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Thread: Finding your type this way

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Default Finding your type this way

    A sort of top-down approach instead of a 'bottoms-up' but...

    I think a great way to find your type is to look at the generational temperaments based on your personality.

    So therefore,

    alpha = childlike
    beta = adolescent
    gamma = adult, middle-aged
    delta = old age, 'old soul'

    Of course everybody has a mixture of those qualities, but people clearly fall in those patterns.

    I'm sure your mind is already formulating many ways why you disagree with me but I mean. Why? Those archtypes make a lot of sense to me, (unlike the erotic attitudes which are bogus)

    I think you could also say:

    Alphas: Needs a place to explore the world, group harmony, a place to play and be comfortable around people. Needs to care/protect many people, and be cared/protected by many people. Needs to father/mother people but in a way where everybody is a kid again. Just like a little kid. CLASHES with gamma: I want to be a kid, stop trying to make me an adult!

    NEED: Healthy Id

    Beta: Needs a place to work out their emotional issues, their subjectivity. Needs people that understands them internally and their individuality. Needs boosts to their self-confidence. Needs people not creating arbitrary laws that inhibit their personal freedoms. All just like a teenager. CLASHES with delta: Stop trying to tell me what to do!

    NEED: Healthy Ego

    Gamma: Needs a place to fit in default-y in society, needs a regular job to work hard in. Need to be responsible, and teach others how to be responsible. Need to be independently powerful/financially successful, and share that with a special someone. Needs to both challenge the world, but still work with what we've got. Just like an adult. CLASHES with alpha: You're not a child, grow-up!

    NEED: Balance of all three (Probably relates to gamma's 'peculiar' nature)

    Delta: Needs to uphold traditional mores, needs to create moral structures in which everybody behaves. Needs to tell other people what to do in their life. Needs people to give up their subjective wishes for the team. CLASHES with beta: Stop acting like an emo teen, you need to get over yourself and stop being so selfish!

    NEED: Healthy Super-Ego

  2. #2
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Kiddie-corner quadra compatibility. (god say that five times fast):

    Alphas like Betas because it's really like, a cool older 16-year-old brother (while they are 10) showing them they can act on certain things and not feel guilty. Alpha's innocence also acts a shield to Beta's desire to explore their individual wishes.

    Gammas and Betas can get along because a Gamma can provide a healthy ego for the Beta and help them simply fit in the world better. Betas also provide Gammas with insight that they use not to get caught up in traps that they feel anchor society's growth.

    Alphas like Deltas because really it's like your grandfather taking care of you? lol Deltas like Alphas because they see in them the innocence that needs to be protected by forces larger than everybody.

    Deltas like Gammas because they both like to contribute in the 'real world' and society. (more later I have to go eat dinner)

  3. #3
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Yeah most forums are going to be Alpha/Beta really.

  4. #4
    Executor MatthewZ's Avatar
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    I always viewed the age-quadra pairings more as loose analogies to explain quadra succession than actual correlations.

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Well everything about socionics is loose in a way. I think this is a good way to figure out your type. Because, you just can't ever forget about the big picture.

    I think it's also important to remember that socionics is about your social identity in a large group of people. So, it's not just how you see yourself. It is also how the rest of the world sees you, combined and your sort of place in civilization. Of course in many ways everybody does all of this, but we all sort of shift into our general roles, based on a lot of social variables and factors.

  6. #6
    implied's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Yeah most forums are going to be Alpha/Beta really.
    there are studies showing now that flaming and other dominance-asserting styles are becoming the established, standard mode of communication on internet forums (as if they weren't to begin with.) anyhow, i believe that sort of communication will be more readily associated w/ beta.
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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Yeah. But I'm in a peaceful mood. I don't want to flame or troll tonight lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Well everything about socionics is loose in a way. I think this is a good way to figure out your type. Because, you just can't ever forget about the big picture.

    I think it's also important to remember that socionics is about your social identity in a large group of people. So, it's not just how you see yourself. It is also how the rest of the world sees you, combined and your sort of place in civilization. Of course in many ways everybody does all of this, but we all sort of shift into our general roles, based on a lot of social variables and factors.
    In this case I'll dare mention that when it comes to creating and enforcing arbitrary laws, I'd sooner think of Beta STs than any other types, including Deltas. Also, as a Gamma I don't think my quadra to be hard working as a rule.
    Not sure about other points, but it seems too general.

    I don't think it's useful in self-typing. But then I think romance styles make a lot of sense, so...

  9. #9
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    that there's an age loop that runs through the supervision and benefit rings through the quadras and back. goes something like this:

    ILE-SEI: child
    EIE-LSI: teenager
    SEE-ILI: younger adult
    LSE-EII: middle adult
    IEE-SLI: middle adult
    LIE-ESI: older adult
    SLE-IEI: retiring adult
    ESE-LII: grandparent

    the concept of the aging of souls. the idea is that there are younger and older souls, souls that have lived more lives or something like that.

    anyway, delta is seen as having maximum development and power, as seen in governments, civilizations, empires. beta is also aristocratic but more edgy: the fire of youth combined with the expertise of the retiring adult. gamma is seen as maximum innovators with profit making enterprise, while alpha opens and closes the chain of souls.

    call this an opening Ne idea, open to consideration and revision.
    i posted this in a different thread for contemplation.


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    Jesus is the cruel sausage consentingadult's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    A sort of top-down approach instead of a 'bottoms-up' but...
    I lik the idea, but I have some reservations: now, at age 43, I can clearly see I go for delta, also in hindsight, but if I think back of myself at age 23, I probably would have chosen alpha at the time because of the developmental stage I was in back then.

    It would be interesting to test this with people who have no knowledge of Socionics.

    My compliments for your desciptions!
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    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    I lik the idea, but I have some reservations: now, at age 43, I can clearly see I go for delta, also in hindsight, but if I think back of myself at age 23, I probably would have chosen alpha at the time because of the developmental stage I was in back then.

    It would be interesting to test this with people who have no knowledge of Socionics.

    My compliments for your desciptions!
    In my early 30s, I have to say I identify with aspects of Alpha, Gamma, and Delta, however I'm pretty sure Gamma would stress me out and run me down after a while, and even though I often feel like a kid inside, a la Alpha, I have to say I can't really act like a kid even when I want to. Also I've had those Delta moments with beta before, especially at work, omg. REALLY stressful, annoying, and frustrating.

    So Delta does seem to fit the most, even though I'm not sure that I really like telling people what to do. I like making suggestions Maybe as I get older I'll see that aspect more clearly. Or maybe betas feel that deltas tell them what to do.

    Yeah good job B&D!
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  12. #12
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Personally I've always liked the idea of Delta being the old age quadra: it has the responsibility of adulthood, with the playful stupidity that senility so often brings.

  13. #13
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    Too stereotypical IMHO

    & usually alpha & gamma / beta & delta are more likely to form intraqudra groups due to shared aristocracy...there's no such a big "clash" between opposing quadras.
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Delta: Needs to uphold traditional mores, needs to create moral structures in which everybody behaves. Needs to tell other people what to do in their life. Needs people to give up their subjective wishes for the team. CLASHES with beta: Stop acting like an emo teen, you need to get over yourself and stop being so selfish!

    NEED: Healthy Super-Ego
    Lol this sounds so biased

    "uphold traditional mores" ? ehh I don't relate to that very well.
    "where everybody behaves" that sounds oozing of angst
    "Needs to tell other people what to do in their life" lolololol
    "Give up their subjective wishes for the team" ? that's delta? That seems more beta...
    "Clashes"...uh, idk. The emo teen thing yes, but, selfish? IDK.

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