Ok. I will write stuff about me that i think is useful for typing. I really need help, socionics is confusing cause i want to know my real type, help meee

-My main interests are related to unkown side- paranormal, ezotheric, religic stuff, also psychology. I cant believe i need to know or at least understand. My views are based.
-I love sensory pleasures- food, massages, caffeine..
-The worst scenario (in daily life) i can think of is someone critisizing me about self esteem, my looks, respect, qualities IN FRONT OF other people.
-Si> Se
-I dont have deep relationships. Once i get to the point were relationships should be taken to a next level (pervert. No, i mean like exchanging secrets, sharing daily life's details) i escape. I trust noone- am really paranoid here.. but i doubt that is the reason why i sabotage myself so much here, maybe i am just scared of being accepted. Idk, really.
-I am more aristocratic than democratic.
-Am pragmatic, always compare items before buying, love compact structurized info, can do stuff fast (like tidying, shopping, homework)
-I hate animal abuse. It makes me extremelly dissapointed and angry.
-I can see situations from a lot of angles, from other people eyes.
-I would say that i am fair. I wont be nice with unethical people.