people have which effects … that entirely depends on my mood. But I usually get over it in the end, and I try to acknowledge where the other person comes from.
    I am also quick to acknowledge my faults and apologise where necessary, even though I may not feel like I am in the wrong. I find that taking a position of vulnerability is often a good thing, as it allows you to resolve conflicts sooner.

    What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong.
    That there is one universal truth – a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer to every moral, political or social question. In truth, there are just different perspectives, informed through one’s own particular experiences or background. Everything is relative – subject to multiple definitions, reworkings and interpretations. I prefer to look for multiple truths and acknowledge each and every one of them, while understanding all sides of the matter.

    What did you do last Friday?
    I spent the day ill L Vomitted the entire day and felt like death. I had to register at my law school and thus had to drag my arse to school anyway .. but I escaped as soon as I could and collapsed onto my bed. Today was better, though. At least the fever’s gone! J

  24. #24
    The sleeping beauty Velvet's Avatar
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    desperate =F that's what i have for now maybe i will get to read your wall of text one day

  25. #25

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    A lot of what you highlighted is pretty generic NF or other stuff

    "That there is one universal truth – a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer to every moral, political or social question. In truth, there are just different perspectives, informed through one’s own particular experiences or background. Everything is relative – subject to multiple definitions, reworkings and interpretations. I prefer to look for multiple truths and acknowledge each and every one of them, while understanding all sides of the matter."

    Now, this one, it's Delta if truth is meant in Ne+Fi way, but it can also be meant in a Ne+Ti way. I wonder what's meant by "subject to multiple definitions". Example of this, @gakuenita? The part on different perspectives, would need to hear more on this too to see if it's definitely valued Ne.

    "I also try to relate to everyone in the world, no matter what their political/religious beliefs may be. I like to think that I will be able to sit down and have a chat with a convicted murderer or a high-functioning psychopath, and then sit down for lunch with the Queen of England."

    Why is this so important to you? @gakuenita

  26. #26
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I read about 20% of the first post, and my impression is IEI.

    I can do a line-by-line analysis when I'm not so busy, but it seems like it was written by an almost proto-typical IEI.

    While I am usually not too good at typing, IEI is one type that I think I can recognize. The above post seems IEI to me.
    A whole 20%! I have not read any of it yet but your typing them IEI so fast makes me think, probably not. You, sol and the IEIs. I think you type new forum members IEI more than anyone else here. Do you think you confuse Ni and Ne often or Fe and Fi?

    Edit: I read it, from the bottom up. I find your life interesting and my impression is Delta NF>Beta NF. IEE>EII. It's only an overall vibe though. I would not exclude other types for you based on this little information. I suggest reading up more on the cognitive functions, including Jung's description. Don't limit your sources to socionics descriptions since there is not much information about the functions as much as behavior of types in various articles. @gakuenita
    Last edited by Aylen; 01-25-2017 at 11:53 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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